True Blood cast talks sex scenes (spoilers)


True Blood is coming back this Sunday and I can’t wait! I’ve read all the books except the latest one, and am so excited to see how Alan Ball interprets Harris’ new characters and upcoming plots. The end of last season was pretty disappointing to me, and I found the whole climactic bacchanalian theme with Maryann over the top. It didn’t take too much away from how excellent the show and characters are (except for Maryann, she was awful), but it was a real departure from the books that failed, in my opinion.

Potential mild spoilers ahead. Serious spoilers after the quote There are confirmed new characters from the books being introduced that I’m looking forward to, particularly werewolf Alcide and Jason’s new shapeshifter love interest, Crystal.

In the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, the cast talks about their sex scenes and the strategic use of socks during filming. Stephen Moyer jokes that he doesn’t need a “fluffer” for his scenes with real life love interest Anna Paquin. Are we about to see vampire wood?

“I think that one great bonus is that we don’t need a fluffer,” Moyer, 40 (who plays Bill, vampire Sookie’s lover on the HBO show, returning June 13), brags in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly about his fiancee.

Paquin, 27, doesn’t mind stripping down for her racy bedroom scenes.

“It doesn’t really bother me,” she says. “I’m really close with all of our cast, and we’ve all seen each other in various compromising and odd situations.”

New castmate Joe Manganiello, who plays werewolf Alcide, says he got used to taking it all off as soon as he stepped on set.

“Having been a fan of the show, you know you’re going to be naked at some point,” he jokes. “I will say that I was welcomed into the brotherhood of the sock. When you’re naked on the show, you have to wear a sock, and it’s not on your foot.”

[From US Magazine]

Serious spoilers ahead
So we know that there are more sex scenes with Sookie and Bill coming, but the real question is – when will Sookie and Erik (Alex Skarsgard) get it on? In Harris’ series, those two had mad sex for a couple of weeks while Erik was conveniently enchanted and nothing like his regular scheming self. He was also unable to remember their romps when he snapped out of it, something that worked out very conveniently for Sookie. I wish I could set up some kind of arrangement like that. I want to see some hot non dream sequence sex scenes between Sookie and Erik!

If you can’t wait to see the new True Blood series, there are some previews and webisodes available to whet your appetite. My favorite webisode is one with spitfire teen vamp Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) messing with a preacher at a casino. Her character is not in the books and is a welcome addition to the show. Woll has a new interview with People Magazine in which she talks about some of the issues Jessica faces this season. Anna Paquin also partially revealed what’s in store for Sookie, and I think those of us who read the books know what she’s referring to when she says “We find out what Sookie is” this season.

There are some spoilers in those links, but no matter how much you think you know, True Blood will have surely have some juicy surprises in store. It airs this Sunday on HBO at 9pm. (This is not an ad, I’m just a fan!)

Stephen Moyer & Anna Paquin.arrives at the True Blood Season Premiere 2010.ArcLight Cineramadome.Los Angeles, CA.June 8, 2010.2010 Kathy Hutchins / Hutchins Photo.. Photo via Newscom

EW cover courtesy of HuffPo.

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24 Responses to “True Blood cast talks sex scenes (spoilers)”

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  1. Janeth says:

    Can’t wait!

  2. Eileen Yover says:

    I’m so FREAKING excited for Sunday! I’m having a True Blood watch party with a Bloody Mary Bar!

  3. AAH CAN’T WAIT!!!! I need to see some naked Erik Northman.

    CB–finished the new book last week. It was good, not as good as some, but good. I definitely feel that it’s a set up for something BIG.

  4. bellaluna says:

    I love True Blood! But the whole Maryann thing last season was just disappointing. I saw no need for her to be on the show, but I did love that it brought together Tara and Eggs. Too bad he died.

  5. RHONYC says:


    let the sookie & eric rough-sex scenes begin!

    ahhhh…more archives for the ol’ spank bank. yesss!

    lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Carrie says:

    Can’t get here fast enough- I just finished the book series as well, and I’m so excited to see what Alan Ball kept and what he changed!

    Jessica and Lafayette are two of my favorite characters, so I’m not angry with A. Ball for making any changes to the books.

    TRUE BLOOD!!!!

  7. Little.grrl.lost says:

    Favourite show ever

  8. Megan says:

    What happens in the book series isn’t necessarily a spoiler for the show (e.g. Lafayette’s whole continued existence on the show lol), and I love that! The book series and the tv series take the same story in different places so often and I love seeing/reading both versions…like one of those books where you decide the ending ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Stephy2185 says:

    AAAAAAAAAH! I’m so excited!!!
    I’m getting hbo for myself so I can watch this show on tv.
    HBO has the best shows ever. Period. End of story.

  10. LindyLou says:

    Loved the books and just watched the first season (I don’t have HBO) but I am sooooo looking forward to getting caught up!

  11. Gwen says:

    Can’t wait ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. buckley says:

    Second season was so lame that I’m no longer excited. First season though…that was awesome!

  13. Erin says:

    I’m having me a True Blood-athon this weekend…mmm…ERIC….*drools*

  14. Sookie says:

    ever since Alex hooked with that bag of bones Bosworth, Eric Northman as been ruined for me – forever. So I guess I have to default to team Bill, or depending on how things play out team Alcide.

  15. Alice says:

    I’ve read book 10 and honestly was disappointed. Charlene is really milking it. None of the plots get resolved. it’s like a 300 page first chapter.

    I loved the other books and can’t wait for Sunday! But book 10 left me unsatisfied. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Mrs Odie 2 says:

    I thought the 2nd season was SO bad that I cancelled HBO and I have no interest in Season 3.

  17. original kate says:

    hated the books but love the show!

  18. NicoleAM says:

    Never read the books, but have been an avid fan of the show since the beginning. I happened to like the character of Maryann, and thought the second season was great. I can’t wait for the new season to start, I even requested the day off from my shitty job so I wouldn’t miss it!

  19. Isa says:

    I hated the Maryann character in the end. I was intrigued at first, but when the entire second season began revolving around her I was sick of it.
    I love, love, love Jessica. I didn’t think I was going to like her but I very much enjoy her. Can they keep Layfette around forever? I love him too.
    I’m not interested in Alcide at all. In the last few books he’s changed completely.
    I’ve read all the books except for the short stories. I’m in the middle of right now. The last book wasn’t bad, but wasn’t my favorite either.
    I’m sad because I don’t have HBO. I usually just wait for the shows to come out on DVD but I don’t think I can this time.

  20. dovesgate says:

    I absolutely cant wait for this season to start!!!

    So, if they are bringing out what Sookie is, are they bringing her Gramps along too? Cause thats jumping a bunch of books and wouldn’t be cool. I know they only loosely base the show on the books but theres enough similarity in the last two seasons to get excited to see how they are going to play out certain situations.

    I was kinda meh about the last book. I’m glad I got a good deal from Amazon on it because if I had paid full retail on it, I would probably wait for the paperbacks in the future.

  21. abbizmal says:

    I’m just starting to read the books. A friend read them all so I know a little bit about what happens. Shame about Lafayette. He’s one of my faves on the show. Can’t wait for Sunday either. I was hoping they’d have a True Blood marathon beforehand, but it doesn’t look like it.

  22. phlyfiremama says:

    I can’t wait for season 3! I love the books & the series, no need to hate on either one. They each serve their purpose. Eric Northman= 1 steaming hot hunk o’ burning lust!

  23. Bodhi says:

    I knew you’d love ’em, CB!!

    The latest book was rather disappointing, but I can’t really expect them all to be awesome. I’m so excited for the new season!!

  24. True Blood, the best tv show ever