Jennifer Aniston had a date last night. Sort of. I guess we can call it that. Allegedly, Aniston and a mystery man had a “romantic dinner” at the Sunset Tower. According to “witnesses” Jennifer’s “mystery man playfully grabbed her hand, a gesture which is sure to start stories about a new romance for Jen.” We don’t have the photos of the two of them standing together – those are at Pop Suger here. But we do have these, of Aniston and the dude leaving in a car together. So they didn’t bring separate cars, at least. Which means, to me, that it wasn’t a set-up or a blind date (because you really want your own car for those). This is someone she feels comfortable enough with to let him chauffeur her.
As for the dude, no one has any idea who is thus far, but I’m sure we’ll find out soon. At first glance, I thought the guy was Justin Bartha. You know, that guy who dated (is dating?) one of the Olsens, and he was the groom in The Hangover. He’s got a Bartha vibe. Nerd-hot. Weird-hot. Unconventional-hot. Also – he seems youngish? I would put him in his early 30s. I wish she would go with someone a bit older than her, someone as far away from John Mayer as possible. Since he’s not immediately recognizable to everyone, I’m hoping that he’s not an actor, but some behind-the-scenes power player. Like an agent, or a producer, someone who has his own stuff going on and would be a stable partner for Jennifer. We’ll see.
By the way, if you like Aniston conspiracy theories, LaineyGossip has a few about why Aniston went on this date.
LMAO…how predictable
Get it, girl. This one’s cuter than the Butler :). (Well, from what I can see…He looks like a clean, nerdy type.)
In other pics there are quite a few other people with them while they were waiting for their car, so may be it wasn’t a date but some business meeting and he’s her assistant or something.
Her happy smiling face right before she hides it in her hands is weird. I thought she did it because she’s annoyed with paps but she looks none of it. May be her companion had just cracked uber-funny joke and she laughed so hard that had to cover her face?
Uhm she is really annoying when she does the conviently timed fake dating thing. It does look like the guy from the Hangover. I keep hoping she will go for an older menschy buisiness man who can put a real smile on her face instead of the younger obviously in need of publicity actor hired by her agent type it just makes her seem so pathetic.
Why does every potential dinner outing that she happens to go on have to be classified as a date, much less a fake date? How would this be conveniently timed, does she have a movie with this guy coming out?
Maybe its just a bunch of people eating dinner and getting their drink on. Maybe its a date. Honestly, I just hope she’s happy.
She always seems to have dinner with a co-star of an upcoming movie and those always turn into “she’s dating someone new” stories. I’d reserve any judgement until we find out who this guy is…..
If only everyone could stop caring about who she dates for real no one would pay attention to the fake ones either.
It was a nice break from seeing her in the press.
For someone so seemingly wealthy, she seems emotionally needy like julia roberts.
Her next movie’s about 7 weeks away. Time to drum up interest.
Her movie The Switch comes out in August so it may be a little early for a fake date. Although I remember her”date ” with Bradley Cooper around the time Management came out it I recall correctly
So she goes on a “date” or whatever the hell this was with a guy, whom she KNOWS people will link her to, in a hotel in the middle of bloody hollywood (aka paparazzi central)and then covers her face in the car when they’re leaving?
Give me a break
I don’t think it is a date..I grew up with brothers.. my Dad always told them never pick a woman up in a dirty car.. something to do with respect. can’t remember.. he said the car can be the sh*t.. but make sure it is clean when you put your girl or a prospect in it.
NOW maybe this guy had a different Dad then me.. but his car is dirty. So I say no date.
but man this is right on cue NO picks or news about her in weeks. Then BAM.. here she is.. LOL
I find this woman to be extremely annoying and fake. Everything about her irks me. I do wish I had some of her money, though.
I want Jennifer Aniston to get married. I want her to get married more than my cousin who’s always asking me to fix her up with some guy because she can’t find the right man. I want Jennifer to have the biggest, gaudiest,and most ridiculously expensive wedding with the sexiest and most successful man in hollywood. I want all of this to happen because I am sick of the tabloid’s obsession with the fact that Jennifer Aniston has “no mans” as Anthony from Sex and the City would say.
