The Sussexes want to raise Archie & Lili as ‘royal children’… in Portugal??

It’s perfectly possible that the “Prince Harry & Meghan bought a home in Portugal” report is some British-media fiction designed to produce a Sussex soap-opera storyline. But what’s strange about the story is that it’s not playing out like the usual Salt Island fictions. Usually, when they’re making something up, it’s a story designed to make Harry and Meghan look bad or broke or on the verge of divorce. Saying that Harry and Meghan bought a $4 million villa in Portugal (close to Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank) makes the Sussexes sound rich, successful and uninterested in the UK. Which makes me wonder if the story is actually true. Anyway, the Mail has yet another column about the Sussexes’ possible Portuguese real estate and what it all means. This piece is overwrought, so here’s the section I wanted to discuss:

So the fact that Harry and Meghan are also looking to set up a home in the region is a fascinating development. Why? Because it reveals much about the significance of Eugenie and Jack – and their two children – to their lives. Professionally, socially and emotionally, the two couples and their young broods have become entwined. It would be no exaggeration to say that, in the chilliness of their life since leaving the Royal Family, Harry and Meghan have found a rare familial solace in the company of Eugenie and her family.

One could easily see how Harry’s sense of loss could be partly assuaged if he and Meghan could live, at least part-time, near Eugenie and Jack. Perhaps the biggest attraction will be the knowledge that his own children – Archie, five, and Lilibet, three – will be able to spend time with Eugenie’s children. A royal source says: ‘Harry must know his children are not going to grow up as friends of William’s children, George, Charlotte and Louis. A bond for Lilibet and Archie with Eugenie’s kids will be the only royal friendship they will have. Most likely, August and Ernest are the only cousins they are going to ever spend time with. So time in Portugal, even just for holidays, means that Harry is keeping the only door to the Royal Family just a little bit open for himself and for the next generation, and raising them as royal children, at least in some way.’

The royal source continues: ‘The cousin bond is strong between Harry and Eugenie and they have grown up together to some extent. Both have suffered with an at-times difficult relationship with their parents.’

A local estate agent who has been working in the area for decades told The Mail on Sunday that the couple were likely to have spent in excess of four million euros for a property on one of the exclusive resorts. ‘In recent years we have seen A-listers from the States buying homes or plots which are essentially closed environments. It’s very high-end and homes range from four to 20 million euros. There have been rumours in recent months that Harry and Meghan are among the latest buyers. But it’s unclear if they have bought a home that is already built or if it is yet to be built.’

Locals, though, are unlikely to be laying out red carpet for the Duke and Duchess, the agent said. He added: ‘We have much richer and much more famous people buying here for sure. I think they will have zero impact, to be honest. If someone like Jeff Bezos [the Amazon boss] bought here then, yes, there could be some impact – but not Harry and Meghan.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“So time in Portugal, even just for holidays, means that Harry is keeping the only door to the Royal Family just a little bit open for himself and for the next generation, and raising them as royal children…” Ah, yes, everyone knows that royal children are typically raised in America and Portugal, with next to no contact with the Windsors except for Harry’s favorite cousin. I get the feeling that we’re about to witness yet another anti-Eugenie press cycle, where we’re suddenly getting quotes about how Prince William is ordering Eugenie to “choose” and that obviously, she’ll want to stay close to the future king. It never fails to amuse me that the Mail and other outlets manage to get their “royal sources” to chat freely about the Sussexes’ activities, real estate, tours and businesses. It’s almost as if the entire institution is still solely focused on whatever Harry & Meghan are doing.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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79 Responses to “The Sussexes want to raise Archie & Lili as ‘royal children’… in Portugal??”

  1. OMG he needs to let this go. Harry and Meg are raising their children out of the spotlight period.

    • Swaz says:

      Maybe they should just give them the Crown 👑already, because it does sound like Meghan and Harry are the future King 👑 and queen 👸 of the UK with the amount of coverage they’re getting 🤩🤩

    • the Robinsons says:

      They ain’t got nothing else to talk about.

      • aftershocks says:

        LOL! The left-behinds just can’t wrap their brains around the obvious fact that H&M ‘just aren’t that into you,’ or the U.K., much less the trappings of royal life. 🫳🏽 😂

        Notice what I did there… 🖕🏽 😉

  2. Tessa says:

    This is like the Red Dress story, the media won’t let go of the alleged Portugal home. If the children don’t see the Wales kids, it’s all on Kate and William.

  3. Kay says:

    I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if Eugenie played a big role in “why Portugal?” (since a European home base makes perfect sense, given their charity work and the fact that Harry undoubtedly misses his home, but not enough to move back to the UK specifically). I come from a fairly large extended family, and have two cousins that I’m very close with…MUCH closer than I am with my brother. My husband and I are looking at relocating to be near one of those cousins and their family. A best friend in your extended family is a great way to buffer the craziness that they can bring (and my family/it’s quirks have nothing on the Windsors, ha).

  4. ML says:

    Repeating this: “So time in Portugal, even just for holidays,…”
    So potentially H&M have purchased a vacation home. You don’t exactly”raise” your kids in a vacation home.

  5. Libra says:

    Egg in a lot of faces when this has all been a set up to separate Eugenie from the Sussex family. William and Charles want H&M out there alone dangling in the wind. No house in Portugal is my opinion.

  6. bisynaptic says:

    It’s amazing how hung up they are on being royal.

    • ecsmom says:

      I know!! As an American I really can’t wrapped my head around how the BM really thinks that being a British Royal is the envy of the world. Going on and on about Royal Courts and rivals, most Americans are going to look at you like you are crazy and view this as “are you trying to make FETCH happen, because it won’t and you look stupid trying”.

      • Mimi says:

        Then why are you reading and commenting about this? If Megan hadn’t married a prince none of this website wouldn’t even exist.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Mimi, actually this website wouldn’t be filled with the vitriol of the bm whenever they write about H&M. The bm/brf should get lives and leave H&M alone. That’s the real issue.

        Perhaps, you could check back in the archives. This website has been around quite a while.

      • Jais says:

        I’ll add a comment. And agree that it’s hard to wrap my head around the idea that being royal is some sort of pinnacle of being. Especially when the leftovers are such gigantic assholes. I have a modicum of empathy towards all of them for living in fishbowls. But they use their position to be petty little babies. As long as they exist within a messed up royal system, I’m happy to read and comment about that. Oh well.

      • ecsmom says:

        @Mimi I meant no disrespect to the British people. It’s the tone the BM speaks as if the British Monarchy is the center of the universe is very off-putting. It is no different than when Americans speak as if we are the center of the world that I know we often do. That would be the equivalent. I think most Americans view the British people as our older sibling, but we cannot wrap our brains around why you still have a monarchy.

      • PinkOrchid says:

        @Mimi You must be new-ish here. Believe it or not, in the early aughts there was very little British royal coverage on this website. It was a true celebrity gossip site, primarily US celebs, and with (next to) no politics, either. *sigh* The good old days…

  7. Miranda says:

    “We have much richer and much more famous people buying here for sure…”

    Ah, THERE’S the “they’re broke and nobody cares about them” bit. I was starting to worry!

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Miranda, I am much more skeptical. The bm would make sure to try and get every scrap of info and photos of them just as they do in Montecito. It would be too much to expect that they would leave them alone.

  8. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t understand why they continue to act like unless they are around William and Kate’s children, they’ll have absolutely no familial connections to anyone or any kids to be around. Don’t most of Harry and Meghan’s friends that we know of have children, even if they aren’t exactly their kids ages? Don’t they go to school, and have probably made their own friends outside of family which is what most kids do too? They are so desperate to see those kids and to have them back in the UK to write about. Rich people having second homes doesn’t usually have any deeper plot to it, and if this Portugal house business is true, I’m sure it extended to this place is nice, this place is private, oh great we can be close to our one of our favorite families. That’s it.

  9. yipyip says:

    H&M are not going to raise their kids by the old rules.
    H&M are modern people, not dusty old antiques like C&C.

    • mighymolly says:

      IKR? I don’t know about the Portugal story, but a lot of Americans are buying homes there right now, and I wouldn’t blame them at all if they wanted a second option should things go south in the U.S. (I’m speaking of the nation, not for them in particular). But it’s also highly plausible that they wanted a vacation home in Portugal near Harry’s favorite cousin, which is the main connection their children will have to Harry’s side of the family. None of that says they want to create some weird faux royal experience in Europe.

