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Madonna’s arms. Wow. They never get any easier to look at do they.
The Madonna article comes from Perez Hilton. He’s such a jerk and a Madonna worshipper. He basically implied that all the Romanians at the concert who booed Madonna must be gypsy haters. I bet the real reason why they booed her is they don’t like crazy Madonna preaching to them, or they don’t like her stereotyping all Romanians as people who hate gypsies.
From what I heard, some of the gypsies in Eastern Europe can be dangerous. Some of them are pickpockets and thieves by trade. Well, we shouldn’t discriminate against those people, but it’s easy for Madonna to say “don’t discriminate!” when she’s walking around with million-dollar bodyguards and a huge security team. Once again, she’s an out-of-touch idiot.
She looks like Alexa from 50 First Dates! Ugh!
Eh. I’m not going to knock Madonna for saying “discrimination is bad.” But yeah – those arms. Just, wow. =:-O
Nobody likes to be lectured and she doesn’t really know much about the situation. That’s probably why they booed her. Reminds me of something I heard today: in Poland, ad agency replaced a black person’s face with a white face in a Microsoft ad.. simply because an ad featuring different an African-American doesn’t really make much sense in Eastern Europe where the population is almost 100% white, it’s just not relateable if you want to sell a product. Of course Americans instantly labeled the action “racist”..They just can’t think outside of their own context.
GAWD Man-arms Madonna Makes Me Miserable!!
How much work she put in those arms…
Madonna is oblivious. I am Romanian and she knows NOTHING about what’s going on here. I have nothing agains Roma people that live respectful lives, but living around gypsies all my life, I can tell you that:
– they stole my baby cousin (to sell her) – luckily, we got her back
– they mutilate even their own children and make them beg
– they steal all the time, they have no jobs, no will to get a job
– they don’t know how to read or write, they don’t go to school, even if the government gives them special places (an overwhelming number, actually, to make them go)
– they “go to bathroom” in the middle of the street – have seen it maybe 100 times and I live in a big, elite city
– they curse you, they spit on you (happened to me maybe 20 times) if you don;t give them money or for no reason whatsoever
– they pay no taxes, no nothing, they don’t even have ID, all they do is shoplift, steal, sell stolen products
– they are VERY violent, gypsy men touch young girls on the street, they slap you, grab your intimate parts (even the kids do so), they are extremely loud and very, very smelly
– they do not act with reason, they are illogical, wild people. you can not communicate with them, a conversation is just not possible, you will get hit.
I. AM. NOT. KIDDING. about any of this.
So now, how can Madonna lecture us about discrimination?
I would LOVE to be able to respect gypsies… but this is clearly a utopia.
That’s a really pretty dress…
…on someone else.
Soon no more Madonna; who will keep paying to see this skank. Bizzar sexual behavior, no one wants to see that from a Hag.
such a feminine dress on a man.
She was so pretty before! Why Madonna, why???
those arms…
I really doubt Madonna cares about the plight of the poor gypsies in Romania. She’s just jumping on another bandwagon to make herself seem politically progressive. It’s all for show. If she really cared, why not cancel your concert in protest? Of course not–that would cut into her huge profits. It’s always lip service with her. She’s nothing but a hypocrite.
@ Livia – took the words out of my mouth.
I’m American but I’m married to a Romanian and have visited Romania several times. From what I’ve seen and heard, Romanians hate gypsies. And your average Romanian would probably not take that as a negative stereotype. On a personal note, I thought the Roma were entertaining and exotic at first, but quickly discovered that all contact with them centered around begging. I still think they are fascinating but they are difficult to interact with. As the poster Well made clear, they are not at all integrated into the mainstream society and have a very, very different culture–to put it mildly.
Hmmmmm, I’m thinking the look is Eva Braun.
Hausfrau chic.
Should happen more often, to let this old has been know she should be doing 80’s retro shows, not trying to headline as a current star.
What’s up with her legs? They appear bumpy. Are they as veiny as her arms? That poor girl. She needs some kind of mental vacation from herself.
God, she is pathetic looking!
About those arms: Is she taking HGH or some kind of steroid as a youth serum?
I suspect the only thing Madonna knows about gypsies is her romanticized vision of campfires, caravans and their embroidered peasant blouses.
Forget her arms, she has shoulders like a football player.
She looks like a snotty, French grandma going to church whose favorite hobby is lifting weights.
I worked in Romania-there is alot of prejudice but Madge should stick to the singing
Well I am not surprised she was booed, who wants to see a 50 yr old hag running around half naked spewing their political views on everyone.
I love the old hag, but she should stick to music.She tought she was going to enlighting us with her words of wisdom, but she just annoyed us.
Madonna is such a hypocrite. She expects special treatment wherever she goes yet she preaches the opposite when it suits her.
Ash +1, they are dangerous, stealing, kindnapping children and raping. And when 2,000 of them move to a village of 4,000 you can’t imagine the result, devasting. Broken pipes (they need water, and don’t mind to get it this way), “improvised WC outdoor”, rests of food and dirty clothes left behind, a montain of garbage. 20 % of houses are robbed or at least have a broken door or window in the village. They let children (can’t be sentenced to jail) enter your house when you’re asleep and they take all they can carry. While the village have this “guests”, you can’t leave your children playing outdoor or go alone to school. You have to pay someone to get them from school if you work. Maybe Madonna could pay all the bills?
