King Charles will face demands to pay £200 billion in reparations at the CHOGM

One of the biggest reasons why King Charles is traveling to Australia and Samoa over the next two weeks is because he will attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). This will be his first CHOGM as king, and he is nowhere near as beloved as his mother. QEII held the British commonwealth together through sheer force of will, and some countries do not value their commonwealth ties the same way now that she’s gone. The issue of slavery reparations percolated for years during QEII’s reign, but nothing ever happened. According to the Daily Mail, the issue of reparations will be front and center for Charles’s first CHOGM.

King Charles and Sir Keir Starmer are set to face demands for the UK to pay an astonishing £200 billion in compensation for its role in the slave trade when they attend a Commonwealth summit later this month. A group of 15 Caribbean governments has unanimously agreed to put slavery reparations on the table at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Samoa on October 21.

It comes after the Prime Minister of Barbados told the United Nations that reparations for slavery and colonialism should be part of a new ‘global reset’. Mia Mottley, who is leading the demands from the West Indies nations, met the King in London earlier this month for talks in advance of the 56-nation Commonwealth gathering. Ms Mottley has praised Charles for declaring two years ago that slavery is ‘a conversation whose time has come’, although Buckingham Palace declined to reveal the contents of their latest ‘private discussions’.

The calls come in the wake of the Prime Minister’s controversial decision to hand over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius earlier this month, a move which has led to fears for the future of British control of other strategic territories including the Falkland Islands and Gibraltar.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy – who is descended from enslaved people – has described how his ancestors heard ‘the twisted lies of imperialism as they were stolen from their homes in shackles and turned into slaves’. He also controversially supported protesters who toppled the statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol and dumped it into the harbour four years ago. Dozens of other memorials to traders and colonialists were removed in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Estimates of the likely reparations bill for British involvement in slavery in 14 countries range from £206 billion to a staggering £19 trillion. The higher figure was cited last year by UN judge Patrick Robinson, who called it an ‘underestimation’ of the damage caused by the slave trade. Mr Robinson said he was amazed that countries involved in slavery think they can ‘bury their heads in the sand’ on the issue, adding: ‘Once a state has committed a wrongful act, it’s obliged to pay reparations’.

[From The Daily Mail]

King Charles has spent the past two years splitting his time between a dozen different royal castles, palaces and mansions while his second wife raids the Royal Collection jewels. In my head, Charles surveys all of what he inherited and wonders “how could one even begin to part with any of it?” Anyway, reparations should happen. The fact that the reparation conversation has taken this long to make it to the CHOGM agenda speaks to the affection QEII engendered from commonwealth nations. But over the past five years or so, all of that has fallen to the wayside. Now the Windsors are seen as colonialists dumbf–ks who are too stupid to do even the most basic of soft diplomacy.


Photos courtesy of Instar, Avalon Red.

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50 Responses to “King Charles will face demands to pay £200 billion in reparations at the CHOGM”

  1. I live in California, reparations are a real thing my state recognizes the need for them and have signed laws to start paying the money back

    • One provable example of this is when LA took away the land of black people who owned beach property

      If the property had not been taken, they could have passed that wealth on to their children

      This is one example of what the reparations law in California is addressing

    • Julie says:

      Same in Canada. Its the only way to really make peace with the First Nations. The reconciliation Act is more than money as it aims by actions to truly bring peace between between Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous peoples.

    • MFS says:

      Fellow CA resident. Proud that my state is working on this. We need to get it done. Imagine how it would shame the US and UK governments if California paid reparations but they did not.

  2. They will never pay. They should but they never will. This trip is looking to be a real hoot. They deserve it to go badly.

    • Tennyson says:

      Reparations should happen. Sadly I’m pessimistic.

    • Mrs.Krabapple says:

      I agree, they will never pay. This will be how history remembers them (if it remembers them at all), as racists who avoided atonement for their crimes.

