What do you think of Heidi Klum’s new haircut/color? I like it, I really do. Although… it ages her, doesn’t it? I generally prefer when her hair and styling is Brigitte Bardot, lots of big blonde hair, great kittenish makeup. This new hair seems much more sensible and mom-ish. Is it the hair equivalent of mom jeans? Or is it just something stylish that I just don’t understand? You already know I have mixed feelings about bangs. Anyway, Heidi discussed her new look on Leno:
Why did Heidi Klum chop her long, blonde locks into a layered rocker ‘do?
“I got bored,” the Project Runway host, 36, explained on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno Tuesday night, “as we all do every once in a while as girls, so I chopped it off!”
Klum says she loves to change up her style.
“I grow it, I cut it,” she said. “Some people never change their hair and it works for them. For me, I get bored.”
Her husband, Seal, picked up on the new look. “Of course he notices. It would be terrible if he didn’t,” she told Leno.
The mother of four (Leni, 5; Henry, 4; and Johan, 3; and Lou, 6 months) also opened up about her diet: “No carbs, a lot of vegetables and salad.”
The reason she skips bread? “It goes here and here,” she quipped, smacking her thighs.
[From Us Weekly]
I get that. She’s just trying something different, and I love that Seal “noticed”. I wonder if Seal loves the Bardot look as much as I do? He seems to adore her no matter what, and with that face, why not? By the way, I’m still debating both the hair cut and the dye job for myself. Should I go Demi Moore? Or should I do bangs? NEVER. I spent my childhood with horrible bangs… NEVER AGAIN.
Heidi Klum in West Hollywood for lunch on April 20, 2010. Photograph: Hector Vasquez, PacificCoastNews.com
pretty much. yesterday on the today show they had an entire segment on mom-hair. an entire segment! psychologists & everything. lol.
sad day :*
I think Heidi looks great, as usual, and wears the bang/fringe cut really well. I don’t blame her for getting bored and wanting a new, fresh style, especially after having a baby. It’s nice to have an actual style rather than just putting your hair back in a ponytail all the time.
Kaiser, I think you are right! If you didn’t dig the bangs when you were younger, you are likely to have another bag experience this time around. Perhaps try some long-length ones that caress your face but that you can pull back/hide if you are disappointed.
There is nothing wrong with that haircut, it doesn’t mean she looks old, I know several people with that haircut… for instance my 70 year old mother and a few of the other gals in her dancing group ‘the Rusty Hinges’ are rockin that same coif.
I like it on her, I’m a fan of bangs.
In a word, yes. I don’t mind bangs, but in this case the overall look and color don’t work on her. She looks frumpy and dowdy. Maybe if it had some volume it’d look better.
She’s had bangs on and off over the years and they look good on her. She’ll put some extensions in and we’ll never see this hair cut again.
The first thing that came to my mind however was Dorothy Hammil.
You should try bangs Kaiser, I’m getting them again as well.
its a little dorothy hamil but she can probably style it in many different ways.
Bangs don’t look dowdy if they are longer and on longer hair.. on layered short hair they look dowdy without fail. Oddly i amk struggling with ‘do i chop to shoulder or my beloved long bob after m y baby is born in a few weeks.. i hate the ponytail go to now THAT makes me feel dowdy… such dilemmas! I will chicken out and get the usual one inch trim, i know it and that annoys me.
Her nostrils look like they are fused to her face ..anyone else see it? Like odd… dunno.
I don’t think it’s her best look, but it’s not bad. Then again, she is so pretty she can pretty much pull any look off well.
Love it on her…she looks great!
Totally NOT a mom haircut.
I don’t think it is a good look on Heidi, but I never really liked her with bangs either. She is such a beautiful woman and she and Seal are my favorite celeberity family. And she looks so much better with lighter hair.
“Why did Heidi Klum chop her long, blonde locks into a layered rocker ‘do?”
Uh, that’s not exactly what I would call a ‘rocker’ do…it’s extremely Dorothy Hamill.
I think she wears it well, and I definitely wouldn’t. As the mom of 4 little ones, she probably needed it shorter & more practical. I’ve gone back & forth over the “how much should I chop off” question, because summer is coming, my hair is down to my rear end, and the baby pets it like I’m the cat when I wear it down. But I do love the versatility of French braids, regular braids, buns, French twists, etc…
@ anon – a ponytail isn’t your only option. Good luck with your baby & congrats!
Reminds me of the bowl haircut I used to rock when I was in second grade lol
its horrid.
@TaylorB — that was hilarious!
@#10 cause I can’t read the name. I also noticed her nostrils and was wondering if it is a nose job I never noticed before because her hair distracted from it or whether she is starting to get fillers and botox. I think she looks great no matter what she does to herself. She always looks so happy which is pretty all by itself.
Bangs are back! I just got some a couple months ago
Now I keep saying “I need more bangs” I can’t get enough!
I wasn’t thinking Dorothy Hamill on this one, but Cheryl Tiegs. I can’t get Cheryl Tiegs out of my mind now.
bangs are back? Now I will really be tormented to get or not to get.. though after a month or so i clip them back to grow out.. also living in a high humidity place (AUSTIN) it’s a pain to have them sometimes..oh noes.
Thanks bellaluna..pretty excited indeed. I have friends who swear i will not even have time to wash the hair the first few weeks but i will make the time:) and the ponytail is lame but i can always try the sooki style’bumpits’ (NO!)
Cosign on the Dorothy Hammill and bowl cut reference, even Jay referenced Dorothy Hamill during the awkward interview. I still like her though and am really enjoying Project Runway this season. Maybe Heidi cut it to copy the designer who quit the show-that talented youngun’ what was her name?
