Cele|bitchy | Madonna looks grandmotherly with Jonas Brother-looking boy-toy

Madonna looks grandmotherly with Jonas Brother-looking boy-toy


Here are some new photos of Madonna with a very young Jonas Brother-looking model, filming a Dolce & Gabbana ad in Harlem. Am I the only one who thinks that Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are using Madge in this neverending ad campaign because they’re trying to work out some mother issues? And yes, this kid looks like he’s 12 years old, and somehow related to the Jonas family. And yes, Madge has passed the “she looks like his mother” mark and it now into “she looks like his grandmother” stage. Ugh.

I call this one, “Grandma needs a nap.”


Does anyone else find it slightly funny that Madge looks like she’s about to fall in this photo (below)? And it looks like the kid is like “Grandma, I told you not to wear those shoes! COME ON.”


Michael K at Dlisted had a hilarious take on this of course, and he seems to think that Vadge has “found herself another fetus of the latin variety to suck the youth out of.” He also mentions in passing that Jesus Luz better watch his back (or whatever part Madge humps). Personally, I don’t think Madge looks capable of making this one a boy-toy.

Ugh. The face is just so jacked. She was never really a beautiful woman, but her old, real face was so much prettier and so much more appealing. Every time she smiles now, I wince in pain for her.


Madonna films an ad campaign in Harlem on April 21, 2010. Credit: Bauer-Griffin.

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46 Responses to “Madonna looks grandmotherly with Jonas Brother-looking boy-toy”

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  1. ogechi says:

    She is not looking bad at her age.

  2. annaloo says:

    No comment. NONE.

  3. Kaboom says:

    Strange that she’s not getting ripped more often for dating outside her age range – unlike several men.

  4. Samantha says:

    This is actually the best I’ve seen her look in a while. But yeah, her age really stands out next to this man-boy.

  5. Jackson says:

    I guess I get the vibe they’re going for here but man, they really miss the mark. Hasn’t this ship sailed a long time ago? How much longer is she going to try to be this sexy cougar who all the young men want? It’s just laughable now. I know it’s a photo shoot, but she constantly puts herself in ads/real life that follow this same pattern. Ugh. That child she is pictured with looks like he’s barely legal. IDK. Maybe this is **supposed** to look like mother and child? Or, as Kaiser says, grandmother and grandchild? Whatever the case, the vibe is just weird.

  6. Tess says:

    Awwww sweet.

    Nothing says Nana like taking the little one for an after-school outing.

  7. ligeia says:

    is that her new boytoy? he’s hot!!
    go madge, fight the double standard where it’s okay for men to date someone who could be their child, but if a woman does it she’s horrible and desperate and (insert your insult of choice here)

  8. Ursaline says:

    Nana, put your tits away!!!

  9. GatsbyGal says:

    What’s up with those net-bags full of vegetables?

    And yeah, I’m totally getting a “Jimmy, take gramma with you when you go shopping today” vibe from this photoshoot.

    …at least her sick-ass arms are covered up.

  10. meme says:

    Nana Vadge.

  11. Meimei says:

    Had she left her face in its natural state, she might look her age (probably pretty good for 50-something). Now she seems like someone far older trying to hang onto her youth.

    He, on the other hand, looks like a kid, but… whatever. There are worse ways to earn some cash and get publicity – it’s not like he’s hanging out with a Lohan (although money might not enter the equation there).

  12. Annie says:

    One word; “Creepy”.

  13. mhjmc says:

    She should really let Lourdes pick out her own Boyfriends!! (LOL)

  14. ien says:

    i actually don’t think she looks that bad in these pics…but that’s just cuz i’ve seen her look worse.

    its strange how her body (specifically her chest area in these pics) doesn’t look super old, then you look at the skin on her face and it’s so haggard.

  15. jhwoodw says:

    I think we are really starting to push the cougar boundaries with this one. The kid looks like he is high school! I am 30 and would feel gross going that young. Yuck, yuck, yuck

  16. Neelyo says:

    Madonna has cankles?!? What’s up with her legs in that third picture?

    Actually the picture of her smiling and making a face is my favorite one. Maybe I’m just happy to see that she can still move her face.

  17. Livia says:

    Oh, Madonna. You no longer have a lovely pair of coconuts…

  18. isabelle says:


  19. bubbles says:

    what is this fuckery?

  20. Bonfire Beach says:

    @Neelyo – that’s exactly what I was thinking – cankles! Her legs look swollen or something. Edema from old age maybe?

  21. Ally says:

    Yup, looks like a kid helping grandma get some groceries after a funeral.

    (And what’s with the knee-high looking marks on her legs? Oy vey. Guess they’re really going for geriatric authenticity.)

  22. Tia C says:

    Her face does look jacked and her legs do look a little puffy. She needs to stop fighting the aging thing, relax and just age gracefully. I know, easier said than done, LOL!

