“Dick Van Dyke talked about his 46-year age gap with his wife” links

Dick Van Dyke & his wife Arlene Silver have a 46-year age gap. [JustJared]
Was Katy Perry’s terrible new song supposed to be in Barbie? [OMG Blog]
Common is talking about marrying Jennifer Hudson. [LaineyGossip]
Donald Trump’s cult members are copying his ear bandage. [Jezebel]
The Russo Brothers are coming back to Marvel? [Pajiba]
The more Gen Z talks about what’s uncool, the more I find Gen Z uncool. [Buzzfeed]
Justin Long, please don’t share these stories. [Socialite Life]
Britney Spears is beefing with the Osbourne family. [Hollywood Life]
Aw, a baby pic of Mel B. [Seriously OMG]
Eva Longoria looks kind of great here? [RCFA]

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26 Responses to ““Dick Van Dyke talked about his 46-year age gap with his wife” links”

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  1. BlueNailsBetty says:

    Dick and Arlene are both very much adults so their age difference doesn’t matter. Good for them for finding each other, finding love, and finding happiness.

    • Normades says:

      Tots agree. I am the first here to hate on age difs but she is a full out adult and honestly Dick sounds fun

      • Jillian says:

        She’s 56! So we certainly shouldn’t be acting like she isn’t a grown woman with agency. We should be asking about her skincare routine because she looks amazing! Dick looks great too, whatever they’re doing is working

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @NormaDes If anyone exemplifies “young at heart” it’s Dick Van Dyke. So I can see why she fell for him.

        @Jillian Agreed! I’m 56 and I WISH my skin looked as great as hers.

      • sevenblue says:

        OMG, how is she in her 50’s? She must have great skin genes.

      • Christine says:

        I agree with all of you, for this particular couple, but by this logic, my soulmate is 4 years old right now. I turn 50 in November.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Love this! They’ve been together for at least 14 years. Her skin is great and DVD will always bring a smile to my face. So many memories. Chitty chitty bang bang.

  2. Chaine says:

    The Osbournes are all so irredeemably unpleasant. I suppose that their careers are all finally and mercifully circling the drain if they’ve been reduced to podcasting complaints about Britney’s insta posts.

  3. tealily says:

    Re: Katy Perry… I commented the other day that it sounded like a song that had been scrapped from Barbie, but I think it’s far more likely that she was trying to ride Barbie’s wave a year too late and poorly.

  4. girl_ninja says:

    I saw that photo of Mr. Van Dyke and his wife and thought that was his assistant. Good for them if they are happy together.

    I guess the Osbourne’s are bored with trying to bully Meghan and Harry and have moved onto Britney. Gross.

  5. Donna says:

    Honestly, I see Dick Van Dyke and all I can think is what fun he would be to be with. I’d marry him in a second.

  6. Rnot says:

    He says that when they first met he had no idea that a 34 year old professional makeup artist was half his age. Maybe his eyesight’s really bad, otherwise that seems like a terrible insult. He was 80 at the time.

    • Nicky says:

      I noticed that comment too. It’s like, does he know he just insulted her? Or does he not know how math works?

  7. Nlopez says:

    Love me some Dick Van Dyke! He’s the soundtrack to my childhood. From Hushabye Mountain to Chim Chim Cheree, I feel like a happy kid again when I see him, and I hear his voice.

  8. Jillian says:

    She’s 56! So we certainly shouldn’t be acting like she isn’t a grown woman with agency. We should be asking about her skincare routine because she looks amazing! Dick looks great too, whatever they’re doing is working

  9. Muggs says:

    I really side eyed Dick & Arlene until I read his book – My Lucky Life In & Out of Show Business – and I really softened on their relationship and the age gap. I have always loved him but they both seem like amazing humans who found each other when it was right for both of them. He’s one of the few celebrities I can honestly say I wish I knew in real life and I am thoroughly envious of her

  10. Northernlala says:

    Ok Britney’s videos drive me crazy. I wish she’d make music, embrace high waisted pants, maybe act in something, BUT I read her autobiography and it made me want to hug her and she can do whatever she damn well pleases. The Osborne’s need to stfu. They are so tacky.

    • sevenblue says:

      Talking sh*t has always been their family business. I remember they were obsessed with Christina Aguilera too when she was at her peak even though she has always been very private in her personal life. One thing for sure, they are so miserable with themselves.

  11. martha says:

    Aw – my niece and nephew are mid-20s Gen Z and they – and their friends – are really pretty great. I’m prejudiced, of course but, as a boomer, I gotta say – this generation is much sharper and more hardworking than we were. Honestly, they’re so thoughtful and generous, too. Plus – they’re vintage-store hounds!

  12. TN Democrat says:

    The maxipads on the 👂 is bizarre wven by magat standards. It really is a freaky cult.

  13. Veronica S. says:

    She was in her thirties when she met him, and it sounds like they were friendly first, so not really the egregious situation you’d get if she’d been a lot younger. The larger ethical issues with those huge gaps arise if the financial situation isn’t decent or if they want children, IMO. Then it becomes an issue of long term care prospects and impact on the genetic health of the child.

    Gen Z’s unhealthy obsession with remaining relevant is going to take a toll on them, IMO. It’s not their fault. We thrust them into the corporatized social networking world from a young age with no safety nets in place, and it shows in the amount of anxiety they have about appearances.

  14. Aurora says:

    By the look of things he didn’t prey on her. He developed a friendship, and let her decide whether they could become something else. It was a fully conscious decision on her side.

  15. Grace says:

    When I was about 45, I had a “crush” on a 75-year-old hot colleague. NGL, it perplexed me to no end and I didn’t know what to do with those feelings! Nothing happened between us, we maintained a professional relationship, but it kind of changed my perspective a little on these relationships with vast age differences.

    • DaveW says:

      I had a similar experience; I was in my mid-30’s and he was early 60’s, one of the continuing ed instructors for a trade association I worked for. He was happily married, nothing aside from a nice friendship between us, he wasn’t “hot”, rich, etc., simply a lovely, interesting, kind man; I joked with my friends he was my grandpa crush.

      When I moved we still would occasionally email; exchanging travel pics and would just check in, general life updates. Eventually lost touch and I cried when my former boss messaged he had passed away from a rapidly growing brain tumor, caught too late to do anything.

  16. J. Ferber says:

    Dick Van Dyke looks amazing! And they look deliriously happy together. A win for both.