The JA is an old maid who spends her nights sticking pins in a voodoo doll of Angelina Jolie story is getting tired. You would think she was one of Henry VIII’s wives, the way these people obsess over her sex life and womb. At this point I almost expect to see breaking news about JA’s love life on the CNN news crawl. Or a breathless report about how if JA doesn’t have a baby soon, she’s going to end up like one of those women in India who use aritificial insemination to become pregnant in their 70’s. It’s the idea that JA, or any other woman, can’t be complete without a man on one arm and a baby on the other that really gets to me.
Does she have blue eyes or brown? Brown is better imo.
“Why does every potential dinner outing that she happens to go on have to be classified as a date, much less a fake date?”
amen. if she goes out to dinner with a group of people (as N.D. noted) and a male friend happened to drive her to and from (for whatever reason…because it was on the way, she didn’t feel like driving, etc…) how does that qualify as going on a “fake date”? granted, I don’t know if that’s the actual situation, but neither do any of you claiming “fake date”.
is she hanging all over him? holding hands? leaning in close? there’s no indication of any romantic affection, pretend or otherwise, in any of those pictures.
It’s not a matter of being a fake date or else. JA has been in the business long enough to know how it works. She knows she’ll be linked to whomever she’s seen with, especially co-stars. She goes to dinner at a very pap friendly place where, again, she knows she’ll be photographed. And she knows people will talk about this since it’s her and another man. She could’ve gone anywhere else for privacy. These people DO have privacy when that’s what they want.
On that note, I don’t think she or any celeb should be living in hiding for most of their lives so they don’t get papped, but I just don’t feel sorry when stories like this are published because JA and her PR knew exactly what would happen and the timing is always something extraordinarily coordinated.
Call me cynical, but girl next door my a*s. She’s so pretty and talented, yes I do think she’s talented, not meryl streep talented but she is, that she could have a better and more empowering posture. That’s all. Instead she keeps clinging to this sh!t. I hope she’s happy in whatever she does though. Always wish well on people.
If they don’t want their pictures taken, then they should stay in for the evening…
I really would love to identify with JA but her behavior and her movies make it impossible.
If she is Fab and independent why perpetuate a pattern of pathetic behavior that is demeaning for a 20 year old and only strengthens the worst stereotypes.
She needs to get on with her life. If she isn’t dating anyone SO WHAT she’s got what 200 mil in the bank if she would take time to read scripts carefully her career would have been in a better place and she wouldn’t be on this merry-go-round.
The guy probably is not rich, his car is dirty and his shoe is all scuffed up. He could be in his early 40’s because he has wrinkles and a wide forehead, other than that he is kind of cute. Although it’s too early to tell if this is just a business date.
Most you ladies are so full of SHI* let her be. Damn, a girl can’t have dinner without it being for publicity or being a fake date.
I have always thought that she should just get with some random rich guy who would adore her and not use her as a stepping stone like Pitt did, but these actors and actresses always say “Well, people outside of the business just really don’t understaaaaaand us.” Whatever.
What funny timing. Hmmm . . . I agree with most of the ppl here. In the parking lot, she’s clearly looking straight at the paparazzi. But in the car, she’s hiding her face? I think they already found you! Haha–
I mean when you have dinner at the Sunset Towers on Sunset Blvd, smack dab in the VERY middle of Celeb central where Lindsay and Paris hang out on a daily basis (I’m from the LA area), I think the paparazzi will take notice. It’s almost like advertising to go there. It’s like FAME central. Basically, the paparazzi hang out in these areas waiting for the celebs to come out at night. Anyone can go there and see the madness most nights. Celebs know where to go if you don’t want your pic taken & where to go if you do. So, I call BS on her “I don’t want to have my pic taken” pose. It’s my opinion that she wants to be noticed.
Don’t expect a man, any man to love a woman who is not totally free in her mind to love him in the same proportion while leaving thet past in the past.
Don’t also expect a rich man to trade a young gal for a 40+, wether she looks like it or not, if she doesn’t bring something more valuable (related to MATURITY) than mere physical beauty in the plate, which is what 20 something bring. .
