Wimbledon will give Princess Kate ‘flexibility’ when it comes to trophy presentations

One of my favorite conspiracies of the month is that Wimbledon smoked out the Princess of Wales and that’s why Kate suddenly appeared at Trooping the Colour. Just days before Trooping, Wimbledon’s tournament director was asked about their royal patron and what would happen if Kate isn’t around to hand out the men’s singles trophy or the women’s Venus Rosewater Dish. Wimbledon’s director was basically like: we wish Kate well and her priority should be her recovery, so we’re making contingency plans. Two seconds after Kate made her grand return to the public stage, Katie Nicholl was like: the next time we see Kate will probably be Wimbledon. It would have looked bad if Kate disappeared for six-plus months and her first event back was “watching tennis.” That’s why the Trooping appearance had to happen. So, yes, I do think we’ll see Kate at Wimbledon, which starts on Monday. As it turns out though, there are still contingency plans in place:

Wimbledon are hopeful that the Princess of Wales will be able to present trophies to the men’s and women’s singles champions after making a return to public life by attending the Trooping of the Colour earlier this month.

All England Club chair Debbie Jevans told Telegraph Sport that they will give her “as much flexibility as possible” as she continues her treatment for cancer, which could involve delaying a decision on who will present the trophies until the morning of the finals next month.

The Princess made her first public appearance this year at the Trooping of the Colour earlier this month following her emotional revelation in March that she is being treated for cancer. While her recovery remains ongoing, Royal sources have indicated that she would like to attend Wimbledon if possible. Although the All England Club have not formalised alternative plans for the trophy presentation, their options would include another member of the Royal Household or Jevans herself, as chair of the club and former player at Wimbledon.

“We’re hopeful that the Princess of Wales will be able to present the trophies as the Club’s patron, but her health and recovery is the priority,” Jevans said. “We don’t know what we don’t know. All we’ve said is that we’ll work with her and give her as much flexibility as possible. I don’t know who would present the trophies as an alternative – that’s something to consider nearer the time if necessary. We’re staying flexible. When we hear we’ll then think about what’s the right thing to do.”

Jevans is expecting to extend an invitation to the finals to a new Prime Minister, given the state of the polls, following next week’s general election, but insists she remains open-minded regarding her own voting intentions. With the mens’ final clashing with the final of the European Championship on July 14, however, whether Keir Starmer would attend is likely to depend on England’s progress in Germany given his love of football. “The Prime Minister always has an invitation so if he wanted to come of course we’d welcome him,” Jevans said. “They’re both big football fans so it may depend on how England are doing.”

[From The Telegraph]

Re: prime ministers going to Wimbledon, there was an infamous moment at Wimbledon 2016, just after the Brexit vote, where David Cameron attended the men’s final, where Andy Murray won his second Wimbledon title. Andy gave Cameron a shout-out in his victory speech – Andy was actually quite apolitical and just thanked Cameron for coming out and said that being prime minister must be a tough job – and the entire Wimbledon crowd booed David Cameron. It was spectacular. As for Waity, my prediction is that she skips the first week of the fortnight but makes a few appearances in the second week. Then she’ll skip the women’s final, but she’ll be magically healed for the men’s final. All of this is dependent on if and when Roger Federer is there. That being said… it will likely be Andy Murray’s last Wimbledon. Will Kate show up for Muzz? Hm.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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55 Responses to “Wimbledon will give Princess Kate ‘flexibility’ when it comes to trophy presentations”

  1. If Roger is there to flirt with then she will be there.

    • emberlee says:

      Wimbledon’s scheduled Jun 24–Jul 14, 2024.
      “Flexiblity” my a**. That cosplay clothes wearing, middle-aged woman will make her grand entrance, on July 11th. In hopes, of overshadowing Harry’s ESPY award press.

    • Princessk says:

      Of course she is going to be there. The Daily Fail is the PR arm for Kensington Palace, they have known all along about this, saying that her appearance will give the nation a boost…LMAO. She attended Trooping so she could get to go to Wimby, otherwise she would have been criticised for just going to Wimby. Ma and Pa Middleton will be there too.
      There was talk of someone else handing out the trophies but Kate isn’t going to allow anyone else to steal the limelight at her fav and most glamourous engagement.
      So Kate will be seen at Wimby on one of her ‘good days’. It seems Charles doesn’t get to choose ‘good days’ to venture out.
      After Wimby she will disappear for the ‘school holidays’.

