KP released a photo of Princess Charlotte ahead of her second birthday

The Duchess of Cambridge loves taking photos of her children. I wouldn’t say that Kate is really an accomplished photographer, but she’s very keen about photography. For major milestones – birthdays, getting-out-of-work holidays – William and Kate will release new photos of their children, and sometimes the photos are taken by Kate. This is one of those times. Princess Charlotte turns two years old tomorrow and instead of producing another creepy, ghostly video of the kids, Kensington Palace just released one photo of Charlotte, taken by her mother.

Random thoughts on the photo: Charlotte’s hair is getting so long! And the sheep cardigan is adorable. It’s amazing that Kate styles her daughter’s hair with a thoughtful barrette to keep the hair out of her face, and yet Kate cannot do that for herself. Many have debated whether Charlotte takes after the Middleton side of the family or the Windsor side of the family. Personally, I see very little Spencer in Charlotte, but I do see a lot of Windsor and Middleton. She looks like her grandmother Carole and her great-granny, the Queen.

Here’s what KP posted alongside the photos:

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share a new photograph of Princess Charlotte to mark her second birthday tomorrow. 🎈

The photograph was taken in April by The Duchess at their home in Norfolk.

The Duke and Duchess are very pleased to share this photograph as they celebrate Princess Charlotte’s second birthday. Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank everyone for all of the lovely messages they have received, and hope that everyone enjoys this photograph of Princess Charlotte as much as they do.

[From Instagram]

So it was taken at Anmer Hall. I guess Anmer has a lot of hay? I’ve seen photos of Anmer – I don’t think there’s a barn in sight. So where did all of this hay come from? Also: how long will Kate and William be able to get away with marking their kids’ major milestones in this way?

Photos courtesy of Instagram/the Duchess of Cambridge and Getty.

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178 Responses to “KP released a photo of Princess Charlotte ahead of her second birthday”

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  1. Syko says:

    She’s all Middleton, isn’t she? Poor baby.

    • Lilyplashia says:

      Are you seriously criticising the appearance of a two year old girl because of a passing family resemblance?

      • Syko says:

        I don’t consider what I said to be criticism. Are you seriously jumping on an innocuous comment just so you can sound more intelligent? Go ahead, call me a libtard and a snowflake while you’re at it.

      • Luca76 says:

        Agreed not cool to take out dislike of adults out on a toddler.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Lily, I had the same thought and do not understand the need to bring political name calling in either.

        Lovely little girl wearing cute sweater, period.

        NOT a royalist here.

      • Lilyplashia says:

        Wow, that took a left turn into weird. Your comment was not innocuous and it is disingenuous to claim that it was–suggesting sympathy for a toddler because she takes after a particular side of the family is absolutely criticism. It’s not like the little girl can help how she looks–until she’s eighteen and decides to fix everything that everyone thinks is wrong with her. I suggest, with all due respect, that you have a think about the sort of culture that remarks like yours contribute to. And the same goes for “Guest” below.

    • Guest says:

      I hope she won’t look like her aunt Pippa when she’s older.

      • Char says:

        @Guest She’ll just have to stay out of spray tan cabbins.

      • Harrierjet says:

        What is wrong with looking like anyone? I struggle with comments like this – I’m a woman and I look the way I look – a bit of my mum and whole lot of my dad. Why is it a shame that someone looks like their aunt or anyone for that matter? I am not an advocate of the Middletons but they are beautiful women. As for spray tan – doesn’t everyone have a choice to make about the way they want to look? I get it, this is not the point of this blog – but I object to normalising snark about peoples looks and the choices they make about their appearance – whether they are famous or if they are two year old girls growing up amongst women who say things like this.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Pippa’s a perfectly nice looking woman. What’s more, she’s not passing herself off as a great beauty and she didn’t pursue a modeling contract, so there’s no reason to judge her on this basis.

        Any of us would be satisfied to have her looks. I would be thrilled to have her athletic discipline and prowess. That’s the place where she (and maybe her sister) seem to be their strongest and happiest, and I wish her sister did more with it.

      • Guest says:

        @Harrierjet & Who ARE These People?

        People have different tastes. Accept that.

      • emilybyrd says:

        Who ARE These People–

        I definitely would not be happy to look like Pippa! Lord no.

    • Sansa says:

      Yeah, shame that a 2 year old girl resembles her mother, a beautiful woman.


