Gary Janetti: ‘I actually was never interested in the royal family in the slightest’

Circa 2018, TV writer and producer Gary Janetti started doing something weird on his Instagram. He posted photos of Prince George and gave George a “bitchy voice” and had “George” saying horrendous things about his family, mostly Prince Harry and Meghan. This bit was horrible, but it was enough to give Janetti a deal for an animated TV show called The Prince. The show only lasted for one season and it was dumped on streaming, never airing on broadcast television. At first, the British media looooved Janetti because they thought he was a royalist saying bitchy things about Meghan and Harry. Then when they realized that “George” was saying horrible stuff about all of the royals, wouldn’t you know, it was Harry and Meghan’s responsibility to shut down Gary Janetti. Well, funny story? Janetti now says he never knew a g–damn thing about the royals.

Sorry, royal family fans, Gary Janetti is not keeping up with the monarchy.

“I actually was never interested in the royal family in the slightest,” Janetti, 58, told Us Weekly exclusively while promoting his third book of essays, We Are Experiencing a Slight Delay. “I know that seems strange.”

Janetti’s Instagram account gained popularity after he turned Prince George — the eldest son of Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton and future King of England— into a meme with his own voice. As his following grew, Janetti was offered a unique chance to bring the meme account to life with the HBO animated series The Prince, which lasted for one season in 2021.

“It was just, to me, all fictitious. It was just a world that I created based on a personality that I started giving them,” Janetti explained to Us. “It was never something I was interested in at all. Isn’t that weird?”

Janetti explained that “it was freeing” for him to give George, now 10, his own satirical reactions to everything going on at the time with the British royals — from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s 2018 wedding to commenting on the palace’s birthday posts.

“I had no associations with any of it. It was only meant to be silly, and that’s it,” he added. “I didn’t even know some of the names, [or] who the people were.”

As his Instagram account started to become “more popular” and Janetti wanted to include more royal family members, he found himself asking, “Who are her kids?”

When it comes to his favorite royal family member, Janetti said he “loved” the late Princess Diana. Other than the former Princess of Wales, he’s out.

[From Us Weekly]

He’s acting like it’s all fun and games but he used George’s image to say some really nasty sh-t about Meghan in particular. Janetti even had to clean up that Instagram account so he could get the show greenlighted. Anyway, this is also really funny because the British media INSISTS that Americans are royal-obsessed and that Americans have such strong feelings about King Charles and Princess Kate, and here’s an American who created a satire about the Windsors without knowing one f–king thing about them and even he is like “we rocked with Diana and beyond that, we don’t care.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images. Promotional images from ‘The Prince’.

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18 Responses to “Gary Janetti: ‘I actually was never interested in the royal family in the slightest’”

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  1. sevenblue says:

    He is a disgusting man, who used a child to slut-shame Meghan when she was getting abuse from british media. I hope he experiences the same thing he did to her as his karma. I bet you he wouldn’t last a week if he suffered 10% of the sh*t they threw at Meghan. By the way, if he was alive during Diana years, he would talk sh*t about Diana just like he did with Meghan because that was what was popular at the time. They also slut-shamed Diana until the day she died.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Gary Janetti has to be one of the biggest a-holes on the planet. One of his quips out of “George’s” mouth was “How the f**k are you still pregnant?” about Meghan. You can imagine how that set the derangers off. The RF and WanK did NOTHING yet leapt to Kate’s defense with all the conspiracy theories about her disappearance. He is filth, just filth.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    He was very interested in the Royal Family when he was getting attention for bashing Meghan and got that tv show. It’s a little different now post BLM, Harry and Meghan leaving the UK and after his show got canceled.

  3. Dee(2) says:

    Doesn’t really matter if it wasn’t a big deal to him, because he was contributing to a pile on about a person that he didn’t know about. You would think most creatives would be somewhat cognizant if that, and say hmm I’m getting a lot of attention about this, why? That said I completely don’t buy his I don’t care about the royals schtick. He knew enough to make pretty pointed jabs about stuff dealing with Harry and Meghan and their reputations as “George” so he absolutely knew who they were at some point even if he didn’t in the beginning. ( I remember one where he described Harry as , ” someone who used to F### anything that moved). He just realizes now that it isn’t wise professionally for him to act like he has a preference.

  4. Amapola says:

    All he did was turn George into Stewie from Family Guy, so it wasn’t even that creative and it should have stayed a meme.

