Cele|bitchy | Salma Hayek went crazy, totally freaked out when she saw a snake

Salma Hayek went crazy, totally freaked out when she saw a snake

Actress Salma Hayek watches the action at the French Open at Roland Garros in Paris on May 30, 2010. UPI/David Silpa Photo via Newscom

Okay, this video is officially amazing. The Grown-Ups stars Mario Bello, Salma Hayek and Maya Rudolph were being interviewed together for Extra. They were being interviewed outside, in what looks like a beautiful, rustic resort. The Extra clip doesn’t show what questions were being asked beforehand, only what happens when the girls notice that a big snake has slithered its way onto the interview space. At first, it’s kind of funny because all of the girls kind of freak out like girls do, they all lift their legs and start hollering. Then Salma really, really freaks out, and it getting ready to jump off the balcony like the snake is the devil itself, coming for payment for giving her those glorious boobs. Here’s the video:

Salma Hayek is no fan of snakes. The actress, 43, jumped out of her seat and climbed on her Grown Ups co-stars when she spotted the serpent on set while doing an interview with Extra to promote her newest flick (in theaters June 25).

“Somebody do something!” she shrieks. “Nooo!”

Assures Maria Bello, 43, “It’s OK. It’s going away.”

A frightened Hayek was then carried away by a member of the production team before she left the set altogether. “Thank you so much,” she said, her voice trembling. (Ironically, Hayek seductively danced with a python — while dressed in a skimpy bikini — in 1996’s From Dusk Till Dawn.)

“It was like a python. It was thick,” Bello said after the surprise encounter. “Its head was like this like a cobra!”

[From Us Weekly]

If I’m in a pet store and I see a snake, I always want to hold it, and I’ve known lots of people with snakes and I’ve handled them before and everything. But I have to admit, when I’ve come across snakes randomly, like little garden snakes or rattlers (like we have in Virginia), I always freak out. It’s because I was caught off guard. I usually just yelp and walk away fast, though. I’ve never climbed onto a balcony, weeping, and had to be carried away. Salma is such a scaredey-cat diva!

May 30, 2010 - Paris, France - epa02180231 Mexican actress Salma Hayek follows the action between Roger Federer of Switzerland and his compatriot Stanislas Wawrinka during their fourth round match for the French Open tennis tournament at Roland Garros in Paris, France, 30 May 2010.

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58 Responses to “Salma Hayek went crazy, totally freaked out when she saw a snake”

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  1. canadianchick says:

    Eeek! Aww poor Salma. Maria Bello is cool-underrated.

  2. Ben says:

    Oh come on, she obviously has a phobia. Slightly insensitive, no?

    For the python dance in From Dusk Till Dawn she had to be on meds and hypnotised and crazy stuff. So *she* doesn’t just freak when caught off guard.

  3. ogechi says:

    If i had known that I would see snake here, I honestly wouldn’t have opened to read this story. I hate snake, i abhor it and God shall not allow me to meet it. It is a cursed reptile.

  4. Leek says:

    Wow. That was funny. She is obviously horrified by snakes.

  5. frenchie says:

    That’s what a true phobia is. I have seen people going uncontrolably crazy seing spiders and even birds !
    I like the way they try to escape, climbing on the other lady …

  6. Lisa says:

    That is too funny. There is a chance I would have reacted the same way. Even the pic of that snake on here made me pick up my feet and sit cross-legged.

  7. Lou Dobbs Flour Power says:


    You live in VA? LOL I grew up there and OMG snakes are ERRYWHERE (especially in the mountains). Salma needs to chill a little though, the worst story I ever heard about snakes was my almost 90-year old grandmother talking about how she had to kill a snake with a butcher knife because it was sitting on top of the bread box on the kitchen counter. I would have dropped dead on the spot, but she acted like it was no big deal. She was more upset about the ruined bread box than the fact that there was a f-ing SNAKE ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER! It was just a blacksnake but still…holy sh-t!

  8. Majosha says:

    If that had been a big hairy spider, I probably would have reacted the same way. Snakes I can handle. Spiders, no.

    ogechi: Huh?

  9. grisgris says:

    I can relate, I have a MAJOR phobia of those infernal things. Just reading this story made me have to put my feet up on my desk and they will stay there for the next hour. I once came face to face with one running into some jackass out for a stroll with his pet python around his neck. I screamed, dropped all of my groceries, fell into a group of people smoking outside a bar and promptly collapsed into some random dude.

  10. jen says:

    She’s balancing on the arm of a fold-up chair in 4 in heels! That’s amazing!

  11. jen says:

    I take that back. They are SIX in heels at least! Poor Maya is just sitting there while everyone climbs on top of her.

