Cele|bitchy | Evangeline Lilly: Angelina Jolie is ‘a complete ice queen’

Evangeline Lilly: Angelina Jolie is ‘a complete ice queen’

There’s more stuff from Evangeline Lilly’s cover interview with Women’s Health Magazine. I have no idea why this interview is coming out in drips and drabs, and they don’t have the any of the interview up on the Women’s Health site – but they do have one of the prettiest photo montages of Evangeline I’ve ever seen.

On Tuesday, we reported on the little snippet of interview Page Six got a hold of. Evangeline claimed that producers were always disappointed that she didn’t want to become the next Angelina Jolie. Some thought “Oh no she didn’t just compare herself to La Jolie” while I kind of thought Evangeline was using Jolie’s name as a way to say “I don’t want to be a big movie star.” It was open to interpretation, but now we’re getting a bit more context. In the same interview, Evangeline also refers to Angelina as an “ice queen” but says that she loves Angelina for it. What now?

Evangeline Lilly thinks Angelina Jolie is in “ice queen” — but insists it’s not a bad thing.

The Lost actress tells Women’s Health Magazine for its June issue that she admires the Changeling star, but wouldn’t want to be as famous as Jolie.

“No one knows that woman; she’s a complete ice queen, which is perfect,” Lilly said. “Why should she be any more? She doesn’t owe us anything.”

“Sure, I’d love to be her, but just the [humanitarian] side,” she added.

Evangeline is also bored of rumors that she’s dating former costar Dominic Monaghan.

“If I were to tell you that Sandra Miggum and Henry Pickett are dating, would you ever care? They’re completely fictional, so you don’t know them,” she says. “Well, people don’t know us. So why should they care?”

“Right now, I’m happy doing a job that’s not my ultimate dream,” she adds. “Even if you’re unhappy, just pretend that you’re happy.”

“Eventually, your smile will be contagious to yourself. I had to learn that — I used to think, ‘I’m being fake,’ but you know what? Better to be fake and happy than real and miserable.”

[From Showbiz Spy]

I don’t really think Angelina comes across as an ice queen, but I’ve never thought she was particularly smug either, and I know many, many people think that of her. Different strokes, different interpretations of behavior. Personally, I prefer Angelina’s cut-a-bitch stare to the neediness and desperation of so many starlets. Perhaps Evangeline’s “ice queen” comment is about how Angelina doesn’t seem to let the never-ending tabloid cycle get to her. Who knows.

Here’s what’s really bothering about Evangeline, though. It’s all of the complaining. Like someone forced her to dress up in great clothes, photographed her beautifully and held a gun to her head as she was being interviewed. If she doesn’t want to be a celebrity or an actress, fine. Quit Lost (please) and move away and do your missionary work. Problem solved. But don’t whine about it like it’s out of your control.

Photos for Women’s Health via Celebutopia

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72 Responses to “Evangeline Lilly: Angelina Jolie is ‘a complete ice queen’”

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  1. dirtyoldman says:

    “Sure, I’d love to be her, but just the [humanitarian] side,” she added. “Because her movies are junk.”

    Fixed that for ya.

  2. give me a break says:

    Angelina’s movies made 1 billion in 07 or 08 so they can’t be to junkie. Angelina was well known even before Brad, like her or hate her at least people are talking about her.

  3. Jag says:

    “Right now, I’m happy doing a job that’s not my ultimate dream,” she adds. “Even if you’re unhappy, just pretend that you’re happy.”

    “Eventually, your smile will be contagious to yourself. I had to learn that — I used to think, ‘I’m being fake,’ but you know what? Better to be fake and happy than real and miserable.”

    So she’s not happy? It’s easy enough for her to change it. Stop acting and go do what you want to do. I’m sure there are plenty of other women who would love to be in your place, so why don’t you let them have a chance to be happy doing what you’re doing?

  4. Rachel says:

    Why is she ALWAYS complaining?!
    This interview is almost as bad as her “I cried myself to sleep because I was too beautiful” interview.

  5. Anna says:

    Those are some good pic.