  10. Neeve says:

    I dont believe this story, because who says Eugenie and Jack are going to live there forever? Jack is working and can be called back to UK or another country when his work is done.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Is anyone else wondering if this story was planted by the York camp? Are they setting Eugenie up to be the next Keen Peacemaker? Because it feels like the more they get to reporting about it the more we hear about Jack’s business ventures in Portugal. It feels… like an attempt at embiggening. There’s a creepy note around all this too that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  11. Andy Dufresne says:

    Interesting how this Portugal story comes out around the same time as the disastrous Australian tour.

    Let’s focus more on the tour cuz that’s where stuff is actually happening in real time. The BM and to a certain extent the RF know this tour is an epic fail, yet they still went through it and now they think releasing stories about Harry and Meghan will provide some distraction.

  12. Jayne Reed says:

    “A royal source says: Harry must…” = (this isn’t even a little bit true.)

    Everybody knows that “Royal Sources” aren’t allowed *near* the Sussexes.

  13. Moniquep says:

    Ok, so more conjecture and speculation about what Harry and Meghan are thinking/ doing! The mental gyration that these people put themselves through because the lazy, boring left behinds are empty duds, is mind boggling.
    If H&M want their children to grow up knowing Eugenie’s children, all they have to do is visit each other’s homes. You know the ginormous Montecito mansion with the 900 bathrooms? And all the space in the world for kids to play and have fun together. I don’t know but am sure Eugenie probably have appropriate accommodation as well.

    Double damn I wish these people would just leave the Sussexes alone to live their lives in peace!!! Enough is really fricking enough already!!!

  14. bitsycs says:

    Orrrrr he just wants his kids to have a European home base/connection with cousins close to their age. Harry is obvs tight with Eugenie and values their relationship. To me, this is normie behavior on a rich person scale. With Meghan being an only, it’s possible they’re making their own kind of extended family/cousin life. Lots of people do that.

    I’m closer to my cousin than I am to either of my siblings. In 2021, we moved, in part, to be closer to her. My kids consider her an aunt.

    • mightymolly says:

      Exactly this. I don’t trust the source who probably doesn’t know anything, but it’s perfectly plausible that they would buy a home in Portugal, for a variety of reasons. They have family there. They have the means to buy another home. It’s a good investment. It’s a nice place to visit. The problem is the constant implications of nefarious intent. Like, sometimes a luxury vacation home is just a luxury vacation home.

  15. Nanea says:

    Honestly — what have these people been smoking?

    All this speculating about something that might as well not be true, and then to create a script that is certainly all made-up facts, if not outright lies?

    Had H&M wanted any “royal” lifestyle for their kids, they’d have stayed.

    They didn’t want to have to deal any longer with rampant racism and classism within their own family, who put ranks over achievements and projects *and* constantly leaked to the press, so they left.

    And it seems the kids are brought up without being told daily that they’re special because they are royal.

  16. Nerd says:

    Archie and Lili are royal children regardless of where they live because they are royal by birth. Their being royal won’t change regardless of if they live in the US, UK, Portugal or anywhere else. It won’t change whether Prince or Princess proceeds their names or whether or not haters squeeze their butt cheeks together and scream to the moon that they aren’t royal.

    There still has been no confirmation about them buying a home in Portugal but he is determined to keep talking about Meghan’s thoughts, plans and opinions, all of which he knows nothing about. It took them six weeks to know that Harry and Meghan had moved two hours away from the house they had been stalking for months. Once they found out they repeatedly told us everything imaginable about their home in Montecito but have yet to tell us anything about how much it costs, how much they paid, how many bedrooms it has and most importantly how many bathrooms this home has that Eden wants to convince us they bought in Portugal. Eden needs to get a life. He’s too concerned with these two people who left almost five years ago that he lies just to be relevant.

  17. Snuffles says:

    If Meghan and Harry have a vacation home in Portugal, it could serve as a personal retreat for their family, similar to how Balmoral functions for the British royal family.

    This would be a place where they can escape the public eye and enjoy privacy, allowing them to welcome friends and family freely throughout the summer.

    This move could potentially drive the royal press crazy, as it would create speculation and curiosity about their activities and visitors.

    Portugal could become a gathering place for not just Eugenie, Jack, and their children, but other royal cousins like Beatrice, Eduardo, and members of the Spencer family.

