VF: Without Princess Kate, the monarchy would be ‘reduced to a shadow of itself’

Well, this is interesting. Vanity Fair’s new cover story is all about “Inside the Monarchy’s Difficult Year.” It’s written by Katie Nicholl, a longtime embiggening campaigner with sources deep within the Middleton camp. This might explain the focus of the piece, which is that the Princess of Wales is recovering and she’ll be back to work eventually, and now everyone knows that the monarchy would be in the toilet if she wasn’t around. There’s also a lot of focus on how Prince William and Kate’s marriage is very strong and they’re built to last. We’re basically getting a front seat to recent royal history being rewritten before our eyes. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

The slimmed-down monarchy was nothing without Kate: “Without Catherine, it all seems rather flat. The future of the monarchy is William and Catherine,” says Patrick Jephson, the former private secretary to Diana, Princess of Wales. “And, as we know from any superficial study of the British royal family, it’s the women who pull the show together, who get out there and make things happen. So how fragile is the monarchy? Well, it’s as fragile as Catherine is and at the moment, we don’t know.”

Without Kate, everything would go to sh-t: “The intense public emotion that greeted Catherine’s brave appearance at Trooping underlined her crucial importance to the monarchy,” says Jephson. “Without her, the institution would surely be reduced to a shadow of itself. Given the Windsors’ drastically thinned ranks, she is the crown’s best hope by far. She combines duty and beauty with a piercing vulnerability second only to Prince William’s mother.”

Kate had been hitting her stride? Kate’s cancer diagnosis has come as an even bigger shock [after Charles’s diagnosis]. The 42-year-old mother was just hitting her stride as the new Princess of Wales, working in her field of early childhood development and looking forward to a busy schedule of engagements and overseas tours with William, when her life was turned upside down. As she and her husband and their immediate families came to terms with the devastating news—no one beyond the Middletons and the king and queen were told about Kate’s cancer at first—they worked out how to tell their three children.

King Charles might reconsider the slimmed-down monarchy: The king is said to be acutely aware of the pressures on the core family members, not least his wife and eldest son. Behind closed doors there is talk that in the absence of Harry and Meghan, the king could ask Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie to carry out more royal engagements both in the UK and overseas. “Charles is fond of his nieces. He thinks they have grown into very sensible women who could be a real asset,” reveals a source close to the king. “It is something being considered.” Adds a second palace insider: “The royal family has always shown a propensity for learning from past experience and adjusting. It’s one of the great chameleon organizations of the world in that sense, and I think therefore there will be someone saying, ‘Let’s reassess this slimmed-down monarchy.’ ”

Prince Harry didn’t offer to help out: Rumors in the press that Harry, who recently returned to the UK for the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, is keen to assist his father with royal duties overseas are wide of the mark. Harry and Meghan’s trip to Nigeria, while not an official royal tour, appeared to have all the trademarks of one and generated mostly positive press for the couple. During Harry’s three-day trip to the UK in May, there was no meeting with his father. Harry was said to be deeply disappointed that Charles prioritized official engagements, including a palace garden party, over him. “While there has been a thawing of relations between father and son, there are still trust issues,” confides a family friend. “Charles was very hurt by some of the things Harry said about Camilla in his book. As for relations between Harry and William, there is a complete breakdown of trust.”

Kate’s hospitalization: When Kate was in the hospital, she did not want her children to see her in a gown and hooked up to monitors and tubes, so only William visited, and she made do with video calls home every day. “Things were so normal at home that George was playing a rugby match against another school while Kate was hospitalized,” notes a friend.

A difficult time for William: “William is a human being like everyone else, and it’s been a really difficult time for him too,” says an aide. “I think what’s important to him is that he’s there to support his wife and his children while continuing with his public duties.”

The Mother’s Day frankenphoto: “The information vacuum that the palace did not have the good sense to fill with honest, harmless stuff allowed these wild conspiracy theories to grow up,” says Jephson, who believes the palace should have been more open from the outset. “The emotional connection between the crown and the people is centuries old. Any time in history when the connection is lost or neglected has not played out well. The public’s love for the monarchy is its greatest strength. Its greatest guarantee of longevity. It is a delicate flower. It’s not the monarchy that’s delicate, it’s that love of the monarchy that’s delicate.” According to a royal aide, “Lessons were learned,” and William and Kate were floored by the reaction.

The Wales marriage: According to Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, the Waleses’ marriage is stronger than ever, built on a foundation of friendship and love. “These are two people who really know each other. The strength of their marriage can’t be overstated.”

