Jack Black canceled Tenacious D’s tour after Kyle Gass ‘joked’ about Donald Trump

The Hollywood Reporter’s headline is “Jack Black Cancels Tenacious D Tour After Being “Blindsided” By Partner Kyle Gass’ Trump Comment.” I honestly thought that the story was going to be that Jack Black had no idea that his Tenacious D partner Kyle Gass was secretly a Trump supporter, and that this truly is the silly season of celebrities making asses out of themselves for MAGA money. But no, it’s something else entirely. Kyle Gass said something sort of offensive about the Trump shooting and now Jack Black is canceling the tour.

The Tenacious D world tour has been canceled after comments from Kyle Gass during a performance in Australia sparked global outrage. Tenacious D is the musical act made up of Gass and his creative partner Jack Black. Black posted on Instagram Tuesday morning that he was “blindsided by what was said at the show on Sunday.”

“I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form,” he continued, suggesting that all of Tenacious D’s work is being put aside for the time being. “After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.”

At the performance in Sydney Sunday, Black and a “robot” presented Gass with a birthday cake. In the clips, Black is heard saying, “Make a wish” to Gass, who before blowing out the candles says, “Don’t miss Trump next time” to laughter and applause from the Sydney crowd.

The clips quickly went viral across social media, sparking Australian Senator Ralph Babet to demand that the pair have their visas revoked and to be deported from the country.

Tenacious D were in the middle of a world tour that was set to take them to multiple other venues in Australia and New Zealand throughout the month of July. The tour was also supposed to resume in October in the U.S., with dates set in Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

[From THR]

I went and looked for the video, which was taken from a distance and you can’t really tell how Jack reacted immediately after Kyle said that. The Aussie audience gave a mixed reaction – some laughed, some groaned, some were just surprised. I mean… I understand why Jack is canceling the tour, honestly. People are already saying that he’s placating Trump supporters or whatever, but I think it’s good that some people (President Biden, Jack Black) go through the motions of role modeling good/appropriate behavior. I f–king despise Trump too but I would never say what Kyle said. Plus, Jack Black has been campaigning for Biden/Harris – he doesn’t want Kyle’s statement to blowback on the campaign.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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33 Responses to “Jack Black canceled Tenacious D’s tour after Kyle Gass ‘joked’ about Donald Trump”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    Something’s are better off not being stated for public consumption, that is always true no matter how you feel.

  2. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Do I want the orange one to slip on a banana peel, hit his head, and go to the great beyond? I’m not opposed to it.

    Do I want him to be a victim of violence/assassination? Absolutely not.

    Good for Jack Black for taking this seriously and leading by example.

    • otaku fairy says:


    • Oldgranny says:

      Exactly. And in way, am I ever going to be a Trump fan. So you can secretly have all the thoughts you want about his demise, but advocating for murder is not the way to go.

  3. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Good for Jack Black for taking this seriously and leading by example.

    • Mil says:

      But it is tiresome to be the bigger person. For Pete’s sake, orange mocked Pelosi after a vicious attack. Yet, i would do same as Jack. I get it, support it, and yet I wanna be petty.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        Oh saaaame. I want to verbally tear that man to pieces and if he dies in a ridiculous Darwin Award way I’m going to laugh for the rest of my life. But I don’t want the US to degenerate into a country that is okay with (any) assassinations.

      • Oldgranny says:

        Jack Black is a mensch. A good solid, kind person. A man with principles, and morals.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Political violence is always the gateway to authoritarianism. It’s right of Jack to condemn it.

  4. NJGR says:

    I despise trump, but I think Jack’s decision is thoughtful and ethical.

    • North of Boston says:

      ^ This!

      Black’s taking a clear stance that “encouraging violence” “wishing harm to politicians you oppose” are bad, not to be encouraged, and public figures should not be spouting those things no matter who they are

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I think it was smart because the media would “Dixie Chick” him..

      • Sumodo1 says:

        The Dixie Chicks suffered for their bad joke. Jack Black had to cancel the tour. It’s censorship.

  5. tealily says:

    This seems like such an overreaction to me, but Jack Black is a huge star and this was said on a huge stage, so I suppose I can understand. I do worry that this signals a shift toward a culture where you can’t say something bad about a fascist without repercussions though.