      • amy says:

        She doesn’t look like Kate. She looks like Carole and has a bit of Pippa.

      • Imqrious2 says:

        I think she has Kate’s coloring, but she’s definitely TQ…those cheeks!!! 😊👑👜

    • SKF says:

      Dude, come on. Don’t try and back-track now! You used the phrase “poor baby”. That is usually said in pity. Don’t talk that way about small children. It’s just not cool.

    • Suzanne says:

      It’s like looking at the Queen all over again. I think she’s cute! The Queen was a nice looking woman in her youth…and is quite adorable now!

      • swak says:

        I really see William in her in this picture. At that age my youngest granddaughter wouldn’t keep a bow in her hair more than 1 minute or for that matter allow her hair to stay in a ponytail. She’s almost 5 now and still won’t allow her hair to be put back out of the way.

      • Jezza says:

        I agree! She looks so much like The Queen as a little girl. Charlotte is such a cutie patootie!!

      • Moon says:

        I agree she looks so much like Elizabeth II!

      • Fifee says:

        I totally agree, when I look at her all I see is the Queen. She’s a cute wee girl!

      • Matomeda says:

        +1 she looks exactly like the queen! I don’t get the coloring comments??? They’re all white and I don’t think any one of them is particularly olive-hued or anything? And I don’t see a fake spray tan…?

      • amilu says:

        That’s all I see — no Middleton at all. I see a baby version of the (adult) Queen.

      • nic919 says:

        If you search online they have posted photos of William at the same age and they have similar eyes. The Queen’s eyes even as a child look completely different.

      • Pandy says:

        I think she totally resembles HRH. She’s a total cutie. God bless.

    • Honest B says:

      Mate she totally looks like the Queen

    • minx says:

      I think she looks just like the queen.

    • spidey says:

      What is wrong with the way the Middletons look. They look perfectly normal to me.

      • Chinoiserie says:

        They are not very beautiful and because they are disliked it’s the same as being ugly to many people.

    • D says:

      Go away. There is something wrong when one cannot overlook their dislike for a family(whom they’ve likely never have nor will ever meet) on a 2 year old.

    • seesittellsit says:

      Are you kidding? She’s the spitting image of her great-grandmother, QEII. Even the newscasters couldn’t get over the resemblance.

    • Carmen says:

      She looks like a cute little toddler to me. End of story.

    • Mieke1963 says:

      She resembles her great grandmother just as much. To be honest she was dealt a very nice hand of looks, she seems like a feisty little bugger with gorgeous eyes, a wonderful smile and the prettiest hair I’ve seen on a two year old in a while. That and she’s the spitting image of my two year old son (great hair too, matching personality and eyes), so I’m offended by your judgment.

      How’s about that? Awful comment on your behalve. You don’t have to be a royalist to appreciate that this kiddo is lucky to have parents that make a point out of keeping her out of the wrong spotlights. Like yours.

  2. Sixer says:

    I just posted about that photo on the other thread. She’s the spitting image of Her Maj.

  3. MunichGirl says:

    She looks like Carole/Pippa, esp. the eyes.

    And before anyone says she looks like TQ, she doesn’t (IMO) – it’s Lady Louise who looks like TQ.

  4. Jack Daniels is my patronus says:

    I’m confused…. didn’t the other royal story today say she has “Middleton dark eyes”? Her eyes look blue in this photo…. maybe whoever wrote the other article was just making stuff up

    • notasugarhere says:

      Hazel. For her sake, I hope her eyes turns a darker hazel/brown like her Aunt Pippa’s and her hair darkens to full brown. She doesn’t need the added burden of both having Diana’s name and ending up with similar hair/eye combination.

  5. Erinn says:

    She’s such a sweet little thing. Genuinely adorable. I can see some of the queen too, though first glance she’s definitely takes after the Middleton’s.

    • Ravensdaughter says:

      Does it really matter who she looks like? She looks to me like a sweet natured, adorable little girl. (I’m agreeing w you, Erinn)

      • Erinn says:

        I’m honestly surprised how grumpy this thread got! She’s a cute kid. She is obviously going to resemble people who’s genetics she shares, so I’m not sure why some people are so worked up about it! Especially when she’s sooooo young. She’s a cutiepie, and who knows how she’ll look when she gets older – let the kid be a kid 😀

      • Shambles says:

        Every princess Charlotte thread is super frustrating. Every single time, everyone just spends the whole thread arguing over who she looks like more. Seriously, you guys, we’ve done this 200 times.

