As we reported yesterday, Jessica Simpson’s sweet little fur baby Daisy was “taken” by a coyote right in front of her eyes at her Calabasas, California home. When the coyote grabbed Daisy, Jessica Twittered the drama, writing “A coyote took my precious Daisy right in front of our eyes. HORROR! We are searching. Hoping. Please help!” Some chose to snark a little about how coyotes don’t have Twitter accounts (funny, y’all), while others seemed to have genuine sympathy for Jessica’s ordeal. While I kind of thought Jessica had acknowledged that Daisy had about a 99.9% chance of being coyote food, it seems I jumped the gun. Sources tell TMZ that Jessica thinks there’s a chance Daisy could be out there, because her little Malti-Poo is a “fighter” and may have escaped. And now Jessica has even gotten FindToto involved – an organization that’s basically like the “Amber Alert” of pets:
Jessica Simpson is determined to find Daisy, her five-year-old maltipoo that was snatched by a coyote outside her Los Angeles home Tuesday.
In addition to posting the pooch’s disappearance on Twitter, she’s also working with professional pet finders FindToto.com, Colleen Busch, the company’s director of public relations, tells Usmagazine.com.
“We’re kind of an amber alert for missing pets. We took the address of where Daisy went missing and we used that as a bullseye,” Busch tells Us. “We called 1,000 neighbors in the surrounding area [Wednesday morning] and sent out a 30-second message with details about Daisy and her disappearance, and details on how to get in touch with Jessica’s assistant.
Busch says the company — which also helped Victoria’s Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio find her missing pooch — “thinks Daisy might be injured. The calls get people on high alert to check their back yard, check under their deck.” (Celeb dog trainer Jennifer McCarthy told Us Tuesday she feared the pup, a gift from Nick Lachey, had been eaten.)
Normally, FindToto.com would charge $175 for the service, but they offered to help the singer for free, Busch says. Simpson, 29, is grateful.
“She emailed us to tell us, ‘Thank you.’ I think it’s been a devastating experience for everyone in her camp,” Busch says. “It sounds very upsetting. She was very appreciative and thankful we offered to help.”
[From Us Weekly]
Oh, this is too sad. Isn’t someone going to tell Jessica that her dog is gone? I know it hurts, I know it sucks. But why drag it out? It’s just tragic, especially considering Jessica saw the coyote with Daisy – it’s not like Daisy simply went missing. I don’t care how “fast” Daisy is, that coyote is going to eat her. And, by the way, why isn’t Jessica being charged for FindToto’s service? She can afford it. Probably because FindToto is getting a lot of free advertising off of Daisy’s tragic death. Aw… poor Jess.

How long have the dog have been missing? because Jessica is in Brazil since the 10 of september (maybe even before the 8) filming her new show. I doubt that dog is alive and if it survive the attack the dog already die from the lost of blood.
QB – she’s back in California. She was only in Brazil for a few days.
This is probably her last link to Nick which makes it all the more painful to her … but I think for her once she accepts the fact that her Daisy is gone she may fall to pieces .. this has been a bad year for her.
well it doesn’t matter whether the dog is gone or not… you can’t just quit searching… first, how can you live with yourself if you did… secondly, it would just look really bad if she didn’t at least give it a try…
I think everyone is allowed to have a certain period of hope when someone or something goes missing before giving up.
I’m fairly certain the coyote didn’t just “take” Daisy lovingly between it’s gums and scamper back to it’s den and gently place her at the feet of the pups for them all to play.
I really feel for her – that’s so horrible!
Oh, no. This just makes it even sadder. I wish I were wrong, but I think it’s safe to say Daisy is dead. She shouldn’t torture herself with false hopes.
I dunno. I feel like this is one time when we really should back off poor Jess. She’s not clever, but this sucks. She loved that dog a lot, and it’s not like it’s hurting anyone for her to hold out a little hope.
And yeah, FindToto is doing it for free because she’s famous and it’s publicity for them. Is it somehow worse now than it is in the ‘gifting suites’ at an awards show? Celebrities have more money than most of us, but they get loads of free stuff. This is not new.
Don’t you think if the dog was really taken by a coyote it’s been dead since the coyote took it?
I am sorry for JS. That is such a bummer. I had a dog for a long time and losing her to old age was hard enough.
Jessica usually grates on me, but in this case, my heart really goes out to her. It’s hard enough to lose a beloved pet, but to do in such a violent way is just devastating.
Does this idiot really think the coyote that ate her dog is going to cough it up for return?? Pitiful!
I feel really bad for her, the situation sucks and it’s a hard thing to go through. In a way I understand wanting to do everything possible and keep looking, but at the same time, I can’t imagine that the poor dog survived.
While the group sounds good and maybe occasionally does find lost pets, it almost seems like they’re taking advantage of her for the publicity. If the dog had just disappeared or ran off or whatever, then they’d be perfect for helping find it. But that’s not what happened here, sadly, and I feel like they’re giving her false hope in an effort to get publicity and drum up business. That’s not cool. (and yes, celebs who make millions should pay for services like everyone else does.)
I’m fairly certain the coyote didn’t just “take” Daisy lovingly between it’s gums and scamper back to it’s den and gently place her at the feet of the pups for them all to play.
No, but the coyote may have taken Daisy between ITS gums and brought her to ITS den.
