Kellan Lutz still has serial killer eyes. Good body, though. [A Socialite Life]
Bedhead‘s career assessment of Bradley Cooper: Gather ye rosebuds. [Pajiba]
Helena Bonham-Carter is Wonderfug. [Go Fug Yourself]
Simon Baker shirtless… Jesus, this man. [Pop Sugar]
Brad Pitt looking old and beige. [LaineyGossip]
Kid Rock still wants Sheryl Crow to have his baby. Cute. [Evil Beet]
J. Lo in a fug dress & cute shoes. [Hollywood Rag]
New photos of Jennifer Garner to encourage Bump Watch: 2010. [INFDaily]
Jessica Biel looking yoga-y. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Oooh… Tori Amos has a new performance DVD. I honestly gasped, like I was back in high school, when I worshipped Tori. Hail Goddess Tori! [PopBytes]
See, Kelly Preston is actually supposed to be pregnant, but I don‘t see any bump. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Those disgusting Courtney Love photos that I‘ve been avoiding. [Celebnewswire]
Gaga takes in a baseball game. [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
Baby Mason Dixon is all “Jesus, it‘s always going to be this bad, right?” [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Crazy blind item… Reese Witherspoon…? [Crazy Days and Nights]
Jude & Sienna in Paris. [Accidental Sexiness]
Damn Kellan’s sexy. Forget team Jacob and Team Edward, I’m team Emmett! lol. Num num num.
He looks so dumb. Like a UFC fighter that has the crap beat out of him so often it’s made him dumb.
not seeing jennifer garners baby bump but the photos are front on so i guess its hard to tell.
kellan lutz is boring. too all american for my taste.
god..he’s so hot.
I don’t think he is at all attractive. Picture him in about 20 years – with that face (yech), a big beer gut and saggy man boobs. Still think he’s hot ladies? I don’t think he’s even too bright so he doesn’t even have that going for him. It’s doubtful he’ll have much of a career after the Twilight movies are done…IMO
Oh wow , he is so gorgeous
His nose is annoying.
He gives me the creeps- there’s just something too try hard about his look. If I were to cast the part of the stalker ex-boyfriend, he’d get it hands down.
just not seeing it…meh
His eyes look FINE to me!
He can play Joran van der Sloot in the movie.
“He can play Joran van der Sloot in the movie.”
Wish I’d thought to say that….
Sorry to appear possibly cruel, but he looks ever so slightly mentally disabled to me. Just a little.
Something about Kellan creeps me out, too. I just can’t put my finger on it. Now, Simon Baker on the other hand…..*drools*
Hot body, but the face makes him look much younger than he really is, not attractive at all.
Isa, Fae: I agree; Boy looks mentally deficient.
If Ryan Phillippe were about 10 yrs younger I’d say Kellan Lutz is his Down Syndrome twin brother
His hair sucks. And I get the feeling he’s going down the Levi Johnson route – decent bod now, but slowly slipping into a beer gut and baldness.
Kellan Lutz looks like a cross between River Phoenix and Ryan Philippe.
He could play Joran, similar inbred eyes and forehead, sorta Neanderthal, imo. That’s just visual judgement though, could be a great person, don’t know, he obviously made it …
There is something so off, wrong and discount about him.
SUPER LOL @ B. OMG, you are killing me here….hahaha
i like his bod
but he looks kinda gay in the first pic
@ Harper. its a possibility because he seems perfect lol
well he is perfect in my eyes lol
Looks like steroid body to me.
Comes off dumb as a box of rocks but I see nothing wrong with his looks. Cute dimples, great abs and guns, nice smile. Better as a brunette though.