Pippa Middleton didn’t even get to meet Carlos Alcaraz during ‘awkward’ moment

Two Sundays ago, the Princess of Wales attended the Wimbledon men’s singles final with her daughter Princess Charlotte and her sister Pippa Middleton (Matthews). The final was mercifully short, with Carlos Alcaraz swiftly (and perhaps mercilessly) beating the sh-t out of Novak Djokovic, who came to Wimbledon just a few weeks after a knee surgery.

Kate presented the men’s trophy to Alcaraz on court, then she quickly went back to the Royal Box/reception area so that she could once again greet Alcaraz. This is what happens when you win a Wimbledon singles title – you get to bring the trophy or the Venus Rosewater Dish to the exclusive “Royal Box” reception area and speak to not only the royals in attendance, but the celebrities and VIPs as well. In the olden days, it was more of a reception line and all of the VIPs got to shake hands with the winners and congratulate them. At some point, they stopped doing that and the VIPs were sort of roped off from Kate, as she wanted to dominate her time with the winners. That’s exactly what she did – she short-stopped Alcaraz as soon as he came into the room and she started babbling at him as he tried to acknowledge Charlotte and some of the other people in the area. Then something funny happened. Kate, oblivious to the fact that Alcaraz wanted to keep it moving, tried to introduce Carlos to Pippa. But he was already done with it:

This “awkward moment” has been gaining some steam over the past week, as the British tabloids struggle to find additional angles to cover with Kate’s Wimbledon appearance. They’re calling this an awkward moment for Pippa, but really, Kate is the one who screwed up. She rushed at Carlos and stopped him before the Wimbledon/BBC cameraman could even get up the stairs, which is why we’re looking at the back of Carlos’ head at the start of the video. Carlos is doing better with his English, but he still needs a lot repeated and Kate was babbling incoherently at him about how she watches him “on the telly.” She could have been gracious and said “congratulations again, here’s my daughter and my sister, they’ve been dying to say hola to you!” The legend Rod Laver was also waiting back there to speak to Carlos, as was Stefan Edberg and Stan Smith. They didn’t even get to say “atta boy” to Carlos because someone (who knows who!) insisted on roping off a special area so Kate could mumble and preen for the cameras.

Something else funny: Carlos Alcaraz is a huge fan of Suits. He’s tweeted about it before and mentioned that it’s one of his favorite shows. LMAO.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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97 Responses to “Pippa Middleton didn’t even get to meet Carlos Alcaraz during ‘awkward’ moment”

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  1. fishface says:

    I’m sure this has been said elsewhere but Pippa needs to start using sunscreen. The Midds are obsessed with suntanning.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      She has always been a homely woman imo no amount of sunscreen can change that.. I think smoking and drinking also have added to the damage. (I always thought Pippa looked like she belonged on a mid western prairie farm in an Amish or Mennonite community)

    • Aurora says:

      My mother is 70 and abhorres of any beauty treatment. She looks younger than Pippa.
      Mind you, it’s refreshing and positive that someone who lives kind of under the public eye doesn’t bow to subliminal pressures to look younger.
      But prematures signs of aging are often the result of health issues. I hope that, in her case, it’s nothing more worrisome than excesive exposure to sun.

      • Isabella says:

        I wear sunscreen and it hasn’t prevented me from aging, happens to the best of us.

      • Convict says:

        @Isabella: how would you know what your aged skin would have looked like had you not worn sunscreen? Sun damage from UVB encompasses many things: melanoma, MELASMA (dark patches), freckles, loss of collagen and elastin etc. The UVB damage may not be evident for years. UVA causes sunburn.

        I am mixed race and have always worn sunscreen since a teen. I now look a lot younger (as many people tell me). But my skin is fairly unblemished for my age (though that could be genetics because an elderly relative died at 100 without a blemish or freckle anywhere on her skin). In my country, many look far older because of sun worshipping. I don’t have that leather-look skin.

    • Yvette says:

      Pippa is the ‘younger’ sister, right??

      • Hypocrisy says:

        That’s what they have said🤭.. I’m not sure if she is younger or older than James though. Never thought about it I guess.