    Harry has many cousins from the Windsor side with whom he likely maintains good relationships. The vacation home could be a neutral and relaxed environment for these family members to visit without the scrutiny of the British press.

    Meghan and Harry’s approach to raising their children outside of the royal institution could significantly impact the personalities and identities of Archie and Lilibet.

    While they may not be subjected to the strict protocols of the royal family, they would still be aware of their heritage.

    Meghan and Harry may choose to be open with their children about their royal titles and family connections (e.g., the Queen being their great-grandmother and Charles being their grandfather).

    This balance will mean that the children grow up knowing their royal status but with the freedom to explore and pursue their own paths without the pressure of traditional royal expectations.

    Growing up away from the institution will allow Archie and Lilibet to develop unique personalities, unhindered by the public scrutiny and responsibilities that come with being full-time working royals.

    They will have more freedom to explore their interests and develop independently, guided by Meghan and Harry’s values and perspectives rather than the expectations of the monarchy.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, I was just going to ask – aren’t there a boatload of children on the Spencer side?

      • Nanea says:

        … but, but the Spencers are not *royals*.

      • Libra says:

        I’ve been told that being from an aristocratic family (such as the Spencers) holds more status in the U.K. than being royal. Anyone know if this is true?

      • Miranda says:

        @Libra – I don’t know if it’s thought of that way in general, but in the the case of the Spencers, the family’s aristocratic background goes back significantly further than that of the Windsors. I think many people even joked about how it was actually Charles “marrying up” with Diana, not the other way around.

      • Nanea says:

        The old aristocratic families that go way back look down on the Windsors.

        And the Spencers go way back.

        That’s why the Turnip Toff row didn’t go the way Kate wanted. Not only because of the Windsor clan’s lineage, but also because of Kate’s backgroud.

        Classism, snobbery, elitism at its best — but in the case of the Turnip Toffs it was well deserved because it was entirely on Kate and her rude, entitled, condescending manners.

  18. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    I’m going to come at this from a different angle; is it possible that seeing the polls for the upcoming election being too close for comfort, they are getting potential ducks in a row in case the project 2025 people actually manage to prevail (through whatever means…) in the upcoming election? The orange one has made his feelings for both of them clear, and he could actually manage to deport Harry through illegal machinations, or at least attempt to make their lives hell. If the election goes our way, then they have a nice vacation home near E&J; if not, they have a home for an escape if necessary. I’m sure the trauma of having to suddenly get the hell out of Dodge after daddy dearest outed their location in 2020 is still on their minds. Why not be prepared just in case. I know I’m probably sounding paranoid for them, but that truly is the first thing that popped into my mind when this “news” started up. It’s certainly what I would do.

    • Eurydice says:

      Whoever becomes president (and I hope it’s not the orange one) they will have very long list of much more important things to think about than Harry and Meghan. This is one case where people don’t care about H&M.

      • Alice B. Tokeless says:

        Oh, I could not disagree more! The orange one is as petty as they come, and Meghan publicly dissed him (before meeting Harry), and he brings it up on occasion. Yes, he absolutely would put that high on the list. He also wants Jimmy Kimmel jailed, to shut down SNL and Stephen Colbert, and to go after anyone who has insulted him, and the higher the profile, the better for his pettiness.

        He has zero interest in governing, but an enemies list that would make Nixon’s look quaint. He needs this win for two reasons: 1. To stay out of jail; and 2. To punish his enemies, and yes, he considers H&M to be his enemies.

        Any public personalities who have not only refused to kiss his ring, but have actually criticized him will be punished if he’s given the chance. He really is that small and petty. That is his ENTIRE list of things to do.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Alice B. Tokeless – DT says a lot of things, but this just won’t happen. Harry’s in the US legally, he’s married to a US citizen, the courts have declared that his paperwork is all in order, he’s a high-value immigrant with high-value connections (I know that sounds bad, but it’s a fact), he’s done nothing to warrant removal and he has the resources for a legal fight. I am not worried about Harry.

        I am worried about the people who don’t have Harry’s resources – the immigrants who have been left living in airports and temporary shelters, the women who can’t get reproductive care, the people who have been affected by our proxy wars, and more.

