Donald Trump staged a bizarre stunt where he ‘worked’ at McDonald’s for an hour

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It’s hard to know where to begin with this. Well… on the campaign trail, VP Kamala Harris has spoken repeatedly about how she once worked at McDonald’s. It would have been during her college years. The Republicans have called her a liar and they’ve tried and failed to “prove” that Kamala never worked at a McD’s. It’s been a very strange fixation for the Trump campaign as well, so much so that Donald Trump decided to stage something very special on Sunday. His campaign closed down a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania for several hours, and they put Dementia Don in a McD’s apron and let him cook french fries and “serve” his supporters at the drive-thru. It was absolutely one of the most bizarre stunts I’ve ever seen from a presidential campaign, especially in the last few weeks before the election.

Donald Trump is spending part of his Sunday afternoon behind the counter at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s. The former president, who has frequently said he loves the chain’s food, donned an apron to work the fry machine and hand food to customers at the drive thru. It’s an attempt to bring attention to his unfounded allegations that his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, did not work there during college.

When asked why he wanted to come to the fast food restaurant, Trump responded, “I like McDonalds. I like jobs. I like to see good jobs and I think it’s inappropriate when someone puts down that they worked at McDonalds… She [Harris] never worked at McDonalds.”

“Should I give them extra salt?” Trump asked a McDonald’s worker while salting fries.

Rolling Stone has reached out to the Harris campaign for comment. A campaign official told CNN that she worked at a McDonald’s in Alameda, California, in the summer of 1983 while a student at Howard University, working the register as well as the fry and ice cream machines.

“I did fries. And then I did the cashier,” Harris said on Drew Barrymore’s talk show in April.

[From Rolling Stone]

I remarked on Twitter that the footage of Trump fussing over the fries was the happiest he’s looked in months, if not years. He honestly had a great time at one of his favorite fast food joints and he probably wishes he could have kept doing the stunt until Election Day. But yeah… the whole thing is utterly bizarre. Shutting down a McD’s for this, having his supporters drive up so he can throw food at them, his fussing over the fries. It’s a sad man with a sad fixation.

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40 Responses to “Donald Trump staged a bizarre stunt where he ‘worked’ at McDonald’s for an hour”

  1. JanetDR says:

    When I read about this, my first thought was that no one would allow him near the deep fryer. What a liability issue!
    Also, what a buffoon!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      You will note the multiple health code violations here—no head covering, no hand washing, no gloves, and he touched the inside of the fry box with his bare hands. And imagine thinking McDonald’s food needs more salt! No surprise, it turns out the franchise owner has already been cited for health code violations by Bucks county and he is a big opponent of raising the minimum wage. This restaurant has been protested by supporters of raising the minimum wage. So, fair to assume, the owner is full MAGA and probably was the only one who would agree to turn his business over to the Trump campaign for this ridiculous stunt.

      • Sue says:

        Trump is running an ad campaign in Western New York with a woman crying about how she can’t feed her children on minimum wage, then it cuts to out of context Kamala saying “That’s Bidenomics.” This effing liar – he and his MAGA cult are against raising minimum wage.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Hope he was fine with losing an entire day’s business. If trump promised compensation, you know darned well he’s not paying up.

    • the Robinsons says:

      His era is coming to an end after Nov 5th of 2024.

    • Ellla says:

      The most desperate stunt ever done by a presidential candidate and a former president.

      No one is fooled by him.

  2. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Maybe he can share some fries with Arnold Palmer…or his daughter.

  3. Lolo86lf says:

    This political stunt by Trump is the epitome of hypocrisy and gaslighting of the working class. Trump was born with a silver spoon up his as* and has no idea what grueling work for 8 hours a day is. His only accomplishment during his presidency was giving billionaires a massive tax cut at the expense of the middle class.

  4. ML says:

    During the time we suffered this creep as president, he ate McDs a lot. Close to daily. He probably thought in his tiny mind that McDs “belonged” to him and had a frocking hissy fit when he found out MVP Harris worked there and was making news about it. I’m torn between how ridiculous this is for TFG and that it diverts headlines from his evil stupidity.

  5. Miranda says:

    I would not eat anything that…thing served me. You KNOW he smells awful and never washes his hands. You just KNOW.

  6. TRex says:

    When he loses the election, these photos will be the best memes

  7. Lightpurple says:

    Well, it served as a distraction from his speech about Arnold Palmer’s penis the day before.

    • ML says:

      You mean the Trump campaign getting worried about the stories that Trump smells and Trump is like, “Don’t worry. I’ll talk about taking a shower.”?

  8. yipyip says:

    This was a performance.
    This man is a dangerous joke.
    Criminal, treasonous, ego driven, corrupt, liar.

    I hope the McD’s Corporation comes down hard on the franchise owner that allowed this to be filmed.

  9. Roo says:

    You know, four years of stability and security under Biden, knowing adults were in charge, was such a luxury after the Trump Clown Years. And then Trump comes back like a bad STD for this election. Ugh.

    I still cannot believe some people want this chaos and tomfoolery back and in charge of the world’s largest military and a powerful economy.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    Apparently the workers at this franchise have been protesting for better pay so we know whose side Trump is on. Plus where are his gloves and hat or hair-net?