      • Ravensdaughter says:


      • Jegede says:

        @Shambles – LMAO!

        I’m a Brit but I don’t click on Royal Stories much, and your point? Yeah………..seems very true.

      • Winonoa says:

        These threads are full of the same people saying the same thing every single time. IMO these threads are only made for clicks and because the writer doesn’t (rightfully so) like Kate. Theres a least two Kate posts a day. They are really popular.
        I usually skip them because more often then not, I find a lot of the cirticsm from both the commenters and the writer a little nitpicky and…Reaching.

        I love this site though.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Eh, I was hopeless at seeing who my own kids resembled, so have no idea who Charlotte looks like, but she is a little cutie. I’ll just say she looks like herself. And her adorable little Mary Janes! I’m a sucker for Mary Janes and wear them all the time…

  6. sarri says:

    I know that Wills and Kate try to protect their kids (or at least they say that) and that’s why they don’t publish many pics etc. but I don’t know… no one will relate to them when they’re older and maybe more and more people ask themselves why they should fund them.

    • Indira says:

      The Canadians have seen these kids more than the UK citizens ^^

      • anna222 says:

        Also the palace sidestepped the media by releasing this on social media again so their relationship with the British media is not improving anytime soon.

      • Indira says:

        Wonder if it will backfire one day that they treat the media like that.

  7. amy says:

    Yeah, she’s a Middleton. She reminds me of Carole and George reminds me of Michael.

  8. Shambles says:

    She looks clever. I’m sure she needs to be, being the younger sister of King George the Terrible.

  9. DavidBowie says:

    What a cutie pie! She does favor the queen.

  10. Anne says:

    I see Queen Carole eyes, but Charlotte looks lovely, shame that we see Ch& G pictures so rare.

  11. Jegede says:

    Her eyes don’t look dark to me like the DM (ha!) said;they look blue.

    I don’t see Carole Middleton, Princess Margaret, or Queen Elizabeth in her, all I see is William. Always have.

    If Charlotte’s hair was blonde, it would be game-over.

  12. AfricanBoy says:

    All I can see is Pippa.

  13. Indira says:

    I always thought she looks like her grandmother Carole but she starts to look like William. Don’t know whether that’s a good thing or not.. ^^

  14. alfaQ says:

    … a normal-looking kid.

    • Sarah says:

      Put your flame suit on!!! Anyone who doesn’t say she is beautiful is a jealous evil hater!
      In my view, she is a cute little girl. Sweet looking and looks like she has character. But George is really very handsome and that may be hard on her as they get older. Look at the names Eugenia and Beatrice are called? But some kids, like my sister, get better looking with every year. She may be like that.

      This is a site where people can have different opinions, no?

      • Jess says:

        Whats your point exactly? I Dont Even believe in the concept of royals but who takes pleasure in critiquing a 2 year olds looks? Royal or otherwise.That’s really pathetic.

  15. Sullivan says:

    Cute kid. I like her style.

  16. AG-UK says:

    She’s cute I love that age those chubby cheeks. Mine is 16 wish I could go back in time 😕

    • Eileen says:

      Same here-I miss kissing his chubby cheeks and getting his toothless grin in response

  17. Abbess Tansy says:

    She is a cutie pie. She definitely has the queen’s eyes and a certain way she gazes at things like the queen.

  18. Adele Dazeem says:

    I want that sheep cardigan for myself!! Adorable!

  19. MostlyMegan says:

    That background looks photoshopped in

    • Deedee says:

      Yeah, like they pulled down one of those “school picture” background sheets behind her.

  20. Sarah says:

    Pippa and Carole all the way.

  21. Olga says:

    Kate’s not a very good photographer, is she? Just another amateur photo from her and her fancy cam.

    • nic919 says:

      The other professional photographers all captured better photos of Charlotte in motion whereas Kate can barely get a smirk out of Charlotte. She seems to be a generally pleasant kid in public settings so it’s weird that her mom can’t get a smile out of her in a private and controlled setting. Maybe she is wondering why the hell she is posing next to hay?

      Kate needs to let professionals take over because her attempts are just not that good.

    • Mich says:

      Her eye for framing is bad. Why cut off the child’s fingers while having so much empty space above her head?

