Cele|bitchy | Is Jennifer Garner consulting fertility doctors to give Ben Affleck a son?

Is Jennifer Garner consulting fertility doctors to give Ben Affleck a son?

Pretty much as soon as Jennifer Garner gave birth to daughter Seraphina in January, rumors began swirling that Ben Affleck was desperate for a son, and that he was suffering “estrogen overload” with his wife, two daughters, and a mother-in-law who was/is maybe living with the family. The tabloids dropped the story pretty quickly, but now they’re bringing it back. I suppose it’s because Seraphina is six months old now, and all of those In Touch Weekly readers just want Jennifer Garner continuously knocked up so that she can populate the world with adorable dimpled babies.

Now the tabloids are reporting that Jennifer is totally on board with “trying for the boy”. It seems she’s consulting fertility doctors to see how she can guarantee Ben his male heir. I have two points about this. This is probably just general crap In Touch made up to go along with some new pictures of a not-quite-super thin-yet Jennifer Garner (who is still carrying around a tiny bit of post-pregnancy weight, but she looks lovely and healthy, and not pregnant).

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck’s youngest child Seraphina is only 6 months old, but the happy parents are ready to add to the family again – and this time, they want to give Violet, 3, and Seraphina a brother.

“Their daughter weren’t planned pregnancies – they just happened naturally,” a friend explains.

But since they’re aiming for a son next, the couple have turned to a fertility expert for help in charting Jen’s cycle to better their odds.

“They adore their daughters more than anything,” says the pal. “But of course, they would love to have a boy too.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, July 20 2009]

I’ll buy that Jennifer wants another baby at some point, but I doubt she wants to try again anytime soon. I just checked her IMDB stats, and Jen has no fewer than eight projects lined up in various stages of pre-production. The girl’s going back to work. Just so – she’s the breadwinner of the family.

Jennifer Garner is shown outside Violet’s school on 7/2, hiking on 7/5, and out in LA (white outfit) on 7/9/09. Credit: WENN.com. She’s shown with Ben and Violet outside school on 7/8/09. and outside an office on 7/6/09 (floral dress) Credit: ODuran/Fame Pictures

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49 Responses to “Is Jennifer Garner consulting fertility doctors to give Ben Affleck a son?”

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  1. BlueSkies says:

    Ben has too big an ego fit for someone like Brad Pitt or Paul Newman. Jen is so boring.

  2. HEB says:

    “populate the world with adorable dimpled babies”

    Love it!!! Jenn Garner is gorgeous–Ben is lucky to have her.

  3. bros says:


  4. Carrie says:

    What does charting Jen cycle have to do with having a baby boy? When I was biology class, I recall learning that it’s the man’s sperm that determines the sex of the baby. It has nothing to do with the woman’s cycle.

  5. Izzy says:

    I’ll give her a boy!

    You are right Carrie, the male determines the gender, but the doctor is probably talking about artificial insemination with an XY fertilized egg with her, before she tells Ben to drop it into a cup.

  6. gaby says:

    This is total BS tabloid trash as always.Ben is happy with his family and they’re both busy with projects lined up.Ben has 3 movies he’s directing and 2 movies he’s starring in.so I don’t think they have time for another just yet.Why don’t the leave this family alone !If they want controversy why don’t they follow Jlo and her husband around.From what I hear he’s cheating on her left and right

  7. MomOf3 says:

    There are theories on how to “choose” the gender of your baby by what positions you conceive in, where in your cycle you time conception, etc. There are several books out there on the subject and I’m sure there is plenty of stuff on the interwebs if you want the specifics. It definitely isn’t 100%, but it can be fun trying!

  8. Dirty Martini says:

    I dont buy this at all.

    But I do have to say this: I love Jen. She is gorgeous all dolled up, and she is totally comfortable with being herself on a day to day basis. She runs around town doing every day errands like an every day person–sans makeup and designer clothes, looking behaving and being an everday woman.

    And she’s got a hot husband to boot, who seems to adore her and their family.

    Bravo. Well done.

  9. Mme X says:

    gosh, if I were consulting a fertility doctor, I can’t imagine I’d want the world to know.

