Gia, one of Angelina Jolie’s first major roles is getting re-released. Gia tells the true story of Gia Carangi, a lesbian supermodel who got addicted to heroin, and contracted AIDS from a shared needle. Gia died at the age of 26, and Angelina was all of 22 years old when she made the film. It was actually one of the first things I ever saw Angelina in – and she’s very, very good in it. Angelina ended up winning a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance, and the film won an Emmy for the best made-for-television film. I think the “re-release” hype is all about it being on High Definition now, and the fact that there are some vague promises of the lesbian love scenes (with Lost’s Elizabeth Mitchell!) being “uncensored”. In any case, it’s a good movie, and it’s worth a rental for those who haven’t seen it.
In one other piece of Angelina Jolie news, it seems that she and Brad were the only actors/Hollywood people who made the top ten of Vanity Fair’s annual “Establishment List” (for the complete list, go to Vanity Fair). Brangelina was ranked number eight, right behind Rupert Murdoch. Is Rupert Murdoch only slightly more powerful than Brangelina? Umm… here’s their entry:
8. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Actors, activistsLAST YEAR: 9.
STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: The tabloid-haunted, globe-trotting couple reminded us that they both can really act with Pitt’s Oscar-nominated performance in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Jolie’s in Clint Eastwood’s Changeling.
VOX POPULI: A campaign formed on the Web to recruit Pitt to run for New Orleans mayor even though Pitt hasn’t lived there the requisite five years—Pitt, 45, and Jolie, 34, spent $3.5 million for a French Quarter house in 2007. He isn’t even registered to vote there, and when asked by the Today show’s Ann Curry whether he would enter the election, he replied, “I’m running on the gay-marriage, no-religion, legalization-and-taxation-on-marijuana platform. I don’t have a chance.”
BRAGGING RIGHTS: Jolie’s $27 million in earnings put her atop this year’s Forbes “Celebrity 100” list and ahead of erstwhile romantic rival Jennifer Aniston (who was quoted in Vogue as saying that it was “uncool” for Jolie to talk about how her relationship with Pitt developed while he was married to Aniston). Pitt, meanwhile, scored box office success with Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.
LATEST ACTS OF DO-GOODERY: The couple’s foundation donated $1 million to the United Nations to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees from violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan. It also donated $1 million for a cancer center in Springfield, Missouri, named after Pitt’s mother, Jane. Pitt gave $100,000 to the No on Prop 8 campaign in California and said that he and Jolie won’t get married until gay people can, too.
[From Vanity Fair]
Some others who made the list were Bono (#34), Tom Hanks (#35), Oprah Winfrey (#38), George Clooney (#39), and Robert DeNiro (#47). Twilight author Stephanie Meyer made the 82nd spot… but alas, Robert Pattinson didn’t make the “Establishment List”. He’ll just have to be happy with being number one on every Twihard’s “Best Imaginary Kiss” List.
An excellent movie.
Very good, heartbreaking movie. I didn’t realize she was so young when she made it!
whoa. do those pics mean she now has breast implants?
they look a little bit bigger than that these days.
agreed she was great in that movie…for the same reason she was great in “Girl, Interrupted”.
she plays a “crazy”, something at which she excels. other roles…not so much.
Gia’s story is very heartbreaking and Jolie’s portrayal of her in this is incredible. It’s up there with her role in Girl Interrupted.
I agree, very good film. Before AJ had lots of work done, and become such a fakey.
I am sorry, but I thought that the movie was terrible and very cheaply done. She was no Gia, and her acting was just awful
Read the actual book.
Thank you! -_- Amateurish movie and acting.
Yes, her acting was so awful she won Best Actress at the Golden Globes and it launched her mainstream career.
I disagree. I thought the movie was very well done and that she did a great job.
But I do agree that movies that don’t match your version of a book you love can be awful. I rarely see movie adaptions because I like to keep the book in my mind exactly as it is.
Her boobs are probably bigger cuz she had kids. I know mine are.
She was really amazing in that movie. Her performance was totally electric.
I miss the old Angelina–the girl with some meat on her bones.
In what way does Angie’s body above look any different (except for the boobs) than her body today?
She’s much, much thinner now. At least IMO, anyway.
She had implats when she did croft.
Actually, she said in an interview that she wore padded bras for croft. The bigger boobs after that were probably from babies. I gained TWO cups sizes. One for each child.