Kate will eventually get back to work: Contrary to reports she may not return to full-time duties, according to aides, the princess “will pick up where she left off” as soon as she is well enough. As for the future, the prospect of one day being queen doesn’t faze her, even in this moment of vulnerability. “It doesn’t worry her or keep her awake at night,” says a friend. “She just wants her kids to be a bit older before she has to step up to the big job. The fact is she was born for the job, it’s almost ingrained in her.”

[From Vanity Fair]

There are more quotes and assessments about how William and Kate are super-prepared for whatever the future brings, which I 100% do not believe. Whatever happened over the past six months, a chunk of it was Will and Kate’s childish incompetence and lack of preparedness. They couldn’t even release a photo for Mother’s Day without it turning into a global scandal. They couldn’t even let a woman with cancer have some sympathetic press without throwing her under the bus to protect William and his image. It’s been catastrophe after catastrophe and now the Middleton-Wales machinery is like “but the whole thing would fall apart without Kate.” What’s scary is that it’s sort of true. If another Princess of Wales went away (by divorce, death or a mysterious months-long absence), I’m not sure the monarchy would survive, honestly.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, cover courtesy of Vanity Fair.

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68 Responses to “VF: Without Princess Kate, the monarchy would be ‘reduced to a shadow of itself’”

  1. Eva says:

    I have a question: does anyone need them?

    • Julia says:

      Of course not but the propagandists in the palace and the royal reporters who carry water for them want you to believe they are essential. However, the UK’s close neighbours France and the Republic of Ireland seem to be managing fine without them.

    • Agnes says:

      They are fun to make fun of, I’ll give them that.

    • PrincessK says:

      Kate wasn’t doing much work before so if she comes back it won’t make much difference.

  2. HeatherC says:

    This holds a whole lot of truth to it. Out of all the “working” royals, she’s the most photogenic. She is photographed the most in her clothes (though I wish more attention was paid to Anne and her vintage closet, because I love vintage). But trying to make her out to be some sort of hard worker and hitting her stride? Instead of saying she’s doing her job fine, no she has to be doing her job the bestest of all the bestest, the bestest POW that ever was….it’s like the BM is waiting to yank that pedestal out from under her and feed on her carcass as she crashes down. I’m kinda here for it for the entertainment value alone.

    • Bravo says:

      Then why do they photoshop her so much? And always with the blur effect video filters.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I gagged at ‘her field of early childhood development’. That’s not her field!!!! What do we call this, stolen intellectual valor??

    • Proud Mary says:

      You are doing some serious truth-telling here, but not in the way you intend, I suspect.: “she is the most photogenic.” I think Diana was loved not only because cameras everywhere loved her, but mostly because people the world over admired her work. The Diana comparison, as such, is just simply, laughable.

      So, I think the British Monarchy is in real trouble, if all it has to sustain itself, are KittyKat’s overly manipulated images. Which may explain the recent onslaught of Harry and Meghan trolling by the British media? I mean, with the Sussexes so much good, substantive work being juxtaposed with “photogenic” Kate, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel by the Sussexes, when it comes to the one-sided competition.

  3. Lady Digby says:

    According to Carole, no one puts Kate in the corner!

    • Snaggletooth says:

      There were renegotiations and Carole won. Suddenly we’re seeing embiggening pieces again. Carole is out and about, smirking and taking selfies with William. Amazing. I really thought TRF was going to come out on top but the Mids triumph again it seems!

    • Christine says:

      I mean, someone put Kate in a corner for 6 months. I am so happy I don’t have any skin in this game, the entire island is falling apart.

  4. Miranda says:

    “She combines duty and beauty with a piercing vulnerability second only to Prince William’s mother.”

    F–k offffff. F–k all the way off. GTFO with that shit.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah that does not ring true. Yes, being sick leaves a person vulnerable, but aside from that, Kate does not have a piercing vulnerability. Most of her pr is about her never putting a foot wrong and being practically perfect in every way. There’s a huge mask of perfection and artifice that’s actually the opposite of showing vulnerability. Nothing like prince William’s mother. Which yeah GTFOH.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah Kate’s whole public image is based on being perfect. Even here, KN is telling us about how prepared Kate is for being queen because its “ingrained in her” and she was practically born for the role (which says more about Carole than about Kate if you ask me but I digress.)

