Yesterday I asked Kaiser to read over my story on Sarah Palin in case it was too harsh. For that story I watched the 46 year-old former Vice Presidential candidate on Leno Tuesday night and was struck yet again by how inarticulate and bumbling she is. Every time she makes an appearance I try to watch it with an open mind and see if she has something meaningful to say, and she just doesn’t. She speaks in vague general concepts and platitudes and expects people to eat it up, and some of them do. Anyway Kaiser said my post was harsh, but we went with it and many of you agreed with me.
Today there’s more news about Palin, and she has grand plans to keep herself in the spotlight with some kind of reality show she’s pitching with producer Mark Burnett. It’s being described as a “docudrama” about the state where she recently resigned as governor, Alaska, so it’s not like we’ll get to watch her hunt moose or shoot down wolves from helicopters. EW reports that Palin and Burnett have had meetings with networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC.
Meanwhile Palin, her daughter Willow, and an entourage of 20 are said to have almost totally cleaned out an Oscar gifting suite full of swag. To her credit, Sarah did give a $1,700 donation to the Red Cross at that event, but she also left with several times worth that amount in free stuff, and her crew was so grabby that they were described as “locusts.” Palin also requested that the suite open two hours early so she could get first dibs on the merchandise. Both PopEater and E! Online are running this story with separate insider quotes about Palin’s greedy behavior.
“They told us last minute to get here superearly for [Palin]. Then, she wouldn’t let anyone take her picture or do any interviews.”
“Everyone was in awe and sort of surprised that a former vice presidential candidate was at our gifting suite… And she kind of cleaned the place out.”
“They were like locusts. She showed up with like 20 people, and they immediately swarmed the place taking everything!”
According to E! Palin took “some oversize sweatshirts and tie-dyed ‘jeggings’ for Bristol, got a blowout by colorist Erick Orellana from the Chris McMillan Salon, along with snatching up jewelry from Pascal Mouawad, Skagen Watches, Lash Food and 40 pairs of Aiaiai headphones.”
She supposedly plans to donate everything to charity. Yeah, right! She’s probably only saying that because she doesn’t want to pay taxes on all that loot.
I would bring up the point that Sarah and her family were outfitted by the RNC for the campaign to the tune of $150,000. The stylist that purchased the clothing said that the cost had to do with the last-minute nature of the request and the fact that she had to pay retail, and that Palin did not personally pick out the clothing.
Meh who cares. All that over priced garbage is made overseas by some underpaid third world worker. If she didn’t scarf it up some other self entitled nimrod would have. If they don’t want someone to take everything, each guest should be escorted through the sweet by a “host” who can tell someone “No Silly Rabbit, that’s for A-listers”. They wouldn’t want to do that though, Why? Because it would make them appear cheap. Just like it makes them appear cheap by bitching about it.
Hate this woman, and everything she does and stands for.
Is anybody surprised by this?
It’s just Paris Hilton with flag pins.
Seriously–I would love to see Hilton and Palin have a conversation. Which one would sound smarter I wonder? And I’m not saying this to be rude but I ACTUALLY DON’T KNOW.
Scheisse! Did I spell Suite Sweet? Freakin Sweet.
Peach: Je t’aime.
Who wouldn’t take those freebies given the chance? And before anyone freaks out, I am NOT a Palin fan. But if you were given the opportunity to take freebies from an Oscar gifting suite, would you leave empty handed?
@ Shelly – I think there is a difference between taking a few free things that are offered to you and being greedy. According to the reports she took over 40 headphones claiming she is going to donate them to charity… I could be wrong but I don’t think the people in Haiti or Chile need headphones.
@ Kevin – I don’t quite get the logic of saying “If I don’t do it, someone else will, so that makes it okay for me to do it.” If she actually is planning on running for President in 2012 as she has hinted (and God forbid) then she needs to be concerned about her image.
Going into a swag suite for the Oscars and cleaning up doesn’t scream “self sufficient, pull oneself up by the boot straps, regular country bumpkin.” The point isn’t that the goods are meant to be taken, or that they are made in third world countries. It’s that taking a bunch of free shit like a greedy pig doesn’t fit with the image she is trying to portray to the public. And hypocrisy is annoying.
Scum is as scum does.
That dipshit has never had it so good. And it keeps getting better for her. Dammit.
to ,,,,
Well said. and especially after all of the cries from her campaign about how much of a “celebrity” Obama is (or was trying to be), it smacks of hypocrisy on many levels.