Don’t also expect Jennifer Aniston who admitted being a late bloomer, still searching for herself and kinda immature at times to be even drawn to such rich mature men, hence she dated the likes of John Mayer TWICE. She didn’t only do that, she publicly claimed that he was the best man she ever had and that she never was as happy with another one. He is her TRUE soulmate and her REAL ex, not Brad Pitt..
Conclusion : she is drawn to immature men because she is somewhat immature herself. It’s so obvious when you see the total opposites directions that her and her ex husband have taken. It’s so obvious when you notice the kinda men she dates.
She is no Salma Hayek and there is no way that the likes of François Pinault or whoever welthy men in and outisde Hollywood would be attracted to her anyway when their options is wider and when she is not strikingly beautiful or/and greatly intelligent or young…and vice versa.
he looks kind of cute although the picture quality is really poor. A little dramatic with the covering of the face in a car though. I love the omg… she’s so fake comments because she went out on a date at so and so time when so and so is coming out or doing this and especially the so and so has a dirty car so it is not a date so he doesn’t respect her so she’s fake and so needy.
24. Don’t let your jelly hate cloud your vision. MANY, MANY men prefer her over the other white meat. She just likes being single I guess. Also, I have Your Body Is A Wonderland on my ipod and it came up just yesterday. Damn, that song is sexy, and I do have a thing for musicians too. Give me someone who can play guitar over someone who can “emote” any day.
Are you kidding ? WHat man prefer her over another gal, known or not ? And what has got to do with LOVE, meaning two people loving each other in te same proportions.
She didn’t showed that she was attracted to those rich men you are talkig about so far when she went out with Mayer. And the men she goes out with and raves about seem to not giving her the same kinda of love though they are supposed to prefer her over another woman, any other woman…according you.
So what are you talking about ? This is not teeny weeny ‘men prefer Jennifer’. It’s about relationship and commitment related to a 40 year old woman whose options is reduced. It’s about what the average man will expect a 40 year old woman to bring to the relationship when he can get younger women, something which is not necessary in par with what Jennifer at 40 is expecting in a men, hence she usually goes with men who are immature and younger.
Resorting to the hatred card is the esay way for people who lack tolerance for other people’s views, people who have in here ironically showed again and again that they were the ones whose strong dislike (I won’t use hatred) for X or Y celebrity have clouded their own interpretation ALL THE TIME, EVERY TIME….just like in post 22.
She looks so stupid ducking. The paps already got a bunch of photos so what’s the point? If she didn’t want pap attention she wouldn’t have gone to a pap hotspot. I hate when celebrities pull the “don’t look but look at me” move. “Hiding” just gives more attention.
@ melanie – i love that you use the word “jelly” – i do, too, as in “i think you’re a bit jelly that my shoes are so fab.”
Covering her face only draws more attention to herself. I always think celebs who do this WANT their picture taken
I don’t understand why people hate her. She’s a single woman, and she went on a date. It think the guy looks cute and normal, which would be a good change for her. Do I think she dates for publicity; yes, I think ALL celebrities do. She’s no better or worse than the rest. Angelina and Brad getting together was the most brilliant publicity stunt in hollywood history. These people are ALL ACTING!!
She should cover it more often; she looks better.
His name is Christopher Gartin, apparently he’s friends with Courtney Cox. He was on True Blood last year for a few episodes.
Angelina Jolie is getting all the attention, can’t let that happen, got to have my pictures out there with a new man, fake bf if possible, can’t let Angie grab all the headlines. This woman is so pathetic and transparent and she is so fake. She is not fooling anyone.
I know this actor–I remember him from those True Blood episodes.
And, he’s also very married. Why is she out on a date with him, or has he split up recently? Hmmm . . . very interesting.
everybody, hear me loud and clear…sadly and tragically, jennifer aniston does not and will not have a lasting relationship……she needs long term psychotherapy….otherwise it will never happen…tabloids…stop playing us….she is a needy woman who grabs onto men , and they run, and sadly she refuses to get the help she needs and overfocuses on her body…she will miss her childbearing years and be sad she didnt work through her crap, but she is in denial…too bad for her.