    • Kitten says:

      Thanks for typing this so I don’t have to, Tealily–agree on all counts. Mostly, I just love Jack Black.

    • North of Boston says:

      Slippery-slope fallacy.

      One can drive a boatload of fingerslicing Cybertrucks between “publicly wishing someone assassinates a politician” and “saying something bad about a politician”

    • Nic919 says:

      Only one side will restrain themselves though. That’s the problem here. The right wing nuts continue to say disgusting things including king Cheeto. With no consequences either.

      • Traveller says:

        This exactly.
        Seriously, they wallow in their violence-provoking, hate-speech muck ad nauseum and have the audacity to play the victim when they experience repercussions. And, to hell with everyone else who has suffered as a consequence of their unrepentant violent diatribes.
        It sure seems like not taking the high road is the winning strategy.

    • JEB says:


  6. Mila says:

    I don’t know much about jack black except that my kid loves school of rock. However, this Is the only way to handle hate speech these days. Don’t condone any of it and set the example for all of it. Many of his fans are so young and this is what they need to see.

  7. Louisa says:

    I get why JB is doing this and I guess he’s right, but my god I am so sick of us always taking the moral high ground when the other side is in the gutter, constantly spewing the most vile things with no repercussions.
    I was actually annoyed at Nancy Pelosi’s statement after the shooting. She was so decent and gracious when Trump (and JR) mocked and said the most vile things about her husband when he was attacked.
    “When they go low, we go high” isn’t working.

    • Jennifer says:

      I agree, it feels like we never get anywhere against these people because we are always going high and well, not doing any damage to them.

  8. Northernlala says:

    Said out loud what so many people are thinking. Kinda thing you don’t say in front of a crowd tho’

    • Whatever says:

      Precisely. Have my friends and I privately texted similar sentiments to each other in the last few days? Yup. But I wouldn’t dream of saying something like this in that kind of situation.

  9. Jks says:

    Ah, ok. Fair enough. Was worried for a second there about Jack Black but I guess he’s got to be extra careful.

  10. JEB says:

    The MAGAts want to use “the incident” on Saturday to silence anyone that isn’t in their camp. They continue their violent rhetoric though-opening their convention with people fist pumping and screaming fight, fight, fight just like their cult leader did in that perfect photo op as he was hauled off stage.
    I understand why Jack Black is doing this and why it’s necessary but agree 100% with other commenters that we need to pay attention when dissent is being silenced-it’s a slippery slope.
    To be transparent, I wake up every day and hope that man d*es. Saturday was demoralizing for me for many reasons, his survival one of them, and knowing how they would use this to their advantage another one. If that means I’m a hate speech promoter, so be it I guess. I think the Nazis marching in Nashville last weekend is infinitely more hateful than what Jack Black’s guy said-no one puts a stop to that. I’m going to say what I want for as long as I can in this country-days of free speech seem to be numbered.

  11. Jillian says:

    I’m a fan of Jack Black but did no one consider that this isn’t about high minded ideals regarding political discourse? Trumpers are violent and own lots of guns, perfectly understandable that he didn’t want to make himself and his family targets of folks who’ve never once in their life taken the high road

    • Jks says:

      That’s a great point. The “hang Mike Pence” crowd are itching for violence and will try to weaponise this.
      I imagine a big part of Jack Black’s decision was about keeping people safe.

      I’m pretty confident that within weeks, this incident would just blow over because there’s still plenty of more shit show and scandals left.

  12. Jayna says:

    I hesitate to say certain things online. I will leave it there. I am unashamed at my thoughts or “wish”in this instance, but it’s only to be said out loud in privacy to my dearest.

  13. Ameerah M says:

    People are doing the most right now and it’s silly and performative. Including Jack. If he really felt he needed to do something he could have just issued an apology and kept it pushing. Canceling an entire tour? Silly.

  14. Nope says:

    The ex president is a fascist and we don’t care about his feelings. I stand with Kyle and understand Black is a man protecting his family and coin from sociopaths who tried to stage a coop of the government. The ex press is a traitor and a grapist and a threat to all womens rights. I hope he hears all the jokes and I hope the Burger King clot takes him before he can ruin any more lives. Say it out loud Kyle! Manifest