Gwyneth Paltrow & Duchess Meghan have officially quashed their beef

At a fundamental level, I believed Gwyneth Paltrow absolutely knew what she was doing re: the Duchess of Sussex. Gwyneth is an ageing Mean Girl, one of the OG nepo babies, used to being That Girl in every elite space. The way she described the Duchess of Sussex’s lifestyle show and brand as an “attempt” in Vanity Fair was done on purpose. Tracy Anderson filming a video for Goop and saying she was filming in her “actual kitchen” was done on purpose. The timing and music for Gwyneth’s “boyfriend breakfast” IG video was done on purpose. All three of those things together show a clear pattern, right? But I guess Gwyneth had second thoughts, or maybe she’s softened a bit, because she decided to end all of the “Gwyneth is beefing with Meghan” stories.

It’s cute, and that’s Gwyneth’s kitchen, not Meghan’s. My guess is that Meghan is the one who went over to Gwyneth’s Montecito home with a pie (Meghan is eating pie). It’s a clever way to quash the beef or shrug off the nonexistent beef or whatever this was in the past week. Maybe Gwyneth understood that what was meant as a little Mean Girl tiff got taken way too far, especially when she saw the way the British media covered it. Gwyneth lived in England for years – she knows how toxic that sh-t can get, and it would make sense if she was like “you know what, no, I’m not down with this.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Netflix.

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102 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow & Duchess Meghan have officially quashed their beef”

  1. ML says:

    Do they have friends in common? They probably know some of the same people.

    • jais says:

      Well she seems to have a good relationship still with Chris Martin and he’s clearly supportive of Harry as he just played at IG. So that’s one.

      • Blogger says:

        Yup, that’s one strong connection. Archie and Lili are going to grow up so well-connected…

    • Lady Esther says:

      Yes, I think that connection plus the convenient timing of it all – raising press interest of a supposed beef right when Gwyneth was on the cover of VF in “investor mode,” Meghan with her series and podcast – makes me think this was all a Chief Communications Officer strategy. I can see the pitch to both sides: raise both your profiles at a critical time, we’ll get acres of coverage and have some fun. Both live in Montecito so it would have been convenient to arrange. Again, well played!

      • Lia says:

        I hope that’s the case. If so, the new CCO is really earning her keep.

      • Lady Esther says:

        They could even turn it into a thing like Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon – have Meghan and Gwyneth on a late-night doing a mock food competition (who does crepes the quickest? etc), do dueling Instagram Stories showing them both shopping for different things, etc. Such fun! And I’m sure WME could find them a good writer for this kind of content…

        I’m liking the new CCO very much, she’s creative, pursuing different outlets for Meghan like WMD (and now the WSJ is amplifying the story, because it’s a good narrative) and deftly using social media. Looking forward to more!

    • Crystal says:

      Yes. Kadi Lee is Gwyneth Paltrow’s hair colorist and is close to her, and Meghan invested in her business and is also very close to her. Meghan in her Tig days also wrote that she admired Gwyneth, so I never believed there was beef.

    • Kingston says:

      I wonder why this particular headline for this particular thread?

      Smacks of & confirms my long-held suspicions: there’s a thousand-year-old cult which trawls the globe for evidence of even the slightest hint of opposition. And it’s response is either to offer a sweetheart deal OR unleash it’s mighty force of destructive foot soldiers.

      Most opportunistic grifters with no core, take the sweetheart deal.

    • Chelsea says:

      They and their spouses apparently had sushi together in Montecito a couple years with Cameron Diaz and Benjy Madden who the Sussexes also attended that Katy Perry concert with. I imagine that’s what Gwyneth was referencing in the VF article when she said they’d met and that Meghan was lovely.

    • Lucy says:

      I believe they went to the same high school? So most likely they do know some of the same people, at least.

