Cele|bitchy | Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon outs her cheating husband in email to his coworkers

Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon outs her cheating husband in email to his coworkers

Plan!t Now Gala Benefit Dinner

Oh, snap! I had never really formed an opinion of actress Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon before, other than to think that she’s very pretty and I can’t remember seeing her in anything. Anyway, my new opinion of her: this lady is hardcore. Garcelle has been married to her husband, CAA agent Mike Nilon (the white boy in the photos) for nine years. Apparently, Garcelle recently discovered that Mike is getting some on the side. Or, as Garcelle wrote to Mike’s CAA colleagues in an email, “I found out today that MY husband of almost 9 yrs has been having an affair for 5 yrs with some slut in Chicago.” Damn, Garcelle!

Actress Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon chose a very public forum to accuse her husband, CAA agent Mike Nilon, of cheating.

In an e-mail making the rounds at the agency with the subject line “Tiger Woods/Jesse James/Mike Nilon,” the former “NYPD Blue” star wrote to Nilon’s colleagues, “What do they have in common . . . I found out today that MY husband of almost 9 yrs has been having an affair for 5 yrs with some slut in Chicago. I am devastated!!!! And I have been duped!! Our boys don’t deserve this!”

Neither Beauvais-Nilon nor Nilon responded to multiple calls and e-mails seeking comment. CAA had no comment.

[From Page Six]

Even though Miss Manners would probably not be happy with Garcelle’s decision, I really do think it’s pretty awesome. If Mike has been having an affair for five years “with some slut in Chicago” then either his coworkers knew, or they should know. Now, if it was a one night stand, eh. I might feel differently. But presumably a five year affair affected his work. Hell, the affair could have even been with someone related to work, and that’s why Garcelle “outed” him to CAA. All I know is that I love Garcelle now.

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66 Responses to “Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon outs her cheating husband in email to his coworkers”

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  1. bite me says:

    the Haitian in Garcelle is about to come out haha, love it… Garcelle was in the long runing Jami Foxx show that used to come the CW

  2. lucy2 says:

    Ouch, don’t mess with her! Probably not the wisest move since now he’ll likely accuse her of damaging his career, but in a way, it is kind of awesome.
    I always see photos of her and know her name, but I’ve never seen her in anything either.

  3. Jazz says:

    Go Garcelle! Cute boys!

  4. Sumodo1 says:

    I love this woman.

  5. Maritza says:

    She is so pretty and the boys are so cute! He’s going to be very sorry he messed up.

  6. Leek says:

    I think we should take this year’s cheating frenzy and use it in a positive way. Now, ladies, when you are feeling tapped in your relationship just tell your man that you found out he was cheating. I am willing to bet 90% of the time he will be stunned you “found out.”

  7. nAynAy says:

    All I can say is, “YOU GO GIRL!!!”

  8. TG says:

    She deserves better, he is goofy looking as someone said above. I love her style, but, sending an email to all CAA agents won’t mean anything they are all probably cheaters and support that lifestyle so it will have little affect there. She needs to publish it in a magazine. Hope she takes him for all he’s worth.

  9. lena says:

    damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, she’s hardcore! It really is sad that these men are messing up their families like this

  10. lola says:

    I find it self indulgent. Like people at his work give a rat’s ass.

  11. christina says:

    She is beautiful but I don’t see how anyone could sleep with this man just for fun I mean he has a face only a mother or a mother of his children could love

  12. Erica says:

    He must not know about island girls, we don’t play that don’t expect this to be the last we hear from Garcelle

  13. LindyLou says:

    I’m wondering if incidents of cheating is dramatically rising or are people just being more open about it now…?? It just seems like you hear about a new cheater almost daily.

    This morning I heard that Ashley Madison (cheater website) is reporting a dramatic rise in newlyweds (less than 3 years married)using their site.

  14. Naye in VA says:

    She played Jaime Foxx Long time love interest on “the Jamie Foxx Show” which was on for a few years on UPN, you can probably cathc re-runs.

    when she married this dude i was like what does she see in him? but to each his own. she’s absolutely gorgeous, so the chick he was messing with had beeter of been a ten. 5 YEARS tho. Thats horrible. bless her heart

  15. Oenix says:

    Map prie pou ou pitit!

