Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Sag Harbor

I remember, years ago, when it felt like every celebrity was drinking and driving. There was like a three-year rash of celebrity DUIs and DWIs. It was legitimately a “trend” and a horrible one at that. There was significant backlash to the trend at the time too and Mothers Against Drunk Driving came out repeatedly to educate young people. Then drunk-driving was replaced by texting-and-driving as an issue. But I digress. We haven’t had a big-name celebrity get caught drunk driving in a minute. That’s what happened in Sag Harbor, New York on Monday. Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Justin Timberlake was arrested on Long Island on Monday night and accused of driving while intoxicated, authorities said.

The pop superstar, who was still in custody in Sag Harbor on Tuesday morning, the Sag Harbor Village Police confirmed to NBC News.

He will face a DWI charge, a court official said.

[From NBC News]

My guess is that Justin has been drinking too much for years. His face tells the tale, iykyk. I remember when he was caught being completely sh-tfaced in New Orleans and cheating on his wife too – that happened in 2019. And you know it’s bad when someone is drinking to excess on a MONDAY. Anyway, shame on him. He’s in his 40s – he knows better and he’s extremely lucky he didn’t hurt himself or someone else. Lock him up!!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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97 Responses to “Justin Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Sag Harbor”

  1. CL says:

    Good grief. Why didn’t he just get a driver?

    • Melly says:

      I’ll never understand why these rich celebrities don’t just have drivers

      • Lorelei says:

        I wonder the same exact thing every time— hire a driver, moron. It’s so, so stupid. Arrogance, I guess, is the answer?

        Anyway, currently my son isn’t too far away from where this happened, so I’m super angry that this asshole would risk innocent lives.

      • Neeve says:

        You don’t even have to be a celebrity, so many options to take you home if you have been drinking these days.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Because then the driver could tell his wife where he goes.

      • AngieS says:

        And he can sell the story to tabloids!! So lets get shi!! faced, drive and hope not to get caught…but then again – he’s JT – the all mighty JT. So much for trying to lay low!!

      • Megan says:

        If that’s the case, just get shitfaced at home. People have been doing it for thousands of years.

      • Kitten says:

        As if these guys don’t pay drivers (and the rest of their entourage for that matter) all the time to STFU. SO many Hollywood drivers know where the bodies are but they’re not gonna do anything to halt the gravy train.

      • Mil says:

        I think this is a case ‘Do u know who i am.’
        Entitled and spoiled. I never ever liked this dude. Prince shading him was so cool. RIP to the Purple One.

      • Lolo86lf says:

        I am pretty sure his wife can put a tracking device in all his vehicles. No need to be asking the help to be spies/snitchers. I am glad he didn’t have a horrible accident like Anne Heche back a few years ago. No matter what celebrities do to hide their lives. Someone is going to betray them and reveal their doings to the world for money or otherwise. When people become rich and famous they give up their privacy.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      In my professional experience, DUI offenders are the most entitled, aggressive, obnoxious, narcissistic clients. Many attys hate dui clients for this reason. Like there is legit more diversity of personality in every other type of crime.

      This is all to say that if JT is the type to get a dui, he’s also the type to be too arrogant and self involved to get a car. Guessing his usual handler didn’t wrestle his keys away fast enough.

      • Deehunny says:

        Tell me you’re a criminal defense attorney without telling me you’re a criminal defense attorney

    • Gabby says:

      Driver, schimver. Why didn’t he just stay home? No one wants to see him anyway.

    • Traveller says:

      Really! What a douchy, entitled thing to do.
      Why would innocent people on the road deserve to be put in danger by such an unnecessary, foolish decision.
      Start thinking about someone other than just yourself.

  2. Kitten says:

    My GOD bro you are worth how much money? Just pay someone to drive your drunk, haggard ass everywhere god damn. No excuse whatsoever.

    • Anon says:

      Forget net worth even-call and Uber/Lyft/taxi or ride with the people you were supposedly following! Or if all else fails, ask the police for a ride, especially as you’re JT, it’s not like you’re some rando, just tell them you’re not comfortable with a ride service because of stalkers (which I’m assuming he’s had) and you’re caught without security. Police give regular people rides sometimes!

      If you read the whole article, someone had put out there that he was one time referred to as “the Prince of Pop” which I’ve legitimately never heard of and if he was, maybe it was a PR effort for a hot minute, but not a legit pervasive cultural moniker, certainly nothing like everyone knew of him as that (like the Queen of Soul, King of Pop, Pop Princess, etc.)

      Is his PR team tying to use this as an opportunity to revive this fake nickname and career? Give it up. He’s a boy band heritage act at best who would be even more so if he hadn’t been Britney’s boyfriend and some of Timbaland’s shine hadn’t rubbed off on him. If I were him, I would’ve diversified by attempting to get into serious investing and not just acting.