  2. Piper says:

    That was so good

    • CheekImplant says:

      I loved it, too!
      After I watched it I realized that Gwyn & Meg have several things in common:
      Both grew up in L.A., both are actresses, both have pivoted away from acting to try other career ventures since having children, both have been through a divorce, both have lived in the U.K & as Kaiser mentioned they’ve both been vilified by the toxic British media, both have started businesses, both are interested in lifestyle & cooking ventures, both live in Montecito, both are friendly with Oprah, etc.
      There are marked differences in their lives, too, but that’s what can make a great friendship or business partnership.
      I’m not a big fan of Gwyn but she wouldn’t be the worst person for Meg to befriend.
      I also agree that it’d be cool if Meg featured her on her podcast.
      I am not interested in the Goop brand at all but G certainly would be a worthy guest.

    • Bean says:

      Odds on them never having a beef?

      • Jes says:

        Pretty high? I don’t get having beef with friends. For sane, mentally healthy adults, this should be close to zero. Why are you friends with people who would bring you down. Acquaintances even less so. Why spend any time with them or thinking about them. This is why I think no beef.

  3. Take that gutter press and derangers!!! She was having pie with Gwyneth in the kitchen!! I love that Gwyneth posted this on her instagram!

  4. Mego says:

    Oh it is all so stupid. Of course some Things are similar, no one invents the wheel there….

  5. Bronco says:

    It was a good move but Gwyneth was absolutely being a mean girl. Thankfully she moved on from being 15 to 50 and put that to bed. It was well done, I’ll give her that. And tarte tartin looked good (assuming that’s what it was)

  6. Dee(2) says:

    I’m still of the impression that Gwyneth was just riding the interest train, but I do think it probably got really nasty and out of hand in her comments section and she was like oh you guys are too much. I can only imagine the type of racist, and misogynistic comments that were being left about Meghan. Tracey Anderson was clearly alluding to Meghan because there’s no reason to even mention what she did in natural conversation.

    Gwyneth has always had in my opinion weird competitive relationships with friends from Winona Ryder in the 90s to Beyonce in the aughts. So her being a snarky ice queen to a ” friend” seemed pretty on brand to me. Or maybe Blythe Danner tugged her collar again and told her to calm down lol. Either way or motivation I’m enjoying the absolute egg on the face of all those IG/YouTube haters and the BM.

    • Ciotog says:

      I think Gwyneth wanted attention for herself and starting a very mild unseasoned beef was the way she got it, and then “making up” with Meghan extends the interest in her. All publicity is good publicity.

      • TC says:

        Nah, this hasn’t endeared me to Paltrow one bit. Have always felt cold towards her privileged nepo baby entitled demeanor. This little stunt hasn’t changed my views. Meghan is relatable and warm in a way that Gwyneth mean-girl WASPY Paltrow will never be!

  7. Becks1 says:

    This was the perfect way to end the rumors. I think someone on here called it earlier – that there would be a pie sent to GP or something like that. And here we have Meghan eating pie in GP’s kitchen.

    My take – I think there was absolutely some needling going on; I don’t think GP was trying to “bully” Meghan or anything but I think she’s mean girl in her way. Kind of like her stupid yoga comment from a few years ago, where she thinks she’s responsible for yoga in the US. I think she thinks she’s the OG in this lifestyle arena and wanted to make that clear. And she was just being very Gwyneth about it. The boyfriend breakfast is something she’s been doing for a while, but the music was a deliberate choice IMO.

    But then I think she either forgot about or underestimated the anti-Meghan hate machine (or maybe just isn’t that attuned to it) and as she saw how it was blowing up she quickly backtracked, and did so in a fun way that means her stories probably got the most attention yesterday they’ve gotten in years.

    So good ending to a somewhat Goopy saga. Meghan seemed to be having fun with it, GP was having fun with it.

    • ML says:

      Nodding to what you wrote.

      Random thought, Goop is a female business woman. Lemonada podcast?

      • Blogger says:

        I’d love it as a niche with other actresses who’ve made the jump too eg Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Alba.

        How they pivot would be interesting to know.

    • Nic919 says:

      Isn’t it interesting that Gwyneth, who had only met Meghan once before, manages to shut down any beef that the British media ran with, within a few days, but Meghan’s own sister in law has yet to say anything about the fake crying story and the years of smearing that set up.

