Ben Affleck ‘never looked back’ after he moved out of the home he shared with J.Lo

Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck on what would have been their second wedding anniversary in August. After filing, J.Lo then spent a good two weeks getting her narrative, her side, out there. A major piece of that was a very J.Lo-centered People Magazine cover story, which I found really informative. Basically, in April, Jennifer was working in New York and Ben just woke up one day and decided he was done with the marriage. He began moving his things out of their shared home and “effectively ghosted” his wife. Jennifer spent the rest of the spring and summer trying to make Ben chase her or come to his senses. Instead, he was probably banging Kick Kennedy and acting like a self-absorbed child. Ben sounded like a real a–hole in J.Lo’s narrative. Well, weird timing, but six weeks later, now Ben is apparently reminding everyone that he’s never been happier and that he totally moved on from Jennifer back in April. Some highlights from two very sus People stories:

Ben Affleck has “never looked back” since moving out from living with ex Jennifer Lopez earlier this year, a source tells PEOPLE.

The actor-director, 52, is now “very focused on work and his kids,” the source adds. “He’s staying busy and happy.”

Lopez, 55, filed for divorce on Aug. 20, ending the couple’s two years of marriage. She listed April 26 as their date of separation.

Multiple sources told PEOPLE back in May that Affleck and Lopez were not living together in their Los Angeles home and that he was staying in another property while filming The Accountant 2.

One project occupying Affleck’s time is another collaboration with friend and frequent costar Matt Damon. The duo were photographed on a film set, as Affleck is reportedly directing Damon in a commercial. He and Damon are also in business together after co-founding the production company Artists Equity, which is behind Lopez’s next film Unstoppable, plus the crime-thriller RIP, which will star Affleck and Damon, 54, with writer-director Joe Carnahan.

“He’s very close with Matt. Matt is Ben’s confidant. Matt always knows exactly what’s going on with Ben,” the source says. “They also enjoy working together.”

[From People Magazine]

Ben “never looked back,” huh? Why is that a good thing? I mean, backsliding is sometimes a bad idea, but the whole Bennifer marriage was one big backslide, and I still don’t understand how Ben seemingly woke up one day and decided he didn’t want to be married to J.Lo anymore. Sometimes you need to look back to figure out what the hell happened. Sometimes you need to look back for closure. It’s like Ben Affleck is trying to be the villain.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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49 Responses to “Ben Affleck ‘never looked back’ after he moved out of the home he shared with J.Lo”

  1. Aud says:

    God. This guy sucks so hard.

    • ML says:

      It sure sounds like he’s fudging what happened last spring and summer, and that his ego has been majorly bruised. Why is he trying to get in the last word?

      • Agnes says:

        That’s a good take. Why does he even GAF what people think if he’s so “moved on?” He’s a raging ego-maniac who can’t admit he’s a raging ego-maniac.

    • Barrett says:

      Is he bipolar? I’m not joking. He seems manic depressive. I know his dad had issues.

  2. Jais says:

    All I see is a guy with grey hair and yet a dark brown beard.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Yes, he should dye his beard a lighter brown shade.

    • Banana says:

      I can’t really buy anything solely from one side. If Lopez believes Affleck just woke up one day and left, then that’s on her in my opinion. I don’t believe that’s what happened. She is trying to control the narrative because she can’t *not* live in the public eye. He just didn’t go ‘tit for tat’ with her at the time.

      • girl_ninja says:

        Didn’t go tit for tat? He froze his wife out and abandoned their marital home like a thief in the night. You don’t have to like Jennifer to see how disrespectful Ben was.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    And here I thought he couldn’t make me dislike him anymore then he already has, I was wrong.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      We all know Ben is unstable. He suffers from mood swings, alcohol and gambling addiction, and only his therapists know what else. Jenniffer knew all those things before she married him so it was a 50/50 chance of a successful marriage and she lost. There is no point in bashing Ben even more. He is the one who is wrong.

  4. Kokiri says:

    So Matt always knows what’s going on with Ben, huh?
    And does Ben reciprocate? Doesn’t sound like it.
    Sounds like Ben used whomever is closest to deflect from his own thoughts.
    I’d hate to know him, to be used like he uses people.

    This whole Matt as saviour sounds too much like George/Brad to me. Such unhealthy relationships they all have, so codependent.