  10. Annie says:

    Lol. Bullshit.

    And yes, those of you who’ve said that the male determines the baby’s gender is 100% correct. We girls always give an X, but the guys are a toss up. And you know, from all the accounts I’ve heard, Ben loves having all these girls. Why is it always assumed that a man wants a son? That’s not always necessarily the case.

    Also, I’ve heard that about “different positions” resulting in different sexes, but my aunt (who is a gyno) called BS on it. I do think it’s true that boys and girls “sit” differently when they’re in the uterus. Boys tend to “sit” higher and you’re more beach ball like, girls are lower and make you wider esque.

  11. Cinderella says:

    I agree, not all men want sons. My husband wanted a girl. Since he’s short, he was worried about having a boy that would go through some of the rough times he did. We had a girl, and yes, she is a short little peanut.

    Love Jen’s dress, by the way.

  12. Tazina says:

    Uh huh……obvious BS….as usual the desperation to make something out of nothing….heaven forbid the celebrities lead a “normal” life like the rest of us…..that would be “boring”.

  13. Ned says:

    Actually I can relate to Ben wanting a boy.

    He is very tall and Garner is very tall and wide for a women, and I feel for these girls if they would be so tall and big.

    A boy, on the other hand, would be happy to have these wide Garner shoulders, and wouldn’t mind being a bit homely in case he looks like the mother.

  14. Obvious says:

    She is very homely, I agree. Much more so than the average woman. But I do think she’s intelligent.

  15. bring home the bacon says:

    Jen is not the “bread winner”. 1st Ben had a ton of money put away when he married Jen. Like double digit millions. 2nd Ben works. He has done several movies. Directed Gone Baby Gone, done several other movie, is getting ready to direct again and has 2 movies ready to come out.

  16. pebbles says:

    You have hit a major pet peeve of mine. Can’t stand this line of thinking “oh, you have to parent BOTH sexes to be complete.” Call BS on that. I’m tired of hearing – “so, are you gonna try for a girl?! I’m sure you want a girl.” No, I don’t. I am FINE with my two healthy boys. Let it go. Man plans, God laughs.

  17. Rosy J says:

    To say Jen Garner is homely one would have to be blind, stupid or jealous as hell. This woman is gorgeous, funny and smart. Only thing boring about her is she is not a slave to fashion. Priorities straight: family first, career second. Trying for boy is also bs. Leave this family alone. There are artist not tabloid stars. Love them.

  18. orion70 says:

    I’m with you Pebbles. But at the same time, it’s been a running joke in my family that I was the last hope for a boy (i’m not one btw) and that when I was born, he cried because I wasn’t one (also not true, he just cried, we just tease). Us girls outnumber my Dad, who always said he wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Equally, I know people who have only boys, and say they wouldn’t have it any other way. Some don’t feel “complete” until they have a boy or a girl, or twins, or kids at all. I guess everyone has to find their fit I suppose.

  19. Obvious says:

    I’m not blind or stupid. Jealous? Maybe. She is super rich, has 2 darling daughters and a super easy job/career.

    But… it’s just my opinion that she’s homely. I’ve met her several times in person. She looks better in person, but I generally think she’s homely.

    Nonetheless, I admit it’s a terrible thing to say about someone so I’ll be quiet now.

  20. Magsy says:

    They’re two of the most pasty-faced people and boring too……

  21. ogechi says:

    there are so many ways to determine the sex of any child..Sleep wt ur spouse on the 14th day after menses…that is a sure BOUNCING BABY BOY…but avoid sex until the 14th day……cheers

  22. Rosy J says:

    That word *boring* is so overused and a lot of people don’t know the meaning of it. To say someone is boring would indicate that you know that individual personally. Obviously you do not as all the people who do know them tell a completely different story. I am more inclined to believe them over you. As for pastry-faced what exactly is that but a childish and asinine manner used by an unfortunate person to describe a another person. How sad for you.

  23. Jazz says:

    I really hate those stories you hear, sometimes about royal families, where the wife is under pressure to ‘produce an heir’, when it’s all down to the man anyway!
    @orion70 I hear you! My sisters always said to me “You know Dad wanted a boy when you were born”. My half brother from Mum’s first marriage was like a son to him anyway and I’m sure he wouldn’t of had it any other way.