I was really eager to see what people think of this haircut because it looks pretty much exactly like my hair. Except I’m a brunette. And not a mom. And not a supermodel.
The only problem i have with heidi’s “mom-Hair” is that her “mom-style” is beginning to overlap that of her fashionista sensibility. Which is why we have Mila blahblahblahbodis and not Jay on Project Runway. She’s got full on mommy syndrome.
other than that its cute
First of all, those pictures are grainy at best. I have my hair colored by the same person that she goes to. I gave him a recent picture of her and asked for the same color and I have never gotten more compliments in my life. The cut isn’t the best but wait for a better picture, the color is fierce.
It´s a haircut people, get over it.
And if Seal wouldn´t have noticed the difference, which is HUGE then wtf? You don´t have to praise the man for that, is just THAT obvious!
For the mom part, I totally get it, it´s easier to keep and with a baby at the age of reaching out for your hair , couldn´t be more perfect!
If a hairstyle looks good on a person, what does it matter if it is “mom hair”.
Fug, yo.
I think she looks cute, actually.
Bangs= Facelift for the thirtysomethings. I think she looks fine with bangs and a rocker do, but I think this cut is less than professional. I think she had the right idea, but a terrible hair dresser.
One would be hard pressed to ever say Heidi looks bad! I really like her and Seal – they seem so cool! I like the new haircut alot but do think she should have kept it really blonde. This haircut, really blonde, would look very sexy. And Moms can be sexy, too!
Having spent about 9 years working in the beauty industry, I learned two things that are your friends as you age are shorter hair and bangs. Women often make the mistake of thinking long hair makes them look more youthful, when in reality, shorter hair gives your face a “lift” whereas longer hair pulls your face down. The older you get, the shorter you should go. And if you are one who likes to look feminine and afraid a short do, just keep the top layers long and wear bangs (full, partial, fringy or side bangs all work – BUT NOT TOO SHORT!) Geez, I don’t want to sound preachy – sorry if I do….just sharing what I have learned!
Awww, that’s a cute look for her. It makes her look young and playful. I think I had a haircut like that when I was in first grade.
I was just teasing before, Heidi looks (as usual) perfect and lovely. And I agree bangs do help older women, they cover up the wrinkles; ten years from now I will be bang-dazzled as well.
With or without bangs I think a lot of women look better in shorter / shoulder length hair. Courtney Cox & Jennifer Anniston for two. I think at a certain point long hair looks dated on most women.
yeppers on that!
but whatevs…you know seal is still ‘banging’ (see what i did there) heidi on the regular
as a matter of fact, i betcha baby # 5s e.t.a is 2011, lol
It looks newly cut – it’ll settle and look better soon.
Talor B, thanks! But my response was not in any way in response to your first post! I knew you were joking…you put the little winking smily there to let us know! I thought your comment was funny, actually! But thanks for letting me know, anyway!
downside: ugly bangs
upside: they reduce the botox budget
She’s 36, has four kids, and is smoking hot! In my book, she gets to wear her hair any damn way she pleases.
This haircut makes people notice Heidi’s bad nose job that she had ages ago and whatever else she had someone do to her face.
It kind of reminds me of Suzanne Somers, except not as bleached (I’m showing my age).
I’m not her biggest fan (I don’t care for women who choose rich jerks for boyfriends then get pregnant against the rich jerk’s wishes). But I think she is very pretty, and has a pretty face – that haircut hides too much of her face. I think she should trim it back a little, or just tuck behind her ears, or do SOMETHING to not cover so much of her face.
IMO, Kate Gosselin’s possum do was the equivalent of mom jeans.
This? Not so much. This has the potential to be sexed up, as it’s quite a hip and “mod” cut overall. Those blunt, uneven ends are not something you find on most “mom jeans” types at all. It’s just not that pedestrian.
I want to know more about the ‘mom hair’.. I fear I am suffering from it ;(
And as usual, Heidi would be fantab with any hair cut.
Kaiser — show us on the doll where the horrible bangs touched you.
On what she eats: “No carbs, lots of vegetables”
…….vegetables = carbs.
I don’t like the new do at all and I don’t like her tattoo either! Awful!
Kaiser-try the longer bangs I would if my hair was straight and I didn’t live in Miami
Heidi can shave her head if she wants to. Being a mother of 4 and having a bod like hers? no one will be paying too much attention to her head
Kasier – Go onto ebay and look up clip-in bangs. I have heaps so I can change my look everyday. I love ’em! I paid about AUD5.00 per set of bangs which so cheap!
Did one of her little ones cut her hair for her? Odd
That’s the new fad in haircuts for young women and, naturally, all the old women have jumped on the bandwagon now. It’s the equivalent of a 50 yr old woman going out with a “Hello Kitty” purse. Some get it cut shorter towards the back so that it hangs kinda like side-bangs near the front. I believe it originated during the 1920s-30s because all the old flapper and depression era photos show women with that cut.
I think she’s gorgeous and would look great with any style. But it looks like her hairstylists’ vision went awry! At least it can still be fixed! LOL(Hope she didn’t pay too much)
I love her new haircut! It is definitely not a mom haircut. It is hip and cool and I love the choppy layers. I bet in real life it really makes her look fresh and younger. I’m so sick of the same ole same ole long boring hair I see on so many girls. She has the face to carry this look off.
In my opinion, and as a 37 year old woman who is pregnant and who just finished breastfeeding as well, Heidi could not get botox while pregnant or while breastfeeding. Therefore she got bangs cut in to hide her wrinkles.