      • nic919 says:

        I took photography in high school and don’t claim to be an expert, but Kate does not have the fundamental skills. You are right, the framing is off, and she always does this thing where the background is out of focus with the subject. It may work for objects, but portraits should be like that. And you don’t place your subject in a colour that blends in with the background.

    • lisa says:

      This photo is one of Kate’s worst. Bad framing, bad formatting, the child’s left eye looks bulging, her collar is askew…the top button should be open on the sweater…really terrible. I’m surprised KP issued this. Cute girl, though, not her fault of course….

  22. Anitas says:

    Wow she’s grown! I’m not very good at guessing which member of the family the baby takes after. I just think she has the face of someone older than her age. She’s very cute though.

  23. SleepyJane says:

    She is absolutely precious. She looks like her father, to me.

  24. Lainey says:

    The hay is what they’ve used to keep us plebs out. Like all normal country folk do.
    As for the picture- why would they pick a picture where she looks so nervous/unsure? From the little we’ve seen of her she seems like a right little blast of energy. Would showing us a bit of her personality really be to much? Or more than one pic. Think this is the least amount they’ve ever released. Last year we got three or four pics.
    I can;t believe how much she’s grown but then i remember its been over 4 months since we’ve last seen her.

    • notasugarhere says:

      I think we’re told this is at Anmer, but really it is a generic spot somewhere else on the Sandringham Estate. Maybe the barn and piles of hay where KM posed for the boring Vogue photoshoot.

    • HappyMom says:

      I agree. She’s cute-but it’s not a particularly great picture of her-I’m surprised they picked it. We’ve seen other candids of her in Canada and the Christmas pap walk-and she was adorable. This pic is just meh.

      • nic919 says:

        We are on the same page. It’s a mediocre picture in all ways. Charlotte deserves better.

    • Anna says:

      @Lainey: I would venture a guess that they would be saving up pic of Charlotte (& George) for Pippa’s wedding, that way ‘(probably already negotiated) paparrazi shots of her wedding feat. Charlotte as a flower girl will have more value.
      I mean Middletons do slyly deal with the media here so thats a guess- also an opinion very popular on royal forums- after all we did see the kids on the Middleton Church walk…why not the wedding.

      • addie says:

        Will the Cambridge’s allow photos of their kids from Pippa’s wedding be published? Everyone is assuming they’ll see more pics of the kids, but maybe not.

  25. graymatters says:

    She looks like Princess Eugenie.

  26. Deveraux says:

    All I see is ‘Lady Sarah Chatto’ with a sprinkling of soon-to-be Mrs. Moderately Rich, Auntie Pips

  27. Annie says:

    Adorable. QE is who she looks like to me.

  28. Canadian Becks says:

    Charlotte has very asymmetrical features. The 2 sides of her face look quite drastically different, and if put through a filter which duplicates half the face and flips it, the resultant picture would be quite unlike the current photo of her.

    Her right eye (our left) strongly favours Carole’s, while her left eye, not so much.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Yes! Just like her mother does. One half is Pippa, the other half is Carole.

  29. vava says:

    Kate certainly is not a gifted photographer.

  30. Tripsee says:

    Such an awkward photo. Her hands are cut off and she’s been caught between expressions.

    Kate really is a terrible photographer.

    • Canadian Becks says:

      At the very least, she’s not very good at choosing her shots.

      Is there any other way to describe this particular expression, other than a “grimace” ?

      Very surprised she, to whom image seems all important, would choose this particular photo to go out there.

      • HappyMom says:

        Agreed. All the candids of her at Christmas and in Canada make her look so happy and animated. This picture is just so blah.

  31. Katinka says:

    I find it funny they released the information that Kate took the photo cause I think she be kinda looking at the photographer with a not- impressed-face 🙂
    “Ok Mom, you can take your picture now, but please let’s be quick, i got important things to do, very busy over here”

  32. NOLA says:

    Her resemblance to Queen Elizabeth is uncanny !! I think Charlotte is absolutely adorable.

  33. Meow says:

    She looks like Michael McIntyre to me?

  34. Jessica says:

    This isn’t a good photo but I still think she looks nice. I love her hair, thankfully she inherited her mother’s.

  35. Original T.C. says:

    Cute picture of a cute kid.

  36. MinnFinn says:

    I wonder if Charlotte’s sweater was chosen as a nod to Diana. Diana had a red one with sheep on it.

    • dave says:

      For goodness sake!

