Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez met up for the first time in two weeks

Jennifer Lopez returned to LA a few days ago after about two weeks in Europe. She had a sun-soaked vacation in Italy, then she seemingly tacked on a quick trip to Paris for the Dior show at Paris Fashion Week. The vibe of the Italian vacation was definitely “something relaxing before we file for divorce.” The vibe of the PFW trip was “J.Lo looks glowing and happy no matter what.” If the Bennifer marriage ends, she wants us to know that she’ll be okay. Well, it had been two weeks since J.Lo and Ben Affleck had seen each other but they met up at his office on Thursday:

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are back in the same country and hanging out … ’cause the two hit up his office — though photogs still couldn’t snap the two together. The actor and singer-songwriter both hit his Beverly Hills office Wednesday with Ben arriving in a chic suit around 10 AM and J Lo pulling up a couple hours later.

Check out the pics … BA’s looking dapper — and pretty dang serious — when arriving while his wife had her big movie star glasses on when her driver took her away, a few hours later.

Like we said, no shots of the two stars together … Jennifer reportedly left before Ben did. Unclear why they met up at the Beverly Hills office — but, it’s still a big deal ’cause the pair haven’t hung out since before Lopez’s European getaway.

As you know … Jennifer spent the last week parading around Italy — hanging out on a boat and grabbing dinner with pals sans Affleck. It all culminated in what some have called a classic Jenny from the Block move — flying commercial to Paris for the Dior Fashion Show.

[From TMZ]

TMZ doesn’t have any tea, and interestingly, neither does People Magazine. Meaning, neither side is leaking with an agenda at the moment. I honestly think it’s a good sign that Ben and J.Lo don’t seem to be publicly at cross purposes right now. Even if they’re falling apart, they’re keeping it relatively mature. That being said, I think it’s a horrible sign that the first time they saw each other in two weeks was a meeting at Ben’s office. It’s giving “sign the papers” vibes. If they are splitting, it would not surprise me whatsoever if they wait until they’ve worked out almost everything to announce it, à la Tom Brady and Gisele.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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86 Responses to “Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez met up for the first time in two weeks”

  1. JoanCallamezzo says:

    Meeting at the office: signing papers vibe. They are done. I hope he pays her attorney fees since he lovebombed her and pulled the plug on the greatest love story ever told. 🙄

    • Eva says:

      You don’t step into the same river twice. It was a huge mistake.

      • Flamingo says:

        Many of us get nostalgic for an ex-love. Because you reminisce about the good times and your brain makes you forget the bad times.

        I think they both thought they could time travel back to 2004. Have a do-over and get it right this time.

        And do you know what the definition of insanity is?

        Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

      • Isabella says:

        I know several couples who have reunited, and they seem very happy. They have lots in common. They’re from the same neighborhood. They were young and foolish when they broke up.

        It can work. These 2 have too many problems. Neither is good at marriage. They keep trying and failing. And Ben has substance abuse problems. They both have too much money & fame.

        On the plus side, they both like kids. I don’t dislike them. They gave it a shot. Twice.

      • julie jules says:

        One of my closest friends remarried her husband after a 20 yr break. He even married and had a kid in between. They had divorced over his alcoholism, he’s been clean for a years now, and wow are they happy. 2nd chances can happen if you work for it, but did Ben and Jen really do the work to get there? Nah. I see no evidence of that.

      • Polly says:

        That “repetition is insanity” line is so annoying.

        They did get a do-over and now maybe they’re both satisfied it wouldn’t work no matter the circumstances. Lots of folks reunite and they try different things. It’s just not a good match.

        Maybe now she truly knows she doesn’t need anyone!

      • Jaded says:

        I’m marrying a man I was in a relationship with in 1977/78. He ghosted me, met someone a few months later and they rushed into marriage a few months after. No surprise the marriage turned out to be awful but he stayed in it for the sake of their daughter. Many years later when their daughter was out of the nest she turned the tables and dumped HIM without warning, then once the ink was dry on their separation papers tried literally everything to reconcile. Turns out she has serious BPD. He decided to give me a call after we bumped into each other the year after they divorced and we’ve been together now for 8 years. Yes, second-time-arounds do happen and I’m living proof of it.

