Cele|bitchy | Sober Lindsay Lohan goes back to a cracked-out blonde shade

Sober Lindsay Lohan goes back to a cracked-out blonde shade

A freshly blonded Lindsay Lohan exits the Andy Lecompte salon in West Hollywood after a mammoth nine-hour appointment

Lindsay Lohan has left behind her filthy-looking cracked-out brunette shade for this blondish-red color. This sh-t took NINE HOURS. Can you believe it? I don’t do anything that takes nine hours, unless you count “sleeping” and “working”. I wonder if Lindsay associates blonde hair with sobriety? She can’t. I seem to associate her going from red to blonde as the beginning of her downward spiral. She was a blonde for most of her relationship with Sam Ronson. And she was a blonde for that infamous Vanity Fair cover shoot, back in 2006, which was the beginning of the end. Honestly, though – her hair looks pretty good here. I give it a week before it begins to look mangy and unkempt.

Actress/party girl Lindsay Lohan has rehabbed her long locks, and RadarOnline.com has the photos.

The Mean Girls star – a natural redhead who was last seen leaving court Monday with her dark hair pulled back – emerged from the Andy LeCompte Salon salon in West Hollywood Tuesday with fuller, blonde locks.

As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Lohan, 23, has been ordered to wear a SCRAM alcohol-detecting bracelet and to undergo random drug testing after missing a mandatory probation hearing last week relating to a 2007 drink-driving case.

Lohan’s next court date is July 6th, only days after her 24th birthday.

[From Radar]

By the way, CB updated yesterday’s story in case you missed it – Lindsay’s court-appointed drug tests will not be monitoring her for Adderall or Ambien. I know CB – and Michael Lohan – think Lindsay abuses Adderall, but I’ve always thought it was a combo of prescription drugs and illegal drugs. Oh, and now I know that Ambien can be abused, especially if you snort it! Still, I kind of think that if Lindsay just keeps to abusing Adderall and Ambien, she might not be such a horrible mess. Of course the judge still needs to monitor the hell out of hell.

A freshly blonded Lindsay Lohan exits the Andy Lecompte salon in West Hollywood after a mammoth nine-hour appointment

A freshly blonded Lindsay Lohan exits the Andy Lecompte salon in West Hollywood after a mammoth nine-hour appointment

Back to Blonde: Lindsay Lohan emerges from an LA hair salon with newly dyed honey-coloured locks

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46 Responses to “Sober Lindsay Lohan goes back to a cracked-out blonde shade”

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  1. Jimmy Dean says:

    Anyone else wondering where this girl gets money to hire bodyguards, hair stylists, drugs, lawyers, etc?

  2. zen says:

    she still looks so haggard regardless of her hair color. I think she’ll look better when i dont have to see her face every day.

  3. kelbear says:

    The money she used for her hair she could of spent on nicer clothes.

  4. insidescoop says:

    much better color. Honestly when i dyed my hair bleach blond from electric blue, that s**t took 7 hours and i ended up having to shave my hair off. So 9 hours at a hair salon to go from black to blond? worth it, compared to the alternative.

  5. kia says:

    She looks like Rachel Uchitel…

  6. kitkat says:

    I hope Lindsay wakes up. She’s unknowingly killing herself and she thinks she is actually still famous for good reasons

  7. ViktoryGin says:

    I hate that I’m not hatin’ it. Because it’s freshly done, for once it doesn’t look like it reeks of booze and reefer. I agree Kaiser. I give her a week.

    But damn, I bet it took that long. I can’t imagine what the stylist had to do in order to strip all that dark color from her hair until they got to this. Geez. She ought to watch it. Constantly chemically processing your hair coupled with her lifestyle. She won’t have hair by the time she 40. But then, she may not have a life, either.

    It takes about 7+ hours for my braids, so I understand. Once took me 24 hours to remove some braids that I had. That’s
    s 24 hours, not 1 day.

  8. I like when she does a change of hair. It mans it got washed!

  9. Jazz says:

    I knew she wouldn’t be able to stay away from paparazzi attention. Imagine if they went away, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself.

  10. Maritza says:

    She should stay as a red head, she looks more natural that way. Her forehead is getting bigger and bigger, all that bleaching is taking its toll.

