Katie Holmes wins, Xenu loses: Suri enrolled in Catholic pre-school

This is one story from the Daily Mail that I really, really hope is 100% gospel. The Mail’s sources are saying that Katie “Zombie/Robot” Holmes stood up to Tom Cruise – and won! Allegedly, Katie put her foot down about Suri’s preschool education, and enrolled Suri in a Catholic pre-school rather than some Xenu-approved, Church of Scientology-affliated, barley water-drinking, Thetan-shunning, brainwashing academy. While the family is staying in Massachusetts (while Tom works on a film), Katie is making damn sure that Suri is getting a real preschool education. The Mail claims that Tom and Katie fought about it – but that Tom is going along with it for now:

Katie Holmes has won a battle with her Scientologist husband Tom Cruise to enrol their daughter Suri in a Catholic pre-school.

The Church of Scientology has always been a bone of contention between the couple and Tom wanted three-year-old Suri to be raised a Scientologist. But last week Katie enrolled the toddler at the Catholic Charities Yawkey Centre For Early Education And Learning in Boston, Massachusetts.

The family are living in the city while Tom, 47, films his new movie, the spy comedy thriller Wichita. Katie’s mother also flew in for her granddaughter’s first week at the pre-school.

‘Katie has been listening to her parents who are devout Catholics,’ I’m told.

‘She is not convinced by Scientology and has told Tom that she wants Suri to be educated as a Catholic – as she was. They had been having huge problems agreeing on her school. To say they were having arguments is putting it mildly – but Tom came around to the idea in the end.’

Holmes, 30, has not been seen at the Church of Scientology for more than five months. But Cruise, who was also raised Catholic but converted to Scientology in 1990, remains an ardent follower.

[From the Daily Mail]

While I hope this is true, something tells me that I shouldn’t hold my breath. Even if Suri is getting a taste of life without Xenu, that doesn’t mean that a few years from now her education won’t be totally CoS. Also, there have been rumors about Suri’s education for months now – once, another British source once claimed Tom and Katie were spending $1 million a year on special tutors and advanced classes for Suri, and I didn’t really buy that either.

In one other piece of Holmes-Cruise news, OK! Magazine (via Showbiz Spy) had a totally different spin on their relationship this week. While In Touch Weekly made it sound like their marriage was in danger because Tom wouldn’t just leave Katie alone with her zombie thoughts for two damn minutes, OK! claims that Katie is trying to convince Tom to lose weight – by having sex. With her. Not David Beckham.

A source told OK!: “Tom had been complaining about how hard it is to keep off the pounds, so Katie vowed to help him out… Katie read somewhere that you burn up 600 calories just by having sex three to four times a week. So she’s told Tom to think about how much they’d burn up if they put daily sex sessions on their schedule! Tom thinks the sex order is the best part of Katie’s diet plan, and he’s promised to up the bedroom romps whenever they are in the same town just for the sake of his diet!” Oh, for the love of Xenu. Yeah… I’m sure Katie and Tom both want to lose weight by having sex. That must be why all of the photos in the past few weeks have been of the two of them jogging. Methinks neither of them wants to try the “sex workout”.

Tom, Katie and Suri are shown out in Boston at the park on 10/10/09 and getting Starbucks on 10/11/09. Some of these shots are absolutely beautiful. Credit: Fame Pictures

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42 Responses to “Katie Holmes wins, Xenu loses: Suri enrolled in Catholic pre-school”

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  1. Hieronyus Grex says:

    Good on ya, Robo-Katie.

  2. Arvedia says:

    I´m astonished at this development. Tom Cruise must face enormous pressure, being the most prominent Scientology member in the world today. Kudos to him for putting his marriage first.

  3. Ursula says:

    Whatever, it is their child, she seems like quite a character.

  4. jul says:

    Suri is so adorable in those pictures!!

  5. tiki says:

    can someone tell me why the parents are always dressed warmly while their child runs about in sleeveless dresses and bare legs? if if happened once or twice, maybe it would be understandable. but it’s all the time. what gives?

  6. Justalark says:

    Once again, Tom and Katie display no common sense when dressing their preschooler. They carry around a blanket as if it replaces the need to dress their daughter in season-appropriate clothing. Apparently Suri is opinionated and headstrong when it comes to wearing clothes that she chooses herself. Fine, so she’s a spunky kid–raising any child presents unique challenges. If I were her parent, I would make clothing selection a fun game: I would separate her clothing into four (seasonal) groups and then allow her to choose her own outfit from the current season’s collection. Problem solved–no more sleeveless or lightweight clothes in cold weather! In addition, getting dressed would be a lesson in the changing weather of each season. Too bad these spineless parents can’t “outsmart” their stubborn three year old…Doesn’t bode too well for the future!

  7. crab says:

    It’s been quite warm in Boston up till today! 43 degrees this morning, brrr!!

  8. BitterBetty says:

    How insane is it that Scientology makes catholicism seem like a logical, healthy belief system. seriously, how about giving the kid a normal education?

  9. Beth says:

    On other sites the comments said that it isn’t a school nor religious. It’s more of a daycare/day program. Also Tom has said a number of times that you can practice other religions and still be a scientologist. I haven’t heard of Tom speaking badly about other religions anyway so I doubt he went psycho if Katie wanted Suri to go to a Catholic school.

    crab, it hasn’t been warm in the northeast. It’s definately sweater/jacket weather. Look at the main picture. Everybody is wearing some form of longsleeves except Suri.

  10. Firestarter says:

    Finally, Suri may actually hear the word “no”.

  11. Jessica says:

    I love Katie’s boots!!

  12. ferdis says:

    Sorry, sorry, sorry, but this kid cracks me up. Her expressions are priceless hahahaha.

  13. Lady Jane says:

    That child is dressed totally inappropriately.

  14. AlaskaJoey says:

    Yeah, it’s not much of a victory – church run daycares/pre-school have no religious basis to them, no religious teachings. They just sort of rent out the space for extra income, and it’s regular pre-school teachers taking care of the kids.

  15. Lantana says:

    Gaydar! Gaydar! Maybe he’s not and he just can’t help it he looks that way, but for gawd’s sake, doesn’t he have “people” that can tell him how he looks? I dunno – maybe it’s on purpose. Personally I wouldn’t care except he gets on a soap box and presents himself as morally superior, and being gay doesn’t make him morally inferior, but being gay and married and lying about it makes him both morally inferior and a hypocrite. On a different note, Suri is about the cutest little girl in the world!

  16. gg says:

    Never seen maxi-length playdresses for preschoolers before. Wierd.

    Big mofo deal, so she goes to nursery school at a church for what – four or five months? Then it’s back to Crazytown for more indoctrination. It’s all spin.

    Also, for all of Tom’s “hey – we practice other religions too!”, I call BULL$HITE. I don’t see him practicing any other religion. Who’d have time after all those costly lie-detector repression scam sessions?

  17. crash2GO2 says:

    She doesn’t look cold to me – and they have her sweater and a blanket available. Physicians say you should listen to your child, and if they repeatedly say they do not want their jacket, that they are too hot, then you should listen to them, because over bundling can cause fevers. My little girl is consistently dressed more lightly than I am at her request. She sweats if she wears the same layers of clothing that I wear.

  18. Westender says:

    Lets hope Tom Cruise does not film a movie in Alaska and Katie and Suri join him, Suri would freeze to death!! Does that girl ever wear a jacket or sweater? Even a long sleeve top would be better than nothing. If Suri is that headstrong about what she wants to wear as a three year old, what is she going to be like as a teenager?

  19. Carol says:

    In earlier interviews, Tom has said that while people can practice other religions as well as CoS, Katie and he were only CoS. My youngest goes to a religious preschool and it is very age-appropriate, general “God loves you” teachings. Suri’s not getting Catechism Class just yet so don’t get too excited about this “victory.” It will be more interesting to see where she goes when she actually starts school.