      • India Andrews says:

        Kate does love to SWF Diana a pot even having George wear his dad’s old clothes to public appearances. Not to mention having a barnyard scene with sheep on the sweater is cute but unimaginative as we have come to expect from Kate.

  37. Skylark says:

    Little cutie! She is the absolute mirror image of the queen, particularly that slightly, stern ‘take-no-nonsense’ expression even when she’s smiling!

  38. ABC says:

    Just ONE picture?? And a not very good one at that.. Us Brits are certainly getting our monies worth from these Cambridges we support. *snark

  39. LAK says:

    Seriously, this child doesn’t look like the Queen. I realise Lady Satah is a private person and therefore not known to the wider public, but that is who Charlotte resembles.

    This is a portrait of the young Lady Sarah.

    Edward’s daughter Louise is the one who strongly resembles the Queen. They are twinsies born several decades apart!!!

    • notasugarhere says:

      I agree, no QEII in this one, but you’ll never convince some. I wish we’d gotten more photos of Lady Louise playing her grandmother in the horse pageant last year. Side-by-sides of them as kids on horses would have shown the similarities even more.

    • Deedee says:

      I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. The Queen is the only very familiar royal to most of the world, and since Charlotte is dressed in the “old-fashioned” or “classic” look, depending on your taste, the Queen is the default “looks like” most people say. I see Lady Sarah, Carole and Pippa.

    • Hedda says:

      LAK, we heard you the first three times and three or more in other posts about the royal family. Enough already. People have different opinions and no matter how many times you repeat yourself you won’t change their minds.
      When people say Charlotte looks like the Queen, they are not talking about what the Queen looked like as a toddler. They are saying she looks like the Queen did in her teens,twenties and beyond. The Queen doesn’t even look like she did in her baby pics. She looks completely different now and even as a teen she looks different from her baby years.
      Louise looks like the Queen when then queen she was a toddler, she does not resemble the adult version of the Queen.

      • LAK says:

        Hedda, i understand that, but even comparing Charlotte to adult Queen, she doesn’t resemble her. She resembles Lady Sarah and depending on photo a strong dose of Carole and or Pippa.

      • Neens says:

        She is all Middleton though. Especially around the eye area.

    • MinnFinn says:

      I agree that she most resembles Sarah.

      Who they resemble is interesting.

      But also interesting is who do they sound like i.e. what type of posh accent are Charlotte and George acquiring and does Kate’s fake one confuse them?

      What accent are they taking on? That could be an important clue about who they spend the most time with. There are 3+ British accents in their family.

      1. Wm and the Windsors have their authentic posh one
      2. Kate has her fake one-of-a-kind posh accent
      3. Carole and Pippa have a 3rd type of accent

  40. Cupcake says:

    I’m wondering when we’ll hear that #3 is coming along?

    • spidey says:

      After the sickness she had with the first two I would be calling it quits if I were her.

    • HappyMom says:

      After Pippa’s wedding. I’m thinking late summer announcement.

  41. Citresse says:

    She’ll be steely like her great aunt Anne. Good on her.

  42. Joannie says:

    She’s adorable and if I had to say she favours anyone it would be the queen.

  43. homeslice says:

    I think she is a mini QEII! She’s adorable!

  44. Wendy says:

    Anyone seeing a bit of Philip around the chin?

  45. HoustonGrl says:

    I think she’s the spitting image of the Queen. Very cute!

  46. Susannah says:

    What a precious little girl. I’m sort of embarrassed to say that I although I’m 30, I’d wear that sweater, a little larger size though!

  47. KatM says:

    She looks a lot like the Queen! She is an adorable little girl.

  48. WyoGirl says:

    She’s not pretty in this photo and Kate is a lousy photographer or she would have taken a prettier one.

  49. Neens says:

    I think she’s lucky she favours her mother’s side of the family. Those Windsor genes do not age well.

    I don’t think she looks like the Queen at all and don’t really understand why people say that.

    • mimi says:

      Some people say Charlotte looks like the queen because in unphotoshopped photos she looks like a wizened, gnome-like little old woman. And the only grumpy old woman in Charlotte’s family is the Queen. In fact, these two are nothing alike. The queen was a conventionally pretty toddler, golden hair, big blue eyes, regular features, etc. Charlotte looks just like Ma Midd, beady eyes and all.

