Britney Spears on “How I Met Your Mother”

Britney Spears appeared on CBS Sitcom “How I Met Your Mother” last night. She played the ditsy secretary to a dermatologist that one of the characters, Ted, is interested in. I’ve never seen this show before and it looks kind of stupid from the clips, but Neil Patrick Harris really stands out as the womanizing character Barney.

Britney is not a fabulous actress, but she’s not bad either and she does comedy well. She could easily play an ongoing supporting role on a sitcom.

One thing that struck me is that Britney does look pregnant to me in the scenes where she’s standing up. It could just be the outfits they put her in. The first one is 30 seconds into part two below, and the last one is toward the end of part three, which is just a 13 second clip.

Britney Spears on “How I Met Your Mother”
Part 1 – Full Scene

Britney Spears on “How I Met Your Mother”
Part 2 – Full Scene

Britney Spears on “How I Met Your Mother”
Part 3

Britney Spears on “How I Met Your Mother”
Part 4

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15 Responses to “Britney Spears on “How I Met Your Mother””

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  1. Jaclyn says:

    Yes! You rock for adding this! I’m going to watch all the clips tomorrow asap!

  2. hairball says:

    You know what good for her! She did great. Wow, totally different from the train wreck we’ve been seeing. I hope she turns it around.

  3. Carrie says:

    I watched about 20 minutes of the show, and it was the worst 20 minutes of my life. I kept hoping it would pick up, but it never did.

    Considering those circumstances, Britney was spectacular.

    I really hope she continues to get better. She seemed to have a normalcy about her again.

  4. I choose me says:

    Neil Patrick Harris. Sigh I so have a crush on that guy.

  5. cc says:

    I really like this show and Britney was really cute……But this episode wasn’t the best one to judge the series. It wasn’t the same, somehow. Good for Britney, though 🙂

  6. MSat says:

    I’m so sick of this story! The show sucked. Then there was a writers strike and people forgot about the show. They hired Britney for the ratings. End of story.

  7. Kate says:

    I’ve always liked this show, but I don’t see that Britney brought anything special. She was fine, but I don’t think that she did anything that someone else couldn’t have done just as well.

  8. cc says:

    MSat, are you sick of the idea behind How I Met Your Mother or Britney is in the news again? I do agree this episode wasn’t the best one. lol

  9. Me says:

    I thought she was good considering she has been like in the news everyday in negative situations. I don’t really like her, but still you shouldn’t bring her down when she’s trying to be good again i guess. By the way the writers strike has been over for like EVER…

  10. Trillion says:

    Her part had no challenge to it, in my opinion. I’m (still) not impressed.

  11. mollination says:

    The episode probably wasn’t “the same” because it was apparently wrote in 45 minutes so they could get Britney a part. Everyone blames brit for that, but as MSAT said, I bet the writers were THRILLED to have her for ratings and that’s why they hurried up.

    Some of her scenes made me kind of cringe, but overall she was cute and likable. Maybe she’s getting cut some slack because we all WANTED it to be good (for her sake).

    The show in general though was kinda lame.

  12. mollination says:

    Seriously, did I write “wrote”?Sorry, I meant “written”.

  13. tvf says:

    The first two seasons of HIMYM were awesome and beautiful and romantic, but it’s been pretty eh since then. Neil Patrick Harris makes the show, though.

    The downside of trying to grab an episode cold and watch it is that there are too many character quirks and inside jokes – for instance, *why* Ted has a butterfly tramp stamp.

    Hubby and I agreed that Britney wasn’t offensive in the role, didn’t screw it up, but we wouldn’t have been going, “Wow, who was that great actress?!” if we didn’t know. Not that the part provided much room to stretch.

  14. Other Karen says:

    The show’s actually quite good–it’s funny, and it’s interesting because it’s not in chronological order. So an event will show up in several different episodes in very unexpected ways. The actual premise is a bit weak though.

    The Britney parts are pretty weak, (that subplot should have been cut) although the rest of it was amusing. I’m guessing Sarah Chalke/Stella is eventually going to be the mother.

  15. Other Karen says:

    At least Britney’s team is doing their job of buffering up her image and getting her good publicity.