Cele|bitchy | “Kellan Lutz has creepy eyes and a nice body” links

“Kellan Lutz has creepy eyes and a nice body” links


Kellan Lutz still has serial killer eyes. Good body, though. [A Socialite Life]
Bedhead‘s career assessment of Bradley Cooper: Gather ye rosebuds. [Pajiba]
Helena Bonham-Carter is Wonderfug. [Go Fug Yourself]
Simon Baker shirtless… Jesus, this man. [Pop Sugar]
Brad Pitt looking old and beige. [LaineyGossip]
Kid Rock still wants Sheryl Crow to have his baby. Cute. [Evil Beet]
J. Lo in a fug dress & cute shoes. [Hollywood Rag]
New photos of Jennifer Garner to encourage Bump Watch: 2010. [INFDaily]
Jessica Biel looking yoga-y. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Oooh… Tori Amos has a new performance DVD. I honestly gasped, like I was back in high school, when I worshipped Tori. Hail Goddess Tori! [PopBytes]
See, Kelly Preston is actually supposed to be pregnant, but I don‘t see any bump. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Those disgusting Courtney Love photos that I‘ve been avoiding. [Celebnewswire]
Gaga takes in a baseball game. [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
Baby Mason Dixon is all “Jesus, it‘s always going to be this bad, right?” [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Crazy blind item… Reese Witherspoon…? [Crazy Days and Nights]
Jude & Sienna in Paris. [Accidental Sexiness]


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26 Responses to ““Kellan Lutz has creepy eyes and a nice body” links”

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  1. Sarah says:

    Damn Kellan’s sexy. Forget team Jacob and Team Edward, I’m team Emmett! lol. Num num num.

  2. Isa says:

    He looks so dumb. Like a UFC fighter that has the crap beat out of him so often it’s made him dumb.

  3. vi says:

    not seeing jennifer garners baby bump but the photos are front on so i guess its hard to tell.

    kellan lutz is boring. too all american for my taste.

  4. serena says:

    god..he’s so hot.

  5. LindyLou says:

    I don’t think he is at all attractive. Picture him in about 20 years – with that face (yech), a big beer gut and saggy man boobs. Still think he’s hot ladies? I don’t think he’s even too bright so he doesn’t even have that going for him. It’s doubtful he’ll have much of a career after the Twilight movies are done…IMO

  6. Ricci says:

    Oh wow , he is so gorgeous

  7. irishserra says:

    His nose is annoying.

  8. Marjalane says:

    He gives me the creeps- there’s just something too try hard about his look. If I were to cast the part of the stalker ex-boyfriend, he’d get it hands down.

  9. Eileen Yover says:

    just not seeing it…meh

  10. Crash2GO2 says:

    His eyes look FINE to me! 😀

  11. Felicia says:

    He can play Joran van der Sloot in the movie.

  12. Marjalane says:

    “He can play Joran van der Sloot in the movie.”

    Wish I’d thought to say that….

  13. Fae says:

    Sorry to appear possibly cruel, but he looks ever so slightly mentally disabled to me. Just a little.

  14. Susette says:

    Something about Kellan creeps me out, too. I just can’t put my finger on it. Now, Simon Baker on the other hand…..*drools*

  15. Solveig says:

    Hot body, but the face makes him look much younger than he really is, not attractive at all.

  16. Ruffian9 says:

    Isa, Fae: I agree; Boy looks mentally deficient.

  17. Boombeeba says:

    If Ryan Phillippe were about 10 yrs younger I’d say Kellan Lutz is his Down Syndrome twin brother

  18. Michelle says:

    His hair sucks. And I get the feeling he’s going down the Levi Johnson route – decent bod now, but slowly slipping into a beer gut and baldness.

  19. jc126 says:

    Kellan Lutz looks like a cross between River Phoenix and Ryan Philippe.

  20. B says:

    He could play Joran, similar inbred eyes and forehead, sorta Neanderthal, imo. That’s just visual judgement though, could be a great person, don’t know, he obviously made it …

  21. Harper says:

    There is something so off, wrong and discount about him.

  22. Toe says:

    SUPER LOL @ B. OMG, you are killing me here….hahaha

  23. marie says:

    i like his bod
    but he looks kinda gay in the first pic 🙁

  24. Ricci says:

    @ Harper. its a possibility because he seems perfect lol

    well he is perfect in my eyes lol

  25. Anj says:

    Looks like steroid body to me.

  26. I Choose Me says:

    Comes off dumb as a box of rocks but I see nothing wrong with his looks. Cute dimples, great abs and guns, nice smile. Better as a brunette though.