    • kay says:

      geez, maybe because people actually thinks she looks like the queen? the opposite of you and mimi, factually.
      i don’t think she looks like anyone but the queen, as do many others, and don’t really understand why people say she doesn’t.
      i don’t understand how grown ass women can repeatedly, thread after thread, not grasp the basic concept that not everyone sees what they see or believe what they believe….and that is a-ok.
      she looks like a miniature version of the queen, that is what i see. and many others. and its ok that we do. and it’s ok that you don’t.
      the world is not going to collapse under the weight of differing opinions or viewpoints.

  50. Penelope says:

    She looks very cute and tidy. Love the sweater.

  51. callmeishmael says:

    Ok, it’s not a great photo. She looks like she’s about to reveal the Oscar winner from a rainbow-coloured envelope, and she knows who it is and is not amused by the Academy’s choice. That said, as an anti-royalist and someone who’s mostly immune to the charms of children, I still went ‘aww’. Royal or no, she’s also just a little child. Standing in front of some hay. Asking us to love her.

  52. NtSoSclBtrfly says:

    I love toddlers! Squeeeeee!!

  53. Starlight says:

    She does have a lot of Windsor there is a lot of Queen Victoria but she also looks like her ancestors on Carole’s side f you google Caroke Middleton ancestry family pictures – the Goldsmiths pictures from the Victorian era

  54. perplexed says:

    I have no idea what she’s going to look like when she grows up, but she has the money to make herself look pretty. Unless one turns out really weird-looking like Tori Spelling (and even she started off okay enough looking at some point, but seems to exaggerate the oddness of some of her features through garish make-up), money is usually what makes most people look good (i.e grooming, clothes, hair, etc).

  55. Mrsedge says:

    I appreciate differences of opinion but in this case, my mind is blown by those who think this cute girl looks Middleton. Any side by side of William at that age will show those eyes to be a perfect match. Since that is the overwhelming feature on Charlotte, I’ve tried hard to see Carole Middleton and it’s not happening. But, gossip is all about opinions, non?

  56. Sage says:

    She is all William. From the shape of her head, to the asymmetrical eyes, to the shape of nose. Hopefully she did not inherit his personality.

  57. PrincessK says:

    No surprise there is a divergence of opinion, after all Charlotte has genes from both sides but I see more of the Queen in her and Sarah Chatto. But she may have a bit of Carole (the eyes) and Pippa ( a bit of mouth/smile). Prince George on the other hand is all Michael Middleton,

  58. Deeanna says:

    All children are beautiful. All parents, however, are not good photographers.

    It is difficult to see what this child’s mother liked so much about this particular photo that she would release it to the public. Speaking as a person who worked as a portrait photographer’s assistant, this shot would have made the “discard” pile. Meaning it would not even have been shown to the parents for their consideration.

    The photo is of a child grimacing. Weird choice.

    • addie says:

      The Cambridge’s don’t like having to relay aspects of what they consider to be their private lives EXCEPT when it bucks up their popularity; that’s when the kids come out eg Canadian tour, Christmas 2016. Anything more is an intrusion. So there is this pathetic excuse for a photo, probably chosen because of its blandness and smirk – an FU to the annoying public that demands pics.

    • notasugarhere says:

      It also looks like this photo was either deliberately over exposed or it has been photoshopped. You can see in the press photos Kaiser included that CC has the same prominent under eye pillows as her mother (I have them too, they’re genetic!). They’re mostly erased in this official photo.

  59. birdy says:

    Interesting the photo did not get released on her actual birthday but on the same day of the opening of the photo exhibition of Diana being put on by Earl Spencer at her old family home and resting place. It’s apparently more photos by Mario Testino from her VF shoot. Is Will trying to defect attention for any tribute / anniversary event for Diana that he is not in control of???

    • notasugarhere says:

      As someone pointed out on another site, the topless photo trial also starts in France today. Wanted to get the photos out the day before?

  60. vespernite says:

    She’s adorable…does look like her great-granny!

  61. India Andrews says:

    Charlotte’s facial expression seems to ask, “Why am I here mom?” Interesting choice of photograph to release given how Charlotte seems confised to be there. Makes me wonder what the discard pile looked like.

  62. Kaz says:

    Why aren’t Kate and William getting some beautiful professionally taken pics of their children’s milestones?? Honest to God we’re going to see a 2 year old Charlotte with a blurred hay background when William or George become King. It looks like it’s off Kate’s FB page. I saw reported somewhere that William and Kate are very conscious of economies of spending hence the not using professional photographers…..what utter bollocks!