Here are some newish photos of Jessica Simpson in West Virginia on Friday. She went to the grand opening of the Greenbrier Hotel’s Casino Club. Other celebrities were in attendance too – notably, Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck, Debbie Reynolds and Brooke Shields. But for some reason Jessica seemed to be the headliner celebrity, and she got a lot of press from this one event. Her dress is very Vegas showgirl, right? I’m not hallucinating? The shoes are insane as well, and Fame Pictures put a big white circle around Jessica’s stomach for one of the profile photos – not cool. Poor Jess.
But here’s one less thing about which we have to feel badly for her – Jessica has got a boyfriend! Maybe. TMZ and other sources claim that Jessica is getting busy with a former football player named Eric Johnson. He was a 49er, and apparently he’s in the midst of a divorce. Not Jessica’s worst choice, honestly:
TMZ has learned Jessica Simpson has a new boyfriend and he is not a current NFL player — he’s a former one.
Sources tell TMZ Jessica is dating ex San Francisco 49ers tight end Eric Johnson. He last played for the New Orleans Saints back in 2008. Johnson split from his wife earlier this year, filing for divorce in February.
Simpson — whose show, “The Price of Beauty,” returns to VH1 in 2011 — began dating Johnson in May.
A source tells us they are “very happy.”
[From TMZ]
Here are a couple of photos of Eric Johnson:
Not bad. Maybe he’s a really nice guy? Because he doesn’t look all that. Maybe he’s great in bed. We can only hope, for Sexual Napalm’s sake.
Jessica on July 2, 2010. Credit: Fame.
not her best look
I don’t understand how she keeps choosing these awful gowns.
How could Jessica have dressed so cute, for years, in great dresses that flatter her.
But in the last 2 years she has picked out truly unfortunate dresses.
Plus she needs support for the girls. Speaking as someone who also is top heavy, halter top style dresses are not our friend. We need bra’s or a dress with great boning to hold them up.
Instead she is a dress that flattens them out and lowers them down too far.
Oh and it is annoying to see that apparently Fame pictures job is to circle and highlight allege flaws of all females.
Yet, I never notice Fame Pictures placing circles around fat male actors guts. Or tiny crotches.
Interesting trio! Aesthetically speaking Brooke Shields at her prime (Blue Lagoon, that jeans ad) annihilates JGarn & JSimp on the best days of their lives, JSimp at her worst is hotter than Brooke Shields of 2010, and JGarn somehow comes out on top in this picture IMO (JSimp hasn’t lost “it” however if she looks behind her or even in front or her she will find “it” lolz)
He has a bit of a Nick Lachey vibe to him. Not bad JS, not bad.
P.s. Celebitchy I missed you. It was a holiday here in Canada and I managed to avoid internet for 4 days and I’m baaack!
bad, bad dress
Fashion nightmare. Don’t even know where to begin…The color is awful on her The hooker heels are ridiculous and hasn’t she heard of spanx?
How would she be considered the big star if Debbie Reynolds was there or Jennifer Garner for that matter who is actually from West Virginia?
Geez, give this girl a break! I’m glad she’s dating someone else. I hope he really is a nice guy.
Why did the “source” aka Joe Simpson feel the need to call TMZ with this? Why not just let them date if that’s what they are doing?
Because anything can and should be used to get tabloid coverage in the Simpson’s world…a fart, flucuating weight, human beings. To the Simpsons, though, this guy isn’t a human being, he’s a vehicle for press. Just like one of Jessica’s farts in a business meeting.
Today it’s this guy, tomorrow it will be Jessica announcing she likes to eat her own snot better than using toothpaste.
The style of the dress is nice but the color and bedazzlment make it look cheap and tacky. I do like her hair.
Aw, Jess honey. Darker colors are so lovely on you, as well as swirly, flirty skirts. You don’t need to go the Mariah way. I know you’re a short, voluptous woman, but you don’t need hooker heels and dresses that smash the hell out of your girls.
Brooke looks awesome, but her hair’s getting too dark and too heavy-looking.
My love for Jen Garner knows no bounds, I always think she looks pretty, even when I know she doesn’t (ha). That’s a beautiful color for her and I like the drapy-ness. I can’t believe no one’s mentioned the hand on the tummy!
snowball i saw other pix of Garner during the weekend wearing a wife beater and her stomach looked flat, oh well
“The hooker heels are ridiculous and hasn’t she heard of spanx?”