    • Dee(2) says:

      People keep saying this, but why would they move to Portugal instead of say Canada or Mexico? I know since Canada is part of the Commonwealth that people may feel like his family would be a problem, but Canadians already seem to be not exactly all aboard the Royal Express I can’t really see them taking part in shenanigans. And I can’t speak to Canadian press, but it doesn’t seem like it’s anything close to the British media. I don’t personally think that a trump win is factoring that hard into their real estate decisions, but I don’t understand why people keep throwing out a country halfway across the world from where their friends live, where the only parent that they talk to lives.

      • Nic919 says:

        The only issue some Canadians had related to the Canadian government paying for their security when they were in Victoria. Since that isn’t an issue anymore most Canadians wouldn’t care at all. Only derangers based in Canada.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Regardless of who wins the elections, Meghan and Harry won’t be moving.

  19. Agnes says:

    This all sounds like pure confabulation to me. I don’t understand why Americans would by a house in Portugal. And yes, my bet is that Harry eventually becomes a citizen.

  20. Jais says:

    Still don’t believe this story. Eden is a disgusting hack. All I know is that the BM is going to start sending spies to Portugal and monitoring the airports. I hope they get blocked. Also hope they don’t come out with anti-Eugenie and Jack stories.

  21. NikkiK says:

    The British press is unhinged. For what it’s worth I hope the story isn’t true because wealthy people truly need to stop buying up property in Portugal. It’s causing a lot of issues for the locals, native borns and the immigrant communities. Namely, it’s making it almost impossible for them to afford it anymore.

    • sevenblue says:

      I mean, IF it is true, the house they would buy is not the kind of house an ordinary working citizen in Portugal could buy anyway. This kind of rich-people-houses is built in every country to bring foreign money into the country. It isn’t like they are buying bunch of 2-bedroom apartments to get rent revenue. That is bad for the future of any country.

      • NikkiK says:

        You are missing my point. It is still driving up prices and making things harder for everyone else.

      • Eurydice says:

        The buying up of smaller apartments to turn them into Air b&b is just as bad or worse. It takes all the lower income stock out of the market.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      A lot of locals are opposed to this development and consider it a greedy land grab. The development has been through a few different investors and different plans from hotels to residential to this exclusive enclave.

  22. Becks1 says:

    Do I think this story is true and that H&M have bought property in Portugal? I have no idea. It could be true – if they want a European homebase for travel and work purposes, Portugal makes sense because of the Eugenie connection. But this could also be 100% fiction and honestly, we may never know whether its true or not.

    But I am laughing at the story overall because it contradicts so many of the BM storylines re: H&M – that they’re cut off from the Windsors (clearly not cut off from eugenie no matter how much William stamps his foot), that they’re poor, that they’re on the verge of divorce, that they are never together, etc.

    Yeah poor couples on the verge of divorce who hate spending time together and aren’t close to their families often buy vacation homes in foreign countries close to their cousin.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s hilarious – like the BM have painted themselves into a corner and are standing on their tippy-tippy toes.

  23. girl_ninja says:

    These thirsty-asses. They’re desperation for the Sussexes is increasing and more embarrassing.

    “So time in Portugal, even just for holidays, means that Harry is keeping the only door to the Royal Family just a little bit open for himself and for the next generation, and raising them as royal children…”

    They are already being raised as royal children — in Monticeto…it’s in their blood, it’s not about location.

    • Jais says:

      They are basically salivating at any possible opportunity to see those kids. It’s sick, actually. And Harry would love to have his kids know some of their cousins. It’s not about them being royals; it’s about them being related.

  24. L4Frimaire says:

    This is getting too ridiculous. Why are they pushing this story? How many English people have holiday homes in Spain and Portugal? They are totally going way overboard with this article, which is pure speculation and what if scenarios. This is the 3rd article on this supposed Portuguese home, and each article gets more desperate, which shows they know nothing, have no confirmation and are just padding out the initial story. It’s all BS.

    • Desdemona says:

      Sorry for saying this, but actually too many for our taste. The price of houses is skyrocketing and us, Portuguese and Spanish, can’t afford buying them,
      Please, don’t come here to live, just on holidays, and stay in hotels…

  25. BonnieT says:

    Am I the only one who cackled about the Jeff Bezos bit? No one in Portugal would give two shits if Bezos bought there. Gauche American billionaire would not drive as much intrigue as blood prince from historical family and his family buying there.

