Queen Camilla has been vacationing in Asia ahead of the Australian tour

Back when King Charles was the Prince of Wales, he traveled extensively on behalf of the Crown. Especially in the later years of QEII’s reign – she eased up on her own tours and visits, and allowed Charles to represent her around the world. In those days, Camilla would often accompany Charles on those trips, but they rarely flew together. This was not some sort of security issue. It’s because Camilla travels so poorly, she and her team would often fly ahead to a country so that Camilla would have days longer to get acclimated. I didn’t know that Charles and Camilla were still doing that, but they are. As it turns out, there’s a reason why we haven’t seen much of Camilla in recent weeks. She’s been on a private holiday in Singapore?? Charles is going to pick up Camilla and her team on his way to Australia.

King Charles is jetting off from Heathrow Airport ahead of his gruelling nine-day Australia tour – with 36 engagements planned. Charles, 75, was pictured arriving at Heathrow Airport to catch a commercial airline ahead of the eight-day trip. He was driven to the airport’s five-star Windsor Suite in a convoy of vehicles this morning.

Staff were seen picking out only three suitcases from the back of the King’s vehicle for his eight-day trip Down Under and State Visit to Samoa. But it is understood the plane will be packed with its luggage for his royal entourage.

He will be met by Camilla in Singapore who is travelling separately after a private break. They will both then change flights and head on to Sydney and arrive late on Friday night for an official welcome.

Charles, 75, who has been treated for cancer since he was diagnosed in February, and wife Camilla, 77, will have a ‘rest day’ on Saturday. Claims he will watch the $20million Everest race at Randwick are believed to be wide of the mark. He kicks off the trip in Sydney on Sunday before visiting Canberra and speaking at the opening of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) next week.

[From The Sun]

I wondered how the “rest day” was going to be folded into the trip – basically, Charles and Camilla will do an official greeting when they arrive in Sydney, then they have all of Saturday to sleep off their jet-lag and rest, then the tour actually begins on Sunday. I truly didn’t clock the fact that Camilla has been MIA for a while too – I wonder when she went to Singapore? Or is she just meeting Charles in Singapore and she was actually vacationing somewhere else? How long was the vacation? On who’s dime? I ask because the British media basically publishes all of the flight data and plane call signs every time Prince Harry and Meghan travel anywhere, and yet the whole-ass queen can quietly fly to Asia and no one knows a thing about it for days/weeks???

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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48 Responses to “Queen Camilla has been vacationing in Asia ahead of the Australian tour”

  1. yipyip says:

    What is the point of owning multiple castles if ya keep going on vacation?
    Cam does love her relaxing spa vacations doesn’t she?

    Meanwhile the rest of us are struggling to keep basic needs met. Still.

    • I agree, but i can’t keep a straight face on this site today when all the adds are for budgie smugglers

    • Advisor2U says:

      Camilla went on a vacation in January/February, in between Charles’ balls operation and his cancer treatment.

      For years now, she is having multiple vacations a year to foreign countries (mostly in Asia and south the of France) with her rich friends, without Charles.
      These people are holidaying more than they do any meaningful work.

      If only the Brits could abolish this useless monarchy, and abandon the hangers on, who for centuries now are taking great advantage of the system with big belly laughs.

      • I am LOL ing at the “balls operation”

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Gladys is taking advantage of every royal perk she can get her bony hands on, while she still can – she has to know Fred’s days are numbered.

        These trips may be also part of the ongoing negotiation of their relationship – like she was living at Ray Mill half the time when he was still Prince of Wales, even after they married. She shows up to do X w/ Fred, then she gets to go off w/o him and do…whatever she does with her cauldron when she’s alone

        I heard Sydney Opera House is going to treat Fred & Gladys with a projection show (inside? outside the building??) of former royal tours to Oz.


        You know it would make Gladys absolutely feral with rage. heehee.

    • kelleybelle says:

      According to Sewards she can’t stand the heat, but she goes to Asia regularly. Okay …
      And vacation from what? She’s never worked. #abolishthemonarchy

  2. I think there is a difference in she doesn’t travel well to she wants to travel on her terms. Sounds to me like she enjoys travel when it is something she wants to see or do but if it means “business”, I use that term loosely, then it must be on her terms.

    • ShazBot says:

      Yeah, she seems to have no issues travelling when it’s her own vacations. She goes to “spas” in India fairly often, no?
      I think her not travelling well is actually just completely made up. They needed something to say about Camilla, and this maybe makes her relatable, but it’s totally made up.