I’ll pass. I believe RT gave it 12% = )
@Diane …
The RT rating for the 1998 film “Gia” with Angelina Jolie is 92%.
You can tell in the Picture of the Movie Poster, she already had a nose job, and she has never had a great body, she is just overly “hipped”.
Make up does wonders.
i also thought she was terrible in it….
and you can tell from this movie to her current ones how much plastic surgery she has had
…mila kunis played a young gia and is still so pretty
What bs. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie 92%. I swear some of the hate shown for Angie is ridiculous. It’s the same ole’ people spewing the same ole’ hate over and over. You’d think they would get tired of repeating themselves like dumb animals. But, I guess no one else can stand to be around these people so they spend their time on the internet trashing lame celebs.
movie fan: the alternative, I guess, is spending time on the internet protecting lame celebs from anonymous people who make comments for fun. I’m sure the celebs totally appreciate your efforts.
I can’t remember if Gia or Hackers was the first movie I saw Angelina in, but I definitely enjoyed them both. And to me (admittedly no expert) while it appears she may have refined her nose a tiny bit, I don’t really see a lot of plastic surgery in comparisons of then and now.
So Movie Fan, what are you doing in this site?
Movie Fan, Thank you.
I can’t figure out how someone can hate someone they don’t even know personally.
Sounds like jealousy to me.
She has no waist.
The story behind the movie is fascinating. I thought she was very good in it, partially because, as in Girl Interrupted, it seems that her personality type is similar, tho not as extreme, as the disturbed women she plays.
She was f*cking amazing in this movie. Seriously. And anyone who says she wasn’t, well… I just can’t explain it.
Admittedly, it has a very low-budget feel, and it wasn’t the greatest movie in the world, but her acting was great in it.
She didn’t just play “crazy” either. There was a heartbreaking depth to this character (unlike Girl, Interrupted in my opinion). She was so vulnerable in this.
I think playing Gia really really affected her personal life (not in a good way) for quite a while. It seems like she’s finally shaken this role off lately. If I had to pick someone to be haunted by, it sure as hell wouldn’t be Gia.
She was great in this movie, even if it was low budget, it proved to the industry that she has acting chops.
I wish she’d do more stuff like Gia, the Changeling, etc. than Wanted, Salt, Laura Croft, Panty Raider, etc.
Girl can ACT. When she wants to.
I agree Zoe. I thought she was stunning, absolutely killer in this film. The film was SO moving and sad.
I wish she would take more roles like this but I don’t think they come around that often. And, her looks are a bit exotic so there’s only so many roles she can do.
The nose is more refined, but it also looks like she’s had jaw implants. (Yes, there really is such a thing).
I simply LOVE Angelina, anything she’s in I’ll watch.
That movie is amazing and she is perfect in it. The desperation she conveys is brilliant. I miss that free spirited Angie! But I guess everyone grows up.
wow, Angie’s body is really not so great, it is kind of bad really. Wow. She should keep her clothes on.
I totally agree, great face, body… No curves
Diane: I believe RT gave it 12% = )
What’s the point of saying something as stupid as that when it’s easily checked on the RT website? RT gave Gia 92%. Deal with it.
“dumb animals”…movie fan you s*ck!
Oh for heaven’s sake, she has not had jaw implants. LOL! When you get older (and thinner) your facial bones protrude more. Her face looks just as square here as it does now, just less defined. And yes, she has had breast implants since this movie.
Pretty much a stick figure, eh? No wonder she prefers drapey shapeless dresses. I do like her long thin arms though.
Objectively, she was very good in this movie. What a heart breaking story.
She was great in that movie. One of my favorites. I need to watch it again.
I’m so tired of people saying she got her boobs done for the Lara Croft movies. She stuffed her bra for that movie. They weren’t even as big as the character’s are in the game.
They don’t look fake to me. They have a natural hang to them.
OH BOY!! It will be on DVD now, so you can pause it exactly on the ahem! important parts. Shanny, you must be a brick shit house huh? She looks totally doable to me.
Great movie! I’ve tivo’d it twice and enjoyed it both times.
Um,you can ‘get’ a waist-with yoga,pilates,etc.her body here looks like she didn’t excercise much,and perhaps was even doing drugs herself at that time. just saying-body shapes do change based on nutrition,excercise type and level,and lifestyle.
anyway,i didnt see this film,and haven’t seen her in much-don’t think she’s great as an actress,to be honest.
