Chris Pratt & Katherine Schwarzenegger are expecting their third child together

One of the big stories this year about Chris Pratt and his wife Katherine Schwarzenegger is that they razed a historic Craig Ellwood house in LA, all so they could build a tacky faux-farmhouse McMansion in their preferred neighborhood. To my mind, Pratt and Schwarzenegger should have gotten more sh-t about that, but the story was mostly limited to outrage in the historic-architecture community. The stories which get wider play are always the ones about Pratt being a f–king douche about his first marriage to Anna Faris and their son with special needs. Pratt got a lot of well-deserved sh-t for callously praising Katherine for giving him a “healthy daughter.” He then pretended like he was the victim of internet bullying when people pointed out that his language around Anna and Jack should be more considerate. Then last year, he didn’t even send well-wishes to Anna on Mother’s Day. Well, guess who’s going to be a father again?

Katherine Schwarzenegger has another baby on the way!

The Good Night, Sister author, 34, and husband Chris Pratt are expecting their third baby together, a source confirms to PEOPLE.

The couple share daughter Eloise Christina, 2, and Lyla Maria, 3. The Marvel star, 45, is also dad to 11-year-old son Jack with ex-wife Anna Faris.

[From People]

As soon as Katherine welcomed their second girl, I knew they would have another baby. He’s trying to get another son. Katherine probably wants a boy as well, I’m sure. But even then, I think they’re both into having a big family. Katherine has three full siblings (and one half-brother, Joseph Baena). She probably wants a big family too, I’m just saying. Don’t put this all on Pratt and his Quiverfull-esque mindset. This is one of the big reasons why Chris married Katherine too – a wholesome churchy type who was young enough to keep popping out babies. What if they have another girl?

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red.

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49 Responses to “Chris Pratt & Katherine Schwarzenegger are expecting their third child together”

  1. Lily-Rygh says:


  2. Amy Bee says:

    I mean the Kennedys are known to have large families so it’s not surprising that Katherine would want the same for herself. For her sake I hope this baby is a boy.

    • Tessa says:

      The couple should hope the baby is happy and healthy. If he’s that petty about wanting a boy that’s his problem.

      • Amy Bee says:

        It will become her problem if he takes out his disappointment on her. That’s what I don’t want for her.

      • Tessa says:

        Exactly. But the man determines the sex of the child and she can remind him

  3. Libra says:

    IVF? Or is he against gender selection?

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      He’s against potentially discarding embryos. Because something you can only see with a microscope is a ‘baby’ to him. (And I say this as a woman who had 3 miscarriages at 6 weeks.)

      • Mightymolly says:

        IVF and abortion are now one issue, inextricably linked. We need to shout that from the rooftops. You don’t get to benefit from IVF and support government invasions of medical privacy.

  4. Wagiman says:

    He has a trad wife. She wants to be a trad wife. All good, I guess. Unless she chooses agency

    • Whatever says:

      It honestly chills me to look at her. There’s such blankness in her face. She comes across as extremely simple, immature, and eager to believe whatever nonsense the nearest authoritative-seeming man spoon feeds her. I would feel bad for her if women like her didn’t do so much damage.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        Same same same. She looks simple, immature and eager to please him. And that’s exactly what he likes. Very Duggar style.
        Do I remember correctly that she and her siblings don’t want a relationship with Joseph because that’s how they think they should support their mom?

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yes, I don’t think she thinks of Joseph as a brother at all.

      • Lauren says:

        I wonder how she got that way. Her mom is clearly not like that, and while her dad clearly has his issues, encouraging his daughter to be a trad wife does not seem like something he’d do.

      • JDLS says:

        THIS. The two of them seem incredibly churchy and vacant. I used to think he seemed like a down to earth guy but his glow up seems to have affected his brain. She just seems verrry young.

      • Sera Quell says:

        @Whatever – I 110% agree with you. Blankness, extremely simple, (and as someone commented below) the colour beige. Ugh. Something about her IRKS me

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @ Smart- Of all the things I would criticise her and her siblings for, it wouldn’t be for not wanting a relationship with Joseph. While it’s not Joseph’s fault how he came to be, I can imagine the amount of pain the whole thing caused them. Joseph is basically the spit of Ahnuld. I’d be reminded every time I looked at him. My understanding is that, though Mildred had Joseph at the house with her when she worked, Joseph wasn’t raised to be close to his half siblings. No point in forcing it and Joseph seems to have accepted it.