  12. Anna says:

    Poor Salma, I can totally relate. I have massive arachnophobia (spiders, not snakes) and I pretty much start crying, shrieking and panicking at every spider that crosses my way. It’s really not something you can control easily when it catches you off guard. Poor Salma was clearly surprised and terrified. And yes, she had to prepare for weeks for her scene in From Dusk Till Dawn and she said in interviews she was terrified even while doing it. She might have screamed like a girl here, but she did manage to almost scale that balcony balustrade and her co-star’s chair in crazy heels, so she’s still our Salma.

  13. Praise St. Angie! says:

    I feel bad for her having a phobia – she really seems terrified and I don’t want to make fun of it, but…

    …that video is HILARIOUS.

    and yes, jen, the balance is amazing!…and yes again to “poor Maya Rudolph”. I thought Hayak was going to fall on her and smash her!

  14. standards says:

    Hahaha. Thank you, that was hilarious. Made me lol. Maria looked like she was kinda of faking scared or hamming it up and poor Maya got trampled. Hahaha. Classic girl reactions. 🙂

  15. Obvious says:

    Snakes freak me out but if you want to see me pull a Salma, try putting my near a spider. i’ve got the chills just thinking about it! ps, picture of the snake at the end of the post not cool, i nearly screamed when i saw it!

  16. LindyLou says:

    Love the snake pic! Too funny. I don’t like snakes either but I am lucky to live in an area where I don’t see them often.

  17. Jesus Christ Superstar says:

    i feel her pain. last night, a huge grasshopper jumped on me outside a convenience store and i had a similar reaction. had it been a snake, i would have effing broken through the glass doors and climbed on top of the counter just to get away.

  18. mossi says:

    I would have reacted the same way I think. HATE snakes. I can’t even look at a picture of one. So, hey, thanks for putting one in the story.

    “A scaredy-cat diva”? Hardly. I feel for Salma, it was terrifying.

  19. Dorothy says:

    I think Maria Bello was trying to push Selma off the freaking balcony! I would be the same way, I HATE snakes, spiders, mice, rats the list is endless!!!

  20. bellaluna says:

    I grew up on Camp Pendleton, here in SoCali, and since it was federal land, every wild thing on the base was federally protected. We had rattlesnakes in our house and/or garage every spring, when they came out to play, and we WEREN’T ALLOWED TO KILL THEM! There is absolutely nothing in the world like stepping down into your garage and almost landing on a rattler. Ditto seeing one slither across the hall into your living room while you’re holding a basket full of clean laundry. Have you ever tried to herd a rattlesnake out of your home? It’s comical.

    They finally changed the rules, and we all bought flat-head shovels. Those are highly effective in removing the head from the body of the snake, but very few people tell you the head may still bite you once detached.

    Bottom line: while I grew up surrounded by snakes and HUMONGOUS tarantulas, keep them away from me!

  21. qb says:

    I was waiting for the chair to collapse or for Salma to stab Maya with her heel.

  22. bros says:

    lol, my granny is deathly afraid of snakes. she cant even look at one. she has to cut the pages out of any snake feature in national geographic and staple them together and throw them away.

  23. Fae says:

    Awwww. I used to live with a group of friends, one of which had a 12 foot Burmese python called Buffy. I’ve met more aggressive bath sponges, she was the cuddliest and friendliest thing around.

    Poor Salma, I do feel for her.

  24. Captaine says:

    I wish i was there to save her. I woulda “accidentally” squeezed one of dem delicious mammaries as i carried her to safety tho. If that guy didn’t cop a feel he lost.

  25. Sudini says:

    Poor Salma, my heart really goes out to her. That was straight up, phobia induced, debilitating terror she was feeling.

    But damn she’s got good balance!

  26. L says:

    This is very similar to how my mother reacted when my brother chased her with a plastic snake (you know the kind you hold at the end and slithers) She’s scared to death of all of them, even the plastic ones make her jumpy. 😀

  27. MMW says:

    Phobias are nothing to joke about and having the snake picture there was extremely insensitive. some of us get very scared if they are not prepared to see such images. Just like it can happen if you see one unexpectedly in real life. To make things worse you chose a close-up photo, that was truly uncalled for.

  28. Sudini says:

    @Majosha: Totally! I would have reacted the same way if it was a fast, unpredictable spider. Shudder…

    I once slept in my living room chair for 3 nights after finding a big ground spider in my bed under my pillow. Total f*cking deal breaker.

  29. Victoria says:

    I have the same phobia and I would probably been on the banister. I do not like snakes.

  30. Carrie says:

    I loved how Maya Rudolph just sat there calmly as Salma climbed her like a ladder- and that was some fast footwork in those heels!