But she is glamerous and exotic;this makes her beautiful and sexy. something about her….no need to pick her apart body area by body area! again,i’m not defending,just saying it sounds stupid,b/c she has never been one to tout her own beauty or claim to be one. vampy,yes,but industry beautiful,no.
I liked Angie in this movie, because the didn’t look waxy & plastic,like she does now. I thought the acting was outstanding, and very authentic.
hey OrangeJulius, good to see you.
Jaw implants, really? God that sounds painful. And disgusting. Seriously, if you looked like her (and maybe you do), would you risk that face to some knife wielding Doctor who could ruin it with scars?
She definitely looked like she was dipping into the Botox or some hell there for awhile, but it looks like she’s come to her senses on that;
I don’t even think she got a tummy tuck after the twins were born.
I really don’t think she’s had any work done, she seems way too secure/independent to be pressured to go under the knife.
I kind of wish someone would just ask her, because I think she’d just tell them if they asked (unlike *cough* Demi).
I’m baffled as to why people are saying she has had tons of surgery. Angelina pretty much looks the same. The only difference I see is she’s a slighty thinner, mostly in the face. The pictures also show Angelina has always had thin arms. She didn’t get implants for Tomb Raider. It was the bra and photoshopped posters. Didn’t Taking Lives come out after Tomb Raider? She does a nude scene and it’s obvious that she didn’t have implants.
Great movie. While I think the term “Brangeloonie” is pretty funny, I definitely think there should also be a term for the Aniston lovers out there. They can be really vicious.
We call them Jen-Hens.
They whine and pout about us being ‘mean and hateful’ to Jen if we say her hair looks dry, but they get down and dirty when talking about Angie. It’s always been that way.
She didn’t get breast implants for Tomb Raider. She wore a padded pair that had some of those push up pads in it.
“Girl;Interrupted” is my favorite movie with Angelina in it. Her acting was amazing in my opinion.
eversince Angelina is already thin. now everyone is claiming she lost a lot of weight.
Her figure is almost the same until now. I like this actress. lots of women wants to look like her.those lips.. brad is so lucky.
kevin, don’t know what a brick shit house is but I certainly would not want to trade bodies with her. There is also a big difference between doable and hot, nice compliment you gave her, doable, I agree, she is doable but she does not have a hot body at all unless you don’t like any ass whatsoever and nasty thighs, no hips and tits pointing in two different directions.
I don’t think it is hate when people are expressing opinions about her. IMO, I think she is a terrible actress and before anyone says anything, I am not an Aniston fan.
Not everyone has to like Jolie’s acting and not everyone has to avoid the threads if they don’t like her either. This is a celeb site where we are all free to voice our opinions on any thread we choose.
People are much to cruel about her body…women are judge way too harshly, I see that more and more now.
I think she was wonderful in that movie and many others. She did not have breast implants for TR.. people should really check facts before making crazy claims.. She and the Director said that they stuffed her bra.. If you look at earlier pictures of her her body is the same. She has always been thin. And nobody said anything until she and Brad got together then the attacks. She lost a lot of weight after her mother died.. understandable. But I think she looks great. JMO.. And no criticizing is not hate. but I just don’t like that she and Brad get attacked for things that other celebs are doing. That when it happens is hate.. and I don’t care a fig about Aniston. She should no longer be mentioned in the same sentence as these people.. I mean we are going on 6 years for Gosh sake. Time to cut the damn cord. But I don’t have Gia in my collection.. Will go out to buy it. My hope is Doug Liman releases M&MS.. and puts in some of the good stuff he SO left out.. the fans will eat it up.. Well I would def. buy it..
Have a good one folks..
Lara Croft was ROBBED.
kaiser always writes all the jolie/pitt articles, huh? …
The second pix is not even from GIA. UGH! I love that movie way too much for a straight chick… and of course you gotta hand it to her haters… for whatever reason they always gotta be all up on Jolie. She is my favorite Actress and I think she has a great NATURAL body when she’s not super skinny.
btw, I hate Brangelina. Can’t stand worst actor alive and cheater Brad Pitt.
