People: Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie’s ‘bitterness’ is why their divorce has dragged on

We’re coming up on the eight-year anniversary of Angelina Jolie taking the children, leaving Brad Pitt at the LA airport and never looking back. She filed for divorce immediately and she has spent the past eight years trying to ensure that her kids are okay, that they are healthy and protected, all while Brad Pitt has done everything he can to smear her, financially abuse her, and emotionally abuse her. It took more than five years for Angelina to extract herself and her money from the Chateau Miraval, and as soon as she extracted herself, Brad Pitt sued her and they’ve been duking it out in court for the past two years. Now four of the kids are legal adults and the twins just turned 16. The divorce still isn’t completed. Well, something is clearly happening behind the scenes, because Brad’s team has been throwing hissy fits for a full week. One of the latest pieces is why the divorce is “dragging on.”

As Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt get closer to settling their almost decade-long divorce dispute, the saga has taken its toll on the former couple.

A source tells PEOPLE that prior to Jolie filing for divorce from Pitt in 2016, “their disagreements took over” in the relationship, adding that things “turned nasty and it was not a good situation for anyone.”

“All the bitterness is partly why the divorce has dragged on for so many years. Neither will let it go,” says the source.

The former couple share six kids (the youngest, twins Vivienne and Knox, turned 16 earlier in July), and they were declared legally single by a judge in 2019.

Says the source, “You’d think they would be over it and just settle.”

A separate insider tells PEOPLE, “Both of them were having issues with each other. The differences added up over time. It’s really sad for the children, but also the parents. Divorce, especially one so high-profile, can be challenging for the whole family.”

“They both care,” the insider adds of their long divorce process. “They both care about the children.”

[From People]

LMAO, this came straight from Pitt’s camp. Mr. Both Sides! “Neither will let it go” – Angelina left him eight years ago and has been trying to get the hell away from all things Pitt since then. He bribed a judge, he hired a crisis management team to smear Jolie, he likely paid off people to avoid federal charges for what he did to his family on that plane, he sued her to punish her for selling her half of Miraval, and on and on. But of course, Angelina is the one who won’t let it go! I’m sure Pitt’s dead-end supporters will buy it but it’s a funny thing… after everything he’s thrown at her, it feels like so much people understand exactly why Angelina left and why she’s done everything to protect her kids. I wonder if “You’d think they would be over it and just settle” is some kind of message. Did Pitt make her some kind of low-ball settlement offer and he’s trying to exert public pressure on her to settle?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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34 Responses to “People: Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie’s ‘bitterness’ is why their divorce has dragged on”

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  1. sevenblue says:

    How can they settle? The people Angelina sold her shares to are suing Brad, right? Because he mismanaged the business and stole a lot of money allegedly. So, I think in addition to him wanting to punish Angelina, this is all some kind of smokescreen for lawsuits against Brad.

    • Bumblebee says:

      Isn’t all their marital money split? So the divorce is done? This is just him revenge suing her over that winery. Then the People article makes no sense.

      • sevenblue says:

        Yes, they finalized their finances as far as I know. Brad is suing because Angelina sold her shares to the winery and Brad says she should have sold them to him. Angelina tried to, but he wanted to make her sign NDA to cover up his abuse during sale negotiations and Angelina rejected and sold them to a 3rd party, who is now suing Brad because they are alleging Brad mismanaged the winery for years. He is always trying to cover up his ass, punishing Angelina is a plus to him probably.

      • Kokiri says:

        It’s worth mentioning that a judge approved the sale of the shares, Angelina did everything by the book.

        Then the new owners caught on to Brad’s mismanagement & corruption & are suing him.

        He’s a terrible person.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        didn’t Pitt engage in some shadiness with his “charity” to help folks rebuild New Orleans after Katrina? financial mismanagement seems to be his modus operandi

      • deering24 says:

        pottymouth pup–IIRC, many of the houses Pitt promised never got built–and those that were had seriously shoddy construction.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    Courts need to stop abusers from this type of legal/financial abuse. I can’t even stomach watching any of his movies anymore, so his pr team is doing a bang up job with all these articles targeting the ex wife and children he abused.

    • NotTheOne says:

      I remember that he took control of the cash assets and she didn’t have liquid resources to help support her and the kids. Financial abuse is so insidious. And it can just creep up on you.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Lived it and still going through it with my ex.. it bankrupts most of us not to mention the psychological trauma. Just another reason to vote this November and make sure Kamala Harris wins.

