Last month People reported that Kate Gosselin would be guest hosting several episodes of “The View” in September. Originally it was just supposed to be the 14th and 15th, but she was also on this morning as well. Maybe that’s because the originally scheduled guest host for today – La Toya Jackson – couldn’t make it, or maybe The View got enough positive feedback to bring Kate back today. Either way she’s there, and doing okay. She doesn’t say much, but I thought she’d take over the show, ordering people around and talking nonstop, so not saying too much is just fine.
Kate’s getting good practice on the show – according to Radar, she’s in talks to host her own mom-based talk show with Paula Deen.
While Jon Gosselin is busy fending off allegations of cheating (and worse), estranged wife Kate is going to work. RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively that Kate will be shooting the pilot for her proposed new TV show this weekend.
Kate is teaming up with Paula Deen, the Southern cooking expert for a show that is planned to have a mix of advice, health and beauty tips and celebrity gossip.
The first details of the shows content were broken exclusively by RadarOnline.com as we revealed not only the content but also that the show is based on the popular Web site Mom Logic.
“Kate wants to work and feels she needs to earn more money to take care of her family,” a source familiar with the situation told RadarOnline.com.
There is still time to tinker with the show’s format and formula but right now the plan is to have multiple hosts with Paula and Kate and RadarOnline.com leaned that comedian Sandra Bernhard and Tammy Lynn Michaels have both been considered for the job. Michaels is married to singer Melissa Etheridge.
[From Radar]
Since Kate’s been so quiet on The View, I’ve actually enjoyed her there. She hasn’t piped in with any stupid comments for the most part. I’m not in love with her or anything, but I don’t hate the idea of her getting her own talk show like I would have before seeing her on The View. It seems like her quietness is a confidence issue: it’s not her show and she’s out of her element. It’s all brand new. If I have faith in anything, it’s that Kate would settle into her own show, talking away and bossing everyone else around in no time.
And the argument about needing more money to take care of her kids isn’t totally irrelevant. Obviously she makes a lot from “Jon & Kate” but the show (presumably) won’t go on forever. Eight kids she’s got to support for a minimum of eight years… plus she’d probably like to be able to pay for them to go to college and whatnot… it’s smart that she’s trying to make as much money as she can now and strike while the iron is hot. And we all know Jon’s not going to contribute much of anything. Unless parading a bevy of young bimbos around his kids counts for something. Really, the combination of Jon acting like such a jerk while Kate focuses on her family and career and keeps her private life private makes me like her a lot more and actually hope she gets what she wants.

I have to say I actually enjoyed her today. I love Paula Deen she puts bacon on everything! Paula Deen/Kate may actually prove to be an interesting combo.
Paula Deen can do no wrong! Her recipes are fab and fattening, but who cares, you only live once, and may as well enjoy a tasty meal filled with bacon, cream and fried something or another.
Both good actor’s. I can see a market for their brand of nut-ness.
As for food, I’ll take Giada = )
Paula Deen rocks! I absolutely love Paula,especially that she’s from Savannah, GA and embraces her inner *southern goddess*. I’m glad Kate is making a living, supporting herself and the kids. She’s gonna have to, since her worthless, soon-to-be ex-husband is spending his money.
You know what? It’s a free market, unless it gets “Chavezed” up right quick, let her try her hand at it. But Kate, put those ta tas away, it cheapens you and every other tv bimbette like no other.
I love Paula Deen and she is always great , they can put Kate in a corner with her microphone off and let Paula work her magic.
QB—I agree 100%.
I can see that so far I will be the lone voice of dissent, but I honestly cannot think of two more annoying people to host a show. I definitely won’t be watching! I can’t stand Kate at all, have no use for her. And although YES, Paula Deen’s food is wonderful, fun, southern comfort food, she is SO fake. I live in Savannah, and NOBODY talks like she does, she lays on that fake southern accent so thee-ick it’s sickening. I’ll eat her food, but I don’t want to have to listen to her!
I am joining your dissenting voice Tia. Paula did not sound like that when she first joined Food Network, and I actually liked her back then. She has become a parody of herself. Ick, ick, ick, ick, ick to that obnoxious combo.
I agree Diane – go Giada.
Thanks, Judy – I’m glad someone else knows what I was talking about, glad it’s not just me, lol! I didn’t think she had always sounded like that. A parody of herself is right. But, like I said, I do love the food! And I do use her cookbooks, because the recipes are so easy and the results are always good. I just can’t listen to her…just can’t do it!
…a mix of health and beauty tips and celebrity gossip?
Now THAT is rich! I said yesterday and I will say again today, I think Paula is far too nice to be on the same show as KHate.
@ For Sooth:
I agree about the ta-ta’s. No need to be shoving them out there for all the world to see. Not interested, thank you very much!
Ah, yuck. Paula Deen will eat her. And I still hate Kate.
But Jaybird, I don’t understand this:
Eight kids she’s got to support for a minimum of eight years…
Aren’t the youngest ones five? That’s 13 more years, right? THEN college. Not eight years.
I would only watch that for Paula Deen because I can’t stand Kate. If they put Sandra Bernhard on it, too, though, count me completely out.
Giada is fabulous. 🙂
Kate will not go away. She is hanging in Hollywood by her tight grip. I can’t stand her.
She shows so much more cleavage now that she’s had a boob job.
Anyway, I also think her being quiet has to do with her “I’m not mean! Feel sorry for me!” tour.
She’s playing her cards right and letting Jon self destruct.
I love how he b!tched about a $32,000 counseler bill and yet he bought his girlfriend a new car? Bleh.
Poor kids. I feel for them.
I do have to say that I am glad she is getting a job that doesn’t revolve around her kids.
But I still won’t be watching.
Can someone Please get that woman a makeover, with that cockatoo hair do she sports ugh! And I agree with the rest of you that I can’t stand Paula and her meals that are just one heart attack away!
Two over weight cows! What a great show.
And when exactly is she planning to spend time raising her eight children…?
I thought the kids were given free scholarships from the state of PA.
And frankly, I think it’s sad that there’s yet another thing that will cause her to spend more time apart from her kids. I hated it when my Mom traveled overnight or got home late from work.
not impressed. next channel!
I’m sorry…doesn’t this woman have eight kids to raise. Where does she have time for a talk show?
I like Paula but my hate for Kate will surely overpower …… I will not be watching.
I guess raising 8 kids isn’t as tough as she’s putting it out to be or she would find a way to stay home to actually raise them. The joy of watching the kids grow up isn’t as interesting to her as the glory of being a “celebrity” and getting her face on all the trash magazines. I think she’s trash herself and what they say about her in the different magazines are true. I do wish her and Jon would go away…
Diane- you referring to them both as “Actors” is everything that’s wrong with celebrity today.
Ditto to each and every word GOMO wrote. There is not one thing admirable about Kate Gosselin. She is a liar and a manipulator.
Kate needs to go back and look after her children and her dogs! Jeez. As for Paula, love her food though I’ve not tried any – I don’t need a heart attack, and I agree, her accent has become laughable given how she sounded when she first started out and I enjoyed watching her then. Money certainly doesn’t buy class in either of these women’s cases. And I also agree that Kate needs to show some modesty and cover up!
ok kate has got to go. So what she spread her legs and out popped 8 kids. The ride is over someone please kick her azz off!
God, next Octomom will be hosting Larry King!