She probably is wearing Spanx, but it can only redistribute fat, not make it disappear. The Spanx is probably pushing her abdominal fat forward into that round ball. The color and style of that dress only highlight Jess’ heavy torso.
Native West Virginian Jennifer Garner looks flawless as always.
What does that girl think when she gets dressed? That dress is awful and those shoes…. ugh.
The boyfriend is goony looking, like he has gross teenage boy smell (you know, greasy hair, bad breath, etc.).
I didn’t notice JG’s hand on her stomach. Nice to see others doing that too (all my pictures are like that).
She is a beautiful woman
Jennifer Garner is SO pretty. And Jessica Simpson looks okay for once.
Jessica. That dress does her boobs and her neck no favors. Her stylist hates her. She really is so pretty and there is nothing wrong with her weight. She is just wearing the wrong clothes for her body.
And that dude looks SO dopey. I am trying to imagine what their kids would look like…
Jessica, Jess, Jessy, Porny, Blondie, Daisy. Please get help.
Brooke is starting to scare me.
That dress makes Jess look like a linebacker. Does this woman own a mirror?
“Why did the “source” aka Joe Simpson feel the need to call TMZ with this? Why not just let them date if that’s what they are doing?”
@t: Because her 30th birthday is coming up this week and it’s a year after Tony Romo douchetastically dumped her. The story fed to the tabloids will be that a year later Jessica is happy and more confident than ever with a new man.
It reminds me of when they engineered the Jeremy Renner rumors to coincide with Jessica’s run in at the White House Correspondents Dinner with Tony Romo and his girlfriend.
That having been said Eric Johnson isn’t a celebrity and I’ve heard he’s a nice guy. He might not be such a bad choice for Jessica.
I hate the dress on her and I don’t like the shoes either.
Jennifer Garner looks nice though.
Those shoes….has anyone worn them? How do you walk in them? They look like shoes on a platform. I really want to know. I feel like I am falling, just by looking at them.
Is Jennifer Garner pregnant? She has a nice glow about her and she is thin like she has morning sickness..(I am not saying that because of the hand placement). Of course, I am also the person who didn’t clue in to the fact that my coworker was pregnant (a few years ago)..I just thought that she was gaining weight in her abdominal area. Don’t ask – I am a certifiable dork. I was in my early 20s and working 16-18 hour days and totally pre-occupied work all the time.
wow. hideous. that dress looks like something off the clearance rack from a bridal chain’s 90s prom department. it looks cheap as hell, in addition to heinously ugly. the hair, the makeup, the dress, the shoes – a total fail. she also looks way older than she is.
she needs to cut the paves loose asap. CUT THE HAIR. stop tanning and do some exfoliating – girlfriend needs some glow back in the face – and holy jeezus, get a decent stylist! with her neck and boobx, this neckline is also looks like the dress is stained or something and she has bug bites all over her arm. damn. get it together girl.
i have a similar body type, petite but with a lot of T&A – altho thankfully i dont have the linebacker neck and shoulders she does – she is not too heavy, but with that petite curvy hourglass, any extra weight really shows. she looks like she could use some toning up. its not a weight/size thing, she just looks sort of bloated and unhealthy.
that dress is a f*cking crime.
id like to see her with a mad men-esque makeover. she could do 50s bombshell really well. platinum shoulder-length retro waves, no tan, light makeup, red lip, a dress with a defined waist.
To be fair, almost anyone is going to look stubby and chunky next to Brooke Shields and Jennifer Garner.
I hope this guy is nice.
JSimp’s dress has lots of dirty marks on it.
I hate skin-coloured fabric on anyone. It’s such a blaah look.
And Shauna Sand wants her perspex heels back.
What’s going on with Garner’s dress? Weird fabric, very bunchy-crumply.
Didn’t she just loose some weight?? and she is going to try and sell some kind of diet plan?
Jennifer looks sort of pregnant but it could be the construction of the dress. You see how the top part is ruched to the side.
For someone who’s not pregnant, Jennifer Garner sure looks pregnant in a LOT of photos. Her rep has totally denied it, and some people have mentