More tacky Miley Cyrus pictures hit the internet, thanks to her latest director

In case we didn’t have enough proof that Miley Cyrus makes bad decisions – or rather just normal decisions for a 16-year-old – here’s a new batch. Thanks to the idiot (and possibly pervy) director on her most recent film ‘The Last Song,’ we have pictures of Miley posing super seductively, crouching over a chair like she’s giving an imaginary lap dance in what appears to be a leather skirt or shorts. Her eyes are closed as she makes what’s supposed to pass as an attractive “come hither” expression these days (but really just looks like she’s got a bad case of gas).

While this picture’s debatable, the next one sure isn’t. Director/moron Adam Shankman shot one of Miley while he stands next to her in the cheesiest aviator shades on record – and that’s saying something. Miley’s looking back at him with a more obviously dirty expression on her face. And what’d Shankman choose to do with these photos? Why post them on his Twitter, of course!

More controversial pictures of Miley Cyrus have surfaced on the Internet. This time Miley’s not posing topless, flashing her bra or making slant eyes.

She’s letting her hair down behind the scenes of her new movie ‘The Last Song,’ directed by Adam Shankman, who posted the pictures on his Twitter and appears in a close embrace with her in one of them.

Shankman is 44. When he realized the pictures were causing yet another Internet firestorm for his 16-year-old star, he went back to his Twitter page to defend them:

On Monday 22nd June 2009, @adammshankman said:
Miley is a sweet angel who works tirelessly and endlessly, and is allowed to have fun in the make up room! Seriously! Lighten up or no more behind the scenes pics! She’s like my angel little sister.

[From the Huffington Post]

Sorry, there are a lot of ways you can argue a lot of things, but I don’t see how this can possibly be anything other than a middle-aged man posting a picture of himself with a much younger, hotter girl in a desperate attempt to look cool. And it’s absolutely inappropriate. If Shankman wanted a picture of himself with Miley, there are about a thousand more appropriate poses he could have gone with. And there is no excuse for being foolish enough to post the photos on his Twitter. I seriously hope someone’s keeping an eye on Miley when she’s around this guy.

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45 Responses to “More tacky Miley Cyrus pictures hit the internet, thanks to her latest director”

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  1. hojo says:

    I’m pretty sure that Adam Shankman is gay. Pretty sure.

    And I don’t see what the big deal is. Who cares. More normal 16 y/o behavior, big whoop.

    My little SIL has posted more provocative photos than this on facebook… and she’s only 15… but boy did my husband give her a piece of his mind!

  2. Gloaming says:

    He looks really creepy next to her, but her Lolita’ esque poses are equally creepy.

  3. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Her mouth. HER MOUTH. Can we have a whip round to send her some money to get it fixed. I can’t bear it.

    Oh, and as regards to the pics – if it looks like a wh0re and sounds like a wh0re then the chances are…it’s a wh0re.

  4. miley is fug says:

    I guess people can no longer blame Annie Leibovitz for those slutty pics.

    slutty in Leibo pics, slutty in her OWN “hacked” pics, slutty in these pics…

    I guess Miley is slutty. or at least like to act that way.

  5. HashBrowns says:

    There is no “pretty sure” that Adam Shankman is gay.

    Adam Shankman is gayer than the day is long.

    He’s gayer than a packet of rainbows.

    Gayer than a pink pony prancing through a field of daffodils with ribbons flowing in it’s majestic tail.

    Don’t you watch So You Think You Can Dance?

    On the commentary for The Wedding Planner (which he directed and I loved), he tells a story about how his grandmother asked him “So, do ya gotta fella?” at Thanksgiving.

    He couldn’t give two mouse-sized craps about looking cool or virile with or next to Miley Cyrus.

    And according to IMdb, he’s the producer not the director. The director is some lady named Julie Ann Robinson.

    Edit: My comment is meant in a joking manner. I heart my gay friends and other gay people.

  6. Sauronsarmy says:

    Meh, maybe I’m just too desensitized but big deal. You can go on Myspace, Facebook, pretty much anywhere on the net, and see thousands upon thousands of teenagers taking equally (or worse) “slutty” pictures.

  7. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Nah, it’s nothing to do with being desensitised and yeah there is loads worse out there that teenagers are getting up to – thing is she’s meant to be some Disney Goddess tho and as such isn’t she paid vast sums of money NOT to behave like a slut?

  8. wow says:

    I blame Britany Spears for this. She started it allll.

    I kid.