  6. Ursula says:

    Wow she has some negative energy, Not that I do not agree with her that La Jolie has to be the coldest actress out there. Even her humantarianism is done in such a cold calculating way.

  7. Les says:

    She is a very negative person just like Jennifer Aniston. I hate whinning negative people because their not fun to be around. I wonder what really is behind her attack?

  8. Kate says:

    I feel sorry for her she seems so miserable and to miserable people nothing seems right.

  9. Victoria says:

    Oh I wish she WOULD stop acting. Im not so sure Id call what’s she’s doing acting. She’s horrible on LOST. And what’s up with the “Im so beautiful, I have a wonderful job I find boring” crap? She can always go back to doing 1-800 phone sex commercials!

  10. Andy says:

    she’s lost


  11. Kate says:

    Wow Lilly comes off a bit touched in the head and mixed up.

  12. Carrie says:

    If she is not happy on Lost, why don’t they just kill Kate off. Her character is the one bad thing about the show. Another question is acting isn’t her thing, why did she even audition for Lost??

  13. kai says:

    “Better to be fake and happy than real and miserable.”- Hu? Is she trying to sound dramatic? I don’t get.

  14. Candi says:

    A bit of a risque comment for
    Evangeline Lily to make,but she is only saying what everyone else truly thinks.

    What do we really know about Angelina?

    Other than she does come across as an “ice queen”,she’s a known homewrecker,has talked about her many sexual exploits(as if she is proud of them),drug use,and is a mediocre actress at best.

    Evangeline Lily is just straight up being honest.

    And yes,she has never looked better.

    She truly is a beauty,and a natural one at that.:)

  15. Cinderella says:

    What a whiner. She is going to kill her career if she keeps believing she’s too good for it.

  16. BlahBlah says:

    She just name dropped to get a headline… she’s jealous! What a loser.

  17. Pufft says:

    @KAIZER: Speaking of Angie, here is something of interest (to you, no doubt) to look into.

    Today is Shiloh’s birthday (I’m not privy to this information because I’m an obsessed fan, but because I happen to be born today, as well – yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me). Interestingly enough, the date given by the Welwitschia clinic in Walvisbay, Namibia, where Shiloh was born, is May, 28 (I believe it was during the early morning hours. Don’t ask me the exact time).

    I distinctly remember this because I was in Namibia at the time, and there was great confusion of the actual dates because the Chief Superintendent at that private hospital was quoted saying that the child was born on Sunday early morning, 28 May, 2006. The Namibian government was even considering making the day a public holiday, but because May has the most public holidays on their calendar (and Namibians pride themselves on not being celebrity fanatics), it was decided that Shiloh would instead get citizenship if she ever decided to take it up (seriously doubt it though because Namibians are not allowed dual citizenship and she would have to revoke her US citizenship if she takes it).

    Of course, USA is 6 hours behind Namibia (in the summer) and currently 5 hours behind. So, it is very possible that Angelina was working with her American watch (which would explain the time difference – although really, it’s not accurate as she was NOT born in the USA).

    What would be interesting to find out is whether Angie took the day off on the set of Salt to celebrate her baby girl’s birthday. Maybe there are pictures available as we speak.

  18. teleskier says:

    Why did Lilly bring Jolie’s name up in her interview? There is no comparison.
    We have one woman who is a mother, a tremendous actress of the big screen, a humanitarian and married to one of the most successful movie stars on our planet. The other woman is a TV cast member actress and single. Both are photogenic.