    • Aurora says:

      Yes Ben might have love-bombed her, but removing JLo’s agency on accepting to get back with him is infantilizing her.
      She just jumped at Ben in order to blastastically expunge ARod’s sliding into some girl’s DMs while engaged with her, and milk 00s nostalgia for her brand. Both of them were offered main roles with producer credits in mainstream movies in a very short lapse of time, out of the exposure they obtained. She had planned to amass millions from the collective through the movie-docu-tour project, plus the tour movie that was for sure in the docket.
      No matter how we’d like to blame toxic masculinity if they split, it would be two ppl mistake.

      • Jayna says:

        This 1,000 times over. He love-bombed her for sure and can be a miserable partner. But Ben did show up on a lot of red carpets supporting her and did try to support her desires regarding the musical movie, and his company is producing her movie in the fall. People can’t say he didn’t try to show support regarding her career desires.

        And on getting back with him, she immediately began working on a four-pronged, multi-media project monetizing their relationship. She expected to make a lot of money once it was all said and done. She didn’t. For all of her supposed 253 million Instagram followers, her album bombed and even streaming when it dropped was horrible. While she had good reviews, her musical movie/documentary was mocked online. She spent more than 20 million of her own money and we were, interestingly enough, never told what Amazon paid for it. She probably never recouped all of that money.

        Her tour initally based on the greatest love story never told album was not selling and she cancelled it due to low sales. Something I’m sure everyone was begging her to do. She saved face by saying she was canceling to be with family.

        Between merging families with a lot of teenagers and different ways of parenting, merging busy careers, merging finances and how they deal with that, J-Lo’s huge entourage, a horrible, expensive house purchase, and just different personalities with clashing between a couple who are both over 50 and aren’t likely to change, it would have been a miracle that they did make it. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. Sometimes love isn’t enough.

      • Get Real says:

        Best analysis I’ve seen so far anywhere.

      • ElleE says:

        I keep saying : Marriages don’t break up after 2 years over things like things.

        I bet at least 3 people you know got married, bought a house. Had a baby moved across the country. Lost a job, changed a job, lost a parent, had a catastrophic accident whatever and they stayed married. That’s just living life.

        Is over it’s because something big happened, some very, very deep betrayal of trust by one of these two and we may never find out what that was.

      • FYI says:

        @ElleE — Maybe the very deep betrayal was that she splashed his PRIVATE, intimate love letters all over the place … for money and attention. I’d be done after that.
        Not saying he’s innocent, but that was probably a bridge too far.

      • Valois says:

        Marriages between two people who have a terrible track record and have several failed engagements and divorces can definitely end due to “small” things.

    • GrnieWnie says:

      Man, is this just how rich people divorce? Like because they can afford everything and legal costs and the expenses of leaving a partner are not an issue, they just…divorce at the drop of a hat?

      I spent maybe 5 years deciding whether to divorce lol.

      • ElleE says:

        Something big happened.

        Ben’s last wife hung on by her fingernails and I think he thought that how this was going to roll too: slowly pulling down his wife from estatic to be married to stressed and struggling.

        That is what it looks like anyway. Sorry it looks like a bad for these two.

      • Blasphemous Ho says:

        I haven’t seen the movie, but I bet when she shared his private letters with her team, and then to put that in the movie — that had to be all the nails in the coffin. He’s just lucky she didn’t find his journal and read it to everyone.

  2. Jayna says:

    Ben is in a suit. Interesting. I think the lawyer or lawyers are meeting with them at Ben’s office to stay under the radar instead of Ben and Jennifer being photographed arriving at a lawyer’s office. So I think it was settlement talks ironing out the details regarding their split financially in their divorce.