  2. Chica says:

    The BRF aka the welfare queens and kings are unserious.

  3. sparrow1 says:

    The “Will Kate be at Wimbledon” story was on the DM last night. I went to the comments, expecting “we can’t wait to see her” . It was a real surprise to find approx 95 per cent were critical: Of course she’ll be there, it’s a freebie; who cares; she won’t boost the country’s morale; she didn’t boost the country’s happiness at the parade; wimbledon won’t care and people won’t notice whether she’s there or not. Basically, who cares about whether she’s there, and, if she is, it proves they’re in it for the freeloading. Really surprising. It makes you wonder how moderated comments usually are. I sometimes think the DM opens the floodgates to commenters to gauge the public mood in a more accurate way, and whether they do it on the BRF’s behalf. It may have reached W&K that most of the tabloid public aren’t missing her.

    • Proud Mary says:

      if DM failed to moderate the comments in a manner favorable to KittKat, it’s only because KP wanted it that way. The questions is why?

    • Annalise says:

      Sparrow, I know what you mean about DM comments. It seems like if the article is about Harry and Meghan, then the comments are heavily moderated, but I’ve been seeing more and more articles about Will & Kate with a very surprising number of negative comments, and if you really want to start your day right, read the comments under articles about Camilla 😂

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    To me this reads that she’s going to be there, with her family, to watch the tournament but they don’t yet know if she will be bothered to present the trophies. I’m calling she will only go to the men’s final and present that trophy – someone else will do the womens.

  5. Lady Esther says:

    So the UK is totally fine with their “sickly” Princess of Wales skipping out on all of her official duties next week in Scotland (carried out by cancer patient Charles, Camilla and William) in favor of a couple of Wimbledon sightings with the rest of the Middletons? Where everything will be super “flexible” for her poor delicate self?

    Ok, then…

    • BeanieBean says:

      I read the, ‘we’ll be as flexible as possible’ as meaning look, if she’s there, great, but if not, we’ve got alternate plans already lined up. This tournament has been around a loooong time and it does not depend upon Kate.

  6. RRN says:

    Wimbledon will magically coincide with one of her “good” days. Her minions will act like she’s serving her nation and performing her duties inspite of her chemotherapy.

    Sheesh! The infantalization.

    • Proud Mary says:

      IKR? We can all count on this non-mere mortal, to find a feeling-well day, when she wants to make an appearance for one of her divorce settlements events.

  7. aquarius64 says:

    So Kate has duties in Scotland she’ll miss but will probably roll up during Wimbledon. Yeah that’s a good look for Kate; showing up only for the fun events. KP is gauging this to see if Kate will be really missed.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Come on @aquarius64, it’s not “only for the fun events”, it’s that she’ll only do events from now on that “bring her joy.” Huge difference! /s

      As I said to my boss today, I’m simply not going to do my job this week because it doesn’t bring me joy. Something something health! And he was toooootally OK with it, because the Princess of Wales does it, and we all have the same privileges.

      Oh wait….

      • RRN says:

        Both W & K do/carry out “fun” events specifically. Anything that has to do with dressing up, celebrities, VIPs, any pet projects that embiggen them and not the cause. Both of them are lazy and always have been…to the extent of using their kids as a reason and diversion from their own behavior. Years ago, Kate was late to an engagement and cited the reason as “kids”. Does anyone believe that nonsense? Like, where the f was nanny maria? even if she were missing, you mean to tell me nobody in the palace could look after her kids for a few hours?

  8. Amy Bee says:

    I’d be shocked if Kate doesn’t show up at Wimbledon.

    • sparrow1 says:

      I’ll be shocked if she does. Having read the DM comments last night, they were hostile – there was an almost consensus that she’ll only go because she’s a freeloader and damn being ill. Quite a shock. But, Amy Bee, you may prove me wrong. Who knows with that lot.

      • Liz says:

        I noticed a turnaround in comments there too Sparrow.