  19. so what says:

    Brangaloonies make me giggle (but in a sad way). They idolize this woman who sells out her kids and cannot be famous without the help of a man. Did anyone notice that before Brad she wasn’t in the spotlight at all except for her relationship with her dad and Billy Bob. And before that it was just becasue she would tell anyone who would listen how crazy she is (obsession with guns, knives, sex, drugs.) She will use ANYONE or anything to become more famous including her man, children, father, fans and charities. It is so sad that you all fall prey to this and bow down to her because of all the charity she does. PLEASE!! She does that for publicity too. The only charity work she ever does is for all to see when she has something to promote. If she really just wanted to help she wouldn’t bring camera people and interviewers to every mission. Don’t try to play like she just does that to get help for the charity. If you really think that you are severely naive

    P.S. I have just as many choice words for Jennifer so don’t start telling me I am a Jenn Fan and Angelina hater. I am a hater of pathetic succubus famewh*res

  20. Andy says:

    to so 19

    you are so pathetic

  21. so what says:

    P.P.S. She is a a really horrible actress. She has only won awards for playing a parts that were her in real life(mentally unstable: Gia and Girl Interrupted) And now she only get nominated because they want her/the brange at the show not because she can actually act

  22. so what says:

    Andy: I am assuming that was towards me so all I have to say is Yes, I am the pathetic person because I don’t worship Jolie, yep that makes total sense.

  23. hatsumomo says:

    So What: You sound bitter and jealous more than anything else…….If you dont like her, why do you know so much about her?

  24. Sauronsarmy says:

    Poor Eva, I hope she has a good security team. Lord knows the loons aren’t going to let this one pass.

  25. Lee says:

    Hey! The name of this site is celebitchy.com! If you want to bitch about celebrities, then go somewhere more appropriate for that,like maybe sanctimony.com.

  26. Annie says:

    Hey, good for her. Why do we feel so entitled that we think she SHOULD be an open book to us? Let her be private.

    As for the rambling rant at the end…uh, apparently you haven’t seen Gone in 60 Seconds (OMG Nic Cage!) or …oh I don’t know….GIRL INTERRUPTED where she won an oscar, a golden globe and a sag? Looks to me like she was doing alright prior to BP. She was also very involved in her charities.

    I think, tbh, the only reason we see more of them is the emergence of a new media: the celebrity blog. It’s accelerated the fan world by a lot. Think about it, before, we got our “celeb news” via magazines that would only print once a week. Now? These people have to be giving us new shit EVERYDAY, so they’re out there searching and digging that much more.

  27. so what says:

    First off, I am not bitter or jealous. That is always the number one thing you loonies say to people that do not like her. Like there is something wrong with us for not being obsessed with a self-absorbed Hack.

    Second your question, How do I know “so much” about Angelina Jolie? Is that a serious question? I may not like her but she is one of the most famous people in the world. You’re acting as though I had info about her that was something you would need to research intensely. All I need is to turn on a T.V. or a computer or open up a magazine to find out all of the info I shared. I am a Media Communications major so I keep up on all of the Blogs as an Independent Study course so this info is thrown at me everyday.

    Annie: I have seen both of those movies and if you are using those to prove a point I really can’t take you seriously. Gone is 60 seconds was a B*sterdized version of a classic and yet again I will explain that the only reason she won awards for Girl Interrupted was because she is crazy and played a crazy person. Not really a stretch. Also, your theory about media is way off. We have been getting daily entertainment news everyday for atleast 20 years with all of those entertainment shows on TV every night (Extra, Access Hollwood) And the E! Channel has been around since th 90’s and used to air this type of stuff (gossip shows) all day instead of the reality shows etc. that they do now. Angelina GIVES away her info so that she will remain in the news and than pretends to hate it. PLEASE!!!

  28. Bea says:

    So what-you are pathetic because you sit on a blog of a woman you claim to hate. A woman that’s living her life and making a difference but yet you just sit there and grip. May be if you go out and live your life and try to make a difference in the world you will not be so negative.
    It’s hilarious how Aniston fans find their way to this thread to add their nasty insults.

  29. HUH? says:

    what’s hilarious is how the brangeloonies think that anyone who doesn’t bow at the feet of St. Angie is on “team Aniston”.

    NOTE: the FIRST person to mention aniston? a brangeloonie. why bring her into it? this thread had ZERO to do with Jennifer Aniston.

    and let’s follow the brangeloonie logic, shall we? you guys say that anyone who says ONE word against St. Angie is “jealous”. I guess that makes ALL of you “jealous” of Aniston?