  26. Hypocrisy says:

    All these stories about an unconfirmed purchase In Portugal need to stop, Eden’s track record of lies is well documented so unless he produces a purchase agreement or property owner ship documents I won’t believe a word of this.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I think they want to use it as a distraction from the lackluster Australian tour and then blame the Sussexes for trying to take the spotlight. This is press manipulation and misinformation. Anyway, now the royal tour is making headlines because of an MP calling out Charles as a colonizer, so hopefully this made up story can go away. Seriously, before Rat-faced Eden wrote this, no one, absolutely no one, was even thinking about this. The wicked little elves once again at work to attack this couple minding their business.

  27. blueberry says:

    I’d love to see their faces when they hear Archie and Lili speaking with American accents. I don’t know if that reality has sunk in or not.

    How is the Portuguese media treating this? If there’s a kernel of truth you’d think they would be investigating.

  28. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Their whole King is on a trip to the Commonwealth Country they all live and yet they have time for this.
    The obsession is always sadly desperate. You can tell it’s also a fishing expedition

  29. Amy Bee says:

    “There have been rumours in recent months that Harry and Meghan are among the latest buyers. But it’s unclear if they have bought a home that is already built or if it is yet to be built.”

    So, there’s still no confirmation that Harry and Meghan have even bought a house in Portugal. This means Richard Eden’s “scoop” is just speculation and rumours.

  30. tam says:

    There was the story that Harry and Meghan stopped in Portugal on their way home from Dusseldorf to visit Eugenie and Jack. Of course, it would not be a stretch for RR to fantasize about the Sussexes buying a home close to Eugenie and Jack. The idea has a smidgen of plausibility. I imagine that if the Sussexes were going to buy a European holiday home, without a Brooksbank connection, it might be on one of the Spanish popular holiday islands. Meghan did a semester of college in Spain, and so would have some familiarity with the country and speaks the language. On the other hand, Portugal is a much quieter place, and UK people have been holidaying there for decades.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    Establishing residence in an EU country would be so much more beneficial than living in Britain, which, because of Brexit, is more of an island than ever. So I kind of hope this is true, because it will piss off Little Englanders.

    • Amy Bee says:

      It makes more sense for them to buy an apartment in NY than a house in Portugal.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed. The longer this Portugal “story” drags on, the more it reads like fanfic. These people are getting off on weaving a tale where Harry and Meghan have a burning need to raise Archie and Lili as royals. They have rejected everything about you, they could not have been more clear.

        The “working royals” constantly bring up QEII, because they have nothing left to offer but a dead woman. Harry never does, because his work is all about the future. The royals and rota could not be more pathetic.

  32. VilleRose says:

    For all we know, they toured one house in the complex while visiting Eugenie and Jack one time and that became “they bought a home in Portugal.” I think it makes more logical sense for them to buy a home on the East Coast (an apartment in NYC or a house in a private enclave in a ritzy NYC suburb) so the flight to the UK/Europe is much shorter than California. But I do think they will raise their kids in CA long term, it’s where Meghan is from and where she has the most friends/family. Unless the kids are going to learn Portuguese, this hypothetical house will be a vacation home they visit maybe two or three times a year for a few weeks at a time.

    • Lulu says:

      I won’t pretend to understand international taxes but someone suggested Harry invested the inheritance he received on his 40th in a home in Portugal. It also occurs to me that some real estate people could be using the Sussex name and vague rumors to sell luxury homes.

  33. Henny Penny says:

    Loss? What loss is Harry still suffering from all these years later? The loss of physical and emotional abuse from his brother? The loss of neglect from his father? The loss of danger from his step-mother who he called “the villain?” The loss of being the Royal’s media punching bag whenever they need a distraction? Or maybe it’s the loss of being the Family’s poorly paid, underhoused workhorse?

  34. Lulu says:

    There are richer and more famous people everywhere, London, Montecito, Columbia, Portugal…. but who do the BM obsess over???

  35. Lau says:

    Yeah the king and his heir made it really clear that they give a damn about the Sussexes children, they’re not treating them badly at all. They’ll definitely welcome them with open arms, it’s not as if they always insist that only Harry could ever be welcome back and that neither his wife or his children will ever be welcome back.

  36. Salbei says:

    The royalists and their bearded friends probably think Portugal is an English colony.

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