      This should probably be his wake up call to go to rehab and get serious about getting sober for good. He’ll also probably want to address what the root causes are, which I’m sorry to say are probably trauma related as a child star and from fame. Also the whole nipplegate thing was weird-does anyone think he came up with that alone?

      Anyway, glad it sounds like no one was hurt and good luck to him and his family. If that bar over served him (sometimes people come in drunk, so maybe it wasn’t them), the establishment should revise their m.o. as well.

      • Blithe says:

        If he’s the “Prince of Pop” I can only wonder what he did to Snap and Krackle.

      • Suite says:

        He sold his catalogue for $100m a couple of years back and probably has the best finance people investing for him.

        I always thought Jessica Biel was his trophy wife and she was happy to be part of a “power couple” and put up with his antics, including the cheating. Cameron Diaz (she was super jealous and confronted Timberlake when he started dating Biel – this was after they’d already broken up) and Olivia Munn (she leaked something saying she’d have loved it if their fling became serious) would both have been happy to be Mrs Timberlake.

        I really don’t see what any romantic partner sees in him.

  3. Mimi says:

    Good on New York’s police for arresting him. I’m sure he tried the “do you know who I am bit”.

    • Libra says:

      Never been charged for driving while intoxicated so don’t know if the report shows if he was alone or had a passenger? Is this relevant to the charge?! Endangering a passenger?

      • Snaggletooth says:

        It sure can be, especially if the passenger is a minor! It can also just be an aggravating factor (meaning the judge considers it at sentencing and might impose additional time).

      • Steph says:

        @snaggletooth maybe us regular people would get an additional charge. That woman American soccer player who was found so drunk she was passed out behind the wheel with her twin two year olds in the back seat didn’t even get time. No cps investigation or anything.

    • molly says:

      Do you know how drunk you have to be to get taken into custody as a rich, white, man? Yikes!

      (Also, who TF gets arrested for DUI in 2024??)

      • Lori says:

        Karma is a patient gangster….

      • Tippet says:

        I’m not sure what you mean by “in 2024?”. Drunk driving won’t stop being a thing as long as alcohol impairs judgment and entitled asshole drunks still exist. Sure there’s Uber and Lyft, but drunk people convince themselves they’re fine. And someone like JT is probably surrounded by yes men.

      • Nikki says:

        @Tippet what she means is that everyone nowadays is fully aware of the havoc and tragedy that can be wrecked when an idiot like JT drinks and drives. Before MADD, if you didn’t know anyone who had been killed in a drunk driving accident, you probably thought driving drunk was no biggie. I know my parents generation thought it was no biggie, and my grandparents generation would have been positively indignant about getting pulled over if they didn’t think they were swerving too bad. Bottom line, no one can claim ignorance about the dangers of driving drunk in 2024

      • Anon says:

        You can get taken in for not even being drunk, unfortunately. Some places are actually quite abusive.

        But .04 and .08 are limits in some places, which for a lot of people is ~1/2 to 1 drink per hour and you would not even be impaired.

    • Lucky Charm says:

      @ Mimi, I heard the arresting officer was a young guy who didn’t even know who he is, lol.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t understand these celebrities who don’t hire drivers or just take a cab or Lyft or Uber home. The legal and financial ramifications along with the potential physical harm you could cause others doing this, should not be overridden by wanting to keep your vacation residence private. Even if you were doing something you didn’t want others to know about celebrities toss out NDAs like candy, so that shouldn’t hold you back from behaving better. I do remember him being falling down drunk in New Orleans and that wasn’t the first time. He needs to address that before he is seriously harmed or he harms someone else.

    • bettyrose says:

      Privacy might be a reason for not taking a Lyft, but where live rich people also live a zillion car services where an NDA can be set up in advance.

      • TIFFANY says:

        But that makes no sense either. A responsible person, who had a few drinks, getting a cab or ride share shouldn’t be news.

        Unless he was with someone not his wife, which I think is the case.

      • Lorelei says:

        Tons of former NYPD and SCPD (Suffolk County, where this happened, and where the Hamptons and Montauk are located) moonlight as drivers/security, or do it full-time after they retire, so there’s absolutely no excuse that someone with Timberlake’s money couldn’t have someone like that on call.

        A friend of mine from HS who’s in the NYPD does it on the weekends because it’s so incredibly lucrative, and he says he spends most of his time sitting outside in the car while his “client” is inside at a party.

        And they can be made to sign NDAs. So there’s zero excuse for this BS to be happening.

      • MaryContrary says:

        Coming on to say the same thing. There’s literally no excuse when there are a million drivers with discretion in the Hamptons. They’ve seen it all and they’re not going to reveal anything.