      • Becks1 says:

        It may be completely made up, but its been a consistent story for years now. The story is that she actually has vertigo, so having a day or two to relax/recover after flying is helpful for her, and its why she often doesn’t fly too much within an extended tour.

        I think it makes sense – if she’s going to a spa thats just relaxing, so vertigo wouldn’t need to be accounted for the way it does with a work trip.

        i do think its interesting that Charles is having a rest day (which makes sense) but she is as well, if shes already been in that general area for a while now.

        But like Kaiser said we dont know that she was in Singapore, that’s just where they’re meeting up, maybe she went back to India for a few weeks.

        Regardless – all these international trips without scrutiny and screaming from the british press sure must be nice for the white royals.

      • MsDarcy says:

        When I went to Signapore, we took a daytrip to Indonesia for a spa day. I didn’t understand exactly what a “ratus treatment” was and it turned out it was vaginal steaming. That was interesting, to say the least. I am now cackling at the thought of Camz off to Indonesia to one of those spa island resorts and her getting her royal vagina steamed, and wondering what jokes Chaz will have to make afterwards a la Tampon Days calls.

  3. seaflower says:

    Must remember to put the protection spells in place tomorrow. (jk for anyone who takes things to seriously)

  4. Neeve says:

    Why is the King flying commercial, do the Windsors not have their own plane,surely the late Queen never flew commercial ??

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      That’s bizarre. I think a hereditary monarchy is ridiculous but he is the head of state. Could they not coordinate a military plane?

    • Jais says:

      Maybe Camilla took the private plane😂. But yeah I’m surprised that he is flying commercial. Maybe it’s semantics and they bought out the whole plane? I did see that while the rota normally flies on the plane with them, that’s not the case this time and they were all told to find their own way to Australia. Presumably their news orgs paid for their flights but it is definitely different than past tours when they fly with the royals. Maybe Charles wants to seem environmentally aware by saying a commercial flight but I just don’t believe that there are regular peeps with him on that flight.

      • Neeve says:

        @Jais OMG the press actually fly in the SAME plane? I thought they simply follow them to their tour destinations.How agonizing to be someone like Meghan and have to share a long ass flight with the people writing crap about you.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Neeve yes, its not that dissimilar in theory from maybe Air Force One, where there is room for the press.

        I remember someone saying that on the way home from South Africa there was total silence on the plane because the press was so taken aback by harry’s statement and lawsuit basically as soon as the tour ended but before they had flown home.

        And I likewise remember the press talking about hugging Will and Kate on the Pakistan tour that same year because they had all gotten so close and enjoyed themselves so much 🙄

      • Jais says:

        Will and Kate hugging the press on that flight was just such a blatant please like us more than Harry and Meghan plea. Which at that point the smear campaign was in full swing so it was just so extra. I’d love to hear about the press vibes on the way back from the Caribbean tour.

    • Lady Esther says:

      They do have their own plane (and I’m not against it as HOS) and Charles famously complained more than once about having to fly commercial, so either it’s a lie or Camilla is using the plane…

    • Advisor2U says:

      Announcing that Charles went commercial is just PR to address the criticism reg. his climate pledging hypocracy ( … and to make a point, as Prince Harry flies commercial most of the time, and offsets his carbon footprint).

      To my knowledge Charles never or hardly flies commercial. In fact he once said in an interview why he doesn’t like flying commercial (something to do with hygiene, and that he can’t stand being so close to strangers in one small space, I think?).
      He either takes a RAF/ military plan, a private helicopter, or private jet.

    • No worries here, if there are any repercussions he will throw his wife and son under the bus in true Windsor fashion

  5. Amy Bee says:

    Why is Charles flying commercial and if Camilla doesn’t like to fly why is she in Singapore?

  6. Miranda says:

    Good for him flying commercial. Her “traveling poorly” seems to be mighty selective. That’s all I’ve got.

  7. Jencf says:

    I bet someone familiar with Singaporean social media could figure out who/where Camilla was visiting.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    Oh this should be fun, the miserable Monarchs on a tour that no one cares about.. the lack of rsvp by top officials and the fact that the mistress turned wife will most likely be miserable the entire tour are making me smile a bit to much, and I’m ok with that.