      • Kingston says:

        Folks keep forgetting that kitty literally has no autonomy in the cult. She literally does as she is told by the men in grey or by her rage-oholic husband.

        So… kitty didnt “say anything about the fake crying story and the years of smearing that set up,” because she is a SILENCED captive in the gilded cage they all live in. She didnt say anything to stop the smear against M, because she wasnt allowed but also because she wouldnt have said anything even if she could because as we all know, that bitch is a jealous mean girl.

        Remember: Oprah asked M in the famous interview: “were you silent or were you silenced?” And M said: “the latter.”

        M was instructed, from the moment her relationship with H became public, to say nothing, do nothing and to tell her friends not to speak to the press and to say only “no comment” if the press approached them. And M OBEYED THE FUCKERS IN GREY.

        Rmbr, the palace sought to control M even in what she wore. They reprimanded her about that chain she wore with the letter “H”, while she was all the way in Canada minding her own business and was only H’s girlfriend, not his fiancee.

        And this silencing of M continued until her friends took it upon themselves to speak to @ peoplemag because, as they said, they could see their friend disappearing before their eyes.

        So no; kitty, as with all the married-ins, as well as all those in the line of succession except for the heir, as well as all the rest of the hangers-on extended relatives, has no autonomy in the cult and none of the rights of a free human being living in a western society.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Kingston, Khate’s mom briefs the press all the time with narratives that conflict with both KP and BP ones. So Khate, via her mom, does have some agency. If she wanted to dispel the rumors, she could have.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate was able to have a Tatler article significantly edited and Carole was out snarking on Meghan weeks after the fake crying story. And even if Kate was silenced, they didn’t force her to snub Meghan at commonwealth services or lunge at her in public at the funeral walkabout.

        No one but Kate and Carole would even know about this crying story. This is from her camp directly.

      • windyriver says:

        So which one was it – the men in gray, or Will – that gave Kate the go ahead to spend money on a fake “tiara” for the King’s coronation, when women were explicitly told not to wear tiaras? And which one suggested she do a fashion shoot in conjunction with Philip’s funeral? Or, for that matter, which one thought it was a fine idea to get out of a car in front of a visiting dignitary and his wife while nonchalantly pretending not to notice her skirt was hiked up to her crotch? The fact that Meghan was given specific instructions about behavior doesn’t mean that Kate got the same instructions, or that if Kate failed to abide by those directions (see tiara above) that she and Meghan would be penalized in the same way. That’s because they were being treated differently. And the “why” of them being treated differently is what we’ve been discussing on this site for years.

        The fact is, yes, Kate may lack autonomy, in some ways. But it’s also a fact, the life lazy, incurious (jealous, competitive) Kate has been living as part of the RF has also suited her in ways it didn’t suit a hard-working, intelligent, creative person like Meghan. It’s too bad Will is such a sh!t, but Kate knew what he was when she married him, knew the family she was marrying into, and went ahead anyway.

      • Square2 says:


        There are/were more than enough “The Poor English Rose Catherine” articles and talking points out there, there’s no need to continue infantilizing a 43 year old woman who has the “Steel Will” to chase a man for 10 years for a ring, maintain a regiment diet & exercise routine to stay thin, and is not in afraid of her husband to throw vases & pillow at him when they argue. And she ignored Palace (& QE2) advice to add weight in her dress and skirt hems, flashing many time in official engagements.

        Like others commented above me, KKKate had displayed in public places & live broadcasting TV that she was not a timid person without autonomy; on the contrary, she always reminds me of the evil step-mother in those fairytale stories: calculated, manipulated and ruthless.

  8. Over it says:

    I apologize if I was mean about Gwen. I don’t keep up with anything related to her but I can say sorry and two nice things to go along with it . I liked her pjs in the video with her making breakfast and I like her kitchen . Wonder if Meghan made the pie and what kind of pie it is ?

  9. Nanea says:

    Whatever motivated Gwyneth to have Meghan over — I’m not going to overthink it. They live in the same small community after all.

    It was so great to see them together, “who, us?”.