  3. Libra says:

    Up until I read this I had high hopes that they could work this out. “Office” means attorneys. So it’s soon over. Why do I even care about them? Not like we’re best buddies or anything.

    • Mil says:


      I am strangely invested. I do not think any of this was fake, maybe that’s why. The last couple I liked was… well, OK, no idea. It was a long time.

    • Blithe says:

      I realize now, that I’ve been invested in their success as a couple, not because I believe that love conquers all, but because I hoped that with less of an influence from the media — which was often noxiously racist their first go around — they could give their obvious love for each other a genuine chance. However this plays out, I hope their kids can remain actively in each other’s lives — if that’s what they want to do.

      • Libra says:

        @blithe, yes, I hope no matter the outcome that they’ll put the children first.

      • FYI says:

        But she invited the media into everything, yes? A very public park on their honeymoon in Paris?? It’s easy to avoid paparazzi if they want to, and that ain’t it.

  4. Milygu says:

    This makes me so sad. They are both obviously problematic and difficult people, but it really seems like they loved each other and tried hard to make it work. JLo was more public about it, because of course, but I bet they’re both in a rough place right now.

  5. Barbara says:

    This all seems like it’s about to culminate in a 4th of July announcement.

  6. Truthsyrup says:

    Also feel invested. Think it gave hope for long lost loves who got away.

  7. Flamingo says:

    Perez Hilton was all over this on Tik Tok he kept ‘allegedly’ saying they were meeting at Ben’s office to finalize the divorce statement. And it will drop today. Which for celebrities they like to drop bombs on a Friday right before a big holiday. To try and fly under the radar.

    I still hoped they were trying to work it out. But it does not look good. He looks sad and grumpy, and Jennifer looks amazing. So maybe it’s best she drops this anchor on her neck.

    • Amberil says:

      Jlo doesn’t look amazing, she looks sad and drained to me

      • Flamingo says:

        Highly disagree, every pap walk she is styled beautifully. Maybe the smile is mask to hide sadness. But she looks beautiful.

      • Jaded says:

        JLo’s life is a performance and she performs very well despite whatever marital travails are happening. That may be one reason amid many why the marriage failed, she’s addicted to performing to a large audience and the attention and validation it gets her, Ben isn’t.

      • Aurora says:

        She’s a beautiful woman nonetheless, and her stylists are excelling themselves lately. But she does look drained and tense whenever she’s not striking a pose. She’s mostly been very fit, still muscular and curvy. Right now, she’s lost a lot of weight and her face is starting to hollow in (No shade to whoever has looked like that their whole lives). She could use three or four months unwinding but for soul-searching therapy.

  8. UpIn Toronto says:

    Quoting Ursula from Disney’s The Little Mermaid: ” so much for true love”.

    Neither Ben nor Jen had the respect for their relationship to avoid repeating the mistake that cost them their relationship the first time around: media attention!

    They treated it as photo op and between the Netflix deals and Dunkin Donuts, it became a cash cow. They chose parades, pap walks, and photo ops over privacy. They handed their relationship over to the press, the very element that they said destroyed it the first round, and then did it again.

    Good luck to them both, but they both seem to have self destructive tendencies and both should probably get therapy to work on being happy as individuals alone

    • Cath says:

      Hear, hear! That’s exactly it!

    • Seraphina says:

      What you say makes sense. I never understood the Dunkin commercial as to WHY was this done? It seemed off brand for them and then add Damon and Brady to the mix. It was like WITW is going on here????

    • Harla A Brazen Hussy says:

      This exactly! I knew that there were going to be problems when their honeymoon was all over the media, what relationship can survive that kind of constant scrutiny?

      • L4Frimaire says:

        I thought the honeymoon was a red flag as well. Why go to Paris and do such cheesy touristy things and be photographed all over the place. They could have gone anywhere in the world and spend private time alone. It was too performative.