Firestartr, you’re the one who brought up Aniston on a Jolie thread last time? You said negative stuff about Angelina isn’t believed, but if it’s about Aniston, it is believed. You aren’t a Jen fan but bring her up to defend her? Sure. I’m a fan of Brad and I admit it. So what. And, I know you dislike Brad/Angie. You’ve only repeated that point about a 1000 times. whatever
oh , and btw, her boobs and body looked different in tomb raider because she actually had to get healthy and workout for that role. You can see her workout routine on Youtube. LoL
Of course she was good in it; it’s her life story!
patty phee….. yes, she does… EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM…. lol
I always laugh when I hear people disecting celeb’s bodies. I think you’re probably all fat or you wouldn’t talk like that.
Oh yeah and your little girls who hear you talk like that will probably get eating disorders. Maybe you should chew on that.
@Whatever- I am so glad you have such insight to my likes and dislikes.
You found me out, I am a closet Aniston fan, something until you and your great investigative skills uncovered, I was NOT even aware of.
Keep up that dossier of my posts, and please follow me from thread to thread to out me at every chance you have!
It would be great, however, if you would actually READ my posts and understand their meaning, instead of just assuming things, having no idea what you are talking about.
Have a supper holiday weekend!
Fire, 1st you say I follow you, then you say I need to read your posts carefully?? Ok, here goes. You say Jolie is a terrible actress, it’s just your opinion, but you need to repeat it 500 times, but you also need to bring up and defend Aniston also. You aren’t saying anything new other than proving you are a little bit contradictory and/or nutty. And, that’s my opinion.
compare previuos photos and now you can see she made plastic surgery on her nose and notice her right hand in the photo where she is with a bra…. she doesn’t have this dark stain anymore..
@Whatever- Oh and you are also one to diagnose psychiatric illnesses. You have so many talents!
Seems to me there are a lot of people on this site who say the same things over and over, including you. The fact that you feel the need to constantly comment on MY posts goes to prove that you may want to turn around and diagonose yourself .
Have a great day. Trolls are fun at first but then become tiresome. Please leave me alone and do not read my posts as I will certainly no be taking the time to read yours in the future.
Yeah, it does look like she had her nose done. Who knows–maybe, she had a (cough, cough) “deviated septum” and can now “sleep like a baby.” Hahaha
As for the rest, she looks like she had some baby fat, and her face is thinner now. It’s called weight loss and aging.
I don’t think she’s had other major work.
Vermithrax: Lara Croft was ROBBED.
Of what? I like Angelina but Lara Croft was kind of a crappy movie.
Sorry to have struck a nerve. You go after people for what they have to say, but obviously can’t take it when someone else does likewise. I could care less what you think. Call me a troll or whatever, but I will respond as I see fit, as you do yourself.
I don’t care what people say about her, I thought she was AMAZING in this movie. I love her acting. I think she’s magnetic on screen.
Her body is really wierd. I tought it had been disfigured by the twin’s birth. I guess she just has no curves or hips. Shame.
Good movie. There really isn’t anyone like AJ. For me she’s more old time Hollywood. I remember being struck with her beauty and her body. Whether she’s had some tweaks surgerywise here and there who cares. The raw material of AJ is still gorgeous.
I loved her in this movie.
Lovely woman and excellent as Gia. I remember seeing this flick when it was still new & I had no idea who AJ was. I remember thinking she was truly wonderful in the role.
Girl, Interrupted? Horrible, horrible movie, poorly written and poorly acted. I never understood why she received the raves she did for that incredibly awful piece of work.
Holie Schitt what a NASTY body.
poor Brad, it has to look even worse now days.
Brad is old, fat and wrinkly, Angie has a nasty body. So obviously their relationship is based on more than physical appearances,Shared goals and interests .How refreshing
this movie is in my top 5. i first saw her in foxfire and fell in love with her. when Gia came out i fell in love with her all over again.
something about her rebellious, broken spirit, and innocent desperation, that i connected with. it was all kind of downhill after Gia for me.
in regards to her physical appearance, i think she’s perfect. why does everyone hate on her so much? really.
no waist.. at all
No hips, no waist. Chicken arms. For all of you that say angelina has not had inplants how do you explain the fact that she has an eating disorder, is virtually emaciated and yet the size of her tits remain overly plump??? IMPLANTS
Wake up.
For all the people dissing her body — she has said repeatedly in interviews that she does NOT think her body is great and has specifically mentioned her super long, thin limbs and her straight shape.
She hasn’t made a career out of being a great body like so many of her generation – she has an amazing face and can act (better in some movies than others). I think she portrays a tough gal better than most.
She was so good in this film. I loved her for this role before she was famous. An amazing actress and film. Mila Kunis played the young Angelina Jolie, too!