I’m having a serious case of deja vu. Didn’t Jen and Gerard have dinner at the Sunset Tower (and got papped on their way out) at the height of their dating rumours?
Jen is a creature of habit, isn’t she?
When Jennifer was promoting her last film there were near daily photos of Jolie on the balcony in Venice with a twin, then just after that these photos suddenly dried up. Are people going to call that a conspiracy theory too? So she went on a supposed date – who cares! Jolie’s movie and her own aren’t due out for weeks, but she’s not allowed to go out anywhere in the vicinity of either or it’s considered fake? Ridiculous.
And for those saying she wanted to be papped and why didn’t they go somewhere more private – you obviously don’t know anything about Sunset Tower. It is one of the most exclusive restaurants in LA – very selective on who gets in there. Lohan does not hang there – she would not be welcome. They are very serious about keeping celebrities free from disturbance by the paparazzi which is why you can see all those men around Jennifer in photos. The paps are kept off their driveway so the photos of her and the men standing were taken with a long lense and she probably didn’t know they were getting the shots (it’s in a somewhat hidden/blocked location – which is obvious from the pics). She would have known that to get out of the driveway they would have to pass paps at the opening, which is I assume why you see her ducking her head there. Everything isn’t a conspiracy theory and she isn’t necessarily the evil PR planner that some would like her to be.
And yes she and Butler had dinner there, but no there were no photos and no this did not occur at the height of their dating rumors. They met there with the director of Bounty Hunter long before it started shooting to discuss the movie. She was with Mayer at the time, and it still didn’t stop gossips from linking her to Butler.
Supposedly Christopher Gartin is now divorced. He’s cute! It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Brad did not use Aniston as a stepping-stone to anything, Melanie. She used him. He was already an A-list actor and she was a sitcom wannabe. She needed him to help make the transition from TV star to movie star. He needed her like a hole in the head.
@Anonymous: long-term therapy might help her but she’ll never get it. First she would have to admit she has problems, and this is a woman who has always projected her failures onto somebody else.
Celebs aren’t supposed to date, or hang out, or be seen in public, etc, according to some of you. How ridiculous. The woman went out. With a man. It doesn’t mean she’s looking for publicity, it means she’s looking for dinner.
And she could be covering her face because the light from the paps is ridiculous. Her “date” appears to be attempting to look around the lights.
Ok, I had to respond about Sunset b/c it’s hooey. I’ve lived in Los Angeles most of my life and Sunset Blvd/Towers isn’t some amazing place. Have you ever been there? I would say that you haven’t. Why would you make stuff up?
Sunset Blvd is where I take my relatives when they want to see where all those “movie stars” (cough, cough, celebutantes) have been arrested. That’s where you’ll see all those stupid trendy bars like the the Standards’s bar, the Viper Room used to be there where River Phoenix passed away, the Marmont and a bunch of other hang outs. Most private stars avoid the place like the plague unless they’re that desperate, or their rock star boyfriend happens to be playing at one of the old clubs, like the Whiskey, b/c he’s that bad. When I was younger I remember seeing Christina Applegate there cheering on her rock star boyfriend. Today, I’d say the liklihood of seeing a big star there is low. Too many reality stars go there now, because the paparazzi are there 24/7 and they want to get their pics taken.
Most stars don’t live that close to Sunset either except for Paris and Lindsay b/c they love to party. Most stars live far away, around Bel Air or Beverly where you can find plenty of very exclusive, small cozy restaurants which cater to stars wanting their privacy.
Sunset, on the other hand, is a mad house. There’s paparazzi on every corner, a ton of tourists, wanna-bes and a bunch of drunken frat house types. You drive down the street and you’ll see big lines of people waiting to get into the bars trying to rub shoulders with any star they can find. Almost all the pics of Paris and Lindsay doing something stupid is around Sunset.
At the end of the street past the Hustler store is Sunset Towers. Believe me, that place is not excluse–maybe, in the 1980s it was, but not today. I’ve been inside the Sunset Towers. The place is really nothing special. It’s just another place on Sunset still trying to hold on to the prestige they had 30 yrs ago. It’s pretty sad actually. I don’t think Lindsay would go there–it’s not trendy enough. The younger set go to the newest places where their friends are and where they get everything comped.