Is, was, and always will be trash. Trash through and through.
If she wants to give an in kind donation to a charity she certainly has the clout to approach a company and request a donation. Grabbing a bunch of free crap and saying you are taking it for someone else just shows her to be an ignorant grifter.
Greedy and trashy. Maybe it’s just my sense of what decent human behavior is, but if someone offers you a plate of cookies, you take a few and graciously say thank you…you don’t stuff every last one into your pockets and then say, “I’ll give them to the homeless on my way home.” What a stupid bitch.
Gatsby Gal, that is a brilliant comparison.
Peach, that is hilarious.
Thank you both.
WHY was she at an Oscars event? She is not even in the film business, let alone an Oscar nominee or presenter. There was literally no reason her for to be there, was there?
If even a fraction of this is true, it’s really pretty gross, but sadly not surprising.
As for the $150,000 being due to having to pay retail…I’m sorry, that’s still a shitload of clothes for one family.
oh golly, i just hate those liberal elites and those hollywood fat cats but i sure do love all the free loot i get when i go to their events! you betcha!
The merchants who do those gifting suites are actually starting to rethink the approach, specifically because of this kind of behavior. They pay thousands of dollars just to participate, so that they can give away their merchandise in the hopes that some celebrity will pose for a photo that they can use for promotional purposes. So when greedy pigs like Sarah Palin and entourage, or those Jersey Shore cast members and Lindsay Lohan for that matter, show up and clean the place out “like locusts”, it not only fails as a promotional move but causes the businesses to take a loss. No respectable celebrity is going to show up when that kind of trash is rooting around for goodies, and I’ve read that some merchants are starting to send gift items directly to the A-listers to avoid embarrassment. And we aren’t talking about free t-shirts; we are talking about products and services that cost in the range of hundreds to thousands of dollars.
So Sarah “the Bumpkin” Palin making her $1700 donation to the Red Cross is nice and shouldn’t be discounted, but taking 40 sets of headphones for people who don’t have running water or electricity is a load of manure.
sounds like a smear story, if there’s much truth to then, she & co. sucks, as to all the other celebs out there who do the exact same thing.
Disclaimer: I am not a Palin fan. HOWEVER, after what that woman and her family was subjected to by the media, left (and some on the right including McCain’s own campaign staffers), she can take whatever swag and collect appearance fees all she wants. It doesn’t hurt me; she isn’t going to run for office; and all it does is rankle a bunch of people who, honestly, got way too wrapped around the axel about her to begin with. Yes, some (and most of her recent bad pub) was her own doing, but when she hit the scene, the treatment of this woman and her family by the media and left was absolutely unconscionable.
Go ask Hillary Clinton what she thinks about double standards for men and women in the political spotlight. She is conspicuously quiet when it comes to Sarah Palin.
#20, I am with you completely on this one. Thank you for your more intellectual take.
Sorry but we teach kindergartners to be more polite and unselfish than this.
There’s no justification for cleaning out a gifting suite that was meant to be for many other people, too. I think the cookie example above is bang on. Normal, polite people just don’t do such things.
It shouldn’t matter who the person is, what political party they belong to (and yeah, why WAS she at an Oscar shindig, anyway???), boorish inconsiderate behavior is boorish inconsiderate behavior.
Comparing Sec. Clinton to Ms Palin is a bit of an apples to oranges situation one is an accomplished lawyer, the former FLOTUS, US Senator, and the Sec of State of the US, the other was a mayor of a town of 3500 and a Gov for 2 years (Jesse ‘the Body’ Ventura has better credentials than that); this is not a political issue, it is like comparing Ms Palin to the VERY accomplished and brilliant Ms. Condi Rice, they are on VERY different levels.
To ,,,,: – I’m sorry. I didn’t see the number of (the same) items that she took. Who needs 40 sets of headphones for sure? Yuck yuck yuck.
“Go ask Hillary Clinton what she thinks about double standards for men and women in the political spotlight. She is conspicuously quiet when it comes to Sarah Palin.”
oh please. clinton was subjected to far harsher criticism than palin ever was. anytime anyone ever asked palin anything or questioned her answers in interviews her camp cried “sexism!” ridiculous. honestly, if katie couric can get the better of you in an interview you really shouldn’t be in politics. remember this classic exchange? Q: “what newspapers do you read?”