    Meanwhile Derangers are coming up with the most deranged stuff imaginable — e.g. WME made them do it (they are both represented by them), and calling Meghan every filthy name they can come up with.

    Good to see Meghan Success in her era of joy and looking forward to the podcast.

  10. Amy G. says:

    I thought the video was hilarious, and that Meghan shared it from Gwyneth’s posting it was super smart.
    Tracy Anderson still sucks. And Meghan is gracious and funny as usual.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Perfectly said👏🏼.. the video has made my morning lol

    • Debbie says:

      Yeah, I’ve no idea whether there’s more to the video than appears above, but it seems pithy and effective because this storyline doesn’t deserve any more of their time. That’s one story I’ll bet that the BM doesn’t linger on.

  11. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    She was saying she wanted to pass security detail to bring pie to Meg lol
    So funny. Maybe meg passes through her security detail with her pie. So funny

    • Blogger says:

      When I read the “security” comment from Gwyneth I didn’t see it in an American sarcastic way, but in a British ironic way. Yes, they have massive security and I suspect most of them in Montecito know how many rats are there in town.

      So it’s good to know that the Sussexes have massive security that even their fellow neighbours know that calling on them can’t be done at a drop of a hat.

      NB Meghan still isn’t showing her kitchen 😂

      • Snuffles says:

        Actually, Meghan has showed her kitchen multiple times on her Instagram and also in the Harry and Meghan Netflix show.

        She just didn’t want to disrupt her household with a film crew.

    • Me at home says:

      And Meg doesn’t cave to the haters by having Gwyneth over and putting her own kitchen on view. Love it.

  12. Blogger says:

    I loved seeing this when I scrolled through my Insta feed. 😂 Thank you Oprah. 😘

    What beef? No beef from my pov. And I love how Meghan just shrugged it as if it was just another day where the rats attack her over breathing. But this time she was in Gwynnie’s kitchen not under her tree.

    Gwynnie’s kitchen hasn’t changed much since her AD appearance. BTW why is she called Gwyneth? Does she have any Welsh blood on her mother’s side?

    Gwyneth got exposed early in her 20s so who knows, this may be how Montecito neighbours stick together or a frenemy situation. I don’t see Gwyn hanging around with the royals much because she was in-between generations. Maybe, if she was friends with Jemima Goldsmith (who was friends with Di), I’d see the connection.

    Anyway, well played by both ladies and the rats can gnash about because there has been nothing regal about their coverage of Meghan since the start.

  13. Inge says:

    Not a huge dan of Goop but this was roic and has salty island seething.

    It wouldnt surprise me if Gwyneth appeared in the podcast

    • Nerd says:

      That was my first thought when she said that she had only met Meghan once and she seemed like a nice person. My first thought was that they had either done an episode together on WLM for the second season or that she would be in one of Meghan’s podcast episodes. I can’t see either of them getting together at one of their homes unless there is at least some cordial interaction previously between them.

  14. aquarius64 says:

    Gwyneth may have low key mean girled Meghan, but I think she saw the derangers, internet/YouTube/BM trolls were damaging her brand with this cooked up fued, so she and Meghan collaborated on this. The haters had a meltdown and threatened to boycott GOOP, and the BM once again has egg on its face.

  15. jais says:

    Feud rumors squashed with a pie. A sweet ending to snarky games. May the BM forever be eating humble pie.

  16. Becks1 says:

    ?? I’m not sure I understand your comment. GP said in the VF article that she had Meghan and she seemed lovely but they weren’t friends. She made a joke about bringing Meghan a pie if she could get through her security.

    Then there were a few things over the last week that made people think there was “beef” hence the reason someone asked GP that question on her IG stories (and this was clearly set up in response to that question, Meghan wasn’t just over there randomly as GP answered IG questions.)

    This was clearly set up to send a certain message and it was a good one.

    • K.W. says:

      Yeah, I don’t know that there ever truly was a “beef” between them…

    • Me at home says:

      Agree, possibly the boyfriend video and music choices were a light-hearted channelling of Meghan’s show. And Gwyneth doesn’t control Anderson. We may never know what was going through Gwyneth’s mind. But whatever it was, I love the outcome.

