Cele|bitchy | Angelina Jolie Ends Fued With Her Father

Angelina Jolie Ends Fued With Her Father

It’s the holiday season, still, and as much as I love to spend time with my family I am looking forward to some quiet time. Next year I’m planning on following Angelina Jolie’s lead – just make a phone call, don’t visit.

A source tells the National Enquirer that Jolie called her father (Jon Voight) while spending Christmas in New Orleans with partner Brad Pitt and their four children. The friend reveals, “It was a short call, but it meant the world to both of them. It was something for them to build on, and Jon couldn’t say enough good things about the way his daughter is conducting her life.”

San Francisco Chronicle

There’s another story that says Angelina wrote her father a letter rather than rang. We don’t really know the extent of the split – Does he get an annual Christmas card with a picture of the family? Does he get an annual phone call with a quick update before she shoves a kid that can’t talk onto the phone?

Angelina and father Jon Voight haven’t been close since he gave a June 2002 interview discussing her ‘serious mental problems’, but this last November he praised her in interviews, saying he is always thinking of “Brad and the kids. I’m sending my love that way.”

Angelina perhaps plans to adopt another child in 2008, having got over her fear of motherhood.

‘They put him in my arms and I stared at him and I started crying and he smiled,’ she tells Hollywood TV.

‘I hadn’t held children before in my life. I was always considered so dark and I thought maybe I shouldn’t be someone’s mom because I’m not so sure about myself.’

Now Magazine

I think every mother fears that she won’t be a good mother. While Angelina seems to come under a lot of criticism for her parenting, I don’t think she has any huge flaws in her parenting style. The worst criticism you could aim at her is that she moves them around a lot. Of course, when they turn into hormonal teenagers and start researching their mother’s past, she’s going to have a hard time explaining that kiss with her brother, having sex with knives, and riding a motorcycle without a helmet.

Picture note by Celebitchy: Images are obviously old ones of Angelina and Jon Voight together.

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