  31. Persistent Cat says:

    Count me as another one with a fear of spiders. Terrified of them. I hyperventilate and run and I could cry. I don’t watch Discovery Channel commercials, nor will I read National Geographic because you never know. Just looking at a cactus freaks me out.

    I will never mock someone for a phobia. I haven’t watched the video but I guarantee I would’ve reacted worse. I live in a cold climate and I’m staying in one.

  32. Micaela says:

    What an idiot is all I can say.

  33. Majosha says:

    Sudini: LOL @ sleeping in the chair. We have Hobo spiders where I live and they get really big. Not tarantula big (thank god), but big enough to mess with my mind. One of them ran across the floor and bumped into my sleeping dog, and the impact was significant enough that my (very large) pooch woke up and jumped to his feet. My screams were so ferocious that my husband thought I was being assaulted by an intruder. Awful!

    Persistent Cat: I was once stupid enough to watch a Discovery Special about big nasty spiders in the rain forest, and I practically needed therapy to get over it. No joke.

  34. Fluffy Kitten Tail says:


  35. Sudini says:

    Majosha – ROFL! How cute that your dog was even like, oh hell no! And I know that scream you’re talking about (as do my neighbors I’m sure, lol).

    I found pics of Hobo spiders when trying to find out what kind was lurking under my pillow and they look pretty similar. But this was when I was living in NYC and I don’t think they live there.

    I often wish I had a phobia of like, carrot peelers or something instead. Spiders are just too prevalent.

  36. buckley says:

    Maria Bello for the win!

  37. buckley says:

    “…getting ready to jump off the balcony like the snake is the devil itself, coming for payment for giving her those glorious boobs”

    and Kaiser for the win for this gem

  38. Ann says:

    ““…getting ready to jump off the balcony like the snake is the devil itself, coming for payment for giving her those glorious boobs”

    She already paid her plastic surgeon for her glorious boobs.

    Very funny video! My Mom has a snake phobia like that – she will FLIP if she even sees a photo of a snake.

  39. Obvious says:

    wow thinking about this brought to mind of the reason i’m scared to death of wasps and bees now. I was tanning with my friend one day like 5 years ago and I saw something walking across the porch, i looked closely and it was a wasp….dragging a dead wolf spider. I tihnk i nearly died it freaked me out so bad.

    And i totally sympathize about the spider in the bed. I found one on the ceiling of my bed room one morning, and I refused to go in there for 9 hours until someone came home to kill it. I avoided that entire section of the house.

  40. serena says:

    I don’t think that’s only a scared-diva-doing. So what if she’s afraid of snakes so much? It could happen (to anyone).I’m like this too, I can’t hold a snake even if I die and I’ll probably scream worse than her.
    Don’t make fun of phobias.

  41. mollination says:

    Oh, poor baby!! She looks terrified….ah part of me wants to giggle but I won’t. I’m that afraid of spiders….I opened my mail once and there was a BIG guy just hanging out in the midst of my envelopes and TEARS automatically just starting pouring down my face and I was screaming….

    completely unreasonable reaction, yes. But the combo of terror and surpise was just overwhelming, haha. Ahhh, poor Salmie :/

  42. buckley says:

    Guess she wouldn’t appreciate the fake snake in the jar joke.

  43. N.D. says:

    Not to be judgemental but honestly it’s rather painful to watch because Salma isn’t just being stupid she’s got a real phobia, I mean medical condition level of phobia and laughing at her terror feels like making fun of disabled people when they fall accidentially or something.

    But if you forget that for a sec then the whole scene is hilarious, especially the contrast between Salma’s and Maya’s reactions 🙂

  44. gee_gee says:

    I love Salma but that’s hilarious. A girl at my office got all spazzed out over a bug yesterday (centipede? silverfish?). Screaming and jumping around. Another woman calmly stepped on it and threw it in the trash. You just never know what is going to freak people out.

  45. SammyHammy says:

    Yeah, I can’t fault her for that. A phobia is not something that you can just switch off. I can’t laugh at someone’s genuine fear.

  46. viper says:

    ROFL LMAO!!!!!

    Before going into medicine I worked in a scientfic center working with snakes, sharks, cockroarched, spiders and other exotic animals. So these cases are always hilarius to me. I can safly say such things as nature hold no fear in me.

  47. MNG says:

    @N.D. i agree, but i found this funny

    I have a deathly fear of spiders (at this very moment i am beating off imaginery spiders crawling on my skin!). But the reason why im laughing is not at her but at all the times my sister and I have gone from being normal functioning people to crazy, falling over one another and ‘every man for himself’ frenzied fights to make it to the next room!