  9. Fastgran50 says:

    I wonder if he’ll be faced with any displays of Harry paperback book. 😂

  10. VilleRose says:

    So glad I’m not a royal! I can’t sleep on planes so traveling anywhere where there is a large time difference is always terrible. I am a zombie the first day and I never plan anything so I can rest and nap. Just the past two weeks, I traveled for both fun and business within the US and even though the time differences weren’t huge, going to airports and getting on planes are stressful and tiring. Especially when the only flights available to your destinations are red eyes (looking at you Albuquerque, NM ha).

    But Camilla has the luxury of going ahead of time and resting for several days/weeks and most of us don’t have this luxury when traveling. So while I feel her on this, I also don’t really feel sorry for her that much.

  11. JC says:

    This is going to be expensive. Traveling to Singapore from anywhere is already going to cost a lot of money, and that’s just one way. The fact that Charles still needs to Air Uber Camilla to Australia from Singapore will cost a few more. It doesn’t even matter if they’re flying in their own private royal jet or whatnot, but the total overhead cost of the trips would be very expensive. And that’s just to Australia; their next stop to Samoa will add up to the cost by virtue of Samoa’s distance. It would be interesting to see how much this whole trip to Australia really came down to vs how much was the actual budget allotted for this royal visit (if there even was a budget!).

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    I’d love to see a true assessment of the environmental footprint of these two grifters. Charles can turn down the thermostats in his palaces all he wants, but the toll of their lavish lifestyles must be enormous.

  13. Jay says:

    Well, I guess all that handwringing from the rota for the past week about how Camilla “wasn’t born to royalty, and therefore doesn’t travel well” was kind of wasted, then? Turns out that having unlimited money, time, and (I assume) access to the best private jet and help available can be just as good! Because it seems like the QC will have had days (weeks?) to rest before embarking on her events in Australia.

    So I’m sure we won’t see any continued references from said rota about how grueling and onerous this tour (that they have voluntarily undertaken) is and just how very brave and stoic these two are. Right?

  14. kelleybelle says:

    Just the sight of these two literally makes me nauseous.

  15. tamsin says:

    I find it odd that Charles is flying “commercial” when he’s battling cancer. Compromised immune system and age of Covid. Really? He’s made it clear that he doesn’t care to share space with the proletariat. Of course he would book the entire first class, I guess, or an entire plane. i don’t imagine Camilla flying anywhere except via private plane, so her little leg of this jaunt will cost an enormous sum. The schedule sounds gruelling. Puts number one son to shame.

    • Gabby says:

      I call complete BS on Chuckles flying commercial. He’s afraid of saran wrap FFS, how is he going to handle a plane full of regular people? Even first class. And if he is, he really is going to need his own toilet seat this time. HEHEHEHEHEH.

  16. sevenblue says:

    Even when Meghan was a working royal, the media was briefed about everything: where they went on their off time, if they were on vacation, who paid for it. Then, they would act like Meghan was stealing money from the public or destroying environment for flying abroad. It is incredible that we don’t know anything about Camilla’s or W&K’s vacations.

  17. Beverley says:

    So…Camilla doesn’t travel well. Yet she’s fond of her (ineffective) spa trips? 🤔


  18. BeanieBean says:

    I wondered about the who paid for this trip, as well. Press (via the Palace) is calling Singapore a private trip, so presumably that means she paid her way for herself & her entire staff (ha!, sure). From there on out she’d be on the public’s dime. I bet they don’t keep such careful books. I’m thinking of how I have to keep everything separate if I build in a couple-three days of vacation into a work trip–the hotel then is on me, meals are on me, I use annual leave for my time, etc. Bet they don’t even bother.

  19. Elfie says:

    I know this is an old sentiment, but I still cannot believe that woman is referred to as Queen. It makes me sick. Good thing I am not British. He’s bad enough but she is repulsive.

  20. Cassie says:

    Just read about the massive security arrangements for this trip .
    Be costing a fortune , this trip .
    Not my King or Queen , be glad when this is over .
    They make me feel sick , it’s awful ,
    Be hard to avoid seeing their ugly faces somewhere in the media no matter how much you try and avoid it .

  21. charlie says:

    This one actually tracks. Aus has its own VIP planes that get scrambled for the RF. Will and Kate and George were constantly running up and down the steps of the 737 when they were here, and H & M got one too. What I can’t see flying (heh) is the long empty trip to the UK to pick them up, so commercial to Singapore to meet the jet makes sense.

    Also, Cams has been in Malaysia, maybe Bali at a pinch. No one goes to Singapore for a ‘spa holiday’.

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