This is why I love the beginning of the month – Vanity Fair always releases its cover and the whole or partial cover interview. Last month, we got Jessica Simpson with a cover reference to “mom jeans”. This month, we get Johnny Depp, with no references to any of the following: mom jeans, weight gain, Tony Romo or Pervert Joe Simpson. That alone makes it a win, but it seems Johnny has gone and answered our prayers. He’s letting us into his private Bahamian island, called Little Hall’s Pond Cay. He’s talking about Elizabeth Taylor (“an astonishingly great broad”), Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder (“That’s the best I’ve ever seen Cruise”) and Chicago (“I loved looking out the car window at all those incredible neighborhoods and architecture”) amongst other topics. Vanity Fair hasn’t released the whole interview, so this is just a press release and excerpt from HuffPo:
Johnny Depp shows Vanity Fair contributing editor Douglas Brinkley around his 45-acre private Bahamian island, Little Hall’s Pond Cay, and tells Brinkley that the island “is my decompression. It’s my way of trying to return to normalcy…. Escapism is survival to me.”
When Brinkley asks Depp if there is any Hollywood icon he still hopes to spend time with, he says, “I already met her. Elizabeth Taylor.” Depp once attended dinner with Taylor and found her to be “the best old-school dame I’ve ever met. A regular, wonderful person. Billy Bob Thornton and Steve Martin were also there. Boy, did I take to her. For dinner she ordered liver and onions and just smothered them with salt. I admired that. She’s an astonishingly great broad.”
Little Hall’s Pond has six different beaches–named after Depp’s partner, Vanessa Paradis, and their children, Lily Rose and Jack, as well as his mentors Hunter S. Thompson and Marlon Brando–each with a personality and cove of its own, and one patch of water deemed “Heath’s Place” after the late actor Heath Ledger. There are several small residences, all solar-powered, and transportation consists of a fleet of green golf carts.
“I don’t think I’d ever seen any place so pure and beautiful,” Depp tells Brinkley of the island. “You can feel your pulse rate drop about 20 beats. It’s instant freedom. And that rare beast–simplicity–can be had. And a little morsel of anonymity…. Whenever I was getting frustrated about being ‘novelty boy’ and making movies, I told myself, Calm down. I can come down here and disappear. I spent the Christmas season here with Vanessa and the kids. You can feed hot dogs to the nurse sharks in the Exumas–but it’s best to not swim when doing it.”Depp spent much of the last year in Chicago filming Public Enemies, and tells Brinkley that it has become his favorite American city. “Everybody [in Chicago] treated me normal. They’d say, ‘Hey, Johnny,’ then left me alone…. I visited the Art Institute and the Chicago Music Exchange. I loved looking out the car window at all those incredible neighborhoods and architecture.”
Depp laments the political correctness of modern Hollywood, telling Brinkley he pines for the old iconoclasts: “Where is our generation of Dean Martins and Frank Sinatras? And the Georgie Jessels and Walter Brennans? I want Tiny Tim and Bix Beiderbecke back.”
Of Tom Cruise’s performance as studio head Les Grossman in last summer’s Tropic Thunder, Depp says, “That’s the best I’ve ever seen Cruise.” When asked if Cruise’s portrayal reminds Depp of any Hollywood executives, he says, “All of them.”
Whenever Depp gets bored or can’t sleep, he paints. “When I can focus on something like guitar or painting, I do,” he says. “I started painting people I admire, like Kerouac, Bob Dylan, Nelson Algren, Marlon Brando, Patti Smith, my girl, my kids. I painted Hunter a couple of times. Keith Richards. What I love to do is paint people’s faces, y’know, their eyes. Because you want to find that emotion, see what’s going on behind their eyes.”
Depp talks about his two late mentors, Marlon Brando and Hunter S. Thompson, each of whom imparted his share of wisdom. He recalls a conversation he had with Brando in 1994, when he was poised to purchase Little Hall’s Pond, but instead of expressing outright enthusiasm, Brando–who once lived on the French Polynesian atoll of Tetiaroa–asked a series of pragmatic questions: “What’s the elevation? How protected are you?” Brando, according to Depp, was being sensible, focused, and paternal. “With hurricanes and all, he just didn’t want me to make a mistake.”
Depp says what he misses about Thompson “isn’t the Too Much Fun Club stuff. It was his steady advice. His radar detector was spot-on. He knew instantly if he didn’t like somebody.” Depp says the beach he named after Hunter on his island is “the most savage and exposed of all the beaches. Gonzo Beach is pure Hunter.”
Talking to Brinkley about his future on the island, Depp says: “Nobody is going to ever ruin the Land and Sea Park. It’s like a rare gem, a diamond. I look forward to my kids growing up on the island, spending months out of the year here … learning about sea life and how to protect sea life … and their kids growing up here, and so on…. Theoretically, this place can add years to your life.” Then he quotes the old adage: “Money doesn’t buy you happiness. But it buys you a big enough yacht to sail right up to it.”
The July issue of Vanity Fair hits newsstands in New York and Los Angeles on June 3 and nationally on June 9.