    But seriously, Miley is what she is…a little girl wanting to grow up fast. She wants to be viewed as being sexy. She does NOT look 16 inthese pictures. If she keeps this up, someone sleezy business person is going to take advantage of her while her parents have their heads up their arses.

    Miley is being way too provacative. And I also question this director for putting these pictures up on his Twitter page and then “threaten” to not put anymore up if people don’t loosen up. WTH???

  9. Alecto says:

    he he he…I thought his name was Skankman

  10. Wench. says:

    Ahhh… I cringe a bit when someone calls her a whore or a slut.

    The kid is 16 and doing the same poses every other 16 year is doing… because everyone wants to look/feel/be older at that age.

    The problem is the aging directors who leech onto it and other such enablers.

  11. Neelyo says:

    Shankman is gay (and a hack director). And if he were really a devoted big gay brother, he would tell his angel little sister that her weave is slipping off.

    She keeps trying to prove she’s sexy but that face… She may have been a cute kid but I can’t see her transitioning to an adult career unless she pulls a major Hilary Duff and I don’t think that will do the trick.

  12. Ana says:

    The inner sl*t in me likes the second pose. Haha.

  13. Codzilla says:

    Not an attractive girl.

  14. the original kate says:

    she looks like a horny chipmunk in the first photo and a chipmunk taking a dump in the second photo.

  15. Annie says:

    ROFL @ Hashbrowns. I was thinking the SAME thing.

    Gayer than Rupaul at a Madonna concert.

    If he’s anything like my friends, he loves the “sexy” poses. They’re all about aesthetics. When I was doing a shoot for one of my gay photog friends, he was like “Babe, stick your ass out, give me more boob, no smiling, be sultry” bla bla. He was all about the provocative.

  16. Where were her parents when this was happening? Sad.

  17. DD says:

    Who cares… she’s 16, she wants to capitalize on her sexuality. Lots of girls her age do. How is she different than many other girls her age. If parents don’t like her as a role model than they can limit their children’s miley exposure as they do with other child star turn porn star wannabes.

  18. Sarah says:

    Slutty Cyrus. Here we go again.

  19. Rio says:

    AUGH!!! I live in Savannah, where “The Last Song” is being filmed, and if I have to hear about Miley friggin’ Cyrus ONE MORE TIME on the local news, or in the paper, or on the street, etc, I am going to punt her into the river.
    Seriously. I realize I live in a small town, but good gravy, y’all, EVERY DAY there is a story either “above the fold” in the newspaper or on the nightly news about what she’s doing.
    Kill. Me.

  20. Kylie says:

    ARGH at 16 I was trying my HARDEST to be sexy. Most of us did in our own way. Give the girl a break. Let her grow up and make mistakes. God knows I made enough!

  21. Eileen Yover says:

    I take issue with a 44 year old skeez taking “sexy” pictures of a 16 year old. What the hell is wrong with that guy?? Guy or straight, he should get his ass kicked.

  22. Eileen Yover says:

    make that “gay or straight”

  23. Wresa says:

    I think saying “all girls her age do it” is a cop-out. Where are our ideals of feminine behavior going? WAKE UP, THIS IS THE IDEAL. Now it is okay for a 16-year-old girl to “capitalize on her sexuality?” To dress like a pornstar before she is even a mature adult? (Sorry to call you out. No offense.)

    When I grew up admired women like Elizabeth Bennett and read American Girl books. Yes, they are still around, but I have serious worries about how much girls are being inundated with media that tells them to “grow up fast, give it up early and often! Don’t you want to be sexy (the pinnacle of what a female can be)?”

    I feel badly Miley can’t “do anything right,” but this behavior draws the wrong kind of attention and we should impress this on young girls. You should get attention from being intelligent, excelling in something, trying your best. Not selling your body!

  24. azannie says:

    Adam Shankman is very very very very gay….I wouldn’t be too worried about her with him…sheesh, do a little research.

  25. Kath Jaynes says:

    @ Sarah

    I think its really inappropriate to call a 16 year old girl slutty.

    I have two cousins aged 14 and 16 who both pose like this and put the pictures up on their facebook. I agree the pose is in poor taste, but they are young girls and like JayBird pointed out, most teenagers make bad decisions.

    I think the real issue is the message our society sends to teenage girls: pose provacative and men will like you. There are young girls who post nude pictures on facebook and myspace! Theres even a case where a girl is being tried for child pornography for posting pictures of herself.