    Given she doesn’t have the same media visibility as Tiger and Sandra, she had to go that route to expose him. At the end of the day, the question is what comes out of it? Does that make him repent? Go to rehab? Find religion? Seeing the “error” of his way? Humiliation for them both, not to mention the children? My take is that if he has been with this woman for 5 years, it’s more than s-x. That’s Garcelle’s replacement bidding her time to move in. Now the husband has the excuse/impetus to ask for a divorce and the mistress can just move in. Her bag is probably already packed. Sometimes its best to solve it QUIETLY…. out of the public’s view. But Garcelle got probably pissed and reacted emotionally.

  16. mel says:

    Damn is anybody faithful????

  17. teehee says:

    Why do they always attack the woman— if I find my husband has been cheating I will be bad mouthing HIM first and foremost….. he’s the one who is supposed to be loyal, not everybody else/other women. HE took a vow to me… and HE betrayed it….

  18. ViktoryGin says:

    @ mel

    Methinks no. smdh.

    I must concur. Don’t f*ck with black women. You will wake up and find your limbs reattached. I know ‘cuz I am one.

  19. Oenix says:

    @ ViktoryGin,

    Please do not continue the stereotype of angry black women. And please do NOT speak as the representative of black womanhood!

    ANY self-respecting woman finding their husband has been cheating would react strongly.

  20. danielle says:

    tee hee – she called the woman a whore, but at least she didn’t name her. Although that could be coming…

  21. Amy says:

    good on her. i’m fed up with women “standing hve by their man” when they have cheated. these men dont respect their wives and the wives staying with them perpetuates the notion cheating is no big deal. well it fucking is! YOU GO GIRL!

  22. Sigh. says:

    What is with the “Catch and Release” syndrome that’s going on?

    These goofy-looking dudes manage to snag one beautiful/talented woman (that is waaaay outta their league if they weren’t famous/powerful/rich, let’s be honest) and I guess they think “Hmm, if I can snag THIS, maybe I can…?”

  23. Mel says:

    Groosss….she should have cheated on him! He is not attractive at all. i just don’t see it.

  24. Jess says:

    She is awesome and beautiful. And her boys are too gorgeous too. Sorry their father is such a scumbag.

  25. Tracy says:

    I can relate…after 6 months of stunned silence, I forwarded a transcript from one of a dozen women my husband cheated with to everyone in his e-mail list, including work colleagues. His cheating definitely affected his work and she included info that showed what a liar he was to everyone as he pretended he was happily married but at the same time went around bars saying he was divorced, when he was traveling on work.

    He complained that I “exposed” our problems to everyone. Never mind that I didn’t know we had problems and that he’d been having unprotected sex with these women. I don’t regret sending the e-mail out, either.

  26. hottathanholywatta says:

    good for her, she was obviously the hot one in this relationship – he’s an idiot

  27. Cinderella says:

    I feel bad for Garcelle, but damn, maybe he did her a favor.

    He is one ugly, yellow-toothed white dude. She must have a had a good heart to be willing to grow old with a wormy-looking guy like him.

    If I were the mistress, my ass would be in hiding ’cause it’s on!

  28. Novaraen says:

    She is so pretty and her hubby is so blah…wtf is wrong with these men that they can’t keep it in their pants? Why would you cheat on such a beautiful woman? I just don’t get it.

    And they have twin boys (which I can relate…I have twin boys too :)) So sad for those boys that their father is a cad.

    Go Garcelle!

  29. Wow says:

    Daaaaayum. “Fancy” don’t play! That is bloody fantastic. That is how you put someone on blast.

  30. Maddie says:

    There is something missing in a person that can cheat on a spouse for that long, living a separate life and to pull it off is very cold and calculating, and borders on some type of personality disorder.

    These are the type of people that could kill the spouses that they are cheating on because something is missing in them to be so cold, really five years, and what type of woman would wait five years for her cheating price charm-notting to poop or get off the pot.

    Wow he suck a catch!!!

  31. Red Folder says:

    Damn, we are gonna have to start a whole new category of douchebaggery this year.

    It seems that *dreaming* about being with a celebrity/rich/powerful is pretty much the best way to go.

    Because at it looks, you will never, ever, ever be #1 in that man’s life. He will always be #1, despite the years together, the children together–in the end, it doesn’t seem to mean a whole lot to these men.

    What does matter though is his dick. Oh and what he wants, when he wants, and too bad, so sad for anyone else involved. that’s just “collateral damage” if caught. To rich and powerful men, it’s okay. . . They just sign a big check and move on to the next. . .

    This kind of stuff in the entertainment industry has always gone on. It’s just that the lid is being blown off of it in the last 6 months.