        Kate doesn’t allow any vulnerability in her public image – remember how she looked post George on the steps of the Lindo Wing, with her hair more natural, not as much makeup, her bump still showing, and then by Charlotte her hair and makeup were full done, her dress was more formal, high heels not wedges, etc. That was very deliberate on her part.

        And that’s without getting into all the stories embiggening her and talking about how she has never put a foot wrong etc. Vulnerability is not her public image, perfection is.

      • Jais says:

        The practically born for it line really grossed me out. It just reinforces the effortless inheritance of the monarchy. Didn’t work for it but was practically born for it. That’s just not a good look. And yeah it’s the focus on perfection that I would argue has actually led to her not being as endeared by the public as she could be. Saying she shows vulnerability is just not true. She hasn’t been seen for six months except for an air-brushed picture by a tree and a highly choreographed glam duchess dolittle appearance .

    • kelleybelle says:

      All they can laud her for is being able to walk on cobblestones in heels and playing the piano with two fingers, ffs. She’s a great big nothing-burger.

    • BayTampaBay says:

      Katie Nicholl, Why does this woman keep writing the same story over and over again?

      Katie Nicholl has written this same story at least twice a week for the last four years.

    • Over it says:

      If Kate really wanted to be vulnerable and show the public what a real person suffering with cancer looks like, she would have come out months ago as just Kate . Not this perfectionist we saw at trooping. How is the regular Jane supposed to feel about the way she looks while battling cancer when Kate shows the world this. This is not normal, it’s not the reality of people trying going through the worst battle of their lives to save their lives.

  5. Eurydice says:

    If Kate’s second to Diana, she’s a very, very distant second. But I agree that she’s the most interesting of the bunch, if only because women’s clothing is more varied than men’s. I do love the observation that the love of the monarchy is delicate.

    • Tessa says:

      Kates not even a competitor. I find nothing interesting about her she is a stepford wife with a mean streak. Diana was one of a kind. She had compassion

      • Farway says:

        Very mean indeed! Venemous even! Her eyes are hard as nails. It’s all a pose but under that smile is a mean, wicked, conniving and unforgiving woman, who, regardless of her being a future queen, is desperately envious and jealous of Meghan ( especially as regards Harry 😉)

    • Lulu says:

      Skipped right over Camilla!

  6. JT says:

    The monarchy would be fine without Kate, especially if there was another pretty woman to replace her. Camila is queen for goodness sakes. Let’s not pretend that whomever wears the crown matters. Andrew is prancing around just fine after paying a woman he totally never met £12 million. Besides, according to Brits, it would be too difficult to abolish the monarchy anyway. So I doubt they’d actually go through the trouble of getting rid of it. At most, it would be diminished but with it being 2024, it’s probably for the best.

    • anotherlily says:

      I agree with this. They have been getting along just fine without her . She contributes nothing of any real substance. Today’s state visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan is being conducted flawlessly . Unlike the state visit of the President and First Lady of South Korea today’s focus is where it should be, on the King and Queen and their guests. No Kate making an exhibition of herself in her Scarlet Woman outfit.

  7. UnstrungPearl says:

    Literally no one cares. These articles talk about the public love for the monarchy? It’s not true at all. Recent threadbare trooping crowds show the reality despite royal bootlicker desperation.
    I hope those in other countries can see beyond the tabloid lies, it’s embarrassing that anyone would think we all support the monarchy. At best it’s apathy and a few flagshagger obsessives.

    • Maplesyruplover says:

      Most Canadians are indifferent towards these sad lacklustre bunch of nobodies. Evidently Princess Anne was supposed to do a trip to Canada this week, which has been cancelled because she had some sort of accident? As a Canadian I can reveal that I have no idea where or why she was coming to Canada. Abolish the monarchy!

      • Nic919 says:

        I didn’t know either until they said they were canceling her trip.

      • Renae says:

        Didn’t know.
        Didn’t care.

      • Tina E says:

        My favourite example of how little Canadians care about the royals, is that Sophie recently visited a town near me. Want to know how I found out (after-the-fact)? LinkedIn! Because she visited an old employer of mine and a former colleague took a picture with her.

        I didn’t see it mentioned in the news AT ALL.

  8. Jais says:

    Love for the monarchy is a delicate flower? Lol what flowery drivel.

  9. girl_ninja says:

    Of course she finds a way to drag Harry into this prop nonsensical piece. It’s a wonder Katie Nicholl hasn’t suffocated being so jammed up Kates a$$.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I cancelled my Vanity Fair subscription because of that hack. She’s a known, proven liar.

