Lynne Spears is demanding a prenup for Jamie Lynn

Lynne Spears, still dealing with two daughters whose lives have gone off the rails, is now demanding that younger daughter, pregnant teen Jamie Lynn, draft up a pre-nuptial agreement before marrying her babydaddy, Casey Aldridge. Sources say that Lynne has come to terms with Jamie Lynn’s decision to marry Aldridge, but still harbors doubts about the boy’s intentions and level of commitment, which is why she suggested the pre-nup.

Pregnant teenager Jamie Lynn Spears has a diamond ring on her finger, but there are still obstacles to overcome before she and Casey Aldridge, 18, can be married. Her mother, Lynne Spears, has insisted that the couple sign a prenuptial contract to protect the Zoey 101 star’s assets.

“The contract is already drawn up and ready to go,” an insider confirms to In Touch. “Lynne’s not sure marriage is a good idea, but she’ll go along with that if that’s what Jamie Lynn wants — as long as Casey signs the contract.”

A Spears family confidant says that Lynne, who flew home to Kentwood, La., to celebrate Jamie Lynn’s April 4 birthday, is worried about Casey. “He doesn’t seem as committed to the relationship as Jamie Lynn,” says the confidant, adding that the family is aware of the rumors that he’s cheated. “Lynne is keeping an eye on him.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

Lynne is the one responsible for the Britney/K-Fed prenup as well, which probably saved Britney from losing half of her fortune during the ugly divorce and ongoing custody battle. While it’s true that Brit has been ordered to foot the bill for her ex’s attorney, and pay child support to him since losing custody of the children, K-Fed has no claims to her fortune other than the original $300k settlement he got when the divorced was finalized. Lynne actually did something right there! Funny how Lynne is smart when it comes to her daughters’ fortunes, but can’t seem to handle all the other aspects of decent parenting, isn’t it?

Jamie Lynn Spears is shown on 4/31/08, thanks to Splash News.

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4 Responses to “Lynne Spears is demanding a prenup for Jamie Lynn”

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  1. Bodhi says:

    Prenups are really important, especially when one or both people are loaded. I’m sure most of JL’s money is in a trust or something, but its all still hers

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. anonymous says:

    She damned well should have a pre-nup. Absolutely no question about it!

  4. Syko says:

    Prenups are a good thing. Ask Paul McCartney.