Heidi Klum is the cover girl for the first quarterly issue of Page Six Magazine, which will likely be some kind of supplement with the daily New York Post newspaper. The cover shot of Heidi is lovely, I think. Well, her roots are a little sketchy, but the image sort of reminds me of something sort of washed out, yet interesting, like a painting Andy Warhol would have done of Heidi. I like the very subtle, almost imperceptible hint of butt crack. Classy!
In the interview, Heidi talks about how she has no idea what the senile, old hater-toad Karl Lagerfeld meant when he started disrespecting Heidi left and right. Karl told the press that Heidi “was never in Paris, we don’t know her.” Karl went on to attack Heidi’s husband, Seal for his discoid lupus erythematosus, which is why his skin is pock-marked. Karl snotted: “I am no dermatologist but I wouldn’t want his skin. Mine looks better than his. He is covered in craters.” After that, Heidi stayed pretty cool, for the most part ignoring the Fussy Orange Anger-Bear. Heidi’s basic response in this interview is “Karl is insane. Meh.”
On the cover of the first quarterly edition of Page Six Magazine, free inside the New York Post on September 10, “Project Runway” co-host Heidi Klum is “unzipped” like you’ve never seen her before. The exclusive pictures by Rankin were shot when Heidi was three months pregnant with her fourth child.
On Karl Lagerfeld’s comments that he’d never heard of her and didn’t know who she was:“I don’t know why [Karl] said that. Maybe he wanted to be in the paper? Maybe he doesn’t understand what I do? It’s bizarre to me that he says he doesn’t know who I am because he’s dressed me in the past. I’ve worn Karl Lagerfeld. Not even Chanel—his line. Lagerfeld doesn’t just send random things everywhere, so it was a big thing for me [to wear his label] to the CFDA Awards a few years ago. I don’t know how he missed that, when he dressed me that time. But you know, it’s cool. People can say whatever they want to say. You can’t please everybody, and you can’t live your life wanting to please everybody either.”
On pregnancy, the fourth time around:“It’s hard when you don’t fit in your things anymore. The last month is unbelievable, how rapidly your stomach goes. It’s huge. The thighs, the butt—everything explodes in the end. But it’s bizarre. Just as it’s a miracle that you can grow a human being in your belly, it’s a miracle that your body goes back to normal again. I don’t think you ever get back to exactly the way you were, but you do get close. And I’m happy with that. Especially when you see your kid for the first time.”
On knowing that husband Seal was “The One”:“Aside from his sexy stature? He’s a gentle giant. [Seal is six- foot-three-and-a-half.] We’re very into family values. If you come to our house in L.A., you’ll see that it’s not a big, museum-like house where you can’t touch anything or sit anywhere. It’s a family house, where three children [Leni, Henry, 4; and Johann, 3] are living. We have toys all over the place.”
On keeping her distance from the “Project Runway” models:
“Otherwise, I’d get too attached, and I’d take their life story into consideration, which I don’t want to do. Either I like the clothes or I don’t. I don’t want to know that you live with your sick mother. I don’t want to feel badly because they have a sad story, like, ‘Poor thing, let’s keep him on.’ ”
[From Page Six Magazine via Cover Awards]
“Everything explodes”? Oh, that does not sound good. That actually makes me feel a little barfy. Oh… deep breaths. Must. Not. Think. Of. Body. Explosions. Anyway, Heidi’s due any day now, I think – which means the little girl will probably be a Virgo baby! Yeah! Virgos unite! Of course, the Virgo cut-off is September 22, so the baby could end up a Libra. But with Heidi’s “exploding” body (So. Nauseous.) I hope she has the baby sooner rather than later.
My mom and I have been trying to figure out when exactly this current season of Project Runway was filmed. I think it was probably the fall of 2008. My mom called me, sort of frantic, when the first episode aired, yelling “What happened to Heidi’s pregnant tummy? Did she already have the baby? What happened?” I’m totally into this season so far – and I’m loving how quickly the judges are cutting out the dead weight contestants. Right now my money is on Sharin, at least for the final three.
Here’s Heidi with Henry and Leni and a nanny shopping at The Grove after martial arts class last Tuesday in Los Angeles. Images thanks to WENN.com .
Heidi appears to be natural, nothing contrived, no drama. I like that = )
Karl reminds me of my grandfather on his death bed. Sputtering, nasty, incoherent, and blissfully unaware of what an old fool he was making himself out to be.
How cranky they when ( it is flacced ) and no one kisses up to you.
no one, NO ONE disrespects heidi! shes so great! one of the most down to earth celeb`s out there! how dare karl say that mean stuff! w.e dude! you go heidi!
She has roots showing in her hair because it’s known to be unsafe for women to color their hair while pregnant. Good for her for watching out for the baby.
Rebecca Romijn was probably about 5 months pregnant during the filming of Project Runway and if memory serves me correctly, her twins were born in January. Not too hard to figure out.
And if you look at ALL of Heidi’s pregnancies, she colors her hair the whole time… Not like she staves off for the baby. And most doctors will tell you it’s fine to color your hair. That was more of a problem about 15 years ago, as opposed to today.
…So that means she let her roots grow a bit… AND? Isn’t she allowed to be human too? She’s got like 15 kids, something’s gotta go sometime.
Good on her for not rising to the bait.. she handled it so well.
I can vouch that your body explodes whilst pregnant. I’m nearly 4 months with twins and I have a huge tummy and thighs already – I weighed about 8.5 stone before I got pregnant and 4 months later I have put on at least a stone and a half!!
Karl Lagerfeld is just an old German sadist. He and his designs are overrated. He came second to Yves St Laurent in a design competition as a young fashion designer. Now that YSL is no longer with us, Karl thinks he rules the roost.
He is a decrepit unpleasant superficial man.
im not entirely sure why you’re so nausious when she uses explodes to describe how your body changes and gets biger during pregnancy…
why is karl having such a hissy-fit lately? i think he needs to get laid.
Karl Lagerfeld and the epitome of a disaster a.k.a Heidi-Dumb-Klum are two directions which will never meet in any end. This would be known by anyone with an ounce of sense of fashion, class and knowledge of this world. Karl Lagerfeld is no “old german sadist”, but a man who has taken a a lot on in his life on his shoulders as a burden, endured it own his own and never for once, resorted to cheap glietterati lingerie as a publicity stunt. He has ALWAYS maintained a very private zone for his personal life, so private that very few apart from the addicted fans would know much about that part of his life. Which is, most definetely, a far far cry from having your husband sing some no-good balet of a song while you walk down in clothes(aparently) on a runway which are covered more in shiny swaroskis than fabric hiding your derriere.
I’m sorry, but yes, Mr.Lagerfeld is absolutely right in condoning that Klum is, if nothing else, tad too busty for being in the profession of modelling.
In fact, if I do remember correctly, she has been in an Ad campaign for Victoria’s Secret for the their plus size cup range in their under wired brassier’s of some sort.
so, lol, but I rest my case.