    • thick.as.thieves says:

      I’ve recently listen to a podcast (FrontBurner, January 12, 2023: Frenemies: The Prince, the monarchy and the media) where Katie becomes so combative when the podcast host questions her position as a VF reporter in relation to royal PR and how she obtains her royal sources. Katie gets totally on edge and it makes for a tense interview – she must have been expecting fluffy nonsense from the host who pushes back with unbiased questions. Katie admits she is a member of the international royal rota system, used to protect the palace image and push royal talking points to the VF readers. As the interview continues, Katie starts to contradict herself and becomes agitated when the palace narrative is challenged, it’s an interesting listen. The podcast is Canadian (CBC) so it didn’t get much attention at the time of release.

      After listening to that podcast episode, this article is straight from Kensington Palace comms. I doubt Kate is going anywhere (divorce, coma, etc.), she’s just going back into hibernation because Meghan isn’t out and about or the palace feels that they don’t need Kate physically out as much to discredit Meghan and Harry. Kate has never wanted to work and will continue to use her new illness and children as an excuse to do as little as possible. It’s not Duchess Dolittle anymore, its Princess Dolittle. AND then Queen consort Dolittle…

  10. Jks says:

    Well good thing Kate is ” recovering so nicely and is so hard working like a CEO and can’t wait to get back to work, only she’s already been working from behind the scenes from her hospital bed, and has such a great, supportive team around her, and her marriage is so perfect and she’s so happy being married to Will, they’ll be working hard doing very important work for everyone for ever! ” Thank goodness for that!

  11. Nic919 says:

    If the family could move on from the tragic death of Diana, it will move on without kate. The entire point of this family is that they keep going on no matter what. No one person is above the family, with the exception of the monarch and even there they get replaced by the next in line.

    Camilla won’t be happy with this embiggening.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    “Without her, the institution would surely be reduced to a shadow of itself.” The institution was reduced to a shadow of itself the moment QEII died. If I were a monarchist, it would be painful to watch. But it’s apparent that Liz was the glue holding the whole mess together. I have to give her credit for that.

    • kelleybelle says:

      You’re right, and “mess” is right. It’s a pathetic mess. A pair of cruel adulterers are the monarchs. And what exactly does Kate do? Smiles, dress well, waves, appears, goes home. Nothing, in other words. And Early Years doesn’t count because it’s BS.

    • Tessa says:

      Yes it all went downhill fast when the queen died.

    • Dalat says:

      QEII was the heart and soul of the monarchy. Charles and Camilla don’t excite the crowds and W&K appearances are so staged that there’s never any surprise or interest. The only drama is the artificially inflated one involving Harry. But as long as Meghan keeps upstaging the royals with her pots of jam, Kate will remain on call for those attention grabbing balcony waves. The flower of love!

    • BayTampaBay says:

      ” The institution was reduced to a shadow of itself the moment QEII died.”

      Noe Schitt Sherlock and KCIII and Peggington never saw it coming even with 20 years to prepare.

    • maggie says:

      Agree with this 100%

  13. Barbara says:

    Was there intense public emotion when she showed up at Trooping? From the tabloids maybe but I don’t think the majority gave that much of a damn when they’re struggling with housing, food costs and the upcoming election. I’d say this was an embarrassing story but it’s Nicholl, who’s always embarrassing.

    • Julia says:

      As a British person I can say that if there was ‘intense public emotion’ I didn’t see it. I did see Kate’s carriage being booed as she drove by and a lacklustre crowd but maybe I don’t hang out with enough royalists so I failed to understand the public mood?

  14. Tessa says:

    Kate is not holding the monarchy together. William probably was and is not under the same roof. Kate is not another Diana she lacks compassion and work ethic.

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    They’re still seething about H&M’s hugely successful Nigeria trip. Hilarious.

  16. Ben says:

    With all due respect to her memory we all know the only woman second to Princess Diana is Duchess Meghan. She’s effortlessly everything Kate will never be and her puppet master of mother hates that. Out of the gate Meghan got proposed by one of the world’s most famous princes in less than 2 years and out of love. Not because she was a doormat for over a decade with a mother that emotionally manipulated an orphan teen prince.

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    Everything about this couple and their family is being manipulated to feed to the public an imaginary image and I’m not only referring to the photos . I see these articles and have to laugh eventually the public will realize the great heir to the Monarchy, just like the Great Oz, is nothing more than an illusion run by a selfish man(men).