  5. Walking the Walk says:

    This is so dumb to even put out there. What does Matt Damon have to do with anything? Unless he didn’t like that Matt had talked to JLo so much at the movie opening a few weeks back? Lord.

    And I am sorry, everything that came out, even from his side is that he’s messy, a cheater [again] and then tried his best to put the blame on her. I would never speak to his terrible butt again. Her children are over him, and if they weren’t close with his kids, I doubt she would have even agreed to be in the same time/place with him. Also, isn’t Wasserman handling this? She won’t be happy about him leaking to People.

    • Eloise says:

      It doesn’t make sense why this article was put out there right now’. Maybe a month ago when Jlo was seen hanging out with Matt. but also, Ben was spotted kissing/holding hands with Jlo just a month ago, so he was definitely looking back. Make it make sense.

      • VilleRose says:

        He wasn’t seen holding hands and kissing J. Lo. They were seen at a hotel having lunch with their kids but the outing was clearly all about the kids. In none of the pictures do they make physical contact even though they are standing next to each other. Some sources said they were kissing and holding hands at lunch but J. Lo/Affleck sources also pushed back on those and said that lunch was not an indication of them rekindling their romance and they were still divorcing.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        Yeah I don’t even get what the strategy is here? Just divorce you loser and quit leaking about it.

  6. Chaine says:

    He’s such a loser.

  7. Eleonor says:

    Well I hope JLO got him out of her system.

  8. Truth 2121 says:

    Ben A, is such a non event, he was a joke when he was paying paps to stalk him with Ana and a joke now. Jlo ain’t perfect, but Ben is all types of a white privileged ass hole. Hypocritical that he blames Jlos alcohol Delola for his sobriety, however has no problem directing an ad for Stella Artois

    • Jaded says:

      Ben didn’t blame the end of their marriage on her involvement with Delola, it’s just a rumour that developed from some comments people threw out here that *maybe* he took umbrage at her having alcohol around. Pure fiction. The marriage failed because he’s a passive-aggressive a-hole and she’s constantly hungering for public adulation and will seek it any way she can, including revealing wayyyyy too much of her private life. Their relationship was doomed to fail from the get-go.

  9. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Exactly what is the purpose of this report? It’s a whole bunch of nothing. wtf suspiciously empty.

    • Jacques says:

      It’s simple, really. The love story so many people were giddy about didn’t last (no surprise) Now Affleck is taking ALL of the heat, and poor Jennifer is (once again) the victim. Rinse, lather, repeat.

  10. Andrea says:

    He destroyed his brain. For those old enough to remember the frying pan egg commercial..this is drugs, this is your brain on drugs. It’s true and not only for illicit drugs or alcohol but commonly prescribed drugs as well. Truth from a psych RN.

  11. Aerie says:

    Good for him. Now if JLo can do the same we won’t ever again have to hear about this insufferable duo.

  12. SarahCS says:

    Meanwhile she continued to engage with his kids and support the relationships between the step-siblings. Take away the specific individuals and it’s a story as old as time.

  13. yipyip says:

    Why can’t he just be quiet?
    Ignore him. And JLo and Jen Garner and all their kids and coffee walks.

    Also, men who are dying their beards badly…Ugh.

  14. Feebee says:

    Recently caught a couple of old clips of Ben on Bill Maher’s show. He made such good points. Couldn’t help thinking it’d be nice to see that Ben instead of whatever the hell this is.

  15. Eurydice says:

    It can happen. You go through days and weeks and months of being unhappy and then one day you say “enough.” I don’t know where the fault is here, but it’s not possible that everything is love and roses one day and the next it’s over. My uninformed opinion is that they both had buyer’s remorse pretty much from the day they were married. Maybe it came first from Ben, but there’s no way JLo was blissfully unaware.

  16. Eloise says:

    Why does his team think this a good thing to put out there. It just makes him look like an a-hole. Also, wasn’t it reported just one month ago that he “couldn’t keep his hands off of her?” I’m not buying that he never looked back.

    • ellyn says:

      If only he and whatever PR flacks are flogging this narrative to PEOPLE magazine would remember that there are some other individuals who are part of these marital relationships and none of them need to see Ben making it sound like women are causing problems for him. If his biological children and stepchildren are that important to him, he would stop dragging them into this mess. Being an adult means owning up to the work he needs to do, instead of bragging about walking away while continuing to play the blame game.