A: “uhh…er…all of ’em, katie!”
then palin’s people went all broken arrow about how katie couric ambushed her and was so mean and unfair, expecting, you know, actual answers to questions, not just winks and catchphrases. meanwhile, women with actual brains were laughing our asses off at palin.
Yeah, Palin was being greedy. No, I’m not surprised. What was she doing at a promotional event for the Oscars? Particularly when she’s been so critical of Hollywood and “liberals” in general?
That kind of behaviour is unacceptable, by Presidential wanna-be’s and Hollywood wanna-be’s alike. It’s also why A-listers are being sent gifts directly by top-dollar vendors, rather than both being submitted to the wanna-be’s accosting the gifting booths for swag and publicity. Though, at least the wanna-be’s understand the exchange of interviews/publicity shots for swag. Guess Palin’s not that sophisticated yet.
Kate, while I agree that the media was too harsh on her family and even at a few times to her, I can’t see how that excuses greedy behavior such as this. Unrelated, IMO.
FYI to everyone regarding the retail costs of the items – those headphones? Retail for between $60-85. 40 pairs equal $2400 – 3400. The watches are about $100 each, the jewelry in the $50-100 per piece range, the blowout about $80-100 at least, Lashfood about $100, etc. Safe to say she and her locusts made off with thousands of dollars of free stuff.
Hope they all remember to pay taxes on it.
As much as she seems to be genuinely hated by people of a more liberal bent, and there seem to be a lot of them in the entertainment industry, I have a hard timt believing that things went down the way they say they did.
Maybe it is true, I don’t know but it just seems incredibly unlikely that she would be in any position to request that her picture not be taken or for the venue to open up 2 hours earlier so she got first dibs.
“Meh, who cares?”
Her supporters SHOULD care but they can’t.
They have to maintain the illusion that she is ‘one of us’.
(this is based on how she talks).
It’s kind of putrid really. The nation is going down, and people still believe liars like Sarah Palin.
I’m sorry i cant get over the first picture and what it says on the podium.
For her stands and faith the fact that it says Gaylord is so goddamn funny!!
Trust me, it isn’t the ‘liberals’ who ‘hate’ her, they laugh at her and hope she runs in 2012. It is the true, real Republicans (and any REAL Republican who is worth a dime does not include most of the Tea Party folks, Birthers, and all of the racists half wits as part of the GOP) who can not stand her, she is an embarrassment to the party, and the strong Republican women who have worked so hard and educated themselves to facilitate a better life for their fellow citizens. Can you imagine, you educate yourself, study foreign policy, immerse yourself in domestic policy through internships and other means, work day and night because you want to help better this country and some nincompoop comes along and people buy his/her wares based on a wink and a smile? Republican women who have two or more brain cells are not interested in this woman at all.
@ dizzybenny: That’s hilarious! Great catch!
Actually as far as her stance on gay issues, before she was so well known nationally, she vetoed legislation that would have banned state employees from passing along their health, etc. benefits to their domestic partners.
People seem to want to believe this is all black and white but it ain’t.
And yes, I do think hate would be a good word to use. Just read upthread a bit.
Palin has no power over anyone, only the haters here who let their rage get the better of them. If it were’nt her. it would be someone else because they have to direct the hate somewhere. So you guys don’t like her?so what, who cares? There are people in the public eye I don’t care for either but I don’t go on and on and on till the cows come home.
Sarah Palin stands for all that is good and right for America.
Not one of those in the spotlight always does everything right.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Keeping it klassy, Sarah? Wouldn’t have expected any less.
If all that is ‘good and right’ in America means simply being willfully incurious and cheeky, than yes she does stand for that and frankly that is just sad. Collins, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Snowe, Murkowski and other highly educated, accomplished women must just be pissed watching this half wit steal the thunder that they earned upon the road for Republican women that they paved.
TaylorB, have you actually read what any of the women you cited say about Palin? Because I have, and believe me they’re not pissed in the slightest.
Yes I have and sadly I think they are towing the party line; remember when Peggy Noonan (a Republican)was caught with her mic on calling Palin a political ‘stunt’ and laughing at her? No women I know, Republicans or Indys are even remotely impressed with her, they are mad as hell that much more accomplished, educated women are being passed up for her. It pains me that these aforementioned women are towing the party line instead of standing up, putting their foot down and saying that the Republican party deserves better than this and has much more to offer in a woman or man for that matter candidate. And frankly Annie as a bright woman and a Republican I am surprised you do not feel the same way. But to each their own.
I also suspect if you got any of those women ‘off the record’ they would be singing a very different tune. And lord knows Murkowski can’t stand her already.