    • LadyE says:

      I completely agree. It was media invented “beef” that people should really stop falling for. Direct ire at the MEDIA and not the women being pitted against each other. Good lord. I love the way Gwyneth and Meghan slapped back. At. The. Media. fyi…

    • PinkOrchid says:

      Agree with you, @Becks1. Total set up. They played us all. What fun!

  17. Amy Bee says:

    This was so good and an example of what Kate should have done when the press started pitting her against Meghan. Unfortunately she was too threatened by Meghan to realise that Meghan was a natural ally not an enemy.

    • Blogger says:

      Kate has no friends. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights with the cameras. Both Gwyneth and Meghan have the acting experience to appear naturally in front of the cameras.

    • Tessa says:

      Keen could have not let a,lie about Meghan stay in the media. She didn’t
      She won’t change

    • jais says:

      Yep, it would have been very classy. Imagine something like this in response to the fake crying story. Although considering that story was deliberately planted it would have been hard to do.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate’s silence on the crying story only confirms she was behind it.

      • Becks1 says:

        Right, she couldn’t have done anything to contradict it because she was the one who put it out there (I believe she did it herself or through her mother, but if we take what they told Harry in Spare as truth – that Kate just let it slip to Camilla – then she told Camilla knowing full well she would run to the press with it. I just don’t think that’s what happened because I don’t think Camilla would have gone to tominey with it. But I believe they told Harry that’s what happened.)

  18. Eurydice says:

    Well played, both of them.

  19. s808 says:

    I def agree that it started out a bit shady, everyone else took it further than intended and Gwen had to backtrack. A lot of people/publications have been backtracking lately when it comes to M. Gwen’s case is no different imo.

  20. iCordelia says:

    Or, hear me out, Gwyneth and Meghan already communicated. After the magazine interview, possibly, Meghan reached out to Gwyneth, and they agreed to meet. She then did the Natalie Cole song as a tease because they were planning on doing something together. And then the British media did what they do best when it comes to Meghan and G and M squished it in a master troll the trolls IG post.

    • jais says:

      That’s a possibility.

    • Me at home says:

      Or even: Gwyneth was light-heartedly channelling Meghan with the boyfriend video and song and derangers took it the wrong way. Gwyneth doesn’t control Tracy Anderson and “attempt” was just a poor word choice. I’m not sure I believe this myself, but it’s another possibility.

  21. ThatGirlThere says:

    Meg and Goopy squashing the rumors fed by the derangers hate and the press was just…🤌🏾

    Sure they’ll find something new to cackle, throw up and cry about — but for now this one is over.

  22. JAGirl says:

    I agree with everything you said about her being shady, especially with the examples you mentioned, (I also think she wanted to be in Meghan’s timeline/algorithm to promote herself and for clout, the press M gets is off the charts) – but she realized that the charge of racism and bullying was was coming her way and quickly diverted when she saw the response from the deranged loons and from the british media.

    I hate that Meghan even had to go over there but I understand the need to quash the drama from the beginning.

  23. Eowyn says:

    The video is a smart move by Meaghan. Don’t know why Goop had to be shady in the first place.

  24. Nerd says:

    I’m looking at this for what it is, a cute and funny clapback. I don’t think that either one of these women would have done this if there wasn’t some level of mutual respect. I think that some people are naive about the level of deranged abuse that Meghan has had to deal with since the beginning of her relationship with Harry. I think that there was maybe an attempt to poke fun at or tease WLM or Meghan but it wasn’t meant to be malicious or cruel. I think in seeing the response by derangers, GP might have realized how absolutely batshit crazy and racist these derangers and media are that she and Meghan agreed to squash this thing with this brilliant clapback. The derangers lose their grip with reality whenever Meghan is mentioned and they desperately find any little thing to make them feel as if they were right all along, so this thing had them feeling validated until the perfectly timed and executed clapback. Now they are in a free fall into an abyss and it’s hilarious.