    • pottymouth pup says:

      This McDonald’s was not open on Sunday until 4 (well after Trump left). This entire thing was 100% staged so there were no paying customers (probably just secret service, employees and friends of the franchise owner) which I guess will help them avoid paying for the healthcode violations of Trump not wearing hairnet/hat or gloves and the store employees not wearing gloves while “working” in the kitchen

      This makes me a little sad. This is the McDonald’s that is next to what used to be my childhood Synagogue (the building is now an evangelical church so I’m guessing this stunt played well there)

  11. slippers4life says:

    As someone whose also worked at McDonald’s this isn’t unusual. In that there’s an elderly person who is dementing, salting the the fries too much while spewing racism and mysogany to give them something to do during the day.

    • SarahCS says:

      Oh my goodness my grandmother is 91 and it’s awful. Mum and I have different strategies for how we handle it when we go to stay (she’s in another country) but its tough. I forgot on a previous visit and ended up trying to wipe my salad leaves with bread to make them edible. The racism and hateful views have been around for a lot longer than the excess salt but are no more palatable.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, dear, I guess you’re referring to retirees who take jobs at McDonald’s to supplement their Social Security?

      • slippers4life says:

        I’m referring to racist misogynist cis gendered white men who, because of their age, are allowed to get away with their violence against racialized people because when you, God forbid hold them accountable people say things like “oh dear, but they’re elderly and supplementing social security income we shouldnt call them out on their horrible actions.” This attitude is how Trump got elected in the first place.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Nope, nope, nope, I don’t give these folks a pass. It just veers close to slandering every elderly person, a la all those boomer stereotypes. I’ve worked with enough of these guys to know what you’re talking about. They need to be reported to HR (yeah, I know, likely nothing will happen, but nothing will change if we don’t report it).

  12. seaflower says:

    “The McDonald’s location that Trump visited today was cited earlier this year for health code violations for employees failing to wash hands & not wearing hair restraints. Trump did neither today.”

  13. I thought convicted felons can’t work at McDonalds?

  14. DancingCorgi says:

    Given it’s a silly stunt, a pro-Trumper on my FB feed posted a meme of him in the Mickey D’s uniform and the caption Now the ice cream machine is fixed! I had to snort in an ironic way.

  15. Proud Mary says:

    This evil clown, who never had to work a day in his life, because of his racist daddy’s money, is against the minimum wage, but he’s “working” at a McDonalds. God I truly hate the Republican party.

  16. yipyip says:

    In the past few days Trump has
    * Held a rally in which he swayed to music for 40 minutes
    * Talked about the junk of a pro golfer, who has been dead for years
    AP, while alive, also called him “Crude” according to his daughter. And I agree.
    * Cos playing at a McDonalds

    Can we please get some educated adults in our Govt?

  17. trillion says:

    Kamala was correct. He is unserious.

  18. SIde Eye says:

    Yep like the rest of you I immediately noted the glaring two different health code violations – no hair net and no gloves. He is handling touching food with his bare hands and Lord knows where those tiny stubby fingers have been.

    Another day another stunt by a fake billionaire in blackface who saw a Black person do a job and thought he could do it better but failed miserably, just like the presidency!

    I find it beyond offensive when rich people who have never had a hard day’s work play poor for an hour and show the poors and the peasantry how they are just like them.

    November 5th hurry up! We’re exhausted.

  19. tamsin says:

    Why do his handlers let him go outside without fixing his “tan”? At least it’s helping some of the public realize that an amoral narcissistic dictator with dementia and a criminal record is running for president.

  20. Maggielou says:

    None of this is normal, orange Mussolini making fries at a McDonald’s shut-down for his cosplay as a “normal” person, MSM do your job and stop reporting on this fascist as if a normal campaign and sane washing every dog-whistle, autocratic statement, call him out and his sycophants out EVERY time, everything is on the line. MSM, do your job, shine a light on all the malfeasance, dirty tricks, lies. Rally attendees masquerading as union members wearing t-shirts posing as union members is so disgusting. All the while Trump and Musk joke with their bros about busting unions and screwing workers out of fair wages and overtime.

  21. Lau says:

    Even if Harris is lying and hasn’t worked at McDonald’s (I’m not saying she’s lying), Donny never worked a day in his life so that’s worse.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, fer cryin’ out loud. You & the commenter above you; stop with the ‘if Kamala lied’ or Kamala lied or whatever. Everybody, throughout their working lives, trim their CV to suit the job they’re going for, dropping irrelevant work or work that was done x number of years ago or whatever. There was no lie, there was no ‘if she lied’. trump is an *sshole, that’s it.

      • Libra says:

        Dropping irrelevant work from your CV is common. I didn’t list my part time high school job because it was irrelevant to the post college job for which I was applying. Keeping an employment application short and to the point gets it read.

      • Ciotog says:

        I worked at Wendy’s one summer, and I have a professional job now. I’ve never listed the Wendy’s job on my resume.

  22. Eliza says:

    I voted!
    But, I’m concerned. The Media keeps saying it’s oh so close. I find it completely baffling this could be anything but a blow out.
    I also don’t get how he consumes so much McDonald’s and yet, his heart hasn’t exploded.

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