        There seems to be more cynicism now about this whole drama

      • sparrow1 says:

        ps Amy Bee and Liz. Some comments were also kind towards Meghan, saying she wouldn’t turn up in similar circs because of the bad optics and generally having more respect for the public. There were a fair number of upticks, and equal downticks to the usual comments about how jealous Meghan is of Kate blah blah. I really do wonder what gets moderated off that site. If the tabloids had been fairer, who knows. I wish they were still here.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Liz, there should be turnaround given how badly KP has done this. I think the general public thought Khate was seriously ill given all the things that happened leading up to trooping. Just given the lack of sightings or updates combined with the Frankenphoto mess and the bench video, people likely thought it was all because she was much worse off than they’d let on. So when she appears at Trooping looking the best she has in ages, people were (rightly IMO) a bit put out at it all.

        And when that’s followed up by K not thanking her medical team, not Zooming with some of her charities, not attending other work functions like the Japanese state dinner BUT she’s probably going to watch tennis? Yeah, I would not be surprised if the “freeloading grifter” sentiment takes hold.

  9. sunnyside up says:

    As she is their patron going there will be considered as work.

    • Liz says:

      TigerMcQueen – I couldn’t agree more. I was glad to see DM commenters finally showing a bit of sense.

  10. Chichi says:

    Girlfriend wants a jolly at the tennis, holidays, time at home with parents so had to show up for 0.5 days of work (trooping).

  11. Harper says:

    They goofed up at hiding Kate’s scar at Trooping so I predict she will be getting bangs to appear in the bright sun at Wimbledon. The bangs will be explained away as her wanting a new look to lift her spirits. But she’s coming, for sure.

  12. Jais says:

    Well, Wimbledon will go on either way. It’s really about her and her pr as to whether she goes. What I mean is Wimbledon is about tennis and the unbelievable athletes who inspire people. That doesn’t change regardless of who gives the finals cup. It just means the DM will get some new photos and a chance to write some stories about Kate that will be forgotten within a week.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Good take, Jais. I love Wimbledon and the Tour de France. I’m delighted. The Euros are on the go, too, of course. Mr Sparrow is happy with that. Wimbledon isn’t about Kate; in fact, I get bloody bored when they keep cutting to the royal box. I preferred it when the Duchess of Kent did the trophies, simply because she wore a lot of great Armani suits and seemed genuine in her love of the game. Kate or no Kate, Wimbledon will carry on and no one will be crying over her absence. If she does turn up, the cutting to the royal box will be even more intense and more annoying than ever.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    People only want her to show up so they can dissect her physically because no one believes the 💩 they are feeding to the public anymore.

  14. maryjane says:

    She could, of course, be wearing a colostomy bag and is waiting for it to be reversed. Which could prove problematic for appearances between chemo sessions. We just don’t know and it isn’t a good look to speculate. BTW we should remember the CIII did not have to have major abdominal surgery before his chemo began.

    • BeanieBean says:

      But you’re speculating that she has a bag & had major surgery. They’ve proven themselves to be liars, so why should we believe the surgery? ‘North Korea levels of propaganda’, remember?

      • Julianna says:

        I agree with you @BeanieBean.

        They are LIARS and frauds and I don’t believe any of the lies put out by them. It was literally obvious from the moment of that statement that they were lying from the get go and from there it just turned into a lying clown festival.

      • Liz says:

        Beanie bean and Julianna – I totally agree. QE11 used to say the royals had to be seen to believed.

        With this lot now I no longer believe what I see.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Beaniebean. I’m going to have to disagree with you here, and I hope you don’t drop one of your laptops! I think she has/had cancer with major surgery. I think she’s recovering. I wonder at her lack of more public thanks re the British public. I laugh at the silly garden centre video and take back my initial belief in the frankenphoto, which I thought was realistic because my garden looked in a similar state of growth. Good grief.

    • HeatherC says:

      A colostomy is not the end of all times. Last weekend my cousin got married. In a beautiful white wedding dress and you wouldn’t know she has a colostomy, even if you hugged her, and got a LOT of hugs, and dances, some jumping. So if she has a colostomy now, she had a colostomy at TOOC, not an excuse.

      Please can we try not to fearmonger ostomies, they save lives.

  15. babs says:

    y’all are so disgusting. woman has cancer. leave her be.

    • sparrow says:

      I believe she has cancer. I feel for her and her family. I think she should stay home and get better rather than possibly incurring the wrath of the British public, of whom I am one, by attending a frivolous event such as Wimbledon. Judging by comments in the UK tabloid press, people are angered that she’s even considering attending – along the lines of, you’ve barely been seen but can turn up to watch tennis. Again, I think she needs to get better and would hope she has the sense not to go.