  20. hatsumomo says:

    43 degrees freezing! Whats wrong with you people?! Its 67 here in S.A. and THATS chilly. me and my man already busted out out jackets and beanies…

  21. Jazz says:

    Ewww, I don’t want to think about those two having sex!

  22. lennie says:

    I don’t believe a single word of the daily mail writes. Katie was born catholic but she converted to Scientology. It doesn’t make any sense that she has her word when chosing where the daughter of the Sicentology’s emperor would be enrolled. Nicole was dumped because she didn’t convert to that religion, and yet she accepted that her children would be scientologists, but obviously it was not enough for Tom.

  23. Whitey Fisk says:

    BitterBetty, excellent point!

    P.S. I have a feeling that Suri, while adroable, is a holy terror.

    P.P.S. Will someone ask Katie to please stop pegging her jeans? Egads!

  24. kim says:

    Daily Mail is BS

  25. kathryn says:

    I would like to hear Suri speak…do we all really think she is 3? I work with kids for a living and she seems so physically developed for her age. Most 3 and 4-year-olds that I work with would have to hold that cup with two hands. She looks like she can easily walk and hold on to and drink at the same time. I may be just a conspiracy theorist, but I would really like to hear her speak to see if maybe she is a little older than we all think she is!

  26. v says:

    either way. they just traded one bogus brainwashing school for another. the catholics are just as bad about brainwashing and indoctrinating children as the scientologists. here’s an idea… secular school for LEARNING FACTS. I’m sure such a thing exists somewhere out there.

  27. Carol says:

    Okay, I live in Boston. My 12 yr. old and I were out yesterday, and let me tell you, it was cold and windy! My daughter had on long pants, a long sleeve shirt, socks, sneakers, a warm hoodie, and she was still chilly! I would never let my child out in this weather with a sundress, bare legs, and open toed shoes! What is wrong with these people?!

  28. Jess says:

    ‘Katie has been listening to her parents who are devout Catholics,’
    If that were the case, she never would have married him.

  29. scorpiogal says:

    Kathryn- my daughter is the exact same age as Suri and she has no problem holding a cup with one hand, and drinking while walking. They all develop at different paces. One of my daughter’s dance class classmates is 2 days younger than her and a good 6″ taller. She looks like she’s 4.5, not 3.5. I don’t think there’s an age conspiracy going on. That would be WAY too complicated to maintain.

  30. elle em says:

    Where are her f**** shoes? Every one in that picture is dressed appropriately except for the child. Don’t you guys have child protective agencies in America? Looking at that picture is just sickening.

  31. Lindsay says:

    First it is creepy they gave the schools name out… even though people would have found out don’t make it easy.

    Maybe she is going there because there isn’t a Scientology pre-school in Boston. The real test will be when they get back to LA.

    Kathryn- As curious as I would be to hear her speak, it is probably cute and grown up since she seems to only hang around adults and some older children, I’m glad they have at least allowed her some privacy. She really doesn’t need to speak to the media, she already gets too much attention and exposure already. But the rumors about these Suri if I remember correctly were that someone else was her father and a question of when she was born. She would be just a little bit older but it would be complicated and hard to keep under wraps for all these years. Does anyone remember what the rumors were about her birth after she was born? Was she thought to be younger or older since she was not seen for such a long time?

    A cute or almost sad picture of Suri posted on D List: http://www.dlisted.com/node/34310

    I don’t know what to think about it… is it cute or a little sad?

  32. Lindsay says:

    So to answer my own question, around the time of her birth people thought the whole pregnancy was fake. After that weird picture of Katie in white shirt with a much bigger stomach than she was in every other photo during her pregnancy except that day and was oddly shaped and because she was hidden for three months people thought she didn’t exist at all.The birth certificate was filed late and had other oddities from what I read.

    I would think that would point to her being younger, if anything. But who knows? People thought she had a lot of hair in her first picture so maybe she was born earlier and the picture might have been odd because she was faking being pregnant, meaning she would be older.