    • Hallie says:

      The lesser Chris has himself a little trad wife. So obvious.

    • Snoozer says:

      It’s so ODD. Her mother is an accomplished journalist and author as well as the founder of a non-profit and an awarded television producer. How and why did she raise her daughter to be this way? It’s so confusing!

      Arnold would have been off filming and being Governor for most of her formative years. Is it wanting the approval of absent men?

      Is it because her mother was so busy and accomplished? Was she raised more by nannies and wants to be more present?

      The story goes that Maria introduced her daughter to Chad Veach of Zoe Church and therefore Pentecostalism / mega churches. Why??

      I just find it all so confusing.

      • Anna says:

        It is so common yet I cannot understand. Same with CarolE and Kate (all siblings, actually). Carole has hustle and did sth with her life (I am not commenting on latest “achievements”). Kate is just floating around without a deeper thought in her head. And I see it among my peers as well. And it is not only about hard work, because this part I can understand- if you hustled your whole life you may want an easier life for your children. But with financial means, there is so much space for education, supporting causes you are invested in, having a world view and some character.

        Katherine is 34, yet she looks and speaks like a simple 24 yo. She seems like a Betty Draper type – have kids, be home, don’t ask questions, wear a nice dress when told so. It is a choice but what happens to women like that is slow drama that stars when kids get bigger and they are no longer the young shiny things. And it is sad and scary and we see it over and over again and still young women are repeating this scenario.

      • olliesmom says:

        I’m confused about the fact that her mother is very accomplished too.

        Katherine is half Kennedy and those Kennedy women are strong.

        I just don’t get it.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        Seems it’s the old trope of “permissive” parents raising ridiculously conservative kids. Something was missing in her formative years that religion was able to give her. Usually some form of structure and “love.” Look at the recent Dancing with the Devil documentary. These “leaders” know how to sniff out and explore vulnerability.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    The worst Chris and the most nauseating couple ever.

  6. Molly says:

    They moved across the street from her parents. And the house hadn’t been occupied for years, and had significant engineering issues that would have made it incredibly expensive to fix (which means no one would have bought it; it literally wasn’t worth the cost of fixing).

    • Lucy says:

      Interesting to hear about the house. It makes sense, a lot of the Frank Lloyd Wright houses need or needed work like that too. He experimented with construction techniques and had architecture students doing the building, which means these masterpieces were built by amateurs, and after 30+ years some of the “innovations” were not a good idea. That does give good context for the house demo.

      They go to a problematic church (almost any mega church is in that category) so he’s only going to be more fully the evangelical doofus he’s been, until the church inevitably flames out. I’m in Dallas and three different mega church pastors have resigned in the past like two weeks for moral failings 🤨

    • LM says:

      Thanks for the background information on the house, this leads to (at least for me) a much more nuanced discussion.

  7. LM says:

    Wishing them all the best. Every parent hopes for a healthy kid, I don’t find anything wrong with that. And if they want to expand their family, good for them. Kids are a joy. Don’t understand the need to be cynical about any part of this.

    I’m big on reproductive choice: that choice can be abortion, but that choice can also be a bigger family. Live and let live.

    • Maggie says:

      Oh please, they’re both awful people who should not be reproducing. Just look at the way he treats animals, his ex and their child.

    • babs says:

      you’re too rational a person for this comments section lol

    • Imara219 says:

      I feel the same. This isn’t exactly news in the snarky sense. A husband and wife decided to have another child 😀. A woman decided to she likes being a stay at home caretaker. He found want he wanted in a wife and she found what she wanted in a husband. Her choice isn’t less than just because she’s not doing what her mother does.

  8. kelleybelle says:

    She looks more like his daughter that his wife.

    • ennie says:

      That second pic!!!! Yikes.

    • Caitlin says:


    • Anna says:

      He wanted exactly a daughter-wife. Young and inexperienced, that will follow his vision of marriage.

