Will Prince Harry return to the UK for Lord Robert Fellowes’ funeral?

Lord Robert Fellowes passed away on Monday. Fellowes was Queen Elizabeth II’s private secretary – basically her chief of staff – during a tumultuous time in the 1990s. He remained close to QEII for the last half of her life. He passed away at the age of 82. He leaves behind his widow, Lady Jane Spencer. Jane and Princess Diana were sisters, making her Aunt Jane to Prince Harry and Prince William. Fellowes was also brother-in-law to the Earl Spencer, who paid tribute to the man by saying: “My absolutely exceptional brother-in-law Robert is no longer with us. A total gentleman, in all the best meanings of that word, he was a man of humour, wisdom and utter integrity. I’m deeply proud to have been his brother-in-law.”

So now they’re turning Robert Fellowes’ passing into yet another opportunity to barrage Prince Harry with demands. This is yet another “thing” for which Harry “must return.”

Prince Harry faces renewed pressure to come home and face his family following the death Monday of his and Prince William’s uncle, Lord Robert Fellowes, at the age of 82. Harry’s representatives were not immediately able to say whether he would attend the funeral of his uncle, a date for which has not been announced. Fellowes was not only married to Princess Diana’s elder sister, Jane Fellowes (née Spencer), but was also the late Queen Elizabeth’s private secretary for nine of the most tumultuous years of her reign, from 1990 to 1999.

He was widely credited with persuading the queen to return to London after Diana’s death in 1997 and crafted the bulk of the extraordinary speech Elizabeth gave, live, to the nation in the wake of Diana’s death in which she paid tribute to Diana as an “exceptional and gifted human being” and memorably described herself as “a grandmother.”

Diana was not fond of Fellowes, whom she regarded as one of the faceless “men in grey” and was said to have even suspected him of being involved in tapping her phone calls.

Fellowes, who was said to have coined the phrase “We don’t have protocol here, just bloody good manners,” remained firmly aligned with the palace, but his wife, Jane, 67, became a close and supportive presence in the life of her late sister’s bereaved sons, particularly Harry. Indeed, Jane gave a reading at Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle in 2018, highlighting her important place in their lives.

A former friend of Harry’s who has fallen out of touch with him since he left the U.K. told The Daily Beast: “The death will be a huge blow to the Spencer family. In normal times it would be unimaginable that Harry would not be there to support Jane. Of course he would want to be there. It will be a huge gathering of the Spencer clan. But these are not normal times and it may well be that everyone feels Harry’s attendance would just create too much drama. It will be very sad for him if he can’t make it.”

[From The Daily Beast]

My gut is telling me that Harry will send his best regards to his beloved aunt and he will absolutely not fly to the UK for the funeral. There’s just way too much drama around his security, and at a technical level, he’s currently in a holding pattern with RAVEC and the Metropolitan Police where he has to give four-weeks notice before coming to the UK. There would be exceptions for funerals, of course, but those exceptions would have to be granted by none other than King Charles. The same King Charles who wants nothing to do with the Spencer family, and absolutely does not want Harry flying back for a Spencer family funeral. Also: notice that no one is speculating about whether William will attend a Spencer funeral. Everyone knows that William’s three-month summer vacations are sacrosanct and he will never interrupt his holidays for anything.

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45 Responses to “Will Prince Harry return to the UK for Lord Robert Fellowes’ funeral?”

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  1. Hypocrisy says:

    The leftover royals barely show up in public or to any event, but they sure expect Prince Harry to fly over for everything.

  2. Lulu says:

    I’m sure he doesn’t have to worry about running to to William, he is on vacation and doesn’t even show up for funerals where he has agreed to speak.

    • Ash says:

      Exactly what drama would Harry bring? Absolutely disgusting

      • GTWiecz says:

        Ugh, I hate when they say that. As if Harry is the one who causes drama. Charles and William are the reasons for any drama.

  3. Eurydice says:

    Yeah, I think that “renewed pressure” is coming from the BM.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Agreed, this is 100% the press desperate for content. If he comes or not, there will be hundreds of articles published criticizing him either way (he lied, there’s no security risk or how dare he miss a family funeral!)