    • Fabiola says:

      She has too many lines. She needs a better skin regimen

  2. wolfmamma says:

    Well she just keeps exposing herself for the narcissist she is … bravo Kate

    • Megan says:

      She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. If she had given him a cursory congratulations it would have been seen as sour grapes over England losing to Spain in the Euro and if she spends time acknowledging him properly as the royal patron, she’s a narcissist

      • BeanieBean says:

        No, it wasn’t that. It’s the whole roping off the area part, the whole rushing up to him & standing there in his personal space to say…not a whole lot, and the very lame ‘oh, and here’s my sister…’.

      • Becks1 says:

        The Euro final hadn’t happened yet when this happened, right?

      • Jais says:

        I don’t think it was a damned if she did or didn’t type situation. And the euros hadn’t happened at that point. Pretty sure that was after.

      • Nic919 says:

        The people even allowed to enter the reception room behind the royal box are already vetted so to rope off an area because Kate can’t even mix with those peasants? That’s wild. Someone with a common touch would have told them to remove that. But Kate thinks of herself before others at all times.

      • Meredith says:

        She may be roped off due to concerns about germs if her immunity is low.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        If she was really concerned about germs she’d be masked in an N95 respirator and not reaching out to touch people every three seconds

        this wasn’t about her immune system, this was about her ego. She’s been like this about Wimbedon and other events long before this year… Ben Ainslie…

      • Big Kahuna says:

        Meredith, why would she need to worry about germs?? You don’t still believe that nonsense cancer story, do you? If germs were genuinely a danger, she wouldn’t have gotten so close to Alcaraz in the first place. Or even gone to Wimbledon at all. And besides, Kate looked the healthiest I think I’ve ever seen her.

      • Convict says:

        @Nic: agreed. If you look at some of the guests, I think they were told to give her a standing ovation. Some looked genuine, like Stefan Edberg and wife, but that’s understandable – he’s a Wimbledon champ and PR is now ingrained in him.

        @BigKahuna: agreed. Anyone recovering from life-threatening illness would not have been there in the first place if they didn’t have to be. Besides, what would a rope do to keep airborne germs aways from her?

  3. sevenblue says:

    lol. Who is Pippa that he needs to chat with in front of the cameras? I understand him having a moment with Kate and Charlotte due to her status, but Pippa is just some woman to him.

    • Andy Dufresne says:

      😂 Savage!

      • sevenblue says:

        I am not even trying to be mean. I am sure he wouldn’t want to speak to me either. The guy just won the game, leave him alone 😂

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Indeed, the fact that Pippa stood right behind Kate for most of the ‘chat’ was cringe inducing – Pippa is NOT a Lady in Waiting (even thou am sure she and Ma would love that) and as such should have been with the other plebs.

      And yeah he was over it and kept trying to move on.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yeah it was super awkward – he’s trying to meet dozens of people, Pippa is barely going to register for him.

      • BRC says:

        Reminded me of polo match where William trotted away from Kate and she’s left there …. Bewildered

    • Nic919 says:

      And this is why Kate loves Wimbledon because the players have to acknowledge her when they probably don’t even care, especially the non British players. Carlos knew to acknowledge her and Charlotte but outside of that Pippa is irrelevant.

      I also think he didn’t understand half of what Kate said because her fake posh accent is not comprehensible to native English language speakers much less someone who is still learning English.

      When Carlos interacts with Spanish royals, which he has done at the French Open, it tends to be the king alone. He doesn’t drag his whole family to watch tennis.

      • Convict says:

        I think the King was also at Wimbledon last year. I recall him speaking with W&K. Kate was probably wondering where she went wrong and didn’t snag the handsome Spanish King instead of the booby prize, Willy boy.

    • Convict says:

      The sense of entitlement comes from Federer, who went to Pippa’s wedding. I’m not sure how that came about. Also, Djokovic disappointed me with his glowing remarks about Kate – and Pippa. I thought that, coming from his war torn background he would have more sense.

      About 5 years ago or so Kate was so narcissistic, she said to Djokovic that Pippa could challenge him in a tennis match. I mean, seriously, the ego is so off the charts with the Middletons, it’s cringeworthy.