  9. lucy2 says:

    This totally feels like a “meet with lawyers” kind of thing.
    I don’t think a solo vacation or friends vacation is a bad thing, especially if the other one is working, but in the midst of all the rumors and JLO taking a beating on social media, it’s not good.
    Every time she’s referred to as “Jenny From the Block” I think about the video I saw a few weeks ago, of the woman who actually did the majority of the vocals on that, including shouting “from the Bronx!”.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Doesn’t she also have an office in this same building? How do they know she went to Ben’s office? Weird.

    It does feel like it’s nearing the end though, combined with Ben purposefully not wearing his ring last weekend. Sad.

  11. SIde Eye says:

    They’re done. Kind of makes me sad. The only thing that would surprise me at this point is if she DOES NOT have a jump off ready and waiting. She can’t be alone 18 seconds. If she decides to be alone for a few years I would be completely shocked. She’s addicted to love, public adoration, and praise. She needs to examine why. She has her own addiction. We talk about his all the time but she has her own.

    I actually think Jen Gardner was best suited for his grump lifestyle/personality, but she would NEVER take him back. The nanny thing was the final straw. When a man screws up like that you never look at them the same way again. There’s no getting past it. That pic of her handing him his Jack N the Box at drive through said it all. She’s done and she was hoping JLO would be the one to deal with him. No such luck for Jen Gardner.

    I think he’s physically attracted to JLO and respects her hustle when she is on a professional high. He loves success. He met Jen Gardner during her Alias days and her star was shining bright. This string of JLO failures, and add to it the Diddler garbage resurfacing, it has turned him off. He doesn’t want to be associated with it which is weird, JLO is still massively successful. Corporations and massively successful people have ups and downs.

    He started publicly gushing about JLO again during Hustlers and the Oscar buzz, now that this has died down he’s lost interest. Sharing his love letters didn’t help. He is looking for JLO hustle and looks with Jen Gardner personality. Weird cause Jen Gardner is gorgeous too. But he doesn’t get that JLO hustle/glamour and Jen Gardner personality don’t go together. You don’t build this kind of empire by being nice and putting others first. That’s for a man or a woman. It’s not shade it’s the truth.

    The other thing about Ben he loves the chase. I know a bunch of men like this. When you’re challenging and out of their reach they are ALL IN. They’re obsessed. When they actually get their wives they’re bored and looking elsewhere. Something about domestic bliss turns them off completely. Men like this should never get married.

    • Aurora says:

      I think you nailed it. Whatever bothered him about Jennifer’s drive and narcissist lifestyle, he was taking it out of making her happy, as long as it came with positive exposure and public validation as a colateral.
      Once the greatest love story became source of flop, mockery and concern, he seemed to wake up. What if he allowed for the letters to be exhibited or even put up some of the 20 mill under the assurance that Jennifer’s followers would blindly support the project?
      I think they genuinely wanted to make it work, but they seemingly disagreed on many practical fronts, while also wanting to focus on very different career optics.

      • Midnightsun says:

        “Something about domestic bliss turns them off completely. ”
        What domestic Bliss when jlo is never there ? They bought a 60 million home that was pretty much empty all the time, because this is jlo representation of love. Love for her is all about proving it to the world instead of living it, fonda was right about it. What are worth a film, album, Doc and all those declarations of love without putting the daily works into the relationship ? She’s a workaholic, who doesn’t like to compromise in relationships

    • swaz says:

      You might be right but JLo is the one that’s been divorced 3 times and this will be her fourth 🙄🙄🙄

      • SIde Eye says:

        I agree Swaz and that’s not counting her engagement where she and Alex merged families. She needs to stop getting married and cohabitating until her kids are adults who are out of the house. They have been in 2 of these situations in the last 3 years with step siblings or almost step siblings. Enough. Pun intended!

    • Seraphina says:

      He is looking for JLO hustle and looks with Jen Gardner personality.

      • SIde Eye says:

        I hope my comment didn’t sound like I don’t think Jen Gardner is gorgeous. She is. Just a different kind of beauty – one that is more relatable. JLO comes with all this extra: glamour, sex appeal, feathers, designer clothes, diamonds. It’s glittery and he’s attracted to that. He pretends he doesn’t care about it but he loves big cars big jewelry too.