  25. Snuffles says:

    It’s moments like this that make me thrilled Meghan got back on social media. I don’t care how it came about. It was a brilliant clap back.

    • LADY DIGBY says:

      Agreed it made me laugh and it is good Meg can push back immediately if she chooses to with a little help from her friends!

    • Debbie says:

      I had a similar thought, but I was thinking that it’s a good thing Meghan is in America now. She would never have the flexibility (or supportive environment) to fight back against the media narratives this way if she were still in England.

  26. SueBarbri33 says:

    I love this. Excellent.

  27. Carrie says:

    I think Gwen is saving face here and needs to stay relevant with younger crowds. Some people think her past bitchiness makes her *QUEeN TiER* but I do not.

  28. Mario says:

    I always come back to Gwyneth’s multiple stories where her parents point out she’s acting like an a– h-le (sometimes using that exact word), or ungracious and she, at least for a moment, checks herself.

    I don’t think she was targeting Meghan. I think she can’t help herself. The passive aggressive one-upsmanship is ingrained given where and when she grew up and I suspect it’s been a lifelong struggle to check herself, for her and apparently her parents in rearing her, too.

    Like someone with resting b-tch face, the well meaning relative who gets excited always who cuts you off, the neighbor who always points out the negative side to others dreams or plans, the really sarcastic coworker, or that friend who lets stuff fall out of their mouth without thinking first, it’s pretty common for adults realize they have an issue (something that once either protected them or earned them praise or attention in childhood) later in life and never really be able to master it.

    This is definitely Gwyneth’s thing. She wants so badly to be a girls girl, and champion of women, to be evolved and zen, but she regularly instinctively, passive aggressively, props herself and seemingly tears others down. Then she tries to make it up and/or overcompensates. honestly given the access to therapy and the time and space she’s had, I’m not incredibly sympathetic, and I don’t think I’ll ever be a fan of hers, but I do appreciate that she seems to know when she has (inadvertently or not) stepped over the line yet again and does try to fix it.

    And I do think these two could be decent allies in ways that are helpful and maybe even a little protective for Meghan, especially. So I am all for less beef, real and imagined. And this is kind of cute.

    • BeanieBean says:

      ‘…it’s pretty common for adults realize they have an issue (something that once either protected them or earned them praise or attention in childhood) later in life and never really be able to master it.’ This so perfectly encapsulates that particular issue. An issue I have. Thank you!

  29. Is that so? says:

    California laid back ease.
    Casual, no fuss no bother.

  30. Basi says:

    I didn’t realize G had lived in England before and for years. In that case, she should absolutely have known better and not gone down this path. It was a low blow to use her stature to pile onto what Meghan‘s been dealing with for YEARS. Shame on you Goop.

  31. Thea says:

    Gwyneth has always tried to be the popular girl and get into the orbit of people who have megawatt celebrity power. Meghan and Gwyneth run in the same circles and they’re both friends/acquaintances with Beyonce. When Blue Ivy Carter was born, her name was misreported as Ivy Blue Carter (because no one could believe that someone would name their child Blue) and Gwyneth did a tweet saying “It’s BLUE Ivy Carter” to correct the name (with an eyeroll or something like that). At the time, it was an indirect way of showing how close Gwyneth was to Beyonce, that she would be one of the first to learn the name of Beyonce’s first child.

    I would not be surprised if Meghan and Gwyneth have run into each other at social events and other functions before this. Gwyneth was probably trying to get in on the fun with her prior social media posts about Meghan’s show, which spectacularly backfired as she herself has never experienced this level of racist vitriol by an entire industry before. This video is her trying to set things right.

    Thank goodness Meghan is back on social media. Her photos, videos and short captions have been much more effective at presenting a counter-narrative to the hate spewed by the British media and Royal Family than continual press statements. I was very touched by her friends’ reactions on her show. They are all very protective of her and each of them made comments or had expressions that revealed how worried they were about her harrowing experience in the UK. Each of them had a watchful wariness at first being on the show, like how much they can say, would they accidentally reveal something that would make things worse. Once they got into the cooking, crafting, etc., they were marvelling on camera at Meghan’s return to her former self. Their realization and relief that their beloved friend is back were palpable. I think if the show and Meghan’s other projects continue, it will reintroduce her to people and it might eventually turn the tide and reduce the vitriol over time (this is me being optimistic and trying to believe in something good since there are currently forces in this world fully intent on burning everything to the ground).