      I respect Andy Murray for not buying into it and remaining polite, but having no desire to be besties with the Wisteria sisters and their pushy Ma.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Convict, I think those 2 players have kind of a personal relationship with Kate outside of the matches. We heard before that Federer played with them at their home or something. This young guy doesn’t know them personally and trying to do his job by greeting the VIP, which he did. Pippa is irrelevant in that regard.

      • Convict says:

        I know Federer is rather close with Kate and Pippa, even attending the latter’s wedding, but I don’t think Djokovic is.

        I’m a long-term keen tennis fan and it’s well known that Federer and Djokovic do not get along. At all. So a friendship with both would be awkward. Djokovic has always been less caring about his public image than Federer. And, he’s not an Anglophile.

        Definitely agree re Pippa, as I made clear. 🙂

      • Nic919 says:

        I suspect Djokovic was being polite because he didn’t like being viewed as the bad guy at Wimbledon even though he was winning tournaments by then. I am not sure if he has interacted with the Middleton sisters or family outside of when they show up at Wimbledon.

        Federer is a different story, but he’s doing it for access to the English social circles. I agree with you that Djokovic doesn’t care about that.

      • Lizzie says:

        The way Federer came to know the Middletons is classic Carole-type manipulation and social climbing. A number of years ago, when Pippa was going to be in NYC during the US open, Carole got her “friends” the Henmans (family of British tennis star Tim Henman) to arrange for Pippa to sit in Federer’s box. This arrangement then set up Carole and the Middletons to return the nicety by inviting Roger and his wife over for a thank you. Thus Roger and family found themselves caught in the Middletons’ web. I remember at the time of Pippa’s wedding and interview with or comment from Roger saying he was rather puzzled at being invited. But that is how Carole and the Middletons operate–worm your way in and then entwine and climb like crazy.

      • ohwell says:

        I really dislike that Kate does not support the WTA.

      • Convict says:

        @Lizzie: thank you; as I said, I had no idea. It’s shocking, but not surprising if you get my drift. The Middletons do my head in with their gauche opportunism. I’m all for bettering oneself (I have done it myself), but wow, there are lines I don’t cross.

        I had no idea Roger made public that he didn’t know why he was invited to Pip’s wedding! I was thinking that, aside from Kate flirting at Wimbo, Roger likely never sees them.

        @Nic: agreed. I suspected that my player Nole was being polite, but he could have toned down the Pippa fawning! LOL. I also think that Nole was feeling a little unloved because he lost the second final in a row to Carlos. That can have a humbling effect on anyone.

        As for tennis, nothing like watching prime Roger – his game was a true thing of beauty. I turned off him as a person with the PR obsession, obsequious fawning over the Middletons and preening at Pippa’s wedding.

        As I said, I doubt Novak has any interactions with the Middletons because of their association with Roger. Also, Novak is smart, he knows he would never infiltrate British high society, not that he would want to, I’m sure. Novak has made quite clear that he is not friendly with Roger, as did Boris Becker.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    They would have met last year so I don’t get why she wanted to hog all the time with him this year. She should have just introduced him to Pippa and kept it moving.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Yes, introduce her and keep it moving along. It was sweet that he was sweet to the obviously fangirling Charlotte.

    • Laura D says:

      @Amy Bee – they did meet last year BUT he spent most of the time talking to HIS king (Filipe). William, Kate, George and Charlotte were reduced to “bit parts.” The “petty” in me started laughing when Carlos walked away from the group and Kate’s head popped around the pillar to watch walk down the corridor. 😆

      The whole “introduction” to Pippa was embarrassing and confirms our FQ just doesn’t have the necessary skills to make even the most basic of introductions. I mean how difficult is it to say “Well done, this is my daughter Charlotte and my sister Pippa?” :rolleyes:

    • Iolanthe says:

      Just saying Pippa doesn’t set my teeth on edge the way Kate always does . Why does she have to be picture perfect? I always thought she was a nice normal girl with a rather sweet smile, who never pushes her way in the way her mother and sister do. If the tables were turned and it happened to be Pippa getting some attention or speaking to Carlos or Federer I can imagine Kate knocking people over and bulldozing her sister out of the way . Pippa has women friends , a solid family life and has actually worked. .way more palatable than ghastly Kate, and she doesn’t need to compete for the limelight because she isn’t pining for it .