    What surprised me most was the amount of extended royal family members liking his posts. Now we know where they stand.

  5. Lindsay says:

    Yikes. He will regret this.

    I’m not a fan of monarchy’s. And certainly not a fan of BP, The Windsor’s and the various attached family members.
    I’m a card carrying tribal member, so I reject any/all colonization as well White, nepotistic privilege.
    But the British royal institution is still standing and still in power. Big power. And they certainly control the media along with The Murdoch’s.
    And we are also watching a royal son try and navigate his very dramatic and treacherous exit from this institution.

    There are land mines and sharks everywhere when one tries to engage, interpret and provide commentary about The British Royal Family here in 2024.
    It’s definitely not for the faint of heart.
    It’s confusing when he says he was NOT at all interested in the royal family.
    When I’m not interested in something, I don’t talk about it, post about it or try and pitch attempts for attention 🤔

    • Mayp says:

      “It’s confusing when he says he was NOT at all interested in the royal family. When I’m not interested in something, I don’t talk about it, post about it or try and pitch attempts for attention.”

      He may not have been interested in royalty but he was certainly interested in bashing Meghan, who is the ex of his good friend Trevor.

  6. Em says:

    This rat faced liar knew exactly who the members of the royal family were when he used satire and George to harrass Meghan from the moment she married in till 2020.

    I am also side eyeing all other celebs that were liking his posts ( Jen Aniston, Sophie turner etc) and yes there was a racist element to it because they didn’t believe Harry would chose a biracial actress from a modest background

  7. Becks1 says:

    I remember as he gained fans, a lot didn’t realize that he really did skewer all the members of the royals. His worst barbs were for Meghan, no doubt, but he made comments about Kate day drinking all day every day, William being stupid (I think that was the bit for William), etc.

    Once he made a snarky comment about Charlotte’s thighs which was obviously awful, but what stood out to me were the fans saying “no, leave the other royals alone, its only funny when its Meghan.”

    like being sexist and racist was oh so funny when it was aimed at Meghan but the sexism and overall grossness was a problem if it was aimed at Kate or Charlotte – and they came out and said that point blank in the comments.

  8. Jais says:

    He said nasty things, via George, about Meghan while she was pregnant and everyone was hating on her as if it was a damn sport. He had enough interest in the RF to do that. So I call bullshit on this retroactive narrative. Sounds like some lies lies lies.

  9. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    I thought it was fairly obvious he was not a monarchist directly because of the things he had “George” saying. Like, “George” was a racist, classist jerk…that was the whole thing. He was saying “I think the white royals think these horrible things.” Why on earth would monarchist think that was supposed to be flattering?

    • Anonymous says:

      He was a fan favourite amongst the monarchists because he bashed Meghan. They didn’t care if he was a monarchist or not because he was doing their bidding.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        I think I might’ve missed a bunch of the post, or I completely misunderstood. I viewed it as him satirizing their classism and racism, by pretending to be them totally overreacting to normal things Meghan did.

    • sevenblue says:

      Because those people don’t find anything wrong with racism. They were leaving racist comments under the royal family posts too and they never deleted those. I believe, the Sussex Squad was the one reporting the comments, so the instagram would remove them. If you are creating content for racists, it isn’t surprising the racist would love them.

  10. Jackiejacks says:

    I used to follow GJ’s insta before I deleted my Instagram so I didn’t see him bashing on Meghan and Harry. Pre Meghan in the picture he would rip on everyone in the BRF and it was pretty funny. I wouldn’t be surprised that his ‘jokes’ about Meghan would be fuel for the fire. I don’t necessarily believe Janetti when he says he’s not following the BRF and all that. He wrote the show Vicious that aired in England starring Ian McKellan and a bunch of other well Brit’s.
    Ran for two seasons I believe. You aren’t writing comedy for the Brit’s unless you know some of the culture and humor. This guy knew exactly what he was doing.

  11. Vanessa says:

    He wasn’t interested in the royal family And yet all his racist comments about Meghan were all the same thing the Karen’s and British tabloids parrot about Meghan . He helped piles on to the abuse that Meghan was getting and he got away with it I will always side eye the white woman like Sophie and Jennifer who likes his must disgust commentary’s about Meghan .

  12. Truthiness says:

    Oxygen thief.

  13. Grace Yancy says: