Elon Musk is moving SpaceX from California to Texas because CA protects trans kids

On Monday, California governor Gavin Newson signed assembly bill (AB) 1955 into law. The bill, dubbed the SAFETY Act, aims to protect trans children by prohibiting and invalidating local governments or school boards from creating their own rules that force teachers to out their students. It states, ”a school employee shall not be required to disclose any information related to a pupil’s LGBTQ+ identity to any other person without the pupil’s consent.” Parents can still request school records, though.

Naturally, this caused temper-tantruming and fear-mongering from the worst bad faith actors on the right. The walking piece of human garbage behind the Libs of TikTok account Tweeted her usual ignorant, hateful nonsense to rally the troops into selectively caring about children’s safety in the classroom. Elon Musk is one of those loyal foot soldiers who believes he’s a general, but he’s barely a second lieutenant. When tech investor bro Jason Calacanis retweeted the LoTT post about the new law, Space Karen wanted in on the action, too. So, he used that moment to announce that he’s protesting a law that keeps trans kids, like his own daughter, safe by moving the SpaceX headquarters from California and into Starbase, Texas and X’s headquarters to liberal bastion, Austin.

“This is the final straw. Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas,” Musk tweeted Tuesday while referencing tweets from tech investor Jason Calacanis and LibsofTikTok.

Musk explained in a follow-up tweet that his social media company X will make the move to Austin.

“Have had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building,” Musk tweeted.

The California law Musk is upset about, AB 1955, was passed by the Democratic-controlled legislature last month and comes in response to local school districts in California, including Chino Valley and Temecula, that have passed rules requiring teachers to tell parents when kids socially transition by changing their name or pronouns at school. The bill was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday and has outraged anti-trans bigots on X, the social media website owned by Musk.

Assemblymember Chris Ward, a Democrat from San Diego, authored the bill and told the L.A. Times that teachers shouldn’t be the “gender police.”

“Politically motivated attacks on the rights, safety, and dignity of transgender, nonbinary, and other LGBTQ+ youth are on the rise nationwide, including in California,” Ward told the newspaper. “As a parent, I urge all parents to talk to their children, listen to them, and love them unconditionally for who they are.”

But bigots like Musk are up in arms, claiming that schools today “indoctrinate kids” with “radical gender ideology,” as a spokesperson for the ironically named Center for American Liberty told the L.A. Times. Musk, it should be noted, is rather infamously estranged from his eldest child, who reportedly experienced conflict with Musk after she came out to him as trans.

It’s unclear what ramifications the move from Hawthorne may have on the company’s business relationships. Southern California is an important home to defense contractors with companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon, among a host of others, long having a presence in the region. But this isn’t the first time Musk has moved a company to Texas. The billionaire moved Tesla from Palo Alto, California to Austin in 2021 and even moved his own personal residence to the state.

[From Gizmodo]

Meh. I don’t even know what to say anymore. He’s a horrible human being with too much money and terrible beliefs. Just the other day, months after saying that he would stay out of the 2024 US elections, Elno announced that he’s committed to donating $45 million per month to a pro-Trump super-PAC. It never ceases to amaze me that the people who cry the loudest about their civil liberties are the ones who most want to take them away from others. As a parent, I also cannot wrap my mind around being so closed-minded that you look at a vulnerable group of children and make what they’re going through all about yourself. These a-holes never stop to think, “Maybe my beliefs are the reason that my kid doesn’t feel safe coming out to me.”

photos credit: Olivier Huitel / Avalon, Stefano Carofei / Agenzia Sintesi / Avalon

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49 Responses to “Elon Musk is moving SpaceX from California to Texas because CA protects trans kids”

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  1. Jan says:

    Asking for a friend, can the electric grid in Texas handle Tesla, when it can’t handle a cold snap.

    • seaflower says:

      Haha! Good question. The bright glowy neon sign Muskrat put up above Twitter/X would short out the whole state.

    • jellitate says:

      This!!! Anytime i think about Texas, i think about the power grid.

    • Enis says:

      Maybe he can pay off all the cryptominers hogging the power on the grid.

    • Chantal1 says:

      @Jan True but there’s no way Elon is going to leave the success of his vanity projects up to Texas’ incompetent and greedy electric companies. And there’s no way he suddenly made the decision to move his companies based on this new law. As I said below, I wonder what backroom deals were made.

  2. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Well Texas taxpayers, he’s all yours now! Enjoy subsidizing his business

    • Kitten says:

      Was talking to a family member (husb’s side) last weekend about Musk–dude lives in Austin, huge fan of the Space Fascist–and he didn’t even know that Musk’s wealth was all inherited via apartheid, essentially. Like, he actually thought that Musk was some brilliant, self-made man lmaooooooooo.

      Anyway, he’ll probably be super-pumped over this news. Hope Californians are too.

      • Mil says:

        So many people know nothing but worship this guy. He’s a bloody awful human with a hefty trust fund. Just like the orange one.

      • Kitten says:

        He actually asked “apartheid? what does that mean?” I kid you not.

      • AlexS says:

        Musk has spent an lot of time and effort selling the “up by his bootstraps” narrative and trying to gloss over his trust fund kid past. Its why he doesnt like to talk about the emerald mine or his parents paying for his room and board during college. Not suprised people believe it.

      • AlpineWitch says:

        Kitten, can I ask your permission to use Space-fascist from now on?? Asking for a friend here ❤️

      • Natalie_K says:

        For a lot of these people, Musk’s experience with apartheid is a feature, not a bug.

      • GoodWitchGlenda says:

        And, I don’t believe any of his companies are profitable. They’re all subsidized by the government.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @GoodWitchGlenda Yep, Musk’s companies are welfare queens, on the US dole and the Texas dole. What a grift…

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    This man is a pig..

  4. Lau says:

    What a vile, digusting little man.

  5. Pamspam says:

    Buh bye!

  6. TN Democrat says:

    Na. The Texas tax payers will subsidize anything he does while he takes advantage of poor environmental/employee regulations and destroys the environment and underpay his employees. Tesla isn’t performing well and will eventually be sued into oblivion because of their poor quality/safety record. SpaceX has done a lot of deliberate environmental damage. Texas bought and paid for him to mooch and destroy. Wonder how much average employee base pay will drop with the move?

  7. Chantal1 says:

    Interesting, considering Austin is one of, if not the most liberal city in this nearly purple state and always has been. Its the rural counties that consistently vote red. I was hoping Elon would leave but it looks like he’ll remain a boil on my state’s backside. And I always thought that he bought Twitter to interfere with this election. Wonder what back room deals and promises were made with our Reup lawmakers/legislature…

    • Bean says:

      It’s not about ‘liberal’. It’s the only place in Texas where he *might* have the chance of hiring the people he needs. Plus, no one from the Bay Area would relocate to any other place in TX. Elon (walking pile of shite that he is) needs the brains from the people in the Bay Area.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      @Chantal1 While Elon has most of Tesla in Austin/Travis county, he’s branching out. SpaceX is in very south Texas and has a factory in Bastrop county (east of Austin and very red voting). He also has his tunnel company, The Boring Company, in Bastrop county (across the road from the SpaceX factory).

      So if Austin quits playing his games, there are dozens of red voting counties/towns near Austin who will court his businesses. And they’ll be in commuting distance of the Austin dwelling workers.

      Lastly, Tesla buses workers to and from near by towns that are a bit of a way out (Killeen, San Marcos, etc). So they’ll be able to keep workers wherever the businesses are.

  8. ML says:

    His DAUGHTER is trans! What a terrible reaction and what a horrible father: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1vd097z7rvo.amp

    • Kitten says:

      Damn she completely cut her off from him? That’s a baller move on her part.

      He is such a f*cking monster.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Hopefully Musk will be paying his staff to relocate.

    • Glamarazzi says:

      It’s more likely he’ll use this as a soft layoff – get rid of the current CA staff and hire new cheaper labor in TX.

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        So true. Austin is awash in tech talent so he can easily hire people there.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure his tech bro employees can’t handle the heat and humidity here. I didn’t have power for a week. It was literal hell on earth. A typical summer thunderstorm knocks the power out here. He better hope and pray a huge hurricane never comes towards Austin.

    • Kitten says:

      Friends in Houston lost their power from the last storm for almost two weeks which is just insane. Like, that would never happen here in Massachusetts and we don’t have to endure months of oppressive heat the way you guys do.

  11. Jais says:

    Protect trans kids and also Elon is a pos.

  12. Flower says:

    Lol this is why he bought twitter.

    Can’t have the little people gaining power and wealth.

