As you can see, Sandra Bullock’s “fast divorce” made the cover of this week’s People Magazine. From what I can see, there’s not a lot of new information here, just some stuff about how everything happened so quickly so that little Louis’s adoption wouldn’t get screwed up. They didn’t even get an interview with Sandra, just with some “sources” who are slowly but surely building the case for Sandra and Jesse’s reunion (that’s what it sounds like to me):
Sandra Bullock and Jesse James have finalized their divorce. But that doesn’t mean they have parted ways for good.
Friends tell PEOPLE in this week’s cover story that the exes will continue to be involved in each other’s lives as co-parents of James’ kids Sunny, 6, Jesse Jr., 12, and Chandler, 15. The divorce’s completion also clears the way for Bullock to finalize her adoption of 6-month-old son Louis.
“It’s not like they’re talking every day, but they’re in touch about things,” a source tells PEOPLE. “It really seems like it’s about the kids more than anything.”
For her part, Bullock, 45, has been “chilling out” in New Orleans and Austin with Louis. And James, 41, has made it clear that he plans to move to Austin as well.
“He has a goal,” says a James pal. “He wants his life back, he wants some sense of normalcy and his family back.”
[From People]
Radar also got their hands on some of the documents from the divorce. The scans of the documents are here, and here are the basics:
The marriage between Sandra Bullock and Jesse James is officially over, and is the first to show you their final decree of divorce.
The documents, which were filed in Texas with the Travis County District Court this past Monday, indicate that “IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that B.A.S., Petitioner (Bullock), and J.J.G., Respondent (James), are divorced and that the marriage between them is dissolved,” thus ending the Hollywood union just months after James’ numerous affairs surfaced in the tabloids.
Even though the pair began the adoption process for Louis Bardot as a couple, the papers indicate that “there is no child of the marriage,” meaning Bullock is acknowledged as Bardot’s only parent, while James retains custody of his kids he entered into the marriage with, Sunny, Jesse Jr., and Chandler.
The papers indicate that court costs would be charged to the party who incurred them, reflecting what looks like a clean break between the Oscar-winning actress and the West Coast Choppers owner.
As previously reported, the actress has recently been getting acclimated with Bardot and his hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana, where she bought a house to get out of the bright spotlight of Tinseltown.
[From Radar]
So everybody’s wrung the last drop from this story, it seems. Their divorce decree didn’t have anything about money, which isn’t a big shock. From what I’ve read, they kept their finances separate, even through years of marriage. Jesse didn’t put up a fight with Sandra wanting to adopt Louis as a single parent, and Sandra still gets to spend time with her step-kids. Nothing shocking.
People Magazine cover courtesy of CoverAwards.
hmmm, i still don’t think everything is kosher about this whole thing
The divorce is final, and Sandra will still be somewhat involved with the lives of her stepchildren. I don’t see hints of a reconciliations with Jesse. They have contact only because of the children.
Hmm…and here I thought she divorced him because he was screwing around with a bunch of skanks! Even People mag is straining to make stuff up because they know it sells, but Sandra is keeping quiet.
I keep saying it, NO ONE close enough to Sandra to know her intimate details is going to be a tabloid “source” and so far these “sources” have been wrong on just about everything.
isn’t this the same sandra bullock that open her big month to people magazine about her new adopted son and divorce…sandy is playing this game just like the rest of the famewhores in hollyweird
i said it from the beginning – sandra and nazi boy will get back together.
People magazine is an embarrassment to our society.
Just part of the contract baby. People gets the exclusive rights and can never say a naughty word about Jolie, (oops I mean Bullock).
The children are important to her, and so is her career. She’ll chose on the side of money, and baby.
On a completely unrelated topic, I don’t understand it when married people keep their finances separate. Maybe it’s because I’m not wealthy, who knows. But I don’t think it bodes well for a relationship in the long run, like anticipating it will fail. Every couple I’ve ever known or known of who has done this is no longer a couple.
Ummm, to “bite me”, first, Sandra did the interview with People about the baby BEFORE the cheating allegations came out. So no, no fame-whoring, just sharing her adoption happiness with her fans AFTER the Oscars so she wouldn’t be accused of famewhoring out her son. It’s what considerate actors do, and she has never been anything but gracious to her fan base. Second, learn to write accurately before you make innacurate accusations – it’s “opened her big mouth”, not “open her big month”.
sorry jaded, this is gossip blog, am not writing a term paper, but thanks anyway for the grammar lesson!
first, Sandra did the interview with People about the baby BEFORE the cheating allegations came out. really r u sure about that, u might want to check ur facts
you can be gracious to your fans and still be a famewhore
I believe she did it before, and the updated the story to include, and maybe did some follow up questions with her, i don’t know i did’t read the article.
yeah, she did the interview before. i remember it being reported that there were photos of jesse in the story as well but they weren’t used because of the sh*t hit the fan and they ran it after as a ‘sandra single mom’ story.
So now that they aren’t married Jesse has a free pass to do what ever he wants while he quietly plays house with Sandra.
@bite me, yes, she did do it before the cheating thing broke. The pig was actually there at the shoot and the story had to be rewritten. Look it up, I’m too lazy to do your homework for you this morning.
People magazine might as well strap on some clear heels and a miniskirt and stand on a corner, what a whore. I’m embarrassed to even have it delivered to my house anymore. Talk about pandering, there’s nothing at all of any value in it anymore. At least US magazine is entertaining.
God, Sandra is NOT reconciling with Jesse and it’s a continuing source of hilarity to hear that she’s “co-parenting” kids that aren’t even hers with him. His older two kids have a perfectly decent mother who’s been in their lives. Why is she suddenly null and void? Sunny, I can see where that’s complicated.
But while I agree that you can’t just rip Sandra out of those kids’ lives, to imply that she’s their mother and will have a co-parenting relationship with all of the children is disengenuous and at least disrespectful to the older children’s mother.
the cheating scandal broke out after the oscars, which took place in march , baby Louis came home in january, but the actually people magazine interview wasn’t published until april, i was not aware that the interview has to be rewritten, thank you ladies for the new info
Bet she’s relieved it was a quickie. And her Austin family is there for her.
How can anyone truly say anything, they dont know these people whatsover. It’s such a shame how we can judge them.
The rags are just wishing for more drama. I wish her peace and real love in her life.
Sandy “knows when to hold em, knows when to fold em.”
I can see the separate financials. Some things should be joint of course, but everything does not have to be unless the couple agree to it & totally trust each other financially & in every other aspect of their marriage.
This business about them “co-parenting” the kids really annoys me. Those kids are not motherless! They have mothers! And those mothers are not worse than the father! They are just as bad as him, makes sense, so what?
If my ex husband’s current wife divorced him I would have a major problem with the ex wife still “co parenting” my own kids! It’s ridiculous! Now if the kids still want contact with her, fine, but it’s not her decision at that point it’s the kids’.
And seriously, she’d want that lying racist jerkhead involved in bringing up her child? Furthemore her african american child? Is that really the role model she wants for her kid (yes singular!). This is a dude who among his many qualities didn’t want anything to do with his own daughter until she was 3 years old and his then wife (Bullock) convinced him that his ex was abusing the kid.
“you can be gracious to your fans and still be a famewhore” bite me you are spot on with this one. Sandra Bullock is the mistress, I mean master of this.
@ Khaa:
Funny how Sandra is regarded as a private celebrity, keeping an adoption of 3-4 years a huge secret, not living in Hollywood full time, and whose life was never really followed until it was thrown into the public eye, by a greedy, vile mistress.
And you call her a famewhore?
Besides having to contain the mess her husband created for her these past months, not to mention she won the Best Actress Oscar and will get alot of attetion – what else has she done to be famewhoring?
I never take celebrities lives personal, but she doesn’t deserve the negativity.
Laugh at your problems, everybody else does.
I agree. Sandra has always striven to keep her personal life private, and it is a shame that this aspect is being thrown into the public eye.