Bottom line: What on EARTH was she doing at an Oscar gift suite? Who invited her? That person should be fired immediately.
I already know Noonan does’nt like her,never has And were talking about Lisa Murkowski right? As far as I know she’d be happy to have Palin stump for her, and you really have no idea what they would say”off the record” but we know what you would like them to say-see what you’re doing is projecting. And by the way, I’m not a republican, where did I ever say I was? Because I spoke up about the insane hatred against her? I did’nt vote for McCain or Bush. And don’t worry about what the repub’s “deserve” they can take care of themselves, you just want an excuse to bitch about her.
I’m a liberal and I PRAY she runs for president in 2012. It’d be like a gift. Like an early Christmas. (I got a little giddy just now imagining it.) Every single day there’d be a new massive mistake and embarrassment on her part.
She puts herself out there so very aggressively and now she’s getting it back in with interest. Plus she’s just so damn hilarious with her bumpit, bedazzled crucifix, and recently acquired Minnesota accent. Not to mention what spews forth when she opens her mouth. It’s like she’s actually a liberal doing performance art making fun conservatives. Borat x a million.
I didn’t mean to get you so upset, I don’t ‘hate’ her by any means. I think she is woefully unqualified to be POTUS and can not understand why she is so popular when there are so many more qualified Republican women out there. I apologize for getting you in such an uproar, that was by no means my goal. I suppose we must agree to disagree, or in this case accept that we sort of agree but to differing extents. I hope that is ok with you. Mea Culpa. No hard feelings I hope.
Who just snuck Ann Coulter in with POTUS material women?
-5 hour time out from your keyboard, sober up!
Ursaline – the businesses don’t take a loss on their swag because they put it down as a promotional expense or advertising expense and therefore get to write it off their taxes. Get it right, girl. Learn business basics. I wonder if you get your taxes done by H&R Block. Geez. On a note of agreement, having 20 friends along with herself grabbing everything they can is pretty shitty.
TaylorB, I don’t know why she’s so popular and I don’t care,my question is, why do liberals care so much about everything this woman does? She holds no office,she has no real power over you,only the power you give her. Some people just connect better,some are just more appealing,thats just how it is. I don’t care for Obama,because of his world view and his policies,and when I write something about him I stick to that,I don’t attack him personally,because, really, that just makes me look weak and he does have power. His policies will affect me and mine. The minute he’s out of office,I won’t even be thinking about him.
I sugest that you direct those questions to a ‘liberal’, which you assume I am because I do not fall at that womans feet? I personally am bothered by the fact, which I thought I made clear, that she is getting attention and being pushed to run in 2012 when there are much more qualified Republicans (women and men) available.
Ok I will, do you know any? Be happy to. Hey, you don’t got to fall at anyone’s feet. May be she is being pushed, but I doubt she’ll get the nomination.
“The minute he’s out of office,I won’t even be thinking about him. ”
yeah, i said that about palin, too: “now that she’s lost the election she’ll go away,” but she didn’t. then she quit her job as governor, and i said: “now that she’s quit her job she’ll go away,” but she didn’t. she’s like a herpes sore that goes dormant for awhile but always reappears. sadly there is no cure for either.
annie, I disagree. She DOES have power, because she has so much exposure. She keeps talking… and talking… and talking… and at all of her speaking engagements she says incendiary lies and creates more hatred. If you notice, she never offers solutions just sound bytes.
The good news is that CELEBITCHY readers are no fools! It really cheers me up that most people see right through her hypocrisy.
Did you hear her say on Leno that she had “well-balanced well-rounded kids” (or something like that). Oh really? First one sent off to the army for whispered reasons, second one an unwed mother, third one chugging vodka and smoking dope… that leaves Piper to take care of Trig, wherever the heck he came from.
No I did’nt hear what Leno said because I did’nt watch it. She has no power to DO anything to you,exactly what can she do? And snapdragon, just because she won’t go away does’nt mean you have to give her a moments thought,that’s you’re problem.Anyway, I came on here to say I’m sorry to TaylorB, I did’nt mean to sound like such a smart ass, maybe you’re not liberal, but most of the posters on here are and whenever there’s an item about Palin, the hate just pores from the heavens above.
When I read the piece, I imagined the buffalo stampede every year at that bridal place.
Or when Cabbage Patch dolls (or Tickle Me Elmo) were in such high demand that normal people suddenly lost their minds and would knock a baby over to get to the stack of goodies.