      • Tursitops says:

        @Tiffany – It does make sense that a celebrity would want to avoid a cab or ride share for privacy reasons. They may not want a random person to know where they live, or where they’ve been. That doesn’t excuse the failure to plan ahead for an evening when you will be drinking – just like the rest of us do!

        Not a fan of JLo, but she always has drivers, even though she doesn’t drink alcohol.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        DUI drivers are arrogant entitled narcissists to a one and that’s the reason he didn’t get a car. Seriously ask any atty about dui clients. JT sure fits that profile.

        Especially these days now that it’s really socially unacceptable and there have been huge education campaigns.

  5. Nicole says:

    I’m just gonna throw it out there: Jimmy Fallon has been a problematic drinker for years. Jimmy and Justin are best friends. I am not going to shame Justin. I think both he and Jimmy should explore sobriety. He might be a better person for it. Alcoholism is a progressive disease. I’m guessing what used to work for JT no longer is working. Ultimately addiction is addiction.

    • Louisa says:

      I was just coming to say I bet he was hanging with Fallon. He lives in / around Sag Harbor in the summer so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were partying together.

    • Lauren says:

      No we should shame Justin for driving while under the influence. The 11,000 people that died every year due to drunk drivers deserve that much.

      His addiction struggles are one thing. His driving under the influence or drinking and driving are completely another.

      • CommentingBunny says:

        @Lauren – bang on. Addiction is not shameful. Endangering others by drinking and driving is.

      • Christine says:

        Well said.

      • Snaggletooth says:

        Yep @lauren! Ya know what, sometimes your addiction leads you to a consequence that cuts you off from the grace of society. (Like that lady screaming at the Kelce’s). Sometimes you get lucky and you don’t hurt anyone, but the world is NOT obligated to forgive you for damage you do in your addiction.

    • Mairzy Doats says:

      The Friends of Bill W community (AA and NA) is active in the Hamptons. I’m sure that both Justin and Jimmy would be welcome at a meeting.

    • Nikki says:

      @Nicole you’re not going to shame JT when his recklessness and arrogance could have gotten people killed!? And suggest that he explores sobriety?! How about court ordered rehab? And probation? At least!

    • HeatherC says:

      Yes addiction is addiction but he’s not being shamed for drinking. He’s a grown man, he can drink or not, addiction or not.

      But his choice ends when he chooses to drive a car that can hurt someone else because he’s not sober enough to operate it. If he had hit a child, or a mother, or ANYONE and injured them, then the “it’s a disease” excuse does NOT work. He was impaired, reckless and possibly dangerous.

  6. Lili says:

    the best bit was he is still in Lock up lol. his wife didnt rush to bail his ass out lol

    • ML says:

      His wife got a -haircut- haircut earlier this year.

      I’m glad he didn’t get into an accident. Hopefully this is a wake-up call and he can get help. Alcoholism is a tough beast to conquer. There is nothing wrong with arranging transportation before going out to drink, though.

    • Lorelei says:

      Good for her 😂

  7. Marvin says:

    Sag Harbour is way out past the Hamptons where he was most likely driving from one rich person’s mansion to the next. Tbh, I’m surprised he was even arrested because it’s such a small enclave that residents try to avoid any kind of attention.

    • Mustang Sally says:

      Sag Harbor is not way out past the Hamptons it is approximately 7 miles / 10 minutes North of East Hampton. You are possibly thinking of Napeague or Montauk.

  8. TIFFANY says:

    Was he in the car alone? Something tells me so more information is gonna drop.

    • Lauren says:

      The reports from LaineyGossip said he was at a hotel with “friend’s” and was diving back to where he was staying.

      Two things I took away from that one he didn’t stay at the hotel he was drinking at and two I’m sure the friend was a woman and he did say it because he wanted to get back before Jessica found out were he was.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Alcoholism doesn’t car how famous you are

  10. DARK says:

    Put him into a conservatorship.

  11. Grant says:

    Kaiser, you hit the nail on the head with the IYKYK. I couldn’t put my finger on it for the longest time but I’ve noticed a certain shift in JT’s features over the years beyond mere aging and I think it’s that “moon-face” you get if you’re a heavy drinker. This whole thing is very YIKES.

  12. Laura says:

    Oh no. He’s gonna lose his endorsement with Kohl’s Cash!

    Jokes aside, I honestly think he’s the next big celebrity downfall. He’s been a creep and thinking he’s above public derision for a loooong time.

    • Lorelei says:

      Wait, seriously, JT has a deal with Kohl’s? Really? Somehow I totally missed this! LMAO his wife must be mortified.

  13. MY3CENTS says:

    Just wondering what his arrest photo is going to look like? Do the police go for jumping and pointing?

    • Tursitops says:

      Guffaw out loud! Do you have your handbasket decorated for your trip straight to hell?

    • lamejudi says:

      Comment of the week!