  18. TN Democrat says:

    Ah. The monarchy was doomed when Harry was cast out and Queen Elizabeth died. No one really cares about Keen except women of a certain age that consider her thinness a virtue. If she hadn’t suddenly popped up with an illness, Will-not would have divorced her while smearing her grifter family and no one would have cared. The social media interest wasn’t because anyone cared for her. People were upset by their arrogance/privilege and the obvious lies. Something clearly isn’t right with Will-not besides anger issues and his incompetent handling of the PR highlighted his entitlement, laziness and wobbliness.

  19. Well-Wisher says:

    New PR, but the same old…..
    The usual – Amateurism and aspirational without commitment….
    The carping about Harry is par the course and off-putting…
    What a wonderful idea to be rich enough envision an alternative reality….
    It seems that she is healthier than her marriage, not that it matters personally.

  20. FancyPants says:

    “The strength of their marriage can’t be overstated,” says royal commentator who won’t stop overstating the strength of their marraige.

  21. Tessa says:

    Kate. Should have gotten called out when she made Philips funeral to be a fashion shoot for herself.

  22. Over it says:

    I can’t say with absolute certainty but o do believe Kate was absent for 6 months because she wanted to rehab her Royal Karen image. If I am sick , or claim to be , then people will forget that I was one of the Royal racist who asked about a baby skin color . I have no experience with cancer, so I cannot say without a doubt she doesn’t have cancer. I will however say that Kate appears to be in excellent condition for one who could not even pose for a photo a week or month ago. Something is not right here . I wish I knew for certainty what but I do know I don’t believe the palace of lies. Kate and William are just a publicity show, if that I am certain

  23. Lulu says:

    Was there another Trooping of the Colors where people turned out to see Kate? The overhead pictures showed a meager crowd. The only true thing in the article that women do get most of the attention. If a divorced William started dating, those women would be all over the tabloids, Charlotte will probably be a big story in another decade (sorry Charlotte!) along with George’s girlfriends and eventual wife. If there is no divorce, Kate will be it for another decade, if there is a divorce she will be old news quickly.

  24. Mads says:

    Kate won. William told her he wanted a divorce in late December and the stress exacerbated a gastrointestinal health issue, requiring surgery. Post op pathology finds cancer and she’s put on a mop up/preventative chemotherapy treatment and she thinks f**k it” and stops cooperating and withdraws from public life (and I don’t blame her). William and KP comms goes into shock, meltdown etc and begins to panic when they can’t explain what’s really going on and why she’s still MIA so long after surgery; they resort to the Mother’s Day photo fiasco and blaming Kate garners negative reaction plus the Windsor Farm video makes things 100 times worse. Kate now has real leverage and agrees to the cancer video.
    The result: no divorce just carrying on as normal with her having a veto on what engagements she does.
    Whether this holds over the next couple of years remains to be seen because getting one over on William never ends well.

    • Tessa says:

      Winning is not staying in a marriage where the husband is not happy staying in the marriage. William could get more visibly resentful wh e he has to play happily married at various events

      • Mads says:

        Kate hung on like a limpet for 10 years waiting to become his wife in the full knowledge that she was not his first or second choice. She married him knowing he wasn’t going to remain faithful but she wanted to be the Princess of Wales and Queen. She’s ruthless and his disdain is something she’ll put up with, especially when the UK media deliberately ignore the fact that they detest each other.

  25. NikkiK says:

    This is all propaganda. People like Kate Nicholl need the royal family to exist, that’s how they make their living. That’s why they push this garbage. EXCEPT, there are no so far removed from the public that they always go overboard. I mean it’s like they’re living in an alternate reality. Everybody knows Kate is lazy. The woman has never had an actual job. NEVER. And she’s dull and bland, the only time she shows any real spark is when attending Wimbledon or doing something sporty or sports related.

  26. Kat says:

    I have a message for Katie Nicole
    The world kept on turning all the time your beloved Kate was missing.Can you tell me how?

  27. J McGraw says:

    “The royal family has always shown a propensity for learning from past experience and adjusting”


    They learn NOTHING and they change NOTHING! It’s why they’re on their way out: They can’t change or adapt to save their lives

  28. AC says:

    The facts are K wasn’t seen for 6 mths, the only big thing that came out of this were conspiracy theories. In summary, not many people really cared. Her comeback didn’t really break the internet either.
    If they were to divorce and W would happen to marry another person, the focus would be on that other person.

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