Republican or Democrat, what she (allegedly) did is tacky, tacky.
All that expensive crap and she still looks low-rate.
She is gross.
“And snapdragon, just because she won’t go away does’nt mean you have to give her a moments thought,that’s you’re problem.”
annie: i’d like to ignore this stupid, vapid woman but she keeps popping up giving her opinions and spreading her lies about death panels, etc., because…why, exactly? she hold no office and yet she is everywhere, yapping like a little dog. and if you are so sensitive to what the “hateful liberals” on this board have to say about palin then i guess that’s YOUR problem. after all, we have no power over you and don’t force you to come on this site.
She’s in it for the money, for sure. That’s why she quit her job as governor of Alaska after only two years in office: She wanted to write a book (which has sold over two million copies to date) and make millions giving speeches.
Don’t kid yourself by thinking she doesn’t have power because she doesn’t hold a political office. Yes, she does have power, because people want to listen to her speeches and read her books and listen to her opinions on talk shows and Fox. In many respects, her reckless, half-baked proclamations are more dangerous now, because she has no electorate to be accountable to. She can just spew off anything she feels like saying, and because she’s pretty and an excellent speaker, a lot of people are listening to her. It’s scary.
PJ is correct. Pundits have a great deal of political power. Often more than politicians. Just like mullahs. And fear is their vehicle.
Here’s the OTHER side of this story:
Melissa Lemer, co-owner of The Silver Spoon, has released the following statement regarding Governor Palin’s visit yesterday and the false stories being promulgated by the lamestream media.
The Silver Spoon, a company owned and operated by women and established with a firm belief in supporting women in business and leadership, invited Governor Sarah Palin and her family to participate in a charitable function sponsored by The Silver Spoon and the Red Cross to support the Red Cross’ disaster relief efforts in Haiti. Governor Palin graciously accepted since it was in support of such a worthy and timely cause.
The governor arrived with a small group about 15 minutes prior to our store’s official opening; and upon arrival, she and her entire group gave generous donations to the cause. We offered to open early to accommodate her schedule; she did not ask us to open early. The other venders routinely set up an hour before the event opens, so they were already there when the governor arrived. No one was asked to come in early.
When Governor Palin arrived, she and her guests made generous donations. I escorted her around and introduced her to every vendor, and they talked to her about their products and gifted her with samples. She never asked for anything but politely accepted the products. The governor and her family and guests were very gracious and respectful to everyone. We asked and the governor happily agreed to take a photo with the American Red Cross staff and the staff of The Silver Spoon. The governor stayed for a total of about 35 minutes, thanked everyone, made an additional generous personal donation pledge to the Red Cross, and then departed.
The stories currently circulating about Governor Palin’s attendance at our event are total fabrications. Just one example of the many falsehoods is the ridiculous idea that Governor Palin walked away with 40 AIAIAI headphones. In reality, she was given two pairs of AIAIAI headphones – one for herself and one for her daughter Bristol who could not attend the event. The idea that she took 40 pairs is an outrageous falsehood. It would have been impossible because the vendors only bring around 100 items for the entire two day event. They would have run out of product after an hour of opening yesterday.
Just to clarify things, the entire point of giving someone a swag bag is to have them take your product and hopefully purchase more. The whole point of giving away products is to “give them away.” That’s why we call this type of event style a “gifting suite.”
We would like an immediate retraction and an apology to The Silver Spoon, its vendors, and especially to Governor Sarah Palin
She’s a has-been. Why does she get away with hoarding gifts as an Oscar event? What does she have to do with the Oscars?
You know, I’ve been giving this some more thought. Palin’s love of mainstream media attention is actually a boon for the Right. Nobody’s talking about Bush anymore. He and Cheney ought to be at the Hague right now answering some serious questions. Instead we’re preoccupied with this ridiculous woman.
(BTW, regarding #57, this is no more or less credible than any other version. And why would they repeatedly refer to her as a “Gov. Palin”? Don’t we all know she quit mid-term to cash in on her celebrity in the “lamestream media”?)
Two American obssessions I will never understand: Brangelina and Sarah Palin.
