Demi Moore is a lot ballsier than I realized. Thanks to her Twitter we now have photos of Moore missing one of her front teeth. And due to the brevity of Twitter, we have no idea why. Yesterday morning Moore posted a re-Tweet (a link to a post someone else made) of a photo of an ad for sedation dentistry. So far her Twitters have referenced the tooth a little – noting that she didn’t get an implant – but haven’t explained what happened or what she did have done.
Haha @charwils65 I personally thought this look went out after you were 8 didn’t know I would be rocking it again!
Thanks @sugarhigh77 was happy to share and always appreciate the opportunity to find humilty!!! Or at least be able to laugh at myself!
Haha @questionoflife are you a dentist? No implant but thank god for modern dentistry!
That means alot coming from you thx for the love HS! RT @hotstewart Gurrrrrl!!! Own that gap in your teeth! OWN IT GURRRRL!! HOT!
lol RT @panina: @mrskutcher i bet that u’ll be the guest star in the new sequel of “LOST ” (MY TOOTH) ;)))
[From Demi Moore’s Twitter]
Moore’s comment on the tooth photo was “Keeping it real.” She also mentioned that husband Ashton Kutcher wouldn’t re-Tweet the pictures. Apparently he doesn’t find it as funny as Demi does. And considering it’s her smile, it’s great that she can find the humor in the situation. I’m really curious about what happened, and find it a little strange that Demi’s willing to post photos but not at least a vague explanation of how she ended up without a front tooth. Presumably it wasn’t a sudden accident since she posted the dental advertisement photo yesterday morning. Though I suppose something could have happened to her and she just laid low for 24 hours. It’s seriously bugging me though. I want an explanation. And x-rays. I think if she’s willing to post photos, she should go all access.

Probably because Ashton punk’d his wife.
I want to hate her, really I do. But she and Ashton actually seem to have something real, she and Bruce handled their drama in a very classy way, their daughters seem to be self-assured young women. I think I kinda like her.
Did her crown give out? Yikes, right in the front.
ummm, awesome?
She and Ashton are chocolate messes too!
Damn you, Demi! Don’t make me like you!
It looks fotoshopped to me..I dont think she is missing a front tooth.
I’m guessing the reason Ashton didn’t RT it is because he’s the one that knocked it out. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he punched her, maybe it was drunken monkey sex, or acting goofy.
Wow… I want to know what happened, too. This really makes me like her; showing a celebrity in a very real, honest way. Kudos, Demi!
wow….no wonder ashton loves her…she keeps it real.
Hehe I like her.
Demi was a bigtime druggie back in the day, drugs ruin your teeth
Love you Demi! Thanks for the reality check…So you will let us know when you know, right CB???
It could be because of her veneers. Veneers can cause tooth loss over time.
jojo, they DO?? Yikes.
Anyway, Demi, Shore do got a purdy mouth!
Everything about that woman is fake, why would anyone be surprised she has fake teeth?
she can laugh at herself. she and Ashton are genuine, fun, real people and I get a kick out of them. Demi you totally rock!
all that money honey u need to something better than that u still the bomb!
Isn’t this Lindsay Lohan? Sam punched out her tooth.
She looks like the dentist gave her the goood drugs…
Demi has always been her own person, refreshing to see.
Veneers don’t cause teeth to become loose. Bad hygiene does!