  30. morgs says:

    Hey Bea,
    Maybe you should re-read “So What’s” opinion. She specifically stated her position in this whole clusterf*ck on Aniston.

    Frankly, your point was pretty pathetic. Try comprehending what she wrote.


  31. sonia says:

    BTW Angie made 20 million for MMS negotiated before she met BP

  32. cassie says:

    so what , I’m just curious which celebs do you like and or respect?

  33. so what says:

    Bea: This is not an Angelina Blog! That is why I wrote what I wrote. The girl from Lost mentioned her and than all the loonies came out to bash her (and Jennifer for some reason)So I wanted to state my opinion. Why is only a Loonies opinion Ok here on a board that is NOT for Angelina. Also, I have a job where I sit at a desk all day from 9-5 during the summer. If I want to sit on a blog that does not make me pathetic. It passes the time.

    morgs:Thank You!

  34. so what says:

    Cassie: Tilda Swinton, Mary Lousie Parker, Laura Linney, Christine Ebersole, Robert Downey Jr, Meryl Streep, Ewan McGregor, Queen Latifah, Eddie Izzard, Amy Adams, Kristen Chenoweth, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Christian Bale, Zooey Deschanel, Kristen Bell, Michael Keaton, Helena Bonham Carter, Denzel Washington, Michelle Williams, Tom Hanks, Mila Kunis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Natalie Portman, Toni Colette, Zach Galifainakis, Ben Foster, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey….There’s a lot more if you want to know but I figured that would be enough 🙂

    Huh?: Thank you too!

  35. cassie says:

    When asked which Hollywood A lister she admires Evangeline Lilly chose Angelina Jolie . She shared “She’s an ice queen which is perfect”. Why the controversy?

  36. ajkul007 says:

    In my opinion, she is not that hot looking. Yes, pretty by means of better than average, but definitely not stunning. I just don’t get all the “hype” over her.

  37. so what says:

    cassie: was there a reason you asked me that?

  38. Ronnie says:

    Before the floodgates opened it was a rather generous comment made by one actress regarding another actress. No controversy, no reason for anyone to start slagging off Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston. As I understand the comment made by Evangeline Lilly (love that name) admires Jolie and her ability to channel all the madness out when faced with constant examination of her personal and private life.

  39. DD says:

    I think there needs to be some kind of contract in hollywood where noone should mention the Brangelina in their interviews… otherwise we will have to be inundated with articles covering the quote… no matter how mundane it is.

  40. Bea says:

    So what/morg that’s another reason you are pathetic. You sit behind a desk to sneak a pathetic hate post in here & there instead of doing the job your boss hired you for. With any luck you will get fired then we can enjoy your hatred more often against the woman you care nothing about.

  41. morgs says:

    “With any luck you will get fired then we can enjoy your hatred more often against the woman you care nothing about.”

    Oh Bea, try not to hurt my feelings.

    Conversing with you is like conversing with a non-sensical tween.

  42. nimble minx says:

    yeah, because morgs and so what are the ONLY people who goof off during work time.

    so, bea, do you work? if so…

    pot, meet kettle.

    if not, then you sit in front of a computer all day even tho you don’t have to? got nothing better to do? no friends? no social life?

    cripes, talk about pathetic!

  43. so what says:


  44. nikki says:

    She is full of so much **** if she thinks she could or will ever be anything like angie. Seriously, have you ever looked in the mirror? You have a crooked face and you need a sandwich.

  45. Vic says:

    I think Lilly like Angelina but has a funny way of bringing that point out.
    So funny how Lilly picture is up top and the only ones posting are fan’s of Jen who hate AJ and AJ fan’s.
    Funny where are the Lilly’s fans. She must not have any So we get the fan’s of Jen posting over and over under different names.
    @so what if you have a job you I feel sorry for your boss because you have been on here so long. Here is an idea the load of stars you listed, why don’t you post on there blog may be that will bring you some happiness rather than posting about a star you don’t like all day long.
    Spending all day posting about a person you hate opposed to someone you like speaks volumes about you.