    • lucy2 says:

      Hey, at least his wife isn’t in it so he didn’t have to jump in front of her!

      There is no excuse for driving drunk, especially if you are wealthy enough to hire a car service. I’m kind of surprised the cops busted him though, seems like the kind of place a famous rich white dude can get away with a lot. And that he was still sitting in lock up for a while!

    • SIde Eye says:

      This comment was absolutely amazing. Omg!

  14. girl_ninja says:

    Cry me a river…but seriously it’s good that he didn’t kill anyone or himself. He’s so selfish.

  15. Chaine says:

    Sounds like he is auditioning for Real Housewives of Long Island

  16. Cheshire Sass says:

    OUI – operating under influence can be more than just alcohol. He always has the vibe to me of someone on some sort of illicit substance. His pupils are dilated when no one else’s in a pic are – What ever it is, hope he starts getting help, his bad decisions and occasional headlines probably are only the tip of the iceberg. Lets face it – he’s too old to pretend he didn’t know any better

  17. Tursitops says:

    Let me be the first to speculate that he was loaded when he left the restaurant, so someone there called it in to police. He may have insisted on driving despite the staff’s pleas.

    Wait for it, more unseemly details are forthcoming.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Not NYT with the shade: “[he] was once among the most prominent stars in American music.”

  19. orangeowl says:

    NYT with the shade: He was once one of the most prominent stars in American music.

  20. TN Democrat says:

    His latest album/tour haven’t performed well. He never really broke through as an actor. Smearing Britney and allowing Janet Jackson to be crucified have caught up with him big time. He will never have another major success. The cloud of his previous behavior hangs over everything he has or planned to do. He has always seemed like an obnoxious, narcissistic human. The march of time stops for no one. To drive drunk is just ridiculous in this day and age.

  21. Pajala says:

    I just emailed the Chief of Police of Sag Harbor to thank his force for not cutting Timberlake a break. What a complete selfish a** Timberlake is. I hope this event influences his fans to think twice before getting behind the wheel.

    • JEB says:

      Good for you – the email! I read that he was alone but “friends” showed up on the scene and asked the cops to cut him a break and let him go. Obviously they did not let him off the hook, good. He left some establishment and immediately blew through a stop sign, cops saw him, he was weaving and then pulled over. Totally could have killed someone blowing through a stop sign! As everyone has said, ridiculous for anyone to drive under the influence these days, even more egregious when you have all the resources in the world to not drive yourself.

  22. Veronica S. says:

    With rich celebrities, it’s doubly annoying because you KNOW they can afford an Uber or personal driver. Get off the road. Wonder if we’ll have another Brad Pitt situation with him soon.

  23. Rosie says:

    Soooooo my parents live near there on Long Island. My mom said she heard that the officer who arrested him was so young that he didn’t recognize JT hahahahahahaha

  24. Carol says:

    Does he cheat on jessica

  25. hihello says:

    Have you ever been with someone that made you wonder if you could injure yourself from rolling your eyes too hard? I bet that’s where his wife is at. I bet she can’t stand the sound of his chewing and hearing his toilet sounds make her die a little inside.

  26. Charlotte says:

    As the daughter of a lifelong alcoholic, from whom I could not wrestle the keys until she was too frail to physically drive, let this be the wakeup call he needs. Alcoholism is a disease, a progressive one, and denial is one of it’s chief symptoms.

  27. Sass says:

    What a pos. He has CHILDREN. Like it’s bad enough to do it ever. But I struggle to understand why a parent would ever be so stupid. You have kids to care for, you fckin reject.

    We had a young woman drunk drive down our street two months ago, she plowed into a neighbor’s car parked on the street and sent it into another neighbor’s yard. Almost through their window, stopped short about three feet. She flipped her own car. Totally fine. It was 8:30 at night. Myself and one other neighbor were the first responders. You could smell the booze on her from four feet away.

    I’ll never comprehend the selfishness behind drunk driving.

    JT is so successful and still such an utter unfckable.

  28. kiks says:

    @GABBY I love this comment. Savage.

    Several years ago I happened to be in an emergency department (as a patient) when a “code orange” was called. A mass casualty. This was in a tiny little town and I was baffled as to what could be happening.

    It was the four occupants of a car that had been destroyed by a drunk driver who blew through a stop sign.

    Two little girls, sisters, were both killed. The younger one was only three years old. I will NEVER EVER forget the sound of their mother screaming when she found out they were gone. Just thinking about it still makes me feel sick.

    The driver was acquitted because he and his friend weren’t wearing seatbelts, both were ejected from their truck and they couldn’t prove which one was driving.

    Fuck drunk drivers. Fuck Justin Timberlake.

  29. tracy says:

    huh i guess he wont be able to pull out his ” i want to take this time to apologize to absolutely f’in nobody for this now will he. He is the embodiment of a d=bag.

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