      • FYI says:

        It’s Garner, not Gardner. Jennifer Garner.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      “ The only thing that would surprise me at this point is if she DOES NOT have a jump off ready and waiting. She can’t be alone 18 seconds.”

      Does anyone know where Pete Davidson is? Is he currently dating or single? I may have a summer job for him…

      • lucy2 says:

        Yeah, what happened to Pete? Every other week it was some new woman he was dating.
        If J Lo and Ben do split, she absolutely needs to be single for a while. A long while.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol don’t give her any ideas! This woman approaches relationships/marriages with the same maturity as a teenaged Swifty. it’s like she can’t be done with someone without getting married or engaged to someone else. She ran from Diddy marrying Chris Judd. Ran from Judd to Ben. When Ben practically left her at the altar the first time 3 seconds later she is married to Mark Anthony, and so on.

        It’s like she’s never heard of the concept of just being done and changing her phone number. She moves on with a new person to rub the ex’s nose in it – look what you missed out on! I’m sooooo happpppy! And still sexy! Look at my open mouth pose. It’s insanely childish.

        But if she didn’t have that pattern, I’d say Pete would be an awesome jump off if she doesn’t fall in love. Pete’s a love bomber but seems like an overall decent guy.

    • VilleRose says:

      I am such a huge Jennifer Garner fan because Alias was my #1 fave TV show as a teen. And I would NEVER want her to get back with Ben. I still blame Ben for getting JG pregnant which caused Jennifer’s pregnancy to be written into the storyline and it completely ruined the show lol. I know it takes two to tango but I like to irrationally blame Ben for ruining Alias.

      Jokes aside, JG waited years to finally file for divorce and I don’t know why they were separated for so long but it really made her look like a doormat. It was frustrating to watch. I don’t know if she waited for the kids or she truly thought she could work things out with Ben. I forget the timeline with the nanny but they were separated at the time and not together. But it did make Ben look bad and also just made JG look like a doormat for not finally ending the marriage. I’m so glad she’s moved on with the hamburger entrepreneur/fast food chain guy. I know they’ve been on and off for years so who knows how healthy the relationship is (they’ve both been divorced and have kids so I know htat complicates things) but I love the fact she’s with a guy who isn’t a celebrity and not looking for fame.

      As for Ben and J. Lo, their relationship has frankly always confused me but there is clearly a lot of passion and love there. However passion alone isn’t enough to sustain a relationship and they are at heart two very different people with very different needs. Ben gets wrapped up in his filming projects and is more of a homebody, we only see him out when he’s promoting a project (not to mention all the substance abuse issues). J. Lo is high maintenance and very social, needs an entourage of 20 people around her at all times because she doesn’t like to be alone. She probably does have a jump off already which we’ll find out about within one week of the divorce being announced. I think the turnaround time from A-Rod to Ben was 2 weeks or something like that?

      • Lens says:

        from what i remember he wanted joint custody and she refused. so instead of fighting it out in court they did it privately to keep it way out of the court system and therefore the press. they ended up not using lawyers at all and so we got no leaks. it took him about 3 different rehab sessions (and only lasting days) and a slip up in 2019 but eventually he got what he wanted. by the way why should she file? he could have just like now. because he didn’t want his dirty laundry on blast like brangelina.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Thank you VilleRose I loved her in both Alias and Juno and I hate the narrative that she trapped him like she had nothing going on but Ben at the time. It’s ridiculous. I bet Jen Gardner wishes she had ended it sooner. It’s probably tough when you are dealing with the other person’s addictions, trying to keep the family together etc. I think initially she did everything she could to maintain everything for the kids. He was going to keep pushing that line to force the divorce even if it meant sleeping with someone’s best friend. He did everything he could to sabotage it. Your kid’s nanny is not a line that you cross. What a betrayal even if they were separated.