  5. Kokiri says:

    I found it very rude to expect the winner of Wimbledon to stop & meet Pippa.
    He’s just won Wimbledon!
    Give the man some peace.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I echo! Whom is she that all this buzz has to go on about someone who has actually done something with HIS life, having to be concerned with meeting her? Puhleez! Just you wait, because nothing negative is ever supposed to attach to saint kittykat, this poor guy is about to be dragged out for a photo op with her boring, homely looking sister.

    • Convict says:

      Totally agree, as I posted below. The Middletons have never known their place.

  6. equality says:

    Charlotte seems either not that interested or is not allowed to get in a word with Kate there. If Kelce was being truthful, he said she was well-spoken, so does Will just actually let the child interact more without having to hog the conversation? And, if it had been Meghan, she would have had her guest walk up with her to speak to him, I bet. It was Kate’s decision to have Pippa hang back until after the “important” people.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Kate just blathered on. Truly, a whole lot of nothing came out of her mouth. I think she thinks she has to talk, but as she really has nothing to say, it’s…this.

    • Nic919 says:

      In past meetings with other winners kate does tend to go on about nonsense, especially with the non British players. Sometimes the cameras catch what she tells them and one year she asked a player about the weather. Carlos likely tuned out and moved on to people with something of value to say.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    When everyone outside of your bubble 🫧 lets you know that they are “just not into you” 🫧👏🏼🤣 Now she can disappear for another six months. (I am glad he focused on Charlotte that was sweet)

  8. Noor says:

    The picture showed Pippa sitting down while others are standing up clapping for Kate. Pippa did not clap for Kate. How come the British press did not say that Pippa snubbed Kate, the way they did with Venus at the Pat Tilman award.

  9. 😂😂. Karma still working her magic with the leftovers.

  10. Wls198 says:

    Pippa looks like Wallis Simpson. That’s it .

  11. JustBitchy says:

    Yup / that was wicked awesome.

  12. Jais says:

    Say congratulations and keep it moving. What was she going on about? Why does he need to know she watches him on the telly? How inane. Lots of people watch him on the telly. Where was William with his wrap it up gesture when needed? And don’t even get me started on the fact the she roped off her own special section. If Meghan had done that…

    • Chaine says:

      Because she doesn’t understand that this reception is for the winner to receive acknowledgments from everyone and that the reception is about the winner. She thinks the reception is for the winner to have the honor of meeting her, and that she is the main character for this event.

  13. Liz says:

    Annabelle Croft the former player and courtside interviewer is in her 60’s and outshines Kate and Pippa in their 40’s.

    And manages to keep it all about the players unlike those two.

  14. Lindsay says:

    That hairdo is giving a 1% Trad Wifey appearance.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t shed a tear for Pippa, she has things that Kate will never have – first and foremost a loving husband. She’s Moderately Wealthy and will be a Lady someday via her husband. She’s good.

    But for the love of God, the Middleton women know no speeds except “inappropriately sexy” and “inappropriately matronly.” That dress on Pippa looks like an apron upside down. And the six-year-old-girl hairstyle with it….sigh. They’re hopeless with fashion!

  16. Convict says:

    Why should Pippa Middleton meet the Wimbledon champion? Who is she? A nobody who grifts off her sister’s title and privilege.

    Charlotte is becoming extremely spoilt rotten, meeting A-list celebrities in an exclusive setting with coveted tickets. First, Taylor Swift backstage and Carlos, the Wimbledon Champion. These kids will be like their parents, no sense of duty, just fun, games and celebrities.

  17. Royal Downfall Watcher says:

    Both these women are turning into their mother. Last week there was a photo of Kate and she was serving some serious Ma Middeleton. Now Pippa too.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Both sisters must wear glasses in private as their resting faces are usually squinting. Makes both look very hard-faced.

      • Isabella says:

        I wish they would wear sunglasses in public. Weird to go a sunny event without them. Everybody looks better in shades.

  18. Mslove says:

    Good grief, Keen always has a fence or a rope betwixt her and the commoners. It’s so hoity-toity of her.