    I know if we all knew what everyone was REAAAAAALLLLLLY doing in H’wood–we’d never watch TV / movies / or listen to music again because we’d all be so disgusted at how truly disgusting or depraved some are. . .

  32. sandra says:

    just sent my mans other woman the 300 texts he sent me over the past week. it was immature but fun as hell!

  33. MSat says:

    The saddest part of this is, he must have been fooling around even before, during and after their twin sons were born. Why have children with someone when you know you are not faithful? Why drag innocent kids into your f-ed up double life? It makes no sense.

    I don’t know if I could have outed my exhusband to his co workers even though most of them already knew about his cheating since it was with a woman he worked with. But I doubt they would have cared. This guy’s co-workers probably high-fived him when they heard.

  34. Joanne says:

    You go girl!! I agree with the comment of personality disorder! Anyone who can carry on for that lenght of time living a lie has some serious issues.. can’t wait to hear the details.

  35. Jane Q. Doe says:

    Part of what all these scandals show is that no matter how beautiful the woman is (Sandra Bullock, Garcelle, Elin Woods, Christie Brinkley, etc etc etc), their partners still cheated.

  36. Sudini says:

    Aww, damn. I’m SO tired of watching these women being essentially sh*t upon by the men in their lives. But good for her for putting it out there and shaming HIM. I hope she moves on fast and finds a better person to be with. Those little boys are beautiful, btw.

  37. Maddie says:

    Because of affairs have nothing to do with looks, more so of how the cheating spouse feels about themselves, sense of entitlement, lacking moral character and empathy for others, their spouses, kids, other family members.

  38. Sigh. says:

    @ MSat —

    Not only did they probably already know, a few probably helped in the cover-up (averted their eyes and kept thier mouths closed at the very least). Isn’t that how these things usually go in this industry?

  39. Wow says:

    @ Joanne and maddie – I am so glad you mentioned the disorder. I’ve always felt that people who cheat for that long are manipulators and capable of doing much worse because they lack feeling. Or are “missing a sensitivy chip”…

  40. Sudini says:

    @Maddie – exactly, good point. Definitely something missing in the conscience department of someone who is able to cause someone close to them that level of pain.

    And I love your little Fruedian slip at the end (ie. He sucks!), lol. Perfect 🙂

  41. Moore says:

    That’s dumb. If she knew for sure the people at his job knew then that’s one thing, but to involve them when it had nothing to do with them? Classless in my opinion. What was the point of that? This does nothing in her favor. If anything she should have gotten to a lawyer first. I can understand writing something in anger but not acting on it without thinking it out first.

  42. mystic says:

    LOL! You go Garcelle!!!
    Thanks for giving everyone a good way to ‘out’ cheaters.

  43. Sincerity says:


    You have a valid point. I would have gotten much more satisfaction confronting him or the other woman than involving his coworkers. Whether his coworkers knew or not, they weren’t obligated to interfere in his personal business. Infidelity goes on all the time and eventually the cheater does have to “pay the piper” at some point. At least her husband was not a “serial cheater” and used the same woman for 5 years which minimized the risk of STD infection substantially.

    The older I get, the more it seems to me that some scientists are right. Humans are not “hard wired” for monogamy, especially men. They seem to be nothing more than “adrenaline junkies” who require constant stimulation and sex is the most convenient outlet for them. Men and women don’t think alike and it’s much easier for men to compartmentalize different aspects of their lives without considering the consequences of their actions.

  44. Me says:

    Pack those gorgeous kids and leave now! You are beautiful and smart too. What are you waiting for? Kick im in the arse on yer way!!!

  45. Jeri says:

    Love it. I hope it embarasses him (& the slut).

  46. RHONYC says:

    garcelle is a ‘bonafied-certified-milf-goddess’

    she’s got a 20yr old AND just had these two adorable ‘cherabs’ a couple years ago.

    you KNOW the nilon twins are gonna run LA when they hit their teens! lol

    also, garcelle originally was a model, and appeared as one of the ‘rose bearers’ in eddie murphy’s ‘coming to america’…but is better known as ‘Fancy’ on The Jamie Foxx Show (1996–2001)


    she did this playboy shoot at FORTY YEARS YOUNG!:


    the bitch goes hard…you’d be hard-pressed to upgrade from her.

    this is how she looked when the twins were only 3 months:


    and it just goes to show, that some stupid, dumb-ass men are never satisfied, no matter how hot there wife is!