  12. Carolnr says:

    I think they are meeting to finalize paperwork, as well! I thought they would announce their divorce publicly on July 4th weekend. But now I wonder if they will wait until after their 2nd anniversary ( to give them 2 years) I think they both were caught up in the fantasy of getting back together after 20 year. Neither Ben nor JL realized ( until after the honey moon period) that they are not the same people now. It has been reported that they not only disagree on lifestyles but also disagree on finances & parenting. That is alot to be not on the same with in a marriage!!! This has to be painful for BOTH of them, but life is too short to be unhappy in a marriage!!!

    • Whatnow says:

      People magazine is saying that a source close to the couple states that Ben has moved all is belongings out of the mansion while she was in Europe so I think you are on to something

      • Carolnr says:

        Yes, I wonder when he went back to pick up the small stuff if that is when the paps were flashing their cameras at him while driving down the driveway. He also told the paps that his daughter was coming down & that they would cause an accident. I think he thought they could go there unnoticed but the paps were there waiting. ..

  13. MaisiesMom says:

    Well, I guess that’s that. It does make me kind of sad. It seemed like they were both committed to making it work. Ben thought he can handle her high profile habits this time around, and he did try; but he was just past the point where he could change that much for another person.

    I don’t want to denigrate this woman and say that she just wants attention. Maybe she is also someone who really loves out loud and wants to share it with the world. It’s probably a mix of both. As for him, while he did sort of love-bomb her, I think his feelings for her were/are genuine. The way they re-connected after that many years apart made me believe their initial bond and connection was quite strong and deep. But making it work at this stage of life was always going to be tough.

    I feel badly for the kids. They seemed to get along quite well, based on the bits of them on outings and vacations that we got to see. Hopefully they can stay in each others lives somehow, if they want to. And I hope they both heal relatively quickly. But Jen, for the love of God, please just be alone for a while and enjoy your family, friends and success!

    • Anonymous says:

      Same goes for Ben, he needs to be alone for a while, he also has a habit of jumping from relationship to relationship. Very few of his relationships have lasted over 2 years.

  14. StillDouchesOfCambridge on says:

    They were done 20 years ago. I’m not sad because it was never gonna work. The odds were 1 in nothing and that’s exactly what happened. Unfortunately. But they lasted longer than I expected and they did go through with the wedding so. Bravo for that. sucks to be them right now.

    • Eleonor says:

      They both have two massive egos.
      The dream of getting back with THE one who got away in your ’20s is…well a dream.
      He likes to chase and love bombed her (which is a toxic behaviour) and she likes to be wowed.
      If I think of getting back with the guy I was 20 years ago ? HELL NO.
      But “the idea” can be appealing, I can see that, but after the honeymoon haze ?
      I don’t see nothing interesting.
      At least they got married this time.

  15. LBB says:

    I now think she cancelled the tour because she knew she was getting a divorce and really could not do a tour singing about her great love affair, and I don’t blame her at all for that.

  16. Barrett says:

    Real life is hard. I’m crazy ab my hubby and we still see a therapist a few times a year for our blended family to help w communication. I’m mostly disappointed the quit so soon without a few years of effort w help.

  17. Andrea says:

    Maybe it is me, but my first two great loves were ultimately disasters. The first one pulled a gun on me towards the end of our relationship and then threatened to kill me and himself when I broke up with him. I have never ever contemplated going back to him, even though he was my first big love, even when he came to me years later apologizing for past behavior and going through a 12 step program. He, I have heard, is going through a messy divorce because of chronic cheating/sex addiction and gaslighting. My second I thought I would marry, but he became an alcoholic and I was DONE. Again, since he is still an alcoholic to this day, never had a second thought of reconciling.

    I never understood why they tried again. I suppose it is that saying, even a broken clock is right twice a day and the hope was things would be different a second time around once they have hopefully evolved and changed. The problem with that that I see is that people sadly I have found don’t evolve and change THAT much to make it work. Some do, but it takes will power and strength that most people don’t have because they cling to toxic cycles and patterns of behavior as well as coping mechanisms that were imbedded at an early age.