      If he comes back for anyone though, it would be for his Spencer aunts who have always supported Diana and H&M. I think he will be back if Lady Jane wants him there, and will stay home if Lady Jane does not want to put him/everyone through the craziness that happens whenever the press knows he’s coming.

  4. Wagiman says:

    It’s awful how they’re making the death of a decent person, a family member, about WILL HARRY COME BACK. It’s truly obscene. Harry seems close to the Spencer’s so why wouldn’t he? He’s great at slipping in and out of that shit island. And sure it’s not all British people, but it’s still a shit load of British people (in my experience).

    • helonearth says:

      Who are “they”? This article is from America, not the UK. I can assure you that most Brits don’t care what the royals do.

      • sevenblue says:

        @helonearth, DB’s royal reporter is British. Most American publications are using British royal reporters for obvious reasons. They brought their royal tabloid culture to America to control the narrative in USA.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Helonearth: And the Royal correspondent for the Daily Beast is a brit who lives in the UK and whose sole remit is to write stories about Meghan and Harry.

      • Wagiman says:

        You’re wrong. Most of these stories originate from the UK all the media, BBC, guardian, they all lie about Harry. And people believe it.

      • Proud Mary says:

        The royal family cost the British people nearly 400 million pounds per year. And yet, you boast about the British people not caring about what they do?

      • Wagiman says:

        @proudmary that’s just what they’re given, it doesn’t include all the many millions of tax free income they they from their stolen billions of wealth.

        Remember the money queen Victoria and Albert accumulated when they supposedly didn’t have much income.. These people are billion pound grifters. If people in the UK don’t care, they get the country they deserve.

      • Helonearth says:

        @proudmary. – way to try and twist my words… never said Brits are proud of not being interested in royal gossip, also it’s approximately 77p per person per year from each tax payer- hardly worth getting wound up about .

      • GTWiecz says:

        If they don’t care what the royals do, why do they accept their media constantly attacking an American couple and their little kids?

      • GTWiecz says:

        That’s what they tell the peasants, when in fact, they live off public land and castles. Republic has already debunked the cost only 77 pence a long time ago.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    Renewed pressure to face his family? Firstly that pressure is not coming from the Spencer’s. Secondly, didn’t you just see a bunch of them at the Invictus service, resulting in a tantrum from Buckingham Palace for 2 weeks about him not being isolated the way they intended? Didn’t they fly over for Lili’s christening? Wasn’t he laughing and joking with them at the Diana statue unveiling? Didn’t his Uncle strongly imply that he had seen them when he went to California last year around Thanksgiving? It’s pretty clear that he has a good relationship with that side of the family so whether he comes or not I think that they’re good. The media just wants him to fly 10 hours at the drop of the hat so that they can write stories about it because even though it’s silly season, they haven’t had anything to cover pretty much all year and I’m sure the cupboards are getting pretty empty.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Dee(2) you make the grave mistake of assuming that facts matter to propagandists. Good effort, though.

      • sunnyside up says:

        The Wail and the Excess never let a few facts get in the way of a nasty piece of gossip.

    • SarahLee says:

      Exactly. The “pressure to face his family?” He’s more than happy to see the Spencers and they are happy to see him. My guess is that if he can safely go, he will go because he loves the Spencers. William will not be there, I would bet, so no awkwardness at all. Harry is the Spencer. William is the Windsor.

      • Lynwall says:

        Tom, please don’t forget that when the king was diagnosed with cancer Harry flew from Montecito and saw him before William, who lives in England.
        Harry is not afraid to face anyone and he will go if he can safely do so.

      • sunnyside up says:

        And if they both go then William will have to put up with it, Harry isn’t scared to face his brother.

  6. Tessa says:

    The family is grieving and all the media can do is wonder if harry is going.

    • Chrissy says:

      Yes, it’s so disgusting!

    • Christine says:

      It’s pathological, at this point. I do genuinely wonder if these people have recognized that they have completely abandoned their humanity.

      This is a perfect example. Any chance Harry had of getting in and out of the country under the radar is gone, and for what? It’s not like the Spencers we’re going to crow to the British media that Harry loves them enough to risk his life.