      I have a few guy friends, that picked girls that fit their vision of life and family and seemed to have everything on the list, apart from real connection. Those are now marriages where apart from kids, they have nothing to talk about.

  9. KBeth says:

    These two are insufferable.

  10. Newt says:

    I get Duggar vibes from them. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  11. bisynaptic says:

    Congratulations! Hope it’s a girl!

  12. fu says:

    He is a despicable human being. An animal abuser, ableist, alt right trash. But let’s not pretend she’s a victim. She knew exactly whom she was marrying.

  13. Polly says:

    It’s giving Quiverfull.

  14. JFerber says:

    Of course they both want a boy. I’m no expert, but from the way she’s carrying, it’s giving girl vibes to me. So then I’ll repeat what I think is a Chinese saying: Congratulations and Condolences. Pithy, huh? And so unproblematic! Also, her half-brother Joseph is half-Hispanic. And the mother was the family’s maid. I’m sure both are considerations to ghosting her half-brother: racism and classism.

  15. Mina_Esq says:

    They are so bland that all I see is beige when I look at photos of them.

  16. Annalise says:

    I cannot, will not, ever get past the fact that this B scheduled her bridal shower on the same day as her half brother Joseph’s (the child Arnold had with the housekeeper) college graduation.

    Very, very safe to say that his event was scheduled long before hers, and it looks very much like an attempt to make Arnold “choose” which child he would be with that day. The funny part is that apparently he spent very little time at her shower before spending the rest of the day with Joseph.

    I definitely get the impression that Joseph has NOT been embraced by his half siblings. As if the affair was his fault. Smh

    • Claire says:

      To be fair, do you think she even knew when his college graduation was whenever this shower was scheduled (and whoever hosted it probably was the one that scheduled it, after checking with her on dates that worked). If they don’t have a relationship at all, she might not have even known – her dad is probably the only one that goes to Joseph’s events, so her dad probably doesn’t email the family ahead of time to let them know the dates of all of Joseph’s events that they seem to have no interest in going to, but who knows. I didn’t even know that dads ever went to bridal showers – my dad definitely didn’t go to mine. When dads do go, it’s probably a similar thing, that just drop in for a few minutes to say hi or help load up presents at the end or something. So not surprising at all that he spent most of the day with Joseph instead.

      • Izzy says:

        College graduation dates are known and published a year in advance. I’m currently planning a conference for next May and specifically chose dates that wouldn’t conflict with the graduation dates of the grandchildren of several key attendees. The shower would have been planned several months before, it was entirely possible to plan around a major life event like a graduation. Most college graduations take place in the same two weeks, so it’s not that hard to plan.

      • Annalise says:

        College graduation dates are scheduled YEARS in advance, I’m sure it was NO secret that her half brother was graduating college and I don’t believe for a second that it was NEVER communicated to her, say, by Arnold, that Joseph’s college graduation was on such and such day and I think it’s tacky as HELL to schedule a competing event on the same day, even with a half sibling. And Joseph’s existence was no secret by then.

        I also don’t believe for a second that IF Katherine didn’t realize that her shower WAS on the same day as Joseph’s graduation, that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to reschedule her shower. After all, it’s not like Joseph can reschedule his graduation, right??? Tacky, petty, NASTY, imo

      • Annalise says:


        Exactly. Besides, Katherine is certainly much more able to move her shower date, than Joseph is to move his graduation date.

        Seems totally intentional to me

      • Scorpio says:

        We don’t know exactly why she doesn’t have a relationship with her half brother but I bet the lies told to her mom by her husband and the housekeeper have more to do with it than racism. It was an extremely toxic situation made all the worse by the publicity when the story broke. I feel bad for her mom and all the kids, including Joseph.

    • huh says:

      Not surprised that the woman that married Crisp Ratt is a racist and a classist.

      What does surprise me about this whole thing is that Arnold is being a good father to Joseph. I’m not on the loop, but last time I checked he looked so much like his father. I hope they have things in common, too. I just love seeing responsible fathers taking care of their sons.

      • Annalise says:

        Huh, apparently Joseph is an amateur body builder!! I too was surprised by the way Arnold has shown up for Joseph. And I think it’s great, esp since his half siblings don’t seem to want anything to do with him. Lame. They’re blood.

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