  46. whatever says:

    Yeah, if Angelina is such a loser, I would like to have her losing streak. Won one Oscar, nominated for another, plenty of awards, lovely kids, etc. But, I guess all you guys on the internet are doing SO MUCH better. It’s obvious there’s a lot of envy here. So, you try to make yourselves feel better by tearing her apart.
    Hope it’s working out for ‘ya.

  47. Annie says:

    I have seen both of those movies and if you are using those to prove a point I really can’t take you seriously

    Oh ok, I missed the part where you were a big time critic…oh no wait…you’re not….perhaps you are in charge of the Oscars? Oh…nope. Not that either.

    Whether you like her or not, you can’t deny that people knew who she was prior to BP. Tomb Raider is another example. No one cites her as the actress of our time, but she had enough notoriety on her own without adding BP to the mix. Did I once say they were great movies? No. I brought them up to show that she was making movies that were popular before BP came along. Your argument was that she needs a man to be famous, and that’s clearly not true.

    We have been getting daily entertainment news everyday for atleast 20 years with all of those entertainment shows on TV every night (Extra, Access Hollwood) And the E! Channel has been around since th 90’s and used to air this type of stuff (gossip shows) all day instead of the reality shows etc. that they do now.

    It is not to the extent that it is now and I stand by that statement. 5 years ago, we didn’t have nearly as many of these celeblogs. That’s a fact. There are so many different mediums by which we get our entertainment now, it’s ridiculous.

    But, I’ve read your other posts…so I won’t act surprised when you turn around and call me something and attempt to negate my statements.

  48. yasmin says:

    wow, I didn’t know Shiloh & I share the same birthday. Kylie Minogue too.

    E.L is soooo gorgeous in that header pic.. omg.

  49. ChristinaT says:

    nikki, i think some would argue that jolie needs to eat a sandwich too :/

    i’ve never seen lost, but these pics seem pretty good.

  50. Magsy says:

    It’s tacky of her to even bring up Angelina. Has nothing to do with her interview.

  51. 88Modesty88 says:

    Pufft, just a little correction: Nam is 8 hours ahead of LA in the US summer (as in right now) and 9 hours ahead of the US winter months, when it’s summer here…

    And then: I’m an Evangeline fan. I like it that she’s not a carbon copy of most of the popular actors out there. I can’t fault her for calling Angie an ice queen, I think I understand what she means. And she’s by no means dissing Angie, in my opinion.

    My take on it is that she would love to actually be less *open* with the press but is kinda hating on herself because she seems generally more accommodating in such situations than Angelina might be.

    And those who say she should get another job instead of complaining: so you guys NEVER complain about your jobs? … Eish!

  52. 88Modesty88 says:

    Why oh why is my comment in mod mode?
    Kaiser, please help, pretty please?!

  53. so what says:

    1. I am NOT a Jennifer Anniston Fan. I think Jennifer is a huge famewh*re and does not really have much talent to back up her fame. That just needs to be said because for some reason all of you Loonies think that if someone doesn’t like Jolie it is becasue of Jennifer. No! I have never liked Jolie even before Brad, before tomb raider, before Billy Bob even. She was always so desperate for attention and it turned me off. How much attention do you need in life to feed your ego? It is really sad that she feels the need to be the center of the universe at all times. She is no better than you or me but she seems to think she is.
    2. I get all of my work done very quickly so I have a lot of free time while I am here at work. Also, since you guys think I should be fired I just thought you should know that my boss knows that I am on these boards all day and she doesn’t care. I am working for an entertainment magazine they don’t care that I go on blogs as long as my edits are in on time. Also, we get some good ideas from these blogs so it is kind of like fact finding. (BTW My boss is reading this over my shoulder right now)
    3. There are many celebrities that I very much admire because they do not Wh*re out their family, Life and friends. I do go on those people’s boards which is what I do most of the time but this one happened to grab my attention because of all of you loonies who seem to think that this is an Angelina Board (even though the article is about Evangeline Lilly)and the fact that I was pounced on from the get-go by you Loonies and neither side wants to let go of this(including me)
    4. I only started commenting when a Loonie started to mention Jennifer even though she has nothing to do with this article. if you guys can bash Jennifer, why can’t I bash Angelina?
    5. Annie, you know nothing about media. you think this type of media is a new thing? I am sorry but how do you think Princess Diana died? Oh yeah that’s right! because the paps were following her like crazy over 10 years ago. It is not worse now we just get the info quicker because we have so many different ways of getting the info to other people. There is a BIG difference between the two that you obviously don’t understand. You should atleast attempt to know what you are talking about before you try to tell me about something that I study everyday. Also, I may not be a movie critic but I do study movies in school as part of my concentration so YES I do believe I have better judgement and knowledge about movies than you. I am not trying to sound like an @$$hole but I am spending A LOT of money and time on my education so I would hope that I am more informed than some random person on a celeb blog.
    6. I never said people did not know who Angelina was. All I was saying was Jolie was NOT in the spotlight as much right before Brad because she had not had a hit movie since tomb raider which was about 3 years or so before Brad was in her life. And when did she become super famous first?? Oh Yeah! when she started f*cking Billy Bob and telling everyone about it(she sure likes her privacy doesn’t she?)
    7. I am not bitter, envious, jealous or any other words you people try to tell me I am. I just have an opinion and I am stating it. That is what these blogs are for. Every opinion not just the obsessed Loonies who think Angelina is a Goddess. Angelina does anything she can to get attention so therefor I can not have any respect for her and I let it be known. That is no different than you Looneis going on and on about how amazing she is. But because I don’t like her I am pathetic? Please. If I need to get a life than you guys need one even more. Atleast I get paid to talk about this crap.

  54. Pufft says:

    88Mod: Just checked my world clock and you’re absolutely right. I live in Cape Town and I know Namibia is currently one hour behind. Of course, my converting was inexcusable (should have used my iphone from the word go).

  55. Pufft says:

    @So what: Point taken. Just wish you didn’t use the word ‘Loonies’ so many times in your post (glad you gave up after the sixth time, as your keyboard was getting ready to throw in the towel). I’m a HUGE fan of Al Pacino and Robert De Niro (Amen to Righteous Kill!) and will defend them to death if someone were to criticize their work. Does that make me a Looney? I like to think it makes me passionate.

    I think that’s the dimension that makes me choose CB above all celebrity blogs. People here are passionately more coherent in presentation (can’t stand comments that are written in sms lingo…fck u mutha fckr. Ur a fakr, AJ for lyf!). Although I don’t always agree with what is said, I can’t deny that it is very entertaining.

  56. so what says:

    Pufft: You are right I did use that words way too many times. Sorry, I don’t re-read what I write usually and I guess I didn’t realize how silly and repetative it sounded.

    One little thing though is while I completely understand what you are saying with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro (as I would do the same for them) but the ….Brangelina fans (I didn’t use the L word lol) rarely have anything to say about her work it’s always about her life not work (I don’t count charity as work…if it really is charity it should not be considered work ya know?) They go on and on about how she is perfect and what a great mother she is and blah blah blah. It is almost never about her work. I think that’s why they grate me so much. They are all in love with this idea of a person that is obviously not possible(a perfect person) and when you point out her flaws you are the sh*t scum of the earth for not appreciating the Beauty and perfection of Angelina. I literally cannot think of one online argument I have had that was not about Angelina and I think I have only written something about her online maybe 3 times but everytime it turned into something because I am such a “HATER”(aka I don’t worship at the alter of Jolie).

    Also, I completely agree with you about CB. It is one of the better sites for comments that aren’t written by tweens/people who write in that odd text lingo (that I’m pretty sure I will never understand) and most people make good points and are up for a good debate.

  57. so what says:

    Just to show you what I mean this is what I wrote on another board that started a HUGE fight about Jolie

    “I think that dress is gorgeous and I give her props for not wearing black but it doesn’t really fit her well, if she had a few more pounds on her she would fill it out better.”