Most big stars would never go there. The stars usually stay far away from the drama of Sunset and the paparazzi unless that’s what they are looking for. It’s a place you go when you want attention. And, that’s my opinion based on my experience.
How many guys, let alone decent ones, would be interested in having their private lives become tabloid fodder?
Article from NY Times on the exclusivity and A-List love of Sunset Towers:
Did you actually read that article? It’s a bunch of hooey, self-advertisement.
Here’s what the hotel owner said about that place: “C-list television actors walk into the hotel and see what it is — a classy place — and leave,” he says. “They don’t understand it. They say, ‘Eww, let’s go to the Chateau.’ And I’m truly fine with that.” So funny! That’s the sound of desperation talking, someone who wants their place to appear classy. You don’t advertise class. You don’t advertise Clisters leave! He’s trying to make his place into a hip spot. It’s PR 101. Look at the website for the place–they advertise stars come here. Why?
The owner bought the dump, remodeled it, and now he wants to turn it into an upscale tourist trap. So, people will think celebs come here every night and want to rub shoulders with them. The really upscale places in Bel Air and Beverly NEVER name drop like that. It’s considered tacky and gauche.
Yes, the Sunsent Towers is so exclusive and classy that you yourself can book a room online. And, then you can book the restaurant and have overpriced hotel food. But wait, they also accept walk-ins (that’s how I got it), because they are so exclusive and classy, ya’ know. And while Joe and Jane tourist are there, they can drive down the street and get sex toys at the Hustler store, get matching tattoos at one of the parlors there, visit a dive bar and say hello to a biker, or see a starlet stumble out of a trendy club and vomit, while paparazzi don’t help her and take her pics! Yes, Sunset is the place you go to when you are looking for a low-key, quiet and classy kind of a holiday in Hollywood
But, I guess people on the internet who have never been to LA probably know so much more about Sunset than me, even though I’ve lived around there (on Loz Feliz) for awhile. I’ve since moved out of LA to the OC by the beach. LA has become too crazy and the traffic is murder.
OC Lady – continue to think what you like, but I’ve been to the area and the Towers and you aren’t the only one who has knowledge on LA, Sunset, stars, etc.
If the Towers are such a disgrace answer me why all the major awards show after parties are now happening there? It’s become the place where celebs go for an after after party, and Vanity Fair has moved its big Oscar’s party there from Morton’s because so many of the A List feel comfortable there. Not to mention that regardless of his comment and choice of wording regarding C Listers coming into his place and not wanting to stay, there have been plenty of reports within the last several weeks and months of the hotel denying access to Spears, Lohan, Diddy, etc. who wanted access.
Why would they hold those parties there? Easy. The place wants good publicity. And, parties are supposed to be high profile PR bashes. It makes sense they would go to Sunset. It’s a win-win for both. And, they are located just a few blocks away from the Kodak (rather than the old place in the dodgy area of Exposition). So, it’s pretty close to the awards venue.
The hotel owner obviously wants lots of publicity by name dropping. His refusal to allow certain stars in is a joke. But, whatever gets him in the papers, I guess. He’s still located on Sunset but he wants to get away from all that. I guess he’s going to pretend to be the Wilshire. And, it’s obvious he doesn’t want to be the Marmont (his competition), since he’s bad mouthing them. Honestly, I like the Marmont much better. It has a lot of great history and the owners haven’t tried to white-wash the place or turn it into something it’s not. I really like the old Hollywood vibe. The Towers remodel is too contemporary for a Deco building, and the browns and taupes are kinda dull.
And, I really don’t believe you’ve been. You would have said something to the effect of “when I was there it wasn’t like that because . . . ” Instead, you scoured the internet for that article and whatever else you could find on the place.
So, let’s agree to disagree until you get there. And, then tell me what you think of the place. OK?
34- This. This is what I was thinking. Angelina Jolie has her first highly publicized press conference for Salt and Aniston goes on a date with a mystery guy of course. At this point, I honestly don’t know which side is perpetuating this crap (though I suspect both but moreso JA simply because the JPs can generate publicity on their own a lot easier than she can) but I wish they would both stop.