    • kirk says:

      You’re probably right. They can bounce that ball back and forth between royals and elected government endlessly. IMHO one of the best things that Harry & Meghan docuseries did was bring a few facts, means and methods of the glorious British Empire to a wider audience. Re: QEII belovedness, I can easily understand why H-M adored her. However, after reading Caroline Elkins ‘Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire’ and starting her ‘Imperial Reckoning,’ I’m less inclined to view Betty as a charming, benign granny. I tend to be more in agreement with Elkins that QEII must have known about violence occurring in the Empire, no matter how many officials lied to her

  3. ML says:

    Good! I hope Mia Motley et al succeed. As to paying: each country that participated in colonization should have to pay, AND the royals who benefited should have to pay from their own fortune (not via taxpayers). As to this, one of the Nobel Prizes this year was awarded to a trio of men who have studied world wealth before and after colonization :

    • ShazBot says:

      Not just the royals! All those aristocratic families and old companies that are still in existence that got rich off the slave trade should have to pay as well.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Hudson Bay Company is still ripping off the indigenous peoples of Canada – some areas the only store around is “The Bay”. The rebrand didn’t remove the stench of colonialism.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And the museums, let’s not forget the museums, most of which are state-supported. I believe the BRF will make reparations just as soon as the BM sends back anything (i.e., not in my lifetime).

  4. Jais says:

    They can’t even pay their housekeepers a minimum wage. They’re not parting with a single cent or jewel.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      This was my exact thought!
      Good luck getting a dime from them, nonetheless I hope they go for it

    • ML says:

      I said that yesterday, too. My British neighbor sees the staff as being paid by taxpayers—she feels like the pay is low because of that and because it’s good for CVs. So, this billionaire is not even paying his workers out of his own pocket!

      • BeanieBean says:

        What?? Civil servants should be low-paid because their paychecks come from the taxpayer??? Even though they’re taxpayers themselves??

      • ML says:

        Not that low pay is good, but that taxpayers are paying for staff. She doesn’t want to pay more taxes to cover what the Firm/ RF should be (partially at least) paying for themselves. There’s this argument I hear from a lot of British people that the royals are great for Britain because they attract tourists and pounds. For whatever reason, this isn’t funding the people who work for the royals, and clearly like many other European royal families, they could downsize their properties and expenses. Charles et al choose to be more expensive than necessary and many British citizens both want this family for perceived economic benefit and at the same time, they don’t want to pay for the expenses themselves.

    • INge says:

      They very much can they just don’t want to.

      Same as Charles worrying about how to pay Meghan’s clothes.

      He’s filthy rich.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Agree. It will be a cold day in hell before the British monarchy parts with one cent for the descendants of slaves of every country the British enslaved a long time ago.

    • They did not pay their “Working Royal” when she was working for them

      Now they claim that she is a “Non-working royal” or whatever made up shit they are using this week to other her

  5. Inge says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Lol.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    I think there has been a gradual build to this point and even if the Queen was alive today the matter would be on the agenda.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Yes, time’s up! It has more to do with finally recognizing the horrors of slavery and colonialism than which member of this horrid family is sitting on the throne. That said, I love this for Charles!

  7. Fastgran50 says:

    I am sure part of the royal jewellery collection has many pieces plundered from countries the uk colonised. The uk has claimed many countries as their own the proceeded to strip them of all their valuable assets then enslave the people. I have never thought the commonwealth was something to be proud of. The way the uk treated the windrush generation too was nothing short of criminal

  8. Agnes says:

    Pay up, Chuckles. How I would love to see him and Cowzilla living out their days in a council flat, or better yet, on the side of the road.

    • Cassie says:

      Will never happen Agnes but what a wonderful picture you paint .
      Made me smile just thinking about it ,
      Thank you .

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Make Monarchs Middle Class Again

    • Steph says:

      Wouldn’t it be wild if Charles would willed everything back to the people and left pegs to inherit a penniless crown? I don’t think that’s even possible but it would be fun to watch.

      • Chaine says:

        Came here to say the same thing! I would love it if Chuck decided to up and sell everything and give all the money to reparations and leave William nothing!

    • BeanieBean says:

      They could live in Charles’ little village in Transylvania, the one deliberately kept in the–what is it? 19th Century? 18th? No modern anything.

  9. California is the 5th-largest economy in the world

    1. United States (without California) – ~$21.0 trillion
    2. China – ~$18.3 trillion
    3. California – ~$3.9 trillion
    4. Japan – ~$4.9 trillion
    5. Germany – ~$4.2 trillion
    6. India – ~$3.7 trillion
    7. United Kingdom – ~$3.2 trillion
    8. France – ~$3.0 trillion

    California is paying reparations

    • Barb Mill says:

      Yay California. I know some local communities in other states are paying. I can’t recall but the one I read about was not paying individuals but spending money on community improvements in areas where with affected populations. Small business grants, libraries, improvements for schools. That sort of thing.