They go to the doctor with sick children with a man with a knife and don’t pay, the doc don’t ask, he’s too happy when they just leave. Orignally, they are from India and they don’t want to integrate at all. They speak a langage based on sanskrit + mix. They’re not from Europe, so in name of what Madonna’s is lecturing a European country, and never accepted to give up they terrible rules, polygamy and crimes, close to those of the sicilian mafia.
Madonna, take them with you to America: they refuse law, order, religion, school and work for 2,000 years, good luck to you. You’re not better or wiser than the others, the gipsy problem is insolved since 2,000 years, despite all admirable efforts on both parts (for exemple gipsy women would love to escape the controlling men and a chaotic life, alcohol and drugs and crime but they don’t let them go, they’re under control and they know too much). They could be killed if find.
After her kabala center for children in Africa (they need food and eduction not another ideology which could put their life in danger one day), Madonna’s behaviour is again a shame.
“Madonna is such a hypocrite. She expects special treatment wherever she goes yet she preaches the opposite when it suits her.”
Oh yes, Bambam, I’d love to see a Gypsy camp in fornt of Madaonna’s house, sorry castle, or 500 hundred homless unemployed African families camping in her field, and her children locked inside. In Europe this happens on a regular base and people try to help, as they can without Madonna’s sleeping millions) not to lecture the others.
Love Madonna’s shoes!
Gypsies are the parasites of our society. Madonna is a real dipsh*t for defending them. I hope her gypsy dancers rob her blind so she can open her eyes. Never did a more vile people walk the earth.
Reading the posts I find them strange. I’ve watched videos and read stories of the issues of Gypsies in Romania. I don’t profess to be an expert on the issue. I’m apprehensive in getting on the evil gypsy bandwagon. Reading these posts it reminds me of some of the things you’d hear in our country in the past (and even now) talking about certain ethnic groups. _______ steal. _______ don’t take baths. ________ rape women. ______ are lazy. Again I don’t live there but hearing generalized comments about a group of people make me cringe.
I won’t knock Madonna. There is clearly a problem whatever side you chose to sympathise with.
Please do not imply that gypsies are like any other ethnic group – there is simply no comparison whatsoever. I lived both in America and in Romania and all the ethnic groups I met were civilized, apart from gypsies. They simply do not listen to the laws of reason, God, government and so on. In my city I have seen at least 15-20 mutilated gypsy children – please tell me that they are all exceptions. What other ethnic group does that?? Not even animals do that.
So I suppose if Barack Obama were to visit Poland, their heads would explode because they’d never seen a black man before and wouldn’t know what to do with one as a head of state?
I suggest listening soul of samba with Marcio Local in Luakabop.Kiss.
…………….there is more to come.
anyway: I really like it,
Have the gipsy move to London and live outside her house.
We, Romanians, believe that new adventures and near absolute craziness new experiences are mostly recommended for pop stars who speak out of their behind.
Boy, would I love for her kids to apply to a magnet school and be told that even though they are “A” students, they cannot get in because of the ” D” gipsy student, who needs to feel like he belongs there too( poor thing). God forbid for the parents to do anything about the kids’ education.
But, Madonna, please go ahead and protect them…give them something…they will never leave you, be loyal to you and always come back to take more.
Oh yeah..and don’t expect them to pay for anything. Because they just deserve it…they are a ” minority”.
And, Madonna, if you don’t have any room for some poor gipsies…talk to Perez Hilton to help you….I heard Gays are really popular with gipsies. HE HE HE
I really waited Maddona’s concert in Bucharest but now, reading internet articles, I have to write these:
I don’t have anything against minorities or against people who are different. But don’t force me to see, listen or approve something I don’t like! This is a kind of discrimination against majority! Or, if you want a different interpretation, it is a way of fooling me suggesting something is wrong with me if I am a normal, common person. Anyway, who protect in these days the majority, the normal people?
Oh, dear. Madonna should spend time figuring out her body image problems (don´t tell me that a normal woman would want arms like hers) rather than preaching about things she has no clue about. A person who hasn´t ever REALLY met and lived near gypsies will NEVER understand what problems those folks cause. So PLEASE. Feel free to tell us about your music, movies, boyfriends who are half your age, whatever, but spare us from the oh-so-touching comments you have no idea about.
I’ve learned everything I need to know about gypsies from the movie, “Thinner” and both “Hostel” movies, thankyouverymuch.
@House mouse
“Madonna, take them with you to America” – We don’t want them! We have our own problems!!
Also, I agree with Well… gypsies cannot really be compared to anyone else. They are their own group and usually what is said about them are not stereotypes…it’s the way they are.
I’m not Romanian, but I’m a slav, and know alllll about them.
Madonna is an idiot for making remarks on something she really knows nothing about.
“She needs some kind of mental vacation from herself.”
“Madonna should spend time figuring out her body image problems (don´t tell me that a normal woman would want arms like hers)”
you guys are killing me today, seriously. LMAO!!
Bitch looks like Frau Blucer from Young Frankenstein! WWWEEEEHHH!!!! (horse whinnying)
She looks ridiculously ugly in this photo just like her real self. She deserved to be the booed. Talentless bitch.
Hey Look It’s Swiss Miss Crypt Kreeper.
Please! Someone in her inner circle tell her she is too old for what she is trying to pull off. She’s only doing this for ego. seems like it would be doing her ego harm, she’s old for entertainment. She has value as a mentor, as a woman that has lived and been there. As a sexy thing, give it up!