  32. Ben says:

    I’m pretty sure G have never seen so many hate comments on her IG. It was appalling when she posted the breakfast video. I think in this friendship M had/have the upper hand. G would never pass on the opportunity to become friends with royalty. I commented here on the G breakfast article how M must have sent a thank you note to G after the VF. I did not read the in between lines mentioned by Kaiser but G message was pretty much: I am not here for the badmouthing M nonsense, women need to support each other and there’s enough for everyone. Also she basically said don’t be Martha be an Oprah LOL.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    Meghan is adorable. She seems like she’d be such fun to hang with.

    Whatever the motivation on Gwyneth’s part, I’m glad this “beef” has been put to bed.

  34. Chelsea says:

    As I pointed out yesterday, this isn’t the first time the media has tried to pit Gwyneth against another famous woman making a lifestyle brand; they did it with Kourtney Kardashian too. She similarly put that to bed on social media and then they made an insane candle together called “this smells like my pooshy” 😭

    GP can be incredibly arrogant about Goop and sometimes shady and incredibly messy but I think people were doing too much with this. I don’t think she was trying to bully or pile on and I’m not surprised she put a stop to this when she saw the hate avalanche aimed at Meghan. I also must say I love this new era with Meghan where she can clapback on social media and speak for herself. It’s fantastic.

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    I think this was hilarious and the perfect response. They are so desperate for Meghan to have beef with someone/anyone. It was a funny classy way to put a stop to this nonsense.

  36. Shoegirl77 says:

    Called this last week. Goopy is going to be on the podcast. Meghan playing 4D chess as ever (see what I did there?) 😉

  37. sevenblue says:

    I don’t think, the famous people quite understand the online derangers and hate machine after Meghan. It might be, both Gwyneth and the woman talking about cooking in her actual kitchen wanted a little competition in a sporty way. Then, probably their comments sections turned into the war field between Sussex Squad defending Meghan and the derangers praising their beef against Meghan. People don’t understand until it happens to them.

  38. K.W. says:

    I think this “beef” is about as real as the one between Meghan and Mindy Kaling.

  39. Jen says:

    I love how Meghan played this. No need to say a word, just pie to face, and truly at ease, made-herself-at-home body language.

    • wolfmamma says:

      I loved how she played this as well.
      She is showing her strengths now and it’s great fun to watch! Well done !

    • Libra says:

      The DM is crediting Gwyneth for this, saying, ” see Meghan, this is how it’s done”. The don’t have the common courtesy to acknowledge anything positive about M.

  40. Normades says:

    Haha I love this. Well played both ladies.

  41. Eurydice says:

    Maria at Lainey has a good piece on this – lightly snarky, but overall admiring.

  42. bisynaptic says:

    “They” didn’t have a beef. It wasn’t reciprocal.

    • Magdalena says:

      Thank you. I hate the headline too. Their “ficticious” beef or even “one-sided” beef or “non-existent” beef would have been much better. Plain “their beef” makes it seem as though M was involved with this whole shady/low-key trolling business, when she wasn’t.

  43. MarksandSpencers says:

    Notes from a Salty Island: Game Set and Match to the Duchess of Sussex, woman has class

  44. AC says:

    After years of that island being nasty to M, this was absolutely classic!! Like an in your face back to the BM.
    yeah, Gwenyth can give you mean girl vibes and I loved how she did it back to them. To the point where derangers are butt hurt lmao.
    We also have Elizabeth Olsen in love with WLM. M is sooo winning.

  45. Tn Democrat says:

    Their Instagram post was adorable. I have a soft spot for Gwyneth even though she can be cringe. The gutter press is toxic. There is absolutely nothing Meghan can do without being criticized because of the bot armies purchased by the Windsors and rota.

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