  47. faye says:

    She was Fancy on The Jamie Foxx Show I believe. i always thought she was so pretty. She was also in R. Kelly’s DownLow video.

  48. Maddie says:

    @ Sincerity I have to disagree with you on this:

    The older I get, the more it seems to me that some scientists are right. Humans are not “hard wired” for monogamy, especially men. They seem to be nothing more than “adrenaline junkies” who require constant stimulation and sex is the most convenient outlet for them. Men and women don’t think alike and it’s much easier for men to compartmentalize different aspects of their lives without considering the consequences of their actions


    We as a society have become so hungry for fame, at any cost, people use to joke about rather being infamous, if they could not being famous.

    Look at all the women who came out to get paid (by the media) for sleeping with Tiger Woods, years ago they would be too ashamed to do so, really who get hush money for sleeping with a married man and don’t even lose any sleep over it, one of many who seem to be proud to claim that they were used like sex toys and discarded when the crap hit the fan.

    The whole world has lost it’s moral compass, really what can any of these men and women do when their kids, as an adult comes to them and tell them that they just found out that their spouse has been cheating on them, are they going to justify it by saying well maybe they weren’t happy with you son or daughter.

    For every man and woman stepping out on their spouse they are many who don’t and are faithful.

  49. lola lola says:

    She is gorgeous–and obviously pretty gutsy. Who wants that lumpy, double chinned, bag-o-bones guy anyway? He’s gross.

  50. cfox says:

    “ANY self-respecting woman finding their husband has been cheating would react strongly.”

    AMEN. You go, Garcelle! He deserves every bit of it.

  51. Moore says:

    “ANY self-respecting woman finding their husband has been cheating would react strongly.”

    Strongly, sure, but like this, not me. He wouldn’t see it coming. Element of surprise. 5 years? Yeah, surprise! Your butt is left without the house, the kids, and whatever you else you had no problem leaving behind for some girl in Chicago. His coworkers would read about it in the tabs.

  52. joanne says:

    Marcie, you are my new hero…. I feel like you are reading my mind… Any person male or female who can so compartmentalize their lives in this manner are so deviant, and absolutely has some manner of “personality disorder” this is not a one night stand this is another relationship! No moral compass, no character, no human feeling, except perhaps entitlement. Discusting behavior! Poor excuse for a man! People like this are as deep as a cookie sheet! She did the right thing!! Why should he go along fooling all??

  53. oh hey says:


    We’re not even sure if his coworkers would even care about his affair. If was cheating for this long, chances are some of them might have known about it. I doubt if it will affect his job, unless the media keeps hounding his place of business and then he’s fired as a result. Some of his coworkers probably cheat on their spouses, maybe their dumb asses will think twice now.

    It might not have been the best thing to do, but she could have done a lot worse to him.

  54. kiki says:

    wht about the producer who killed his wife and all the women killed by ther spouse??legislature
    fails to take action because there are no lobbyists paying them

  55. kiki says:

    the number one cause of death for pregnant women is murder by their significant other

  56. kiki says:

    this is the real story in our country
    children’s health depends on their moms

  57. kiki says:

    everything our men and society does to women burdens children

  58. Goosie says:

    Hol.E.Cow. That is one stunning woman!

  59. mslewis says:

    Well, how nice that all of you think Garcelle did a great thing my airing her dirty laundry in public!!! I think she showed how immature and stupid she is. Plus, now her husband has tons of ammo to use in court. It was a stupid thing for her to do. Her husband is a powerful agent and she is a basically unknown, middle age actress. Whose side do you think people in Hollywood will be on? This was not a good move and her lawyer is most likely appalled. Have any of you noticed that not a word has come from her since that email? Of course not. Her lawyer has told her to STFU and let this die down.

    As for her being so “beautiful” and him being “ugly” . . . since when has that mattered? He’s the one with the money and power, not her. POWER is what’s important in The Business. Without him, Garcelle would have faded from memory years ago. (Notice every commenter on here only remembers her as Fancy in that Jamie Foxx show?) That’s why she’s angry. For the past nine years she has had a bit of prestige and fame in Hollywood because of her CAA agent husband, which gets her into premieres and award shows and the good parties. Now, she will fade into nothingness and her face won’t be in the baby blogs on the internet anymore because nobody will care. That’s why she’s angry. Poor Garcelle!!