    It’s a psychological problem and I (and hopefully Selma) will overcome it. besides, luckly for her you are more likely to see a spider than a snake *shudder*

  48. NicoleAM says:

    Yes, the video was funny…and easy to relate to. I saw a little garter snake while I was visiting my aunt in Florida yrs ago. It just slithered into the grass and I lost my sh*t. My mom came running out thinking god knows what happened. Oddly enough, I don’t mind large snakes as much, it’s those little ones. Although in her case, since it was unexpected, I would have jumped into the water. I have a similar reaction to large roaches. Although I like spiders 🙂

  49. Emily says:

    I’d probably freak out too if I saw a snake in the wild, even though I’m not particularly frightened of them when they’re contained or tame. In Australia, half our wildlife if poisonous, so all my life I’ve been told to get the hell away from any snake I see in the wild.

    I do have a major fear of bugs, though. I can get over it with certain bugs, if I see them enough, like with all the redbacks and whitetails we get dropping out of our ceiling.

    But when I was still living with my parents, we had moths in our pantry at one point. Shortly after, they bred, and we had crawly, wriggly little bastard worms all through the pantry. I refused to eat anything out of the pantry for three months-if it wasn’t in the fridge or freezer, I wasn’t eating it.

  50. di butler says:

    I grew up in the backwoods of Alabama on the river. Snake central. I’d most likely jumped the balcony if the drop wasnt a 100 footer.

    Team Salms!

  51. mojoman says:

    I can handle snakes and spiders but cockroaches and centipedes, hell no! *shudder*
    Had a cockroach crawled up my back once while hailing for a taxi when I was traveling in rural area of Turkey. I was like a crazy tazmanian devil screaming to get it off me. The other time, this BIGGEST, creepiest centipede crawled on my foot while hanging out @ my friend’s garden, it was so huge and guess the shell is so hard, my friend’s steel boots could not even crush that motherf-ker!

  52. Persistent Cat says:

    To those of you with fears, are you willing to do anything about it? Hypnotism? Therapy? Just curious. I have no intention of ever getting help for it.

    I used to do taekwon-do and once there was a silverfish scuttling across the floor and we (a bunch of black belts) all shrieked and ran away.

    My phobia is genuine. I can’t see pictures or fake ones. I’m constantly looking into corners and at walls. I can’t say the T word and reading it above made me shudder. I hyperventilate and could probably kill a person if they came after me with one. I used to work in a place that thought it was hilarious and threatened to put one in my desk. The Values and Ethics division told me that would be considered harrassment and I could bring a case against them. Once I told them that, no one brought it up again.

    @ Micaela, why is she an idiot?

    @ Viper, seriously? It’s hilarious to you? Must be nice to be perfect.

  53. Majosha says:

    @Sudini: I agree that it’d be MUCH easier to fear inanimate objects — they’re less prevalent and they don’t scuttle across the room!

    @Persistent Cat: I won’t seek help, either. I’ll just deal with it and hope for the best.

    @viper: A medical professional who can’t even spell basic words? Right.

  54. snappyfish says:

    Where in VA? I live in Charlottesville now, and grew up in Upperville. I detest snakes. I am terrified of them. At a petting zoo as a child a boa constrictor jumped at the side of his aquarium in my direction. Needless to say I was out the door. I know it is beyond ophidianaphobia (fear of snakes) but there isn’t anything I can do about it.

    Had I been Salma I would have jumped off the railing.

  55. Laura says:

    I’m pretty scared of spiders, but definitely not a phobia. Actually, I had myself cured of it to the point that I could capture spiders on a piece of paper and carry them outside instead of smooshing them. Then I met my boyfriend, who is terrified of spiders…his fear is contagious.
    I’m TERRIFIED of centipedes…If I see one from across the room I won’t scream but I can’t even smoosh them myself for fear they will attack me (they’re aggressive!)
    Sadly, our apartment is full of spiders and centipedes because it’s ground floor, and we can’t do the spray because it’s bad for our sweet little snake. Her name is Draco 🙂

  56. Jazz says:

    My sister used to have a pet snake but I hate all creepy crawlies.
    A spider once dropped down from the ceiling onto my bed one night and I tore all the blankets and sheets off, crying and trying to find it. *shudders*
    One day walking through the house, I saw something brown on the ceiling. Had a closer look and it was the biggest spider you’ve ever seen! I ran from the house screaming for my dad! He had to get up on a ladder and kill it with a lump of wood. And it waved it’s little fang things at him when he got closer to it.
    Don’t get me started on cockroaches! Especially those big ones that have wings!

  57. Kitty2000 says:

    I can’t handle praying mantises. I had one land on me once (not so long ago) and I cried and had to get someone to get it off me because I couldn’t bring myself to look at it.

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