    I am still trying to find someone who has done the work like myself and has given up old coping mechanisms and behaviors, but sadly, most men I have found thus far are not emotionally healthy or mature or provide a safe enough environment for me to remain in(not to mention the ones who aren’t financially stable either).

    • Jaded says:

      Wow Andrea, sounds exactly like my first two romantic entanglements in my twenties — both had drinking problems, and the first one was a covert narcissist who started blaming me for all his problems. Turns out I was a dead ringer for his ex-fiancé who dumped him a couple of weeks before they married and I was the convenient scapegoat for his misplaced anger. The second was a professional hockey player who was regularly unfaithful to me then abruptly dumped me after I’d nursed him through a horrible on-ice injury that pretty much ruined his career. A few months later I read in the paper that he’d married his high school sweetheart. A year later he died in a one-person car crash in the middle of the night. He was drunk. Anyway, all that to say neither Ben nor JLo seem to have the emotional maturity to consider marriage counseling, and a relationship that starts with that big of a publicity bang is bound to flounder once the honeymoon period is over. They’re old enough to know better and I just hope this isn’t too tough on their kids.

  18. Nigela says:

    “She’s addicted to love, public adoration, and praise. She needs to examine why. She has her own addiction. We talk about his all the time but she has her own.”

    She has histrionic personality disorder. Look it up, it explains everything.

    • SIde Eye says:

      I just did. Omg Nigela! You nailed it!

    • Jaded says:

      Exactly — she’s like Madonna in that sense, they have to be the centre of attention all the time. Hyper-sexualized behaviour is also a big part of HPD, and typically they are narcissistic, self-indulgent, flirtatious, dramatic and extroverted. Yup, sounds like JLo.

      • StarWonderful says:

        Why throw Madonna into the mix when driving home a negative point about someone else? The two women are highly successful and stars in their own right, but I don’t think they’re alike or handle relationships the same way.

      • Jaded says:

        @StarWonderful — I’m talking about their burning need to be in the spotlight, their obvious narcissism and self-obsession. They have these personality traits in common; as for the way they handle relationships, they are different but at the core, their insatiable drive for attention (remember the “Sex” book?) is what motivates them.

    • Mil says:

      Can we stop diagnosing people based on their public personas? She has issues, but none of us are her therapist.
      If anything, try living with an alcoholic for a week. Child of one who drank himself to death. It is a disaster. His first love is the bottle and no one can compete. Ben admitted to being an addict.
      Chances of being high profile female celebrity and having a successful relationship are slim. That’s reality. Chances of living with an addict are also slim. I do think there was love, but that’s never enough.
      I think his PR will be ruthless, but we’ll see.

      • Whatnow says:

        You are not wrong. Shots fired. PR is quoting Matt Damon is saying negative things about JLo. Why are you working for JLo Ben what is she ever done for you and your career?. He’s moved his things out of the mansion reportedly while she was in Europe so 4th of July divorce is looking likely

      • Jaded says:

        @Mil — My sister drank herself to death. She was seriously narcissistic and suffered from BPD as well. Mr. Jaded’s ex-wife was diagnosed with Vulnerable Narcissism and HPD. Some of us have had more than enough experience to recognize symptoms of these disorders in our families and loved ones.

      • Midnightsun says:

        His pr will be ruthless ?
        Her crisis pr team has been leaking nonstop negative stuffs to the dailymail about him for weeks now

  19. Charlotte says:

    Oh god I wish they’d just grow up, realize they love one another but can’t live together, and just keep separate houses, sometimes separate vacations, and get on with their lives. When you’re a grown-ass person, with multiple kids, and big careers, why not? Can we all just get over “fairy tale romance” already?