      Shame on all of these people.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    The press also knows that Wiliam is not close with the Spencer’s. However is Harry really under pressure to return for the furneral? The family would understand if he does come but the press are ones who are eager to see him.

    • GTWiecz says:

      I’m sure he called his aunt and both agreed it’s too long a trip especially without security. I’m sure she loves him.

  8. TN Democrat says:

    The reason for requiring a 4 week notice is to @#$% with Harry in situations like this. This funeral isn’t really an emergency situation, but it is impossible to predict and give the required notice. The Spencer siblings attending the Invictus church service, Harry’s public statement at the time contradicting the palace narrative and the successful visit to Nigeria (and the ESPY award and on and on and on) really rattled Chuck and Willy. What a disgrace the left behind Windsors are to turn weddings and funerals into publicity stunts. Harry literally can’t win if he goes or if he doesn’t. Bet the Spencer siblings would rather see Harry there than Baldimort. Hopefully, Uncle Charles puts Willy in his place when Willy “pulls focus.”

    • one of the marys says:

      I don’t understand what the 4 weeks notice is about. Is that request from the metropolitan police so they can arrange their security for him if they deem it necessary? Isn’t he free to come and go with his own security without notifying anyone? Because think of all the times he surprised us by showing up to court. If the met had 4 weeks notice surely they’d have leaked it

    • GTWiecz says:

      If Willy goes (probably without Kate), I hope the Spencer’s have a some real talk with him and tell him go stop trying to destroy his brother.

  9. Proud Mary says:

    It must be very tough for William, living in Harry’s shadows. I saw this headline and went, “who?” Then I sped to the googly machine and entered “Robert Fellows”, and guess what I saw? “Prince Harry’s uncle dies, Prince Harry, Prince Harry!” LOL!

  10. Harry won’t be pressured he will probably just send a lovely note. Harry is his own man and does what he wants. This is just another excuse to write awful things about Harry.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    William has very little to do with the Spencers; they weren’t there for the christenings of Wiliam’s children. I wouldn’t be surprised there between William and his maternal family. There’s a story there.

    • Jais says:

      I can believe there’s a story there. Mostly, I remember how warmly Harry spoke with the Spencer family at Diana’s statue unveiling. Were there any photos of William with the Spencers on that day? I can’t recall any.

    • Sid says:

      Willileaks didn’t seem to show up for the Spencer cousin weddings either. I recall all those great photos from Celia McCorquodale Woodhouse’s wedding where the family and Harry looked to be having a great time. No sign of Willileaks.

  12. SueinOrleans says:

    As has been noted the real story here should be which royal family members will attend the funeral. Charles? William? One of the lesser royals? Not because he was married to one of Diana’s sisters but because he was close to the late Queen. But noooooo the only hook the toxic british media cares about is will Harry come to the funeral.

  13. sunnyside up says:

    We know one thing whether Harry attends or not he will be criticised. I expect they have written their stories already.

  14. Moniquep says:

    We’ve seen that Harry is a master of stealth. He can quietly slip in the country, stay with one of the Spencers and just as quietly slip into the service. The media would have no clue until they spot him in the church. I am pretty sure this will be a private funeral.

    • Christine says:

      He can’t now that the British media has released a A.P.B. This is despicable.

    • GTWiecz says:

      If he took a private jet and landed near the Spencer’s town and then whisked to where his aunt or Charles live, he could do it. In and out. As long as no one tipped the press.

  15. Wagiman says:

    I will die on the hill of Harry knows exactly who his family are. This is not because he’s desperate, clueless, can’t take a hint, just go and don’t come back…

    That feeds in to the ‘dumb Harry’ narrative that a lot of fans also like to say. Or should I say “fans”?

    This is about public record. This is about standing up to the bullies and call them at their own game. The tabs and right wing rabid media kill people, murder people – literally.

    No one here especially needs to give Harry a clue. He’s living his life exactly as he wants to. He is not pining over dog sh*t dad or brother. Other people less deserving get security. I think he’s enjoying watching dear old dad twist in the wind. But like everyone else here, that’s my opinion. Absolutely none of us know even if we think we do.