    Do you want to know what the first response to that was? ( I will never forget this because it was so damn funny)

    “You dumb f*cking wh*re! Are you serious? You are probably just some fat loser sitting home on your computer jealous that you cant be so beautiful and look so perfect standing next to Brad and having the perfect life like Brad and Angelina always will. They will be together and beautiful together FOREVER and you will always be a fat loser!!HHHAAAAATTTTTEEERRRR!!!!!!!”(I can’t be sure if that is exact amount of letters and exclamations but I think you get the point lol)

    (sidebar: I later asked this person their age and gender and they said 32 Female….I still hope she was lying)

  58. so what says:

    P.S. Sorry to everyone that I am so freakin long winded. I can’t help myself on these blogs!

  59. Annie says:

    Long winded? You kind of come across as crazy…..and you have a really really deep seated hatred for someone you’ve never met.


    Did you not read what I said? Celeblogs being everywhere, that’s the new thing. I am aware of how Princess Di passed on and I’m fully aware of what it was like some time ago. However, and you mentioned this as well, I was pointing out that we can get our information faster. In fact, all I said was that we have different mediums by which we get all this information from. And yet you still go all batshit crazy.

    Also. The issue and the point being made was not whether her bodies of work were actually good. I never said they were good, I merely said that they had her name out there. Feel free to scroll up and re-read.

    Honestly, you need to just calm down and stop attacking the crap out of everyone. You’re extremely hostile and really, it’s not even over something all that relevant. If you want to be upset about something, be upset about Prop. 8 being upheld or the millions of people who die from starvation everywhere.

  60. so what says:

    This is a celeb-blog. I do not need to talk about important things here. I have real people to talk to about important issues not random people online.

    I don’t have deep seated hate for her at all. I do not like her films or her fake persona but is it hatred? No. Like I said it is people like YOU that annoy me. Her fans that go ape-sh*t if you don’t like her. I love how you call me hostile when you are reacting the same way I am. but it’s ok for you because you like her so therfor you are totally in the right and I am just angry, bitter……

    It’s cute how you think I’m pathetic for “hating” someone I don’t know but it’s totally ok for you to be obsessed with someone you don’t know. Funny how that works.

    Pot……Kettle I believe you know each other.

    One more thing

    This is what you wrote in your original post:

    “Now? These people have to be giving us new shit EVERYDAY, so they’re out there searching and digging that much more.”

    and this is your last post:

    “In fact, all I said was that we have different mediums by which we get all this information from. And yet you still go all batshit crazy.”

    You should re-read your own post before telling me I’m crazy.

  61. Annie says:

    It is not to the extent that it is now and I stand by that statement. 5 years ago, we didn’t have nearly as many of these celeblogs. That’s a fact. There are so many different mediums by which we get our entertainment now, it’s ridiculous.

    …I’m not obsessed with her. I honestly haven’t watched many of the movies she’s been in. I pretty much just think she’s a person trying to handle her life like the rest of us. It’s just you seem to be so against her that I feel like I should point out some fallacies.

    And you’re right, I did say that, and I said “that much more” which implies that they were already digging but that it has increased. (“more” usually means that.)

    In fact, I wasn’t even going ape-shit, I was just trying to point out that she isn’t famous just because of Brad and that the media now is insane.

    Apeshit would be “OMG ANGIE IS AMAZING HOW DARE YOU!!!” or “You dumb f*cking wh*re! Are you serious? You are probably just some fat loser sitting home on your computer jealous that you cant be so beautiful and look so perfect standing next to Brad and having the perfect life like Brad and Angelina always will. They will be together and beautiful together FOREVER and you will always be a fat loser!!HHHAAAAATTTTTEEERRRR!!!!!!!”(I can’t be sure if that is exact amount of letters and exclamations but I think you get the point lol), which is admittedly…really insane as well.

    But whatever, you’re probably not going to read this for what it is and continue on your rant because you paid thousands of dollars to be an expert on movies or whatever you’d like to call it.

  62. Pufft says:

    @So what: Yeah, I realise things often get crazy around here, especially on any post that contains AJ/BP/JA’s name. In fact, those are the threads that get the most comments because there is always some verbal war or another going on. Hey, more entertainment for me (tis sad that I indulge in this kind of sh*t, I know).

