Peaches Geldof’s heroin hookup talks to News of The World, contradicts self


This story contains adult themes and is not for under-18. LOTS of sex and drug talk.

A few weeks ago, a guy named Ben Mills posted a story online claiming he’d had a one night stand with British twit Peaches Geldof (Philanthropist musician Bob Geldof’s daughter) that included shooting heroin and an vomit-filled visit to the saunas in the LA Celebrity Scientology Centre the next morning. Ben’s story was significantly enhanced by some photos he posted, which included one of himself with Peaches and others that featured her topless and staring drunkenly into the camera. Peaches’ boyfriend, misguided but hot director/actor Eli Roth, then wrote an open letter essentially tattling on Mills to his mommy and denying that Peaches did anything more than sleep with the guy and drink a lot of booze. Roth even dug up information on Mills’ past that discredits his character, and noted that he was once accused of holding a woman hostage at knifepoint at his college in New Jersey, for which he was later expelled.

Now Mills has allegedly spoken to News of the World, and either News of the World significant edited or made up his story, or Mills can’t get his story straight. In the original tale, his night of sex and drugs with Peaches ended with him waking up puking in a sauna Celebrity Scientology Centre. The way he tells it to NOTW, they just got drunk, had sex, and Peaches simply left that morning. Ben is an American guy and NOTW has him using a lot of Brit-speak that only an American who had spent time in England and/or was trying hard to sound British would use. They could be paraphrasing or translating his comments, but the result is that it sounds fake. Here’s Ben’s account in NOTW, which is much less scandalous than the original. (You can also read more at the source but it has a very NSFW photo of Peaches topless.)

Ben said: “Peaches’ English accent had me hooked. I thought she was really cute and funny. But I put all that down to having a few beers now.”

Their paths crossed when they were both staying with a mutual friend. Peaches tottered in at 2.30am after a day in the recording studio working on her debut album and started chatting to Ben.

He said: “We’d both been staying there for a few days, but she had been oblivious to me until then.

“I never thought she was a star though, just some rock star’s daughter.”

Peaches was soon putting him straight, showing him her Wikipedia page to highlight her star credentials as model, columnist and magazine boss.

They soon got on to the subject of tattoos. “We’ve both got a fair few,” said Ben, who has tattoos on his back, arms and even his manhood.

Then within 30 minutes of meeting Ben, Peaches – whose marriage to rocker Max Drummey in 2008 lasted six months – was desperate to have his name tattooed on her body and insisted they go out to find a parlour to do it. They drove around but had no luck so then headed back to the house, where they fell into bed together.

Ben said: “We were both pretty happy with each other’s company and pretty soon our clothes were coming off – and we had sex.

“I’ve done some wild things and it was nothing out of the ordinary. But she was pretty good. I would say for someone her age she was very experienced. We didn’t sleep at all. Then she got up and showered and said she had to go.”

Ben was flying to South America on holiday that night.

“I said goodbye to Peaches and thought no more of it until a couple of weeks later when I looked at my camera and discovered lots of pictures of us naked,” he said.

“Later I looked up Peaches properly on the internet. I had no idea she was so famous so I told lots of friends about our weird night.” Months later, in March, Ben decided to post his Peaches encounter on a website that wanted to hear about odd one-night stands.

He said: “I was shocked by the reaction. Within minutes, all sorts of things were being posted. I pulled my story from the site but it was too late.”

Mainstream media picked up the story and soon he was in a war of words with Peaches’ furious new lover, actor Eli Roth, 37. Peaches called Ben in a bid to calm the furore.

He said: “She told me her dad was furious and not talking to her. She said he’d ‘cut her off’.”

But Peaches ended the call telling him: “No hard feelings.” Ben admits: “Despite what happened, I don’t regret it.”