  26. Judy says:

    She’s not even that cute and the older she gets the more like Lindsey Lohan/Brittany Spears she gets. Don’t really see what people see in her other than maybe her singing because she can’t act.

  27. BlueSkies says:

    Zoe, that mouth comment, straight on my friend. I was thinking the same thing. I love your sense of humor. (Lawrence King Live on CNN)

  28. eternalcanadian says:

    What is it about teenage girls pimping themselves around the Internet like porn stars? How come we never see teenage boys doing this?

  29. lisa says:

    She is too young to be taken seriously in regards to her being ‘sexy’. She can try all she wants, she just can’t pull it off. Just my opinion.

  30. Ellie says:


    I don’t even know.

  31. msanthropist says:

    I have no problem with a 16 year old skanking it up in photos – they all seem to want to be the Pussycat Dolls.

    What I have a problem with is a 16 year old skanking it up in photos and still presenting herself as a good Christian and a virgin. I didn’t like it when Britney tried it and I don’t like it now.

  32. Ursula says:

    SISTER???? More like daughter!

  33. barneslr says:

    “I think its really inappropriate to call a 16 year old girl slutty.

    I have two cousins aged 14 and 16 who both pose like this and put the pictures up on their facebook”

    I think its really inappropriate for a 16 year old to behave like a slut.

    And if you have 2 cousins that are putting slutty pictures out on the Internet, I hope you are talking to their parents and having them removed. That is dangerous, stupid-and yes-slutty behavior and they need to be protected from themselves.

  34. Jazz says:

    I sure wouldn’t want to be 16 these days.

    @ HashBrowns, LMAO!

  35. RJ says:

    more like *skankman*

  36. Mel says:

    Oh my god, What the big deal im 16 all girls our age do it!.. We like the attentiion (; Miley is beautiful there is fuck all wrong with her mouth, so shut the fuck up yeah! Its a few poses big whoop!

  37. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Barneslr – word. Right on. Etc.

    Blue Skies – the MOUTH. It’s like a slutty chipmunk is trying to seduce me with her JIANT teeth.

    Mel – we know it’s a few poses. The point is, she looks like a slut. A 16 year old slut. Who acts like a wh0re. And she reaaaaaaallllllly is far from beautiful – and before you whip out your standard 16 year old response to that – yes, I’m fat old and jealous. Of course.

  38. barneslr says:

    Wow, Mel. Your parents really need to pay more attention to what you are doing. You are clearly not mature enough to make your own decisions and need a lot more supervision than you are getting. And you obviously are not paying enough attention in your English class at school. Perhaps you should spend more time trying to get a basic education and less time trying to be trashy. Stupid is not sexy.

    And don’t try to excuse your bad behavior by saying “all” 16 year olds do it. They don’t. Most of them are much smarter than that. It’s just a small percentage of undereducated, unsupervised and immature girls who do it. Is that what you are? Sure sounds like it.

  39. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    LOL @ barneslr – you said it. Stoopid is not sexy. I like that. I’m having it.

  40. Annie says:

    Well, I have to disagree that most 16 year old are smarter than that Barnes…lol. Most 16 year olds are total morons.

    That being said, it’s not an excuse. They should know better. The rise we’ve seen in these little nude photos, sexy photos and SEXTING is ridiculous. And frankly, if you or a 16 year old (and under) you know is doing shit like that, you’re a very sad indicator of how low our society has sunk. And frankly, are doing yourselves no good by pretty much validating a man’s subjugating you and treating you like nothing more than a sex object.

  41. Eileen Yover says:

    I don’t think he took the pics because he’s into her, he is clearly gay. But what a shitty adult almost 30 years older than her takes these photos and posts them.
    I mean she’s obviously not the sharpest crayon in the box either. But no reason an old man compared to a 16 year old should capitalize on it

  42. TAtiANA says:

    Hornyy MofO Bitch.

  43. cheez-its says:


  44. Robesz says:

    It’s the really Miley Cyrus???????

  45. Jenny says:

    Umm, hello! Look at all of the photos she takes! Sure, she didn’t take these slutty pictures of her self but look at all of the others. Miley Cyrus is a slutty cow. I wouldn’t mind so much if she wasn’t, firstly a teenager and secondly, pretending a “Roll Model”, becuase then she could just be another celeb ruining their life, but I’m pretty sure that it wouldn’t cross a normal 16 year olds mind (or shouldn’t) to act like a hooker and practise lap and pole dancing. Miley, if that’s what you like to do, then become a prostitute, but don’t disgrace Disney Channel and your fans!