“Janice Dickinson is a mess” links

41609,WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Tuesday June 15 2010. Janice Dickinson stops to pose for a few pictures as she arrives at the ho House in West Hollywood. Photograph:  David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.com*FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES**

Janice Dickinson is a mess. [Celebslam]
Rachel Zoe, fashion designer. [LimeLife]
Amy Winehouse looking clean and sober after her weekend rehab. [Dlisted]
Christopher Nolan doesn‘t give a sh-t about 3-D. [Agent Bedhead]
RHOA‘s Sheree owes her lawyers $180,000! [Bossip]
Kellan Lutz‘s serial killer eyes & loincloth. [A Socialite Life]
The sexiest screen adulteresses: Diane Lane is number one! [Pajiba]
Miley Cyrus gets an ear tattoo – “LOVE”. [LaineyGossip]
Katy Perry & Russell Brand have matching tattoos. Sure, that‘s not a bad idea at all. [ICYDK]
Nicole Kidman casting news – she & Clive Owen will be married!!! [Gawker]
Lady Gaga update: still crazy. [The Blemish]
The Situation is a rapper. [Yeeah]
Jessica Simpson isn‘t getting plastic surgery. [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
ZOMG, Vida Alves McConaughey is adorable! [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Damn, a couple of those Hanson boys got kind of cute. [PopEater]

41609,WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Tuesday June 15 2010. Janice Dickinson stops to pose for a few pictures as she arrives at the ho House in West Hollywood. Photograph:  David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.com*FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES**

41609,WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Tuesday June 15 2010. Janice Dickinson stops to pose for a few pictures as she arrives at the ho House in West Hollywood. Photograph:  David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.com*FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES**

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32 Responses to ““Janice Dickinson is a mess” links”

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  1. Erin says:

    She looks like Steven Tyler!

  2. zen says:

    my word, thats some bad plastic surgery.
    lips and brows look awful, I cant believe these celebs pay to look worse.

  3. Green Is Good says:

    Jesus Chr*st! Janice is drunk off her ass. Not hot.

  4. Tess says:

    The brows are heinous. Batwings about to lift off of that melted botox forehead.

  5. hellen says:


  6. anon says:

    Ok…maybe I’m stupid…but her LIPS!!! MY GOD!! Is that just how they look, or is that her attempt at “duckface”?

  7. d says:

    I have a feeling that a lot of actresses clamour to act with Clive Owen. I would! Swoooooooooooooon!

  8. lrm says:

    Vida M. is gorgeous!
    and Levi is just so amazingly cute/gorgeous, too.

    Def. got the best of both sides of the family….
    and Matthew M. probably considered genetics when choosing his baby mama! lol

    I like this family, though. They are low key, not famewhores, albeit accepting that paps are part of the deal.

  9. lrm says:

    ps-can we switch out the Janice photos for a couple of Levi and Vida?
    Pretty please? I’m going to have nightmares, otherwise!!!!! Yikes, Janice.

  10. Scarlet Vixen says:

    Sadly, those are actually her natural (or sorta close to) lips. If you’ve ever seen pictures of her in her heyday she had giant full beautiful lips. The rest of her face (and body) is virtually unrecognizable tho. She has some of the scariest eyebrows I’ve ever seen! It’s so sad–she was freaking gorgeous in her big modeling days.

  11. lucy2 says:

    Ugh, Janice is horrifying. WHY WHY WHY do people do that to themselves? You’re right Erin, she does look like Steven Tyler.

    I love Nolan’s films and that he’s not into gimmicks, can’t wait for the new movie.

    LOL’ing at the idea of Matthew M thinking about genetics…he seems like a nice guy, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. That baby looks too cute though!

  12. Eileen Yover says:

    She looks like a Steve Tyler and that Danielle chick from RHWNJ’s love-child!

  13. gg says:

    Dang lookit those eyebrows! Old plastic is not a laughing matter.

    I give her props for wearing flats instead of insisting she runs treadmills in 5-inch heels. Bad heels!

  14. Jeri says:

    I wish we could see how they would look if they had never had plastic surgery vs the altered face. Too bad it’s impossible but some of them could not possibly look worse if they had opted for the natural look.

  15. Squirtle says:

    Yes! I agree she could be Aerosmith’s new front man!!

  16. Grumpy Oldguy says:

    Who is this guy??

  17. original kate says:

    so sad what janice has done to her face..she used to be so pretty.

    in other news, christian bale is pretty.

  18. blue_planet says:

    I’m sorry but those eyebrows look like two catepillars trying to escape from her face

  19. Canucklehead says:

    With those pictures and the headline, the article is almost academic.

    Man she looks like a ghoul

  20. LindyLou says:

    Holy Fug! Did she do the surgery herself with a home kit??? Gawd!

  21. GatsbyGal says:

    She is TOTALLY Steven Tyler, except she’s looking worse…which I didn’t know was possible!

  22. zippersgirl says:

    She’s one year older than me. Wow, I look FANTASTIC!!!!

  23. Seer says:

    When she was a model she had a pretty mouth (not too full) that BALANCED well with the rest of her features. It was never deformed like this. Why are people doing this to their mouths?! HOW can they possibly think that this looks sexy???? Just bizarre.

  24. skibunny says:

    this post is hilarious!

  25. jover says:

    Those pics are so bad I almost couldn’t look at them but everyone gawks at car wrecks. Awful – do plastic surgeons have any ethics or morals to do this to a human being?

  26. ctkat says:

    Matthew McConaughey and Camilla Alves sure make some gorgeous babies…Levi and Vida are total cuties!

    (I like the one where Vida is cutting side eyes to the right and Camilla is cutting side eyes to the left- it’s like a mirror image of the same facial expression)

  27. My2Cents says:

    I really wonder if she thinks she looks good? Her eybrows are way too high on her face. eeek!

  28. Shay says:

    She reminds me of Jocelyn Wildenstein. She could be her younger (?) sister, lol.

  29. embertine says:

    Is it possible she’s been infected with alien juice, and is turning into a ‘prawn’? I can see no other explanation for this.

  30. Ogechi says:

    A total mess inside out.

  31. paranel says:

    She is a carbon copy of Steven Tyler. Wow. Now that’s ugly.

  32. Honey Bee says:

    She’s so hideous… i want to puke…