Kim Kardashian & other A-listers stepped out for the Caring for Women event

Here are some photos from last night’s 3rd Annual Kering Foundation Caring For Women dinner. The New York event got some big names to turn up, and before now, I had no idea that this dinner is a benefit to support NGOs which stop gender-based violence. This event also has some big-name designer sponsors, many of whom donate for the charity auction. All of which to say, I’m sure most of these women are wearing major designers but several of them look like they’re going to wildly different events. Take Kim Kardashian, for example. Kim was one of the cohosts and she turned up in this slinky white dress with scalloped straps. It’s an okay look, but it didn’t match the vibe of many of the other looks.

I love Julianne Moore’s sack dress, it looks so comfortable.

Priyanka Chopra’s dress looked pretty cheap, but her hair looked great.

Jessica Chastain and Kerry Washington – I think they’re both wearing Gucci? The lighting on the red carpet was rough, right?

Dakota Johnson in Gucci – her bangs have gone too far.

Lindsay Lohan in lace… her most recent cosmetic work is some of the better quality work she’s had done.

It’s amazing to me that Katy Perry has completely lost “it” – that It Factor which made her entertaining or watchable.

Salma Hayek and her billionaire husband, going strong. Salma was the worst-dressed.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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14 Responses to “Kim Kardashian & other A-listers stepped out for the Caring for Women event”

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  1. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Katy really looks like a lifeless mannequin right?

  2. LadyE says:

    Yikes, Katie’s posing is way off. Maybe it is the face that she’s making, but she looks like deadweight on poor Orlando’s arm- literally like a heavy mannequin he’s trying to hold up as she falls backwards : (

  3. Silver Birch says:

    Sorry, but Kim Kardashian is not an A lister.

  4. Mimi says:

    Gary Owen (comedian) once joked that some husbands are too rich to ever get left or something like that. He was speaking about Kevin Hart, but that’s what I think about when I see Salma Hayek.

  5. Justjj says:

    It makes my tween early 00s heart so happy to see LiLo looking better than ever.

  6. Ashley says:

    What is going on with Katy Perry? Is she on something?

  7. Pebbles says:

    I wonder if Meghan was invited to this… I know she gets invites to many things and doesn’t go bc she has to choose events carefully for her image but this one seems a bit more up her alley and would have increased her profile due to ARO launching soonish. It has some of her friends/associates like Priyanka, Kerry, Katy Perry …

    What im wondering is if she chose to pull out of it in case of fallout due to recent royal announcements.

    • Amy Bee says:

      LOL. This event was in NY. I doubt she’s flying across the country for one event when she has two children at home. Do we even know if she was invited to this?

  8. agirlandherdogs says:

    I really need to know how this event was billed… a gala? Just a dinner? Lindsay Lohan is the best dressed for me. Everyone else seems to be under- or over-dressed for the event.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Everybody looks good except Katy Perry.

  10. Krista says:

    Kerry Washington looks amazing.

  11. Chrawi says:

    At first I wondered what has Kim now done to her face, she looked off, and, LOLZ, realized she looked different because she’s smiling!

    Lindsay looks GREAT!

  12. Ary says:

    Lindsay Lohan A-list period!!!!!