I feel so sorry for her. I would be absolutely traumatized if I saw that happen to my dog. I wouldn’t even have to see it to be traumatized, just knowing would be enough. I hope there is a good ending even though it seems unlikely. I would continue searching too until I lost all hope.
“Isn’t someone going to tell Jessica that her dog is gone?” Right, they’ll do that around the same time they tell her that her career is gone (if it ever was there to begin with).
The one thing that I think is a little bit different than gifting suites is what they are offering and the fact they approached her. By coming to her they are saying we really believe Daisy is alive and we are willing to give tons of time and effort to find her. It is just false hope that might make it harder to accept it and move on. They are focused on their own gain and without caring about how it will affect Jessica. So it is a little bit different than free shoes, but not surprising by any means.
Edit: Sorry Lucy I didn’t read your post first! I totally agree.
What I want to know is if they are going above and beyond what they normally do because she is a celebrity. 1,000 phone calls seems excessive to me. But they got what they wanted, I did not know they was such a service until now.
I feel for her and all, but I am still baffled as to how a coyote can take her dog right in front of her like that. If she knew coyotes were in the area why would she just have her dog easily accessable to them. I just don’t get that. Even when my dog is around a group of same size dogs, I pick her up and carry her because you never know. Orotect your pet. There’s pictures of her carrying Daisy in airports and out and about, so why wouldn’t she extend that same kind of cautiousness when there are dangerous coyotes around.
I feel sorry for her grief, but not her stupidity.
The dog is dead. No way in hell it had a chance against a coyote. There are coyotes in my area and there have been a few dogs who have been killed by them. Coyotes don’t kill simply to eat–they kill simply to kill. They are dangerous animals and they definitely run way faster than a maltipoo.
I’m sorry for Jessica because if this happened to my dog, I’d be devastated. I just hope she doesn’t remain in denial for long.
Read some scary stuff about coyotes online. They have been known to track larger prey for as long as 21 days waiting for the best opportunity to strike. They are very clever. Daisy sadly is long gone. She would have suffocated from the coyoye’s jaws clamping her airway shut. Dog owners have to be vigilant more than ever.
Maybe her next investment should be a pitbull. That would show those coyotes.
Amy is right and it is unprofessional of these companies to take her money if they know this dog was snatched by a coyote. The dog was a snack and is now gone. Very sad and I feel badly for her, but anyone giving her hope is just lying.
I am in no way comparing the loss of a pet to that of a child, but, if you lost a child you would do everything for the safe return of that child right? Her dog is the only thing in her life. I can understand her actions.
I feel your sentiment. Pets are sweet, innocent and vulnerable like children. For animal lovers they invoke many strong emotions and bonds, the need to protect them and a strong sense of guilt if anything happens to them. People can mock her for hoping her dog is still alive, but I actually have more respect for her. She really gives a sh*t even though other people will belittle her because it’s just a dog.
i agree with kris.
but i have to say that i can’t understand people who rate human beings higher than an animal. what right do we have to say we are more important?
so i would do everything to find that dog if i were her and i would always have hope.
i really really hope that daisy could escape somehow…i know the chances are not pretty good…but i really hope there is some kind of miracle…because this is really sad.
i don’t know about jessica simpsons location…but how can you let a dog running around when coyotes can get near your dog?
Now now FFS. I know the “it’s” was maddening but spelling and grammar are not given much time or priority in schools these days. Sometimes you just have to let these things go even though it is annoying. What bothers me most is how people are now doing this sort of thing all the time – “BANANA’S FOR SALE”…..now that drives me mad!!!
I’m sorry, she Twittered it as it happened? Did I read that right? I hate Twitter so much.
wow is right. If you live in an area that is prone to coyote attacks, be more mindful of your own animals and when they are outside and vunerable.
Tragic for the dog. As for Jessica, I am sure she is devastated but this girl is beyond stupid.
But it does bring her a great deal of publicity and sympathy.
awww…thoughts & prayers. 🙁
Unless that wild animal abducted Daisey to be his personal bitch (female dog ya’ll) the only way Jess is gonna find her is as a fuzzy brown pyramid.
I don’t have a drop of sympathy for her. That dog is gone and it’s time for her to movie on. Jessica seem to have many issues with moving on in her life.
Many of us grown ups have to face hard realities in life and she need to start facing some to. Jessica please drop that dipsy dumb blond act. I agree with what someone else said on another post, if that dog is found alive then this was a publicity trick.
Is it me or does she look different in the photo? I nearly thought it was Mandy Moore!
While the likelihood of her dog being found is slim, I completely understand not giving up hope. Sad situation all the way around.
This is horrific. Many healing hugs to Jessica.
As an avid animal lover, I do feel sorry for her. How does that happen though? Was this at her house? Couldn’t she have had a fence built around her porperty if she knew coyotes roamed the area?
Maybe the dog was was taking a crap or something and the coyote grabbed her!! Coyotes are very sly and quick!!
If it was taken “right in front of their eyes” (“their” – more than one person there at the time) why weren’t they able to chase it down? Feel like there’s something missing here.
Feel bad about her losing her dog but this (ongoing coverage) is overkill.
I don’t think people are belittling her because “it’s just a dog.”
I think they belittle her because a wild animal (that could’ve been starving) took her dog away, and she’s posting “Reward” signs.
I totally get how she feels, but it’s a bit delusional.