  11. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I’ve spent 7 or 8 hours in the salon getting black removed from my hair. Hate this color, though. She needs to go red & stop coloring it for a few months. Plus, I’m sure she could use the cash she’s spending on her hair.

  12. a says:

    she should have spent the $ on therapy…

  13. danielle says:

    The reddish blonde is much better.

  14. meme says:

    i knew nothing really would happen to her. she’ll just substitute legal prescription drugs until the bracelet comes off.

  15. Icecat says:

    Just have to say, as an ex addict… Adderall is EXACTLY like doing Crystal Meth. The only difference is you get to eat a little pill, instead of snorting, shooting or smoking…. What they need to do is find out if she actually needs Adderall in everyday life. Does she have ADHD, or ADD??? Seems like everyone does now-a-days. It’s really easy to get.. SAD.
    I think it is very likely that she is only doing Adderall and probably a downer like Xanax or Klonzapam…

  16. tiger says:

    jimmy dean: she sells the free stuff she gets and never wears. its worth lots.

  17. foobie says:

    I think the second pic says it all… Lindsay with sh*t-eating grin on her bloated face.

    This girl will never get better until she deals with her addiction to fame and attention. She’s hooked on many things but I think that’s the sickest one of all.

  18. paranel says:

    An ankle cuff will not stop drug addiction, it is a punishment and not a cure. Lindsay has to stop the denial and get real help.

  19. Tia C says:

    Ugh, wish she’d just go with her natural hair color. It’s by far the prettiest. Dark auburn is a rare and beautiful color. Too bad she doesn’t appreciate it.

    I’m sure the drug tests will at least include narcotics, including prescription. As far as Adderall, well, probably not. But we all know even if she doesn’t f*ck up this probation, she will f*ck up something else in the near future!

  20. Nudgie says:

    IceCat – I think she is suffering from ADHD – Asshole Dina and Her Daddy.

    She’s had it since she was a kid 😉

  21. lucy2 says:

    I agree her natural hair color is her prettiest. Everything else she does just looks too harsh.

    9 hours in the salon must have cost a pretty penny. Doesn’t she owe hundreds of thousands in credit cards and other stuff? I can’t imagine how she’s paying for anything these days.

  22. Lizzard says:

    Did we miss pics of her falling on her ass again? That jacket is totally ripped, is it supposed to look that way? She should go back to her natural hair color… i love her with the auburn hair… that black stuff made her look dirtier than normal and the blonde hair washes her out…

  23. YT says:

    At least she had the foresight to notify the paps when she would be ready to show off her new hairdo.

    Are her lips larger?

  24. Lemon Drops says:

    I color my hair from brown to blonde all the time with a box of $3 Colorsilk and my hair is amazing, not cracked out or yellow at all. Are her hairdressers doing this to her on purpose?

  25. Tia C says:

    @ YT: Yes, her lips look more inflated to me as well.

    @ Lemon Drops: When you go from jet black to blonde, it’s challenging to avoid brassiness. That’s one reason why most people don’t do it every other week!! 😉

  26. bellaluna says:

    My hair is down to my rear, and when I go to my stylist to get it highlighted, it takes over 7 hours. And that’s not even an all-over dye job!

    She should just go back to her natural colour. Her hair would be healthier and it costs less.

    @ Nudgie – LMAO!

  27. Cam says:

    Her hair looks “healthier” this way, but yeah, I give it a week before it begins to look unkempt again.

  28. Lemon Drops says:

    @Tia C: Trust me, I’ve done that too, a million times (can’t stick to one hair color and I get bored easily) all you need is a good bleach or two and ash-blue/violet toner, or maybe I just have too much time on my hands, haha. I don’t have to worry about court every week like miss Lohan, so I’m sure its an unfair comparison for me to make 😉

  29. Oh please stop all the hate, she’s only 23 ffs I know she’s messed her own life up but still…
    This is actually the best i’ve seen her look in a loooong while 🙂 the extensions are high quality and the colour isnt too brash. I wish she’d go back to red but this is still nice.
    If she manages to stick to her requirements and keeps off the drugs & booze i can only see her looking and feeling better.

  30. Sumodo1 says:

    Some people actually believe if they keep dying their hair, their hair samples won’t test for drugs.

    They test the follicle, not the strand, Linds.

  31. serena says:

    ok we’re talking about Lilo but I really love that blonde/reddish color. It fifts her, hope it remains like that.