    It seems like a lot of work to cover up. Especially since they were dating for almost eight months when Katie started showing and waited until after the birth to get married.

    That is what I cam up with after spending a few minutes on Google. I didn’t remember any of this off hand.

  33. greta says:

    On the daily mail site, someone posted that her kids go to that day care. One day a couple weeks ago, Suri showed up for an hour with mom. Not to be seen since, and not enrolled.

    I find all these color perfect shots and comments about weather, clothing, gay or not, Katie’s sloppy look, etc. is exactly the PR Tom’s cult needed. To change the topic from David Miscavage’s insanity, as documented in St Petersburg, Fl. Times articles.

    Anyway to add my gossipy observation: that see through dress appears to prove the little girl is off diapers. Is she being groomed to be the next Jodie Foster or Brooke Shields? Just hope her autism improves with age.

  34. MomInNH says:

    I’m in Boston every single day and it has been VERY cold and windy, getting more and more cold every day. There’s a difference in listening to your child tell you they don’t want to wear a coat and letting your child out in VERY cold weather completely under dressed. I want to know when someone’s’ going to look into the complete lack of common sense involved with Tom and Katie raising their child. Do they need a list of things they should or shouldn’t do? I’ll write a list and send it to them anyway. lol Couldn’t hurt, might help.

    About the whole age conspiracy I’ve never put much stock in that little gem. I don’t buy that she’s any older than they claim she is.

  35. Madisyn says:

    Is that a 3 year old drinking coffee?

  36. Shay says:

    Travolta admits his child had autism now Tomkat enroll their daughter into Catholic school. The heads of $cino must be on vacation.

    Wonder what Katie had to give up to get that.

  37. Anah says:

    Is that a 3 year old drinking coffee? and still with no clothes on! GET HER SOCKS AN A COAT!XENUUU do something a nun anyone

  38. Ellie says:

    They better bundle her up this winter and not let her frolic about with no coat on. I’m sure they can make her wear cute sweaters over her dressers or turtlenecks underneath with cute tights/leggings on her legs. Get a fashionable jacket with some cute scarves/gloves and make Suri understand winter clothing can be fashionable too. Stop with the “Suri is an adult and does what she wants” Xenu nonsense.

  39. H says:

    I doubt they are letting her drink coffee, Starbucks has vanilla milk, carmel apple cider and hot chocolate too. My nephew’s love the kid’s hot chocolate. As for the clothes I have a 3 year old and he does seem to run warmer than me but still when it drops below 60 he wears long sleeves and I bring a jacket along.

  40. princess pea says:

    I don’t buy it for a minute. We’ve been told, exuberantly, that they married in a Scientology ceremony, and then didn’t Katie have a Scientological silent labour when she had Suri? There were numerous stories back in the day that the Catholic vs Xenu battle is what split Tom and Nicole, too. I just do not believe (the Daily Mail!) that this is “a bone of contention” in their marriage. No way. It’s a rock solid part of the contract.

    I guess some of you have never seen hot chocolate? The Starbucks near my house sells LOTS of different things, but maybe where you live it’s only got coffee.

  41. Lindsay says:

    Why do you believe she is autistic Greta? I have never heard that speculation about her before. My understanding from what I have read about John Travlta’s trial is the “church” doesn’t have a any official policy on autism just against drugs.

    Maybe she is still in diapers but that doesn’t seem not wearisomely odd. Her parents, if even some of the rumors are true, don’t seem great about discipline or consistency. Plus, maybe she wears them in public so it is not inconvenient on marathon shopping trips. Hopefully it is not coffee, I highly doubt it is but if it is cold enough for a blanket and hot drinks, it is cold enough for a jacket.

  42. crash2GO2 says:

    Starbucks sells hot chocolate, hot vanilla, hot cider. I highly doubt she is drinking coffee. And she definitely does not appear to be autistic as she is often times looking at the photographers straight in the eye. Autistics don’t do that.