Cele|bitchy | Jessica Simpson and James Blunt?

Jessica Simpson and James Blunt?

Jessica Simpson is said to be enamored with James Blunt and wanted to make sure she gave him her contact info at the MTV Australian music awards:

While at the MTV Australia Video Music Awards, says a friend of Jessica, she “was determined to meet him,” and gave Blunt, 29, her cell phone number and e-mail address. “She was glowing the rest of the night,” says the source. “Obviously Jess goes for the sensitive singers.” And if James doesn’t call or email, the source tells Star that Jessica hopes to see James when he’s in California for an April 30 gig. Watch out, James… Jessica’s on the prowl!


Blunt may be a sensitive singer, but he’s a complete dumb ass and iit would be a disaster if these two got together. While Nick was able to balance out Jessica’s ditziness with common sense and a grounded personality, Blunt has no such redeeming qualities.

Here is Jessica with her incompetent hairdresser Ken Paves at Mr. Chow’s in Beverly Hills on May 2nd, and shopping with him on April 30th. [via]

And here’s Blunt at a press conference in Mexico City on May 2nd and at Coachella.

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