  32. a says:

    so would 9 hours of bleach make it harder to forensically test her hair for prior and/or long term drug use?

  33. Cheryl says:

    Hair’s okay, i think red is best for her. I know she’s probably high on scripts, but she hasn’t had a drink for 24 hours and it sure shows in her face. The best I’ve seen her since her “troubles” started.

  34. toob says:

    Nine hours in the salon: 3 hours of hair stuff, 6 hours of drama.

  35. Nessie says:

    Dyeing takes a long time going from black to blonde, but the setting of the extensions takes about 4,5 hours. The problem with extensions is that the first two weeks that they are set, they are close to the scalp and look great. But as soon as you hair grows longer, your hairdo starts to look untamed, even if you wash it or brush it.
    I had extensions once and most of the time my hair was in a bun, because I wanted to avoid having putting them back in, it’s expensive, takes forever and it feels uncomfortable.

    BTW you do get bald from wearing extensions after a while, I’ve ssen it with people who have had extensions for years. I would not be surprised if her own hair is very thin even at this age and basicly can’t do without them anymore.
    That’s the danger, it looks nice for a short while, but after that you are hooked.

  36. GatsbyGal says:

    Her hair looks good because she just went to the salon and got it colored. Stylists wash hair after they color it. So Blowhan actually got her hair washed for what had to be the first time this week…good for her, haha. Ain’t gonna last, though.

    Also Kaiser, I think the title of this article needs a question mark after the word “Sober.” LOL

  37. kate says:

    I love her natural RED hair! It’s a shame she doesn’t leave her hair naturally red. I must admit she looks better since she’s returned home. I really wish her the best. She is 23 afterall and she is going to pay for the way she lives, as do we all. She needs a great deal of professional help however and I pray she receives it before she does anything RASH.

  38. Kim says:

    Why are you describing her hair as blonde when clearly it is yellow. She needs to fire that hairdresser – terribel dye job. Looks like scarecrow from Wizard of Oz.

  39. Kim says:

    She was probably hoping the dye chemicals would cover up some of the drug build up in her hair since she will be drug tested and sometimes this means a hair sample.

  40. Mentok the Mind Taker says:

    Nice one, Nudgie!

  41. Melinda says:

    I have spent a full day in the salon going from black to blonde. If you can, it’s totally worth it! Sometimes it is a month long process. When I see her blonde I think the sh*t is going to hit the fan. Blonde hair to Lindsey is like a bald head on Brittney(sort of, you get the idea).

  42. Crash2GO2 says:

    No Sumodo, they also can test the hair. For instance, they can tell exactly when someone stopped drinking or taking a particular drug from when it stops showing up in the hair strand. The more standard tests are done on the follicles, true. But they can also be done on hair, and the length of time a drug remains in hair depends on many factors including texture, color, shampooing, what chemicals you expose your hair to, etc.

  43. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Kim – lol! Very funny comment ;o)

  44. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    Yeah, I’ve heard about the leeching processes and such that have to be performed by colour specialists. That’s no joke, man. Come to think of it, I remember hearing in passing that Cameron Diaz’s Charlie’s Angels shade of blonde took weeks to achieve, and she frequently covered her roots with fedoras.

  45. jc126 says:

    She always looks so haggard and half starved. I have never seen a 23 year old look so old – I can’t imagine how she’ll look at 40, if she makes it. (I do hope she makes it, even though I don’t care for her, but I tend to doubt that she will live that long, sadly.)
    It’s probably easier to keep her hair blond than dark, btw. I have to color my hair, and blond “keeps” much better than when I try to do it a light brown shade, which is too bad because I’m sick of blond hair on myself. Brassiness is always an issue, however.

  46. gg says:

    That “reddish blonde” color she has is called “brassy” and it’s a sign of something being wrong, it’s not a planned color. It’s from trying to slowly get the damn black color. You just don’t do black hair and then try to bring it up blonde – it will not come all up without melting the hair. So the salon probably groaned bigtime when she walked in and wanted to go from dyed black to blonde – yet AGAIN.

    I know this because I did it once for a hair show, and I even had short hair. It took TEN hours and burned the living ho-ha out of my hair, but mostly, I had horrible scabs all over my scalp for months and had to cut my hair. I know most of LiLo’s hair is extensions, but the natural part will break off soon.