      • kirk says:

        Wow. No liquidity is scary with all those youngsters dependent on you. Even if you do have other assets that can be sold, immediate concerns would be overwhelming.

  3. Eleonor says:

    The only reason the divorce isn’t over is because Brad is an abuser who is using the legal system to keep harassing is ex wife

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed Alice Evans is using the legal system to also continue to abuse her former husband by dragging out the financial settlement as long as possible. Her bestie , Alison Bogoff, at the Fail wrote another article on Evans based upon her ludicrous legal submissions claiming to be broke and unable to feed their 2 kids because he doesn’t give her any money! Complete lies he has always paid child support and actually over paid Alice by many thousands. Her exhusband is a jobbing actor, far from being an A lister, so she is over litigating and wasting good money just to continue abusing him for the crime of leaving his abuser!

  4. CLOVE says:

    Bitterness? I think it’s Brad Pitt who is hanging on because of revenge. Angelina left him and never looked back. We know that because he constantly looked for Angelina lookalikes before he got this current Temu Angelina.
    If he could stop suing Jolie and move on, it would be beneficial, but NO, it’s something with him every month. Plus, who runs to the press every other day?

  5. Tursitops says:

    Remove her name and the ampersand from that title to improve accuracy.

  6. Sierra says:

    Brad tried to get the judge Lia Martin removed and appellate court rejected his request.

    Brad is absolutely petrified that Angie’s request of Brad submitting all communication will be approved by the judge.

    Angie’s amazing lawyer did warn when the past NDAs request was approved, they will ask for similar information because the door has now been opened.

    Brad has a lot to lose with that and I am almost sure Brad is withdrawing the lawsuit by claiming he is doing it to be magnanimous and for the kids. That’s his game I think.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    This whole thing could have been over 8 years if he had just agreed to the divorce. It’s his fault that this had dragged on for so long.

  8. Jais says:

    I mean I’d be a little bitter if my husband beat me and my kids and then sued me when I was trying to move in. Understandably so.

  9. Mslove says:

    Sad Brad.
    Smelly, bad.
    Can’t act his way out of a paper bag.
    Broke, broke!
    He’s not woke.
    Watch out women & children!
    He likes to choke.

  10. True says:

    What the hell did I just read ? lol omg I know you’re pro Jolie but it’s starting to get sad.

  11. Dorianne says:

    Pitt has been obsessed with Jolie since they first got together. She lives rent-free in his head 24/7. He will die with her name on his lips. That said, I suspect Pitt may have a cash flow problem. He has multiple properties all requiring upkeep and, of course, taxes must be paid. He recently purchased artist Thomas Houseago’s studios as well as an adjacent building. The cost was approximately 7 million. But he took out a loan for that purchase. He’s supposed to be worth 400 million and he needs a 7 million dollar loan? Also numerous lawsuits keep numerous attorneys busy and attorneys must be paid. He is suing Jolie. Shefler is suing Pitt. The New Orleans lawsuit is still moving forward and a judge denied Pitt’s request to have his name dropped from that suit. Miraval is now under administrative control and the penalty for Pitt’s failure to pay the taxes, there, is still not settled. For good measure let’s throw in Odile Soudant, the French lighting designer Pitt stopped paying. Soudant took Pitt to court and won. But Soudant, still, wants to move forward with a copyright infringement case for Pitt claiming her designs as his own. Not to mention shady shenanigans with the Miraval shares. Suddenly the Perrins are the majority shareholders? Pile on top of all this sh*t, Shiloh’s name change. He can’t use Shiloh in his PR games, anymore, as she now has a “mouthpiece “ who speaks for her about “painful events”, plural. So Pitt drags Temu Angelina around, hoping to get pity and attention. But Temu doesn’t seem well-liked and is proving to be a PR mixed-bag for Pitt. What a sh*t show of a mess. And all self-inflicted.

    • Erica says:

      Don’t forge Pitt borrowed around 57 million from Miraval investors and has yet to pay it back. I don’t believe Pitt is worth that much the man had to sell his 40 million dollar house and production company for a reason.

  12. Christy says:

    Brad Pitt and his camp STILL have not learned that Angelina does not GAF what they or People say about her. She will stay the course with her head held high and her mouth shut unless it is necessary.

  13. omgomg says:

    Well, the support BP gets from people is so gross. Very much like the JD situation. If you read any comment section other than here you will see it. There is very little support for AJ and so much support for this abuser. I personally can’t stomach it. I wish the kids would talk, however, I know that is their personal pain and it’s not for our consumption. He just makes me sick to my stomach.