[From News of The World]

So is this guy saying that he posted the story and that it somehow got edited to include the heroin, Viagra and Scientology part? It’s vague and it sounds like he’s changing his tune. You know, I’m beginning to think Eli Roth and Peaches’ rep were telling the truth and all she did was get drunk and sleep with the wrong guy. Damn this stupid kid for making me defend orange Confederate flag-wearing Peaches. There was one disturbing piece of news in this article that I hadn’t heard before. They note that Peaches “tottered in at 2.30am after a day in the recording studio working on her debut album.” Ben mentioned that briefly in his original story, but I missed it amid all the other salacious details. This means that we’ll soon be subjected to Peaches singing. As Kaiser says, she really is the British Paris Hilton.


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17 Responses to “Peaches Geldof’s heroin hookup talks to News of The World, contradicts self”

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  1. ViktoryGin says:

    I don’t think that his English is very anglicized, but it does make one wonder at the inconsistencies in the story.

    Whatever. Booze or heroin, girl is still scum.

  2. Lady Nightshade says:

    I think this is just the PG version of the story. All the little details are the same, but he/the reporter probably left out all the weird parts on purpose. He removed the original post, so why would he want to keep spreading the story, it seems to have caused him a lot of trouble

  3. Rachel says:

    All you have to do is look at her eyes to know that she was on a lot more than beer!

  4. Jillian says:

    I kind of have a hard time believing anyone who does drugs. They alter the way your brain works. He probably can’t even remember what the truth is.

    And Peaches is super gross.

  5. mia says:

    Its very sad that this little girl is wrecked at such a young age. Suppose she wants to die as her mother died.

  6. e says:

    If all she did was get drunk then what is her excuse for the bloody bandage on her leg in the original photos? I think he or the editor just PGed the story for some reason.

  7. reggiebot says:

    I feel the the scientology center probaly would sue and he did change some things about it, but she still posed for the PICS!! Which was stupid. I was right that he called her when he first put the picture online. She is not model material though. She needs a stylist!

  8. lway says:

    vomit …. 🙁 She looks as high as a kite and he is just gross. bleh 🙁

  9. Victoria says:

    OK I thought we (the readers) got our point across last time when we said we didnt want to see photos of this scuzzy, hung over hag! I think I said something like I can smell her BO and morning breath! Gross!

  10. Lil says:

    Who cares?

  11. original kate says:

    looks like peaches suffers from miley cyrus-itis: being unable to close one’s mouth.

  12. girl says:

    Well, I didn’t think that someone who goes on heroin-fueled drug and sex binges was going to be able to keep a story straight.

    Whether it was heroin or alcohol doesn’t seem to matter much to me. It is still trashy behavior on the part of all of them and my opinion of any of the people involved hasn’t changed a bit.

  13. Mairead says:

    The News of the Screws making a story more sanitary? I’m expecting to see swine aviators dive-bombing past my window any minute 🙄

    NOTW and The Sun make The Daily Mail look like a well-considered, balanced newspaper of record! Nothing is ever too salacious for them, and they are not above “polishing” up a story – especially if sex is at the core. They are the dirty old man in a mac of the newspaper world.

    More like both they and this Mills gobshite are terrified of a super-litigeous (Sir) Bob Geldof and are sticking to what can’t get them sued. They’re still only just recovering from the Max Mosley debacle!

  14. gg says:

    News of the World and the Faily Mail ALWAYS rewrite their “quotes” or fabricate them – Americans always use British slang and sentence structure in their stories. Which makes them pretty damn false in my eyes.

  15. gg says:

    Also, Eli Roth’s embarrassing letter to Ben’s mommy state how talented of a writer Peaches is. Sorry, but she got unceremoniously canned from her so-called jobs for laziness. So no, she is not anything like a ‘talented writer’. Good lord.

  16. NOTW is subject to England’s libel laws, which are much stricter than the United States’ equivalent. Since Peaches’ lawyers already made the statement that she wasn’t doing heroin & didn’t take the guy to the Scientology center, NOTW would have been sued for including those details.

    Right or wrong, true or not. NOTW had to leave them out.

  17. peaches says:

    As much as you have the pics and parts of the story you dont have peaches side and you cant pic parts out of the story and make it up and to be honest you cant believe everything you hear on the website so until we hear peaches say something about it i think we should just leave it plus she probably just wanted to haave a fun night.