    • Nerd says:

      Curious if you had the same judgment or insults in the royal family’s social media posts when they allowed racists to attack a pregnant Meghan with questions about her pregnancy? Did you revert to namecalling to the ones who were openly putting knife emojis on their social media pages and threatening to stab her in her belly because they didn’t believe her, even though in Meghan’s case she never did anything to warrant the disbelief? It has been six months of contradicting statements, photos, videos and media coverage yet some people questioning the genuineness of her having cancer is a step too far while Meghan’s years long abuse that still persists because of these racists who spearheaded and confined this abuse somehow doesn’t get the same treatment or response.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Per her own words, cancer “had been present” and she’s undergoing what’s assumed to be adjunctive chemo (she didn’t actually say that). It had been present, it’s not now, and she’s getting chemo to make sure there’s none left. So let’s drop the narrative that she’s battling cancer the same way King Charles is, or how millions of British people are battling it right now.

      Look, everyone on this page has history with cancer, be it their own, their family’s, their friends’. Everyone knows chemo sucks. The thing is, because of these histories, everyone also knows enough to question the timeline, the facts as they’ve been given to us by official sources, and what we’ve seen with our own eyes…which includes a fake photograph so poorly cobbled together that a legitimate news agency likened it to something released by North Korea.

      There’s a history here that includes the manner in which Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, has been treated by the British press and the firm and even Kate. Unless you have been equally outraged and disgusted by the lies told about Meghan and the harassment she continues to endure by both the rota and the palaces, your lecturing isn’t going to go over well with most of the posters here.

      • Nlopez says:

        Preach TigerMcQueen! I never liked Kate, but I felt sorry for her when I thought she was dying. She’s a relatively young mother, and I am glad she is alive for her kids sake. I still think she is a racist mean girl who helped drive Meghan to the point of suicidal ideation. I don’t believe anything the british media and KP say. I won’t be fooled again by their lies!

      • Iolanthe says:

        These are separate things .. I can sympathize with the cancer diagnosis on the very slim off chance that it is actually true but that doesn’t cancel out the racist , petty , calculating , mean minded behaviour . She hasn’t had the grace to regret that she bullied a pregnant girl to the point of desperation . There’s a word that was used in royal circles, of women like her who set out to land a title and a prospective heir to a throne. Kate is a Kingfisher ..so she can lump it . After all she got what she set out to do .

  16. aquarius64 says:

    Given the sentiments some here are saying are in the about Kate going to Wimbledon why run the risk of Kate getting booed at the event? BBC and Sky News may block it out but non UK media won’t. SM media will definitely put it out there. When a TikTok film showing a fight breaking out in the stands at this year’s Ascot, there’s no assurance she won’t be called out at Wimbledon.

    • Julianna says:

      A fight broke out at Ascot???!! What happened? I missed it.

      • Liz says:

        Julianna – it was a fight among the public. Tried to post a link from the DM about it. Many comments on the article saying Ascot is no longer a nice sedate day out.

  17. GTWiecz says:

    Sorry, I’m still team facelift plus separation. Look at the picture in a dark blue dotted dress with Willy. She looks as old as Carole there. Her jowls were all gone at Trooping.

  18. tamsin says:

    If I recall, the Queen when she was alive, did almost all of the events in Scotland. I’m not sure what Charles and Camilla did during the week. So I’m not sure Kate would be expected to be a part of the week in Scotland even if she were not because she is “recovering” from cancer treatment. Perhaps William, as Prince of Wales is expected to pick up the slack for an ailing king? Anyway, I think Kate is recovering from more than cancer and abdominal surgery, and I would hazard a guess that that is the opinion of many commenters here. And are the RR not tired of the will they or won’t they narrative regarding Harry, Meghan, and now Kate? It should apply to William now as well.

  19. kelleybelle says:

    Gawd, the hideous and outdated outfits before she began copying Meghan. Zero style sense, this woman.

  20. Anna says:

    So basically she is so unreliable that everyone has “if she comes, she comes” approach and generally always have plan B. That says a lot. And oh yes, she’ll be there in huge sunglasses and a hat.

    Whatever is wrong here (sth is, very) we may be able to deduct on some time.

  21. Well-Wisher says:

    She will be there in some capacity….

  22. Cottage Cat says:

    “Flexibility” meaning she gets to choose which appearances will get her the most column inches…..

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