  20. VilleRose says:

    Well this is just sad. While I’ve always been puzzled by their pairing, I do think there’s a lot of love and passion between them. I wasn’t very optimistic when they reunited, though it was definitely a fun romp down memory lane of early 2000s gossip. I’m not surprised they’ve crashed and burned so hard. But at least they can say they tried (twice) and there’s no “what if” regrets of not having gotten married. Neither of them can say “Ben/Jen was the one that got away.” I’m mostly sad for all the kids involved, it does seem like the Affleck and J. Lo kids got along and formed friendships. I wonder how they’ll navigate that going forward (especially if Emme and Fin Affleck go to the same school? I think Seraphina goes by Fin now) I have to wonder what it’s been like for J. Lo’s kids all these years because she doesn’t pause, she’s a serial monogamist. I know Ben has had a few girlfriends too since his divorce from Garner but there have been breaks and no other kids were involved that I can think of?

  21. Whatnow says:

    People magazine is saying a source close to the couple states that Ben has moved all his belongings out of the mansion while she was in Europe.

  22. Carolnr says:

    I think with ” sources” saying that Ben moved the rest of his stuff of the house they jointly own,( they are clearly over) Ben is prompting JL to PUBLICLY file for divorce & then make a PUBLIC announcement..

    • Whatnow says:

      Agreed. If they both had moved their stuff out maybe I could believe they were going to a new location together. But you don’t hear anything like that happening so I got to believe he’s out of there and she took her last minute gig to Paris to give him enough time to get out without confrontation.

  23. Anonymous says:

    2 things I caught that weren’t mentioned…they both have an ofc in that building and he moved his stuff out while she was gone.

  24. Whatnow says:

    People magazine is now quoting the source close to the couple are saying they don’t have any summer plans together/focused on their separate lives.

  25. julie jules says:

    I don’t like either one of these people, and yet I am inexplicably disappointed. wth? Is this a Genx thingy?

    • Lens says:

      they were so PUBLIC with their relationship and so performative with all the PDA on all the red carpets (i was gonna add them up then got tired) yet the marriage didn’t even last two years. It’s a disappointing and truncated ending. And that was all there was. Was there love? well, not enough.

  26. kelleybelle says:

    I thought it might just work this time, really. When they first started dating again I think I said, “Oh please, I take these two about as seriously as I do Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson.” Maybe I was right after all.

  27. Jilliebean says:

    Noooooo I still have hope they will work it out!

  28. Flower says:

    Ben Affleck is a man baby with a whole conveyor belt of baggage.

    This situation was foreseeable and even inevitable. He never looked happy with JLo because he’s fundamentally a mess and was never happy with himself.

    Sooner or later he’ll be crawling back to Jennifer Garner – seen this happen so many times with men like this.

  29. Kristin says:

    Okay, here’s my two cents and I’d appreciate it if everyone didn’t come for my head all at once.

    Ben is an addict. That is an extremely difficult person to live with. The ups, the downs, the highs and lows. Often you feel like you’re walking a tightrope, never knowing which person youre going to get that day. I don’t think he’s cut out for marriage. And I don’t care for the way he threw Jen Garner under the bus, after she put up with all his bullshit, raised his children, did everything in her power to keep him sober, even AFTER they split. Just a total lack of respect for a woman who gave everything to him.

    And Jennifer Lopez, hoo boy. That is a woman that is just in love with love. The idea of love. Not necessarily the foundation that love is built on. I honestly cannot recall her ever being single for a moment in her life. Those type of people really need to step back, be alone for awhile and figure out who they really are and what they really want. And I’m sorry, but she’s a diva of the highest magnitude. I am friends with alot of people in the industry and she is not a “nice” person. She’s driven and ambitious, which is fantastic. But she’s also an asshole. She doesn’t treat people well and is extremely thirsty for fame. Don’t believe me? Ask Rosie Perez. And the thousands of other bodies she walked over to get to where she is.

    And for all these people who are all, “they know each other, they’re meant to be, blah blah”.
    Horseshit. They were apart for nearly two decades. You’re a very different person in your 20s than you are in your 40s. I wouldn’t recognize myself from my 20s, or anyone I dated for many years back then. Personally, I’m shocked this marriage has lasted this long.

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