[From Vanity Fair via The Huffington Post]
Jesus, I wish I were friends with Johnny Depp. I mean, of course he’s hot and I’d like to see him naked and all of that, but he just seems so cool, so intelligent and interesting. I’d love to be his friend, or just have a conversation with him. I love that he names places on the island after his family and friends. Gonzo Beach, Heath’s Place, beaches named after Vanessa and his kids. How lovely. My only complaint is that Johnny doesn’t seem to acknowledge that Hollywood does have a few of those old-school, glamorous Hollywood throw-backs. People like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt… even if you don’t really like them, they are very, very glamorous, and throw-backs to a different era. Other than that, I have no complaints. I’m just going to suck up this interview like heroin, it’s so good.
Wow, I need to go to that island….but he does seem like such an interesting and intricate person, refreshing really.
I think I’m going to agree … Hunter S Thompson, Taylor, Brando, painting … and I know what it feels like to be on a tropical island, take a deep breath and feel your body absorb itself into the surroundings.
Just checked and Depp narrates the video documentary on Thompson. On my order list.
No. There is no one in Hollywood today that matches up to Old school Hollywood NO ONE. I don’t care what the media tells you. That being said its a nice change to see Johnny on a cover, instead of the same old same old.
god that man ages beautifully.
“Jesus, I wish I were friends with Johnny Depp. I mean, of course he’s hot and I’d like to see him naked and all of that, but he just seems so cool, so intelligent and interesting. I’d love to be his friend, or just have a conversation with him.”
“Hollywood does have a few of those old-school, glamorous Hollywood throw-backs. People like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt… even if you don’t really like them, they are very, very glamorous, and throw-backs to a different era.”
no no no! Sauronsarmy is right on!
UGH, I love the way he speaks. His face is nice too.
le sigh… he is like a fine wine… so much better with age.
screw zac efron… cut me some johnny depp pie any day!
I love me some Johnny, but owning your own island does not reflect ‘normalcy’ it reflects that you are sooooo stinking rich you own your own island.
Oh man, this guy is like fine wine — he gets better as he gets older. I’ve had a mad crush on him ever since “Sleepy Hollow”.
I could only linger on every picture, haven’t read a comment, but one thing is certain
I would THROW myself at this man, something I’ve never done in my life.
Word *fanning self*
What a gorgeous man. It’s not fair!
I <3 Chicago too.
Johnny’s one of the few celebs I can’t find much bad to say about.
I agree about having Depp as a friend, Kaiser. He seems really laid back and in touch, despite the craziness around him. To me, he’s only a little attractive. It is his personality and talent that make him so sexy!
VF articles are usually too long, here’s hoping this will be long enough – What a guy!
My brother-in-law was a waiter years ago in Little Italy Baltimore. JD went to his restaurant one night after a day of working on a Water’s film & invited a few of the staff to join him afterwards to party. He claimed he was a really cool, down to earth & a friendly guy.
That on top of charm, intelligence, loyalty, good taste, family values, talent & looks… wow, & he doesn’t pimp out his children.
As for old hollywood, good luck there. Clooney at least looks the part. Roberts & Pitt on the other hand, that’s laughable (although she was great in Charlie Wilson’s War.)
I read the book Gonzo, (i think it’s what the doc. came out of) about Hunter S. Thompson and Depp has some really poignant things to say about Hunter. He writes the intro and has some an article at the end. it’s basically a collection of memoirs of people who knew Hunter throughout his life.
Depp may always be one of my favorites. And that he loves my hometown Chicago just makes it better <3
Love him
Totally feeling you on this one Kaiser. J.D is the bees knees. Buying this issue to savor on the plane.
Drool* he is so deep, and gorgeous in and out. I want him.
I’ll never forget his drunken rages and trashing hotel rooms when with Kate Moss. He is beautiful.
Love him, love him, love him.
i CANNOT stand people who own islands… no human has a right to that much of mother nature!
and did he just call elizabeth taylor dame and broad all in one interview???
and what exactly is he decompressing from? living in france and being exceedingly handsome and a multi-millionaire actor must be tough these days *eyeroll*
Johnny says he pines for old Hollywood
“iconoclasts”, not glamourous “throwbacks”. Clooney / Pitt / Roberts are the antithesis of iconoclasts; rather, they are the definition of modern-day players who have bought in to the hype, 100%. These people are totally un-controversial and rule the Hollywood institution; they certainly don’t challenge traditional or popular ideas in our culture, or go against the grain in the slightest, which is what iconoclast means.
**sigh** what a guy…
just gorgeous….he is aging very well
I am with you fizXgirl314, and I seriously can not find anything attractive or detect an intelligent vibe form Depp. Ugh, he is as pretensions and over hyped as any other person in Hollywood. I suppose he thinks HE posses old-Hollywood characteristic/qualities, yeah right, he wishes. He is not even that serious of an actor, most of his movies are damn and goofy done purely for mindless entertained, how Depp passes for a deep actor is beyond me.
Oh and calling Elizabeth Taylor dame and broad is kind of disrespectful.