  60. Maddie says:

    Plus, now her husband has tons of ammo to use in court. It was a stupid thing for her to do. Her husband is a powerful agent and she is a basically unknown, middle age actress. Whose side do you think people in Hollywood will be on?

    What ammo does he have? The guy had an affair for 5 years, that right there is ammo enough for her, because he spent marritial funds on his other women over those five years, as for him being a powerful man in Hollywood, I never even heard of him, her yes, and I didn’t even watch any of her shows on TV.

    As for whose side will people in Hollyweird take neither, because for them it’s just business as usual, the cheating that is.

    He might work for one of the top agency, does not mean he has represents famous actors.

  61. mslewis says:

    Maddie, exactly how many Hollywood agents have you heard of? Not many, I would think, since they are not normally in the public eye. Nilon is an agent for CAA so he has to have fairly important clients or he wouldn’t be working for that agency.

    As for what ammo he might have . . . how about calling her a crazy, vindictive b!tch for what she did. Does she have proof that he cheated for the past five years? Real proof, not just an email or text message that can be explained away.

    I’m not going to argue about these people because I don’t know either of them but I do know that domestic relations courts don’t look too kindly on a woman who drags dirty laundry out into public. And, if this man has been cheating for five years then he most likely has hidden his money and she could be left with not much. Not good for a woman without a career to speak of. Garcelle needs to be careful and I’m sure that is the advice she has received from her lawyers.

  62. Majosha says:

    “He is one ugly, yellow-toothed white dude. She must have a had a good heart to be willing to grow old with a wormy-looking guy like him.”

    LMAO! So true. I practically recoiled in horror when I first saw that top pic. Damn.

  63. Maddie says:

    As for what ammo he might have . . . how about calling her a crazy, vindictive b!tch for what she did. Does she have proof that he cheated for the past five years? Real proof, not just an email or text message that can be explained away.

    I think she would have proof of the affair with all the skanks coming out of the woodwork lately for their payday, I’m sure the other woman in this, has the proof to back up the info if needed.

    I do know that domestic relations courts don’t look too kindly on a woman who drags dirty laundry out into public. And, if this man has been cheating for five years then he most likely has hidden his money and she could be left with not much.

    Courts also frown of a married person spending family money of skanks and Ho’s since you seem to keep harping on the fact that she has no career to speak of more money for him to fork over to her in alimony and child support, courts also frown upon men/women who hide money from their spouse too.

    Lets see how the judge looks upon a spouse outing an affair or a spouse that carries on a secret life with some one else for five years.

  64. ViktoryGin says:



    Once again hyperbole doesn’t translate well via the internet.

    I’m a fan of politcal correctness as much as it legitmately serves the situation, I am. Not subsuming people under blanket judgments is something I take to task regularly, truly.

    Where there is smoke, there is fire, however.

    Stereotypes usually contain an element of truth, and I wouldn’t have made the comment if I couldn’t speak from primary experience regarding myself and that of other black women that I know. The flaw in stereotyping is less generic categorization and more the refusal to see minutae beyond this basic labelling. More often than not the experiences that shape black women in the Americas are not those marked by submission and demureness. Of course, most self-respecting women will react strongly, as you put it; but often how she fuels that frustration is going to be determined by not only her personality but her social conditioning. Perhaps “the angry black woman” doesn’t apply here, I’ll give you that. Rather than admonishing me for perpetuating this stereotype, however, perhaps the better inquiry would be why the stereotype exists in the first place and why we exercise such moral aversion to this stereotyping that we fail to understand. But that another conversation.

  65. Mistral says:

    VGin, I’m on your side. People are too serious.

    If men want to avoid “angry” women of any race, they better keep their peckers in their pants!

    As for her email being ammo against her—no way. What she did is pretty tame, and she will be the one people will feel sorry for. She is the wronged party. Him sticking his dorky penis in another woman is way worse. He is the one who was really destructive and hurtful. He destroyed the marriage and betrayed the trust.

    As for his career, it won’t be hurt. He’ll just be looked at as a sleaze, and that isn’t strange in Hollywood. His ability to land pussy may be hurt, but only a very little. Plenty of desperate skanks in Hollywood.

    As for her career, a hot woman who has name recognition, and a scandal attached to her, will have no problem getting work if she wants it. Scandals like this are great publicity and create interest in a project–look how popular that ridiculous Lifetime movie with LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian was, just because they were messing around.

    Also, remember, she is the one who is the wronged party, thus all of the public’s sympathy is for her—especially because she has two little boys—and people will want her to succeed.