  17. Justjj says:

    Do we still need Battfleck in 2024? I’m confused why more celebs don’t just make their millions, live frugally/strategically invest and save it, and quietly retire. That seems like the best way out to me and the only long-term strategy to maintain mental health. I think they must just get caught up in the game and the never ending need for more. Fame must be a helluvan addiction right? Otherwise, why do they do it?

  18. Alla says:

    Buhu Ben, too late, too bad all the news are covering other stories. Nobody cares about you anymore.

  19. Jay says:

    Raise your hand if you were looking and hoping for an update from J.Lo and Ben today…nobody, right? For better or worse, J.Lo ripped off the band-aid on this relationship months ago, and it seems like she is the one who is not looking back. She filed for divorce, she laid out her side so effectively and so clearly, and then showed up looking like a million bucks to a premiere with his friend. This story was done, so why would Ben be trying to disturb the ashes now? And with such a nothingburger of a story, too?

    If he is trying to get her attention, middle-schooler that he is, I don’t think this is going to do it. I don’t think he’s trying to get sympathy – he all but confirms that he ghosted her. Is he just stuck in a pattern where he actually welcomes people casting him as the bad guy? It could be, but that is super weird. Nobody was waiting for him to weigh in here. I initially thought with all the talk of him and Matt Damon working together that he wants attention for his work, but I don’t think anything is coming out this year, is there?

    The best explanation I can think of is that he is in the midst of rolling out a new relationship, maybe someone from his current project, and he wants to clear the decks.

  20. MoxieMox says:

    Ana de Armas is watching all of this unfold from her farm in Vermont and sighing with relief that she got herself away from this man.

  21. Andrea says:

    This reminds me of my alcoholic ex who tried to rewrite the narrative that I cheated on him with someone, when I left him due to his DUI and constant drinking/immaturity. I did start dating someone a few weeks later, but some people love rewriting narratives to make themselves look like the better party, when they were the crappy one.

  22. Sue says:

    Clinging on to Matt Damon’s reputation as a no-drama grown adult family man, I see.

  23. ClassicRoxie says:

    Look back, guy. Your head doesn’t match your beard.

  24. wolfmamma says:

    I don’t buy that it’s all on Ben. Just like I don’t buy it with other couples. Anyway .. they’ve moved on and that is their business.

  25. Flamingo says:

    Seeing he has never said a word publicly and everything is ‘sources’. Or embellished speculation. Who knows what really happened from his perspective.

    I like that Jennifer has taken it head on, filed herself and basically said her life just blew up. At least she is dealing with it as it happens in real time.

    I hope they both find the peace and happiness they need in life. And just leave each other the F alone.

  26. Get Real says:

    He’s an alcoholic and she’s a Stage 5 clinger. It’s a no fault divorce. Peace out, guys.

  27. AngryJayne says:

    What is with that coat, tho?

    He even did this during his last divorce- squeezing his big-ass body into some tight and tiny-ass jackets…

    It’s giving boxy AF.

  28. Bobbie says:

    I doubt he woke up one morning and decided it was over. Probably began to realize, over time, that they shouldn’t have married.

  29. Lens says:

    Some on here act like Ben broke up with them they are so mad about it:
    “He froze his wife out and abandoned their marital home like a thief in the night”
    “In April, Jennifer was working in New York and Ben just woke up one day and decided he was done with the marriage.”
    I doubt it happened like that. Remember JLo went to New York the middle of march through May and didn’t come back to LA to visit herself. She was papped every weekend in new York in various restaurants, Broadway shows etc and was working there during the weekdays. So the no contact was being done by her as well.

  30. Sara says:

    I would love to know how either of them thought it was a good idea to get married. Jen had just almost marries Arod and Ben had just finished with Ana de Armas and Rehab for that matter. I can help but think if they didn’t get married, this breakup would not have been so bad

  31. Ladiabla says:

    What a schmuck. Also, “He’s very close with Matt. Matt is Ben’s confidant. Matt always knows exactly what’s going on with Ben,” the source says. “They also enjoy working together.” What a revelation People magazine! Top notch reporting there.

  32. Gennessee says:

    I am convinced the sudden split is due to her past with Sean P. Diddy Combs. You can’t convince me otherwise. The timing and suddenness of the breakup is majorly coincidental. I’m not saying she was his literal partner in crime, especially since she split with Puffy right after the club incident, but I think the stories started bubbling up, and Ben ran like hell.

    Convinced. Absolutely convinced.

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