  10. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    🍿🍿🍿 stocking up!

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    I guess running that targeted racist hate campaign against the mixed raced American Duchess wasn’t the wisest decision because it highlighted a lot of things the BRF wish would stay buried.. like the fact that they literally were the slave trade for years, especially the Duke of York, a title that should have been retired long ago in disgrace for his vile crimes against humanity. I hope this continues to be a huge issue for that family, and the reparations should come from the Chuck and Peggy’s personal coffers and off shore accounts.

    • KFC poisoned his own well with his pathetic insecurity.

      Who in their right mind is jealous of the woman they married or their own children for outshining them?

      “Royal” is your brand dude, you can’t spent YEARS inventing a global media event tearing down the “royalty” of the woman your son married and not have those arguments and that sentiment not tarnish how the public sees “Royal” you

  12. Libra says:

    Could this have been the main topic of the Sandringham Summit? Would the ladies give up their jewels? How much would Charles and William be expected to kick in? Surely the already overtaxed Brits will be making some demands.

  13. Gabby says:

    These nations granted QE2 a respect and affection she did not deserve.
    Demands for apologies and reparations should very well have begun during her tenure.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      100%. Crimes against humanity occurred during her reign by “governments in her name”.
      Genocide. Cultural genocide. Indigenous people being denied their language, culture, unless it was to put it on display to their white “overlords” during a “royal visit”.

      Little kids sent to “residential schools” to have their indigenous cultures physically beat out of them – and worse crimes committed against them. How many unmarked little graves are still undiscovered?

      • 100% true, their wealth came from slavery and plunder.

        The big reparations elephant in the room is how far are they going to go back to address the issue.

        Here in California we are going to pay people that had their land was stolen by our govt in the 1900’s

        California has the luxury of not being directly connected to the slave industry.

        It was never legal to own people in California, so our reparations bill is going to be lighter that that of places that allowed slavery, or profited from it

      • BeanieBean says:

        Pinniped: 1900s? That’s it? California has a much older history of European settlement, what with the Spanish being there first. Many people are probably descendants of those folks who benefited from Spanish land-grants. Good for California paying reparations, but it’s going to be a bit more complicated than a lot of the rest of the states.

      • The specifics have not yet been worked out, the case of Los Angelas County stealing the beach land from black people is one I know is being included in this law.

        Yes it is going to be imperfect and messy as hell and costly, but we are doing it.

  14. Michele says:

    The United Kingdom in fact already paid billions in todays dollars for reparations but they paid the slave owners to free the slaves, and not the poor slaves to help start a new life. They had some agreements to borrow a huge sum and paid back certain families over time and the loans went on for hundreds of years until the debt was paid back. When the British government passed the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833, it agreed to compensate slave owners for the loss of their “property.” The government allocated £20 million, which was a substantial sum at the time (equivalent to around £17 billion today), to compensate about 46,000 slave owners across the British Empire.

    This compensation was meant for the loss of enslaved labor, effectively valuing enslaved people as property rather than recognizing their humanity or providing any compensation to the freed individuals. The enslaved themselves received nothing in terms of reparations; instead, many had to serve a period of “apprenticeship,” which essentially extended forced labor under different terms for several years. Remarkably, the debt incurred by the British government to fund these payments was so significant that it was only fully paid off in 2015, meaning that UK taxpayers were servicing this debt for nearly two centuries. I was blown away when I first heard this back in 2015 when it was in the news because the repayments were final paid off. So the rich never lose money, and the poor stay poor. It’s a very sensitive topic and it’s crazy they paid the owners.

    • Thank you! the UK paid reparations, they paid it to the slave owners because they lost their property.

      The precedent exists

    • Nanny to the Rescue says:

      So there is no way in hell the British government now approves reparations to those wronged, if the last debt was only just paid off.

      They will also not press on the royals, because if they do, they will make themselves targets for new demands.

      So nothing to see here, move along. 🙁

    • BeanieBean says:

      That is just wild to me. I was gobsmacked when I first learned of that. Figures, though.

  15. Whalesnark says:

    That sound that you hear is the cluck, cluck, cluck of chickens coming home to roost.

  16. Lady Digby says:

    king may present Commonwealth with photographs of him and concubine draped in stolen colonial jewellery as the closest to actual return of said items!

  17. yipyip says:

    Wealth hoarding Billionaires are never giving up one cent of their ill gotten money.
    Never happen.
    You’ll see fish fly in the sky sooner.

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