    I personally have never been attacked by either a Brangelina or Aniston fan (that I know of), but I guess it’s because I don’t go on a limb with the name calling. I actually don’t have any ill feelings towards either AJ or JA (although I probably defend one more than the other). In fact, the only time I find myself being mean where AJ and JA are concerned is when I’m severally bored and hoping some sucker will take the bait and indulge me in a game of yo momma.

  63. wow! says:

    “So what” has to be “Heashbrowns” She’s the nutty fan who says she isn’t a fan of Jen Aniston, but then writes books about her, while hating on the Pitts. Can we say obssessed stalker? Jen’s security people should know about this girl.

  64. Annie says:

    I happen to like Jenn and wish people would leave her alone. I’ve said it in posts before and I’ll gladly say it again, why do people make it seem like it’s so awful that she’s single? Why is everyone always covering her lovelife? That has to suck.

    And perhaps it’s for the same reason that everyone covers Brangelina.

    Pufft has a point. Perhaps it’s boredom.

  65. julie says:

    I used to like the lost star. But she has flipped flopped about liking angelina now. A couple of years ago, she didn’t admire her, now she does , she should make up her mind. Angelina is no saint, she a homewrecker and a sinner. It doesn’t matter how much good works she thinks she does. In the end God will punish her.

  66. Enn says:

    Um, two things:

    I don’t think so what is crazy. She started out making a valid point and then found herself attacked on a number of fronts and accused of being a secret Team Aniston blog goblin.

    Also, this sh*t is the reason I stopped coming around here for a while. I though if I drifted back maybe some of the crazy would have dialed down, but it’s ratcheted up twice as badly. Don’t bother attacking me or questioning why I don’t just “go to another blog” – I’ve been a CB reader and occasional commenter for years and I don’t like the turn the commenting has taken. That’s my opinion and I’m entitled.

  67. Rosebudd says:

    To: Annie.Please, please, take note that P

    rincess Di was killed in a senseless accident. She refused personal bodyguards, a drunk, medicated man w/ no business behind the wheel of a car & no seat belt being worn were the cause of her untimely death. I am not a big papz. fan, but she could not & should not (Di) have pretended to be an average Joe. She was VERY WELL AWARE of the press/media, as she knew when to use it to her advantage.

  68. so what says:

    Enn: Thank You!

    Pufft: I think your my favorite person on these message boards ever!


    Just a quick note on the Jennifer Anniston thing before I really get going. I don’t at all think there is something wrong with her because she is single. That actually really gets on my nerves when people say that. Like a woman needs a man to be complete or something. That is just complete BULLSH*T. I just don’t like the way that, like Angelina, she strives too much for the spotlight. These women have all the attention of the world and it is still not enough. They need MORE MORE MORE. It’s just annoying that they are not happy with being rich and succesful they need all of the popularity too. I think they are both too old to act like that.

    Now back to the original topic of conversation with Annie

    “But whatever, you’re probably not going to read this for what it is and continue on your rant because you paid thousands of dollars to be an expert on movies or whatever you’d like to call it.”

    I was never on a rant I am just not good at shortening up what I am trying to say. But you know what? I am done with this anyway. You will just continue to be condesending, ignore my well made points and claim that I have a problem when I do not. You are attempting to make me look like a crazy person because of my thoughts on her when any non-fan of Angelina sees that I am not.

    “you’re probably not going to read this for what it is”

    What exactly is it? ( I am not trying to be rude here. All I saw in your post was a person who thinks that they are smarter than me being condesending and trying to show me why I am so wrong. That is the only thing I got from that. So please explain what I missed.)

  69. morgs says:

    @ So What:

    I’m impressed.

  70. Codzilla says:

    Who’s Heashbrowns?

  71. daisy424 says:

    She looks great cleaned up. I’m used to seeing her dirty & sweating, sans make-up on the show.

  72. EvCo3 says:

    She is simply sexy that it.