    Watch now as he shadow bans Pro Dem accounts, we’ve already seen this happen with Pro Pal accounts.

  13. Mina_Esq says:

    Hear me out here – by moving to Texas, he will entice some of that tech talent to also move to Texas. That tech talent is mostly liberal. Could help flip the state blue. Just trying to find a silver lining with this awful guy lol

    • Rnot says:

      People tend to forget that democrat Ann Richards was duly elected as governor of Texas and even gave the keynote at the ’88 DNC convention. Texas also elected democrat Miriam Ferguson as governor, twice, all the way back in the 1920s and 1930s. She was the second woman elected as governor anywhere in the USA. Texas is (and always has been) a helluva lot more purple than typical voter turnout suggests. I’m crossing my fingers and toes that we have a huge blue wave election and Texas is included.

  14. Traveller says:

    This guy is absolute trash.

  15. Veronica S. says:

    Always amusing to see people scream about wanting to escape to Texas, only to settle in the big cities…which vote blue. Hmm, wonder why! It’s almost like that’s where most of the people and money is. Funny how that works.

    (Which is also, frankly, why people who care about these issues should be leaving these states. 🤷 Stop carrying the dead load that is rural America’s worst garbage with your tax dollars.)

  16. UpIn Toronto says:

    This prejudiced man, why is he worshipped..he still hasn’t delivered the fully self driving car he promised.

    Elon could have been a great leader, but bigots are going to bigot

  17. DaveW says:

    Sure…he’s moving because Tesla is struggling and Abbott probably kissed his derrière with incentives to convince him to move. The fact Texas doesn’t have an income tax, etc. to help profits had NOTHING to do with it, eyeroll.

  18. Nuks says:

    Bye, freak! Get out of my state.

    I’m sorry for your employees who are settled in the temperate Bay Area, and I’m sorry for the good people of Texas.

    California Nation 🫡

  19. Mia4s says:

    This whiny bitch again. 🙄 Elon every time you do something like this it makes it clearer to us all why your child wants nothing to do with you (probably not the only one who feels that way), and that their decision was a very wise one. And none of it has anything to do with California.

    Also, he homeschooled (well made his own school) for his kids. So by Elon’s logic? This is all Elon’s “fault”. 😏

  20. Kitten says:

    I have a bunch of fam in Cali and I haven’t really had the chance to ask them about the “EveRyOne Is FLeeInG CaLiFOrNiA!!!” cries that are coming from the Right but I have a feeling they’re all just laughing their asses off about it.

    5th largest economy in the world, mountains, beaches, world class vineyards, stunning national parks, dry sunny weather every day…yeah, what a sh*thole LOL.

  21. CLOVE says:

    Doesn’t he have a trans kid? I guess it’s safe to say that his child is not supported. Can he move to another country like… Russia. They have the same mindset as MAGA, and they can all move there.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Yes, one of his children is trans and recently legally changed her name and said it was to disassociate from him and his name.

  22. Lindsay says:

    I apologize for calling him a repellent Nazi.
    Lol that his hair transplants bought him some time, yet his undeniable rot is winning the race.
    You just know he absolutely hates this because he really has seen himself as some viral lady attractor.
    I think of his vehicle beating failure presentation as well as his squishy, flabby boat photos.
    To the moon, Alice 🌚

  23. Kaye says:

    Some of us here don’t want him!

  24. martha says:

    There’s a good Texas expression for a guy like Elon Musk: all hat / no cattle.

    He’s always threatening to leave California and I can’t help singing the classic, “How can I miss you if you won’t go away,” because, this fool ain’t goin’ nowhere.

  25. Dierski says:

    Bye bye ya dumbass, space b*tch! We won’t miss you.

  26. Oh come on. says:

    He’s aging like milk.

    Which is strangely à propos, since white supremacists are weirdly into milk.

  27. AC says:

    Goodbye! My cousin works for the state of CA and guess what the state company car is (for state employees like Caltrans and all the state agencies) – our state is a major buyer of his cars. Do you think mega/gas-gusling Texans wants EVs… lolZ. Be careful what he wishes for.
    CA will survive without Tesla and X. Luckily my friend left spaceex to be a head of engineering at a startup in SF earlier this year – where many tech startups and investments are still happening.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I seriously hate him.

  29. bisynaptic says:

    Bye, Felicia! #TurnTexasBlue