And, I don’t intend to understand. Just try to keep a polite distance.
trillion, you mean pundits Olbermann right? You know, the one who’s own Mom thought he needed pyschriatric help? You people need to get it TOGETHER!
ome on you guys, cut the crap! You hate her just to hate someone! If you want to mad look at Charlie Wrabgle,you know,the guy who is head of the ways and means comm.? The one who writes the tax laws but does’nt pay his taxes? All’s I’m saying is put you’re ire towards something real and tangible, not the pretty girl that you don’t like. And don’t say you don’t like her because she’s pretty, because we all know if she was’nt, she be getting half the hate that she’s getting, so lets just stop and pay attention to what’s going on in DC NOW!
Sarah Palins grandkids are so cute!
Sarah Palins whole family is wonderful!
The Palin Fan-Bot sounds about as intelligent as she does.
Founding Fathers anyone? Let’s all drink to that!But wait, that could be more than the “republicans” can handle!
CB Rawks is so right
Maybe if we just don’t talk about her she’ll go away. Seriously, can she please never be mentioned?
Gaylord….FUNNY! :p
Julia, I see you have been very busy posting this ‘retraction’ on a number of sites.
Don’t you think, however, that it is wierd that the ONLY point of origin for this ‘retraction’ is Conservatives4Palin? It has been sourced virtually no where else. All links back to C4P. And it doesn’t even have a signature. . .
@ Julia – Why does the statement you posted keep referring to her as the Governor of Alaska, Governor Palin?! She’s the former governor. Governor Palin is no longer her title is it?
I see Conservatives4Palin sent out Kate and Annie and Julia to try to “persuade” everyone here that black is white and up is down and the sky is orange.
That “demand for retraction” Julie posted at 10:22 pm is a fake. If you Google “Silver Spoon Palin retraction” you get a pageful of REPORTS from FoxNation and a bunch of blogs written by Palin fans who also blog at Conservatives4Palin.
Zero, nothing, nada reported by AP or anywhere else from the owners of the Silver Spoon themselves.
Another sleazy scam by Palin fans, to add to the scam perpetrated by NBC on Palin’s Tonight appearance — FAKE CANNED LAUGHTER during her stand-up routine!,-adds-Laugh-Track-to-Sarah-Palin-Appearance
Thanks and sorry if I offended you or anyone else here for that matter, you guys are a funny and cool bunch and I look forward to the comments and posts.
All is good… now let’s collect ourselves and get our ammo ready to trash the Oscar fashions My money, and it pains me to say this, is that Sandra Bullock will wear something awful yet again. Such a pretty woman yet she somehow can not pick a frock to save her life.
let’s all just stop feeding the trolls (and apologizing to them!).
Annie, did I specify right or left or did I say “pundits”? Who are you telling to get it together? Perhaps you should take your own advice and stop seething.
What an idiot.
I don’t hate her just to hate her, I hate her because she has no idea what she’s talking about or what she’s doing, and in politics that can be dangerous. She’s just a hypocrite, that’s why I hate her.
And yet, even though you’re accusing us of hating people just to hate them, I have a feeling if someone said you were sticking up for her just for the sake of getting an argument going, you wouldn’t like that very much, would you?
You don’t know what we’re feeling and why/what the reasons are, so you honestly can’t say that we’re hating people just to hate them. I noticed people didn’t accuse you of hating Olbermann just to hate him, but then again the other posters are being polite and thinking rationally on here instead of just yelling about “haters,” so I guess that’s not really a fair comparison then…
Not seething at all Trillion, and you’re the one who needs to get it together. Ok the, name a leftist pundit you don’t like. And TaylorB,you sound sweet, no offense meant or taken.
Dani, she’s not in politics anymore. About Keith, I was merely pointing out how people keep saying she’s”dangerous”, and Keith has his own show on five nights week to try and influence people, and his Mom seems to think he needed help. And I don’t hate Keith, I find him pathetic, so guess what? I ignore him.
Sorry, but she is super simple, for the lack of better words. I can’t believe she’s still attracting an audience, I can’t believe people still refuse to see her as the greedy opportunistic woman that she is.
This is unbelievable.
“The stories currently circulating about Governor Palin’s attendance at Our event are total fabrications,” partner Melissa Lemer said in a statement from Silver Spoon ”
Ah another liberal slanted lie !! And to all you stupid naive people who posted the garbage above. The right is united. An you will see alot more of Mrs Palin in the future lol
This nation should be so embarrassed by her and the fact that she gets any media coverage at all is alarming. We’d tank faster than anyone could imagine if she were running (uh hum trying to run) the country. Classy – not. Intellectual – not. Qualified – not. Kind – not. Noble -not. Saddest thing about her is she knows what she doesn’t know and yet she still wants to get elected.
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