July 3rd, 2010 at 11:51 am : This!
Spot on to the first part of your comment Cheyenne, absolutely CORRECT!
And I wholeheartedly agree with the majority here who see right through Ms Anistons PR shenanigans.
I’m an LA baby, too (even though I’m currently doing the bicoastal thing), and I’ve been to the Towers (my dad had a business meeting there, I tagged along). It was fine. And you can pretty much book yourself a hotel room at just about every hotel, exclusive or not, online.
OCLady – we’ll agree to disagree, but I have been, whether you choose to believe that or not. In fact I had the same thought as some that it seemed like a rather unassuming place for somewhere I had heard so many celebs frequent. But then celebs like to go out casually to; it’s not like they always dine with a dress code simply because they are celebs. And once I read your comments here I thought it was worthwhile to google the Tower to find the article I remembered reading a few months back (which had peaked my interest at the time since I had just been) to give people another perspective. I’m tired of seeing people claim to know so much about certain things on these sites and never offer an support. People can believe me or not – that doesn’t concern me. But you can’t say I didn’t provide a reliably sourced article to support my position.
If she leaves her house, people overanalyze every move she makes and then blame her for it.
How about this: She’s just living her life? What a concept!
I don’t think anything she does has anything to do with Jolie or Pitt. Get over it people. This isn’t high school.
Another fauxmance for PR I see. I suppose it’s one reliable way of hiding the fact that she’s very one dimensional as an actress. Like Brangaloonie – all very mediocre actors who use the media to hype their non existent abilities.
I don’t think that there is anyone in Hollywood and I mean anyone who is on every blog every time they go out to eat! And God forbid that Jennifer go out to eat when the Queen herself (Miss Jolie) is promoting a movie. Jen should stay inside her house and not be seen. Because after all one small dinner date by Jen the fact that Angie flew to Cancun, had photo ops with four children at the airport, posed in a beautiful white dress, gave multiple comments about her and Brad’s life together, is not noticed when Jen goes out for one dinner.
Yea I guess I see the fans of Jolie’s point. If Jen leaves her house Jolie is not noticed anymore (is that what you are worried about guys?). Stay home Jen while Jolie is promoting a movie – or else you show her up. I fell bad for you guys and see why you have all the anger. But really the whole Angie/Brad/Jen thing is old – if only Jolie’s fans would let it die. Notice how when Jen goes out for dinner no one thinks much about it until a Jolie fan starts going on about Jolie promoting a film. I think that the fans of Angie need to move away and stop this whole triangle thing. But then again without the triangle Angie/brad and Jen are all pretty boring.
She’s like clockwork. LOL!
I’m probably double posting since my post is not loading.
Like clockwork. One can set their clock by her PR moves. She’s certainly a creature of habit and without fail when Huvane leaks trysts to a rag it’s most often than not..yes, you guessed it. The Sunset Towers. LOL!
Sunset Towers/Hotel is her go to place when she wants to be seen “dating” or in a hot romance with a guy.
Just wanted to weigh in on JA and the sunset hotel issue. Ok, I have been inside and I agree with OC lady, it is not exclusive, and it is absolutely not the kind of place a celebrity would go for privacy. That area of sunset is crowded with tourists and wanna be hollywood types. JA lives in malibu, why would she go all the way to sunset for a private date?? And then dramatically cover her face afterwards? Also about JA, I just remembered her article in W magazine. I just googled it. It was in Feb 2003, she said she didn’t know if brad pitt was the love her life, but certainly a big love. That was her current husband she was talking about! I could never imagine being that disrespectful to my husband, especially publicly. Just something to point out. I wonder if that’s when brad started giving up on his marriage. Put yourself in his shoes. I would heartbroken if my husband said that about me.
@rb: I was floored when I read about that. Why in the world would she say such a thing about her husband in a public interview? And how did she think he would feel, or did she even care?
No wonder he left. I wouldn’t stay with a partner who was that disrespectful of my feelings either.
she looks so pretty and young in the last pic..
good for her, cant waitto see her new movie