To all the ladies out there who are attempting to land Hugh Hefner, you should be warned: Hugh demands absolute fidelity. Sure, he won’t give you much back – unless you consider sleeping with slightly fewer implanted girls to be fidelity – but you sure as hell better keep your legs crossed 24/7, unless Hef’s the one granted access. So if you cheat on him, he will divorce you. Don’t think Hef will be cuckolded. He may wait through 11 years of estrangement, but he will leave you. That’s what Kimberly Conrad just found out.
Hugh Hefner claims his soon-to-be ex-wife Kimberley Conrad cheated on him before their marriage fell apart — but that’s not why he’s finally demanding a divorce.
TMZ just spoke with the Playboy kingpin, who told us he made the decision to officially break it off with his estranged wife, and mother of his two children, strictly because she filed a $5 million lawsuit against him last month relating to the sale of a house they owned together.
As for why he had stayed married during the 11-years they have been estranged, Hef says, “At the time of the separation, I was happy to get a divorce … I only remained married for the sake of the children at her request.”
Hef told us that he was “faithful” during the time they were together, but says Kim had cheated on him “early in the relationship.” Hef says he knows who the other person is, but would not reveal the identity.
Hef did reveal his frustrations with the lawsuit — claiming he has paid Kimberley every cent that he agreed to pay her in their prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, adding, “I have been generous to a fault.”
[From TMZ]
Earlier this year there were rumors that Hef and Kimberly were secretly together again. Maybe that had something to do with all this.
I have a really hard time believing that Hugh Hefner was totally faithful during their marriage. I just doubt the guy can do it, though I also appreciate that he generally is open and honest about his lifestyle. So many things about the situation with Kimberly Conrad are strange. I mean she lives in a house on the Playboy mansion’s property. Which is separated from the grounds by a hedges or some such thing, for the sake of their grown sons. But clearly Kim and Hef had an amicable situation that worked for them for a long, long time. Their happy estrangement was successful longer than most Hollywood marriages.
And while I certainly don’t believe every word out of Hef’s mouth, by most accounts he has been generous with Kimberly, and there’s no reason to believe she’s ever wanted for anything. And he did stay technically married to her, which I guess is what she wanted. You could easily argue that didn’t help their sons at all, but who knows. It just seems strange for her to suddenly get so pissed off about this house sale. And all he’s got to do is file for divorce. She obviously knew he could do that. It feels like there are still a lot of holes in this story.

I’m sorry but everyone knows she didn’t marry him for his good looks and personality. Give him some slack, what did she think she was getting into? A real relationship?
I think he probably did stay faithful for the time they were together until they’re separation. And I bet he takes care of his boys, his daughter works at Playboy, the boys probably will some day too.
All i can see in my mind’s eye right now is a seething Holly. If only she had waited another year or two she might have gotten what she always wanted.-Though I don’t see him marrying again, if he were to I bet it would have been Holly. The only one who loved him (not in a grandfather sorta way as I believer Kendra had put it before).
Hugh claimed his first wife was unfaithful as well. If he is as liberal as he maintains, What, no forgiveness?
I am with you obvious, Holly must be mad as a wet hen.
Why sell the house now? His ex to be and children must consider it home. Maybe the boys have moved out and the agreement was she would too? She certainly has got a lot more support than most separated spouses, but this does seem so sudden.
I heard he sold the house as soon as the youngest was headed off to college.
She stayed married to him for the MONEY. not the Kids. Listen to her interview on Hef’s E! THS, she’s such a gold digger entitlement whore
taylorb i feel i must tell you that as a keeper of hens, they love the rain and the hose. in my experience wet hens are happy hens. 🙂 now maybe him and holly will get back together – that would make me happy!
Wow. That’s just. . . wow.
The hens are best hosed down by the poolboy and not the wrinkled old farmer.
He just gets more embarrassing each year and she was a gold digger from the start. There’s a saying, ‘you get what you deserve’ in relationships. They got what they deserved.
Inside scoop.. His ex wife has been shacking up with Quincy Jones for years.
Hef has always maintained a sterling example of upstanding morals and dignity for his two sons. Hef has treated all his women to free breast implants, nose-jobs and liposuction, no finer example of generosity or graciousness exists. Hef moved all those beautiful genetically gifted women into his home a stones toss away from where his two minor sons lived with their mother so they could witness the consideration and unhindered kindness of their father when he took in those poor homeless young women, supported them and provided them with generous clothing optional allowances.
Thank you, Levi!
God Digger from the start and why not.
Hef only married her because Carrie Leigh
left him and now he is left with the debt of his making. This is like a vulture eating it’s own. The big question is why has she sat on her ass for twenty years and not made anything of herself. And all you women rights people don;t tell me she was raising children, we all do that.
I also dig God Susan. What’s not to like?
Kimberly Hefner is UGLY, even that old man can do better. If these are promo pictures can you imagine what she really looks like. UGLY outside and her actions are UGLY inside.
Kim Conrad’s name is really Kim Coonradt
and she worked in Vancouver B.C. as a hostess in a bar only months before finally gold digging with the Hef.
Face it, the story is not a new one…just a little grosser than most.
He’s gross, she’s gross. The whole sordid thing’s gross.