  23. Kylarr says:

    Yummy MILF!

  24. Juice in LA says:

    ooooh @Meme- “Nana Vadge”? Jezuz Luz, no one wants to think about nana’s vadge! my eyes my eyes.. someone gouge them out.

  25. p3rp3tu4 says:

    She looks fab, enough with the ageism already!

  26. bored says:

    What an absurd ad. This child only emphasizes her age. Why not a handsome older man?

  27. Jaxx says:

    Uh, my nana never looked like that.

    I think she looks good, but I’m tired of her, think she just needs to go away and raise her new kids. She’s just not relevant anymore.

  28. sassy says:

    is that the coconut water I hear celebrities thinking it’s some sort of “youth water”? She’s holding it in the last ad.

  29. Mentok the Mind Taker says:

    @p3rp3tu4 —

    Ageism? Please! The woman used to be inspiring, now she’s a pathetic joke. Dating someone almost young enough to be your child is one thing, but your grandchild? If this were a man we were discussing, we’d crucify him! (And don’t lie — you know how we are around here, we’d come to the site with hammer and nails in hand!)

    Part of being mature is acceptance. Obviously, no one told Madonna. Both of my parents are with people more than 15 years younger than they (for over 2 decades each), so I’m not an “Ageist”, but what she’s doing is not about love, it’s (like all things Madonna) about Her Ego. I think I’d have less problem with Jesus dating Lourdes.

    And why D&G chose her is beyond me. They’re supposed to exude class. The only time “Class” and “Madonna” have been used in the same sentence (besides right now) is to state her lack thereof. She has the fashion sense of a bag lady — no, I’ve seen bag ladies who dress better, come to think of it. If she wasn’t so damn rich, people Would acknowledge that, but since she’s (like Oprah) richer than God, God forbid.

    Simply speaking, the Plastic Grandma needs to accept she ain’t the Hottie anymore. Yeah, it sucks — I miss it, too, but it’s called Reality and she needs to address it.

  30. Tess says:


  31. katherine says:

    @Mentok the Mind Taker: AMEN! I’m so tired of being called ageist, b/c I dislike her. Madonna is incredibly vain, fame-obsessed and self-centered. And she thinks she’s SO SPIRITUAl on top of it all. UGH. Even her “friend” Gwyneth said that she keeps her waiting all day to see her. That’s how she treats her friends? WHY should I admire this woman? Her fans are delusional.

  32. freckles says:

    I thought the same thing about the cankles.. actually, for how small she is everywhere else her calves themselves look strangely large in proportion. And I also agree that the last picture of her is my favorite, because it actually shows some personality (which is shocking). I also agree, the model looks so much like a Jonas that I thought it was Nick before I read the headline. And lastly, I agree with the comment that suggested she pose with a sexy man of like 30 or maybe 35, rather than this adolescent cutie.

    In short…. ditto to most of you.

  33. onyx says:

    the poor kid looks totally embarrassed and is trying his hardest not to look at her. I hear they paid him in Candy and his career is booming, next month he will be appearing in this summer’s Children’s Place ads.

  34. caro says:

    I never really liked her before but this is just disgusting. What the hell is that woman thinking? I think that she should behave more like women in her age.

  35. Ruati says:

    So. Wrong.

  36. SammyHammy says:

    That’s just really sad. I can’t help but pity her. All her money and fame, and she can’t just be happy with what she has; she has to keep fighting to keep something she will never have again-youth.

    There is a a lot to be said for growing old gracefully (Look at Sophia Loren-that woman is HOT no matter what her age!)

  37. CeeCee12 says:

    I have no issue with age but this guy looks 16 and there is no way. Is he helping his mother’s embarrassing aunt carry her groceries?

    Ugh she tries too hard.

  38. bizzy says:

    among ancient greek pederasts, a little net of walnuts was considered a subtly erotic courtship gift to a beautiful young man. three string bags full of variously spherical vegetables … wtf is she hoping to do to this kid???

  39. Kylie says:

    She looks great. I hope I look that HOT at her age!

  40. Cazzyb-uk says:

    She looks amazing!

  41. Dhavy says:

    People! It’s an ad, not her boyfriend. And why is it that everyone was all for Susan Sarandon being a cougar and not Madonna? I think she looks and if she’s had work done, so be it. At least she’s not a Heidi Montag all plastic nor is she a Demi Moore claiming she’s all natural

  42. Laura says:

    Why doesn’t she wear an upside down cross like the rest of the satanist do?

  43. lolo says:

    she’s crazy, sick in the head!

  44. Sophia says:

    If it was a 50 year old man and a much younger woman nobody would bat an eyelid. She’s reversing the roles which I think is great. Yes it’s a little extreme but at least she gets her point across. Go for it Madge! Lead the way!

  45. Deoz says:

    He’s Max Schneider.