  24. Ned says:

    Garner knows she is homely. That’s why she had all that work in her face.

    Well, she still looks like a horse, and it probably one of the ugliest in Hollywood.

    I think people would not have noticed that, had she not been with Ben Affleck who is used to dating these really beautiful and sexy women.

    A fashion sense has nothing to do with it, except, that I assume it is harder to find clothes that will look good with her big physique and those huge shoulders.

  25. Magsy says:

    Hey Rosy J, Buzz off baby and lighten up. Don’t be judgin’ me. This site is designed for childish and asinine comments. Where have you been? And what gives you the right to monitor my comments and call me sad. Of course none of us know any of these celebs. Look at the top of this page and what does the name say? Celebitchy!! It doesn’t say Celebenicey. How sad for you, you’re on the wrong site. And I said pasty not pastry.

  26. ABC says:

    ive read that if you do in vitro they can determine which eggs are fertilizeed, not that theyre doing that.

  27. Cassie says:

    He felt “miserable and gross.” All of that greasy food JLo was feeding him!She doesn’t seem authentic to me. She rode a “wave” and now that “wave” is over…

  28. londonxtc says:

    Glad he admitted what was so obvious. I actually lost respect for him as a talent when he dated Jennifer Lopez. He did one horrible movie with her and was swallowed up in whatever she had. It wasn’t charisma. Jennifer Lopez is just as homely without the dress, hair and make-up, trying to look like Posh Spice of late, and her butt’s huge.

  29. gina says:

    Ben I think you are GROSS. J. lo is beautiful

  30. DAVE says:


  31. Jude says:

    B. Affleck has no talent and the IQ of a brick, gambler, cheater and liar. J. Lo made him. He was a nobody before J. Lo. J. Garner isn’t all that they make her out to be also. There are other prettier girls than her. J. Lo is much better looking than her.

  32. viviana says:

    If in fact Ben Affleck is still talking about JLo in a derogatory manner, he needs to learn some manners and how to be a gentleman.

    His career did not go down the toilet because of JLo; the bottom line is that Matt Damon made him famous by collaborating with him on Good Will Hunting. Evidently Matt is the one with the talent and probably the manners, too.

  33. Glo says:

    Ben Affleck should see a psychiatrist for his obsession with Jennifer Lopez. I’ll always remember the national interview where he discussed their sex life and told how he discussed it with his buddies, while she begged him to stop and acknowledge that her parents were watching. And the tabloid pictures of him crying on his mothers shoulder, I guess because he had been a bad boy with JLO. Now, years later, during his supposedly happy marriage, and hers, he is talking about how “gross” it all was. HE IS GROSS, a moron, a terrible actor, and as my late father referred to the unchivalrous jerks among us, a heel. I have always liked Jennifer Garner and hope she’s not behind Ben the Rat trying to bring down this girl who, contrary to all reason, cared for this buffoon.

  34. victor says:

    BEN (Hater), If you said that about J-Lo , Which you cant beleive the tabloids anyway, I didnt even know who you were, until you were with J-Lo , BEN,Open your eyes and look at your wife while your trying to make that boy, Stop think of J-Lo when your hitting it, Shes not as beautiful as J-Lo, BEN, Shes not all that gross either

  35. Daisy says:

    Listen Ben: You ar too stupid. I would never make such a claim that JLO ruinned my career. Maybe, you really never had one and the script you wrote with Matt was just a Irish Boston Good Luck Charm. Get over yourself. You ar married now have two beauitul girls, a wife. Let it go, move on!!! JLo has let the crap go. Go have your little boy.

  36. Riot5000 says:

    Ben Affleck, Mama’s boy.
    If you loved her you would have stood with her.
    You were more concerned about what BIGOTS would say about a fine Latina Honey with you.
    It has NOTHING to do with JLo, but your insecurity and LACK of TALENT.
    I bet you are happier with Garner, the acceptable white chick.
    By bending to these Idiotic pressures, BEN, you ANABLE BIGOTRY, even if you are not a Bigot.
    Mma’s Boy, GROW UP

  37. Daisy says:

    Ben, I think it is better for you and your career not to say anything neg – about JLo. I did not want to say it but Garner is not all that either but continue for your boy. And you see I am not the ony one who feels you had a good luck charm when you wrote with Matt.

  38. Rose says:

    This is a true example of Ben’s self indulging ways once again…he should be happy that God has given him and JenG 2 beautiful and healthy daughters. Or is he trying in some way to copy his old flame JLo??…If he doesn’t get a son is he going to blame JenG for that, just like he blamed JLo for his career tanking?! He is such a whinny pretty boy! Grow up Ben your a father now!

  39. A. Richardson says:

    Ben Afleck, typical male white chauvanist-mama’s boy who’s parents
    cannot deal with another race as inlaws.
    JLow is not only beautiful compared
    to the other Jenifer but very wealthy,
    sucessful, well known. Love her jewelries, clothes, and Perfumes. She
    has a following in South America, Asia
    and in US. So Ben what do you have.
    Not to mentioned JLow’s husband Anthony
    who is in the same leaque as JLow.
    Ben Afleck and Jenifer has nothing compared to JLow. Leave her alone.

  40. Panther says:

    Ben should be proud he was with JLo she boosted his career, and when she was out of the picture, so was he. As for his Jennifer Garner, she may be a very genuine person, but I’m sorry, she is very homely !! I’m glad I am not the only person who feels that way. At least the children have her dimples to help their looks!….sorry.

  41. Drico72 says:

    Jen is sooooooooo blah and boring!!!!!!!!!!! Ben couldn’t handle being in the spotlight as JLo’s guy.

  42. Ben Who? says:

    Of course he felt “gross” when he dated J Lo, he’s not used to dating women. Now that he’s married to that bland looking, b-movie robot he’s probably far more content.

  43. Gwen says:

    Ben’s a loser. JLo helped him get noticed. The reason he wants Garner pregnant is that he can’t stand the fact that she makes more money. He wants to be HOH!! What’s really pissing him off with JLo is that he can’t stand the idea that PDiddy had her first, and is a thousands time richer. Ooo whee! Those grapes are sour!!!


  44. BlueSkies says:

    Lorraine, please, you are giving me a headache. So I won’t click on your link unless it is an ad for ‘Head On’.

  45. Panther says:

    She wasn’t so gross that he had to interfere with her marriage to that dancer Chris ??? And for those haters of JLo who think she has no talent and an IQ of a brick,….girlfriend or not, Diddy does not promote no talents, and yes JLo can sing, as well as dance. She has been in many movies, many with high rated actors. You can’t say that much for Ben & his homely looking wife……what movies has she done?? As for Ben, I can only think of a handful, or less. He probably keeps his wife pregnant, to try and keep them both in the spotlight.

  46. Cris says:

    Ben Affleck is obviously immature. He has no self respect or respect for others! Very classless of him to badmouth her now. He has two daughters and someday he will not want some guy saying that about his daughters. Very ungracious, shame on you Ben. Whether it was “gross” or not, you need to grow up and keep that to yourself. You have a very pretty wife and 2 beautiful girls, focus on that!

  47. Ned says:

    I do feel for Ben. He got stuck with a fake horsey- face woman.

    Garner is not only a cheater who would pursue more successful men to advance their career, she is the worst kind of woman- who would get pregnant to keep a man.

    He got stuck with such a controlling woman, and instead of leaving her, he has all this resentment he doesn’t know where to channel.

    J.Lo is not the one who got pregnant to trap you, Ben.

    She is a self made woman who did it all on her own.
    Unlike Garner who got a career by dating and marrying men who made it on their own.

  48. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Yep, keep’er barefoot and pregnant, Ben ya douche-missile.

  49. penny says:

    Wow, pretty sad…Jennifer Garner is beautiful. She is a great actor and a very nice person. We all know she is not a diva, doesn’t treat people badly, throw tantrums or have an ass you could park a winnebago in the shadow of, but she has Class-you can’t it buy and few attain it- Way to go Mrs. Affleck!