  19. Brenda says:

    She should really be wearing a mask inside if she’s receiving cancer treatment.

  20. girl_ninja says:

    I remember when folks had the nerve to say that Pippa and Duchess Meghan looked alike. I couldn’t believe the gall.

    I cringed and then chuckled at the video because when KKKate does too much, it’s for the wrong things and she almost always embarrasses herself. Love that for her.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Remember the one about her amazing, nonexistent bum? I think they (the Midds) were trying hard to get poor Harry to marry her. I remember back then an announcement by Harry that the rumors were untrue. But I wasn’t following them much back then, so it could just be my imagination, because that announcement seems to have disappeared from the ether. Can you imagine that trap for Harry? I shudder. I pray one day for the other 400 pages from Harry.

      • Convict says:

        She’s always been a plain Jane, but the media hyped her up to be some supermodel after the wedding. She can’t help her body shape, but it’s nothing to write home about. As for her face, see Karl Lagerfeld.

  21. Cathy says:

    Kate babbled away at Carlos? Doesn’t surprise me as that seems her normal way of acting when doing a “meet and greet”. She rambles on while the person she’s talking at zones out as it’s probably meaningless drivel or something that’s all about Kate. She’s got no spatial awareness and no thought to there being a time limit as there are other people to see and time is short. She’s been doing it for years and that’s when I first noticed William doing his chewing bees thing while she rambles away. I don’t blame him doing the “wind it up” thing to her at the Jordanian wedding especially as there where people waiting in the hot sun to meet the bride and groom.

    • Nic919 says:

      That’s the thing. Was the chop chop rude? Sure but it was a huge lineup and kate was slowing it down. William at least seems to know that the point of these receiving lines is to make a quick comment and move on. Why Kate doesn’t know this a decade plus into the job is a mystery.

      • Jais says:

        Here’s my thing. The chop chop was really rude. Really rude, omg. Was she talking too much? Absolutely. But you know what? William talked more than she did. He actually held up the line more than she did. But then had no patience when she did the same. They’re both super inflated with how much time they think they deserve but William thinks he deserves it as the heir. While his wife does not. Neither of them do, really.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Two things can be true. On the one hand, she was just trying way too hard to prove she can do small talk. On the other hand, there are ways to move your spouse along without embarrassing her in public. A gentle arm around her waste or an inconspicuous rub on her back, could have done the trick — assuming he wasn’t so abhorred by her that the thought of touching her grossed him out.

  22. Lizzie says:

    Charlotte looks more like Pippa than she does Kate.

    What a strange childhood she has. Work is going places where other people are roped off, you get flowers or other gifts, everyone notices you and smiles, there are no lines, celebrities are easily accessible, your every wish is someone else’s command.

  23. Cassie says:

    Kate looks the best she has for a long time .
    Gosh she loves male tennis players and herself .

  24. Joy says:

    Carlos is a Suits fan, lololol. I saw a tweet of his from 2020. He knows. LMAO!

    • Unblinkered says:

      It’s to be hoped that the Spanish king gives Carlos a kindly heads-up on avoiding any overtures of friendship from KM and the Middletons. Or possibly the Spanish press will do it.

  25. ohwell says:

    Kate could and should highlight the WTA. They way she fawns all over the top male players is and ignores the women is horrible.

  26. Cottage Cat says:

    Kate slyly moved in on Carlos at the speed of a cobra when she caught him looking around the room, to introduce her sister. Dear God. Her face when he didn’t play ball! You can see how deductive and calculating she was after her family had wormed their way (how, I don’t know) into Diana’s elder son’s social circles.

    • Convict says:

      William was vulnerable and wanted to stick it to his family. Also, the Midds tapped into William’s destructive traits of his personality: his ego, laziness etc.

  27. India Andrews says:

    I forget which author says Kate wants to shed her middle class upbringing. Her roping herself off from the you poloi sounds right up her alley.

  28. Cottage Cat says:

    “In my dreams, I have a plan/If I got me a wealthy man/I wouldn’t have to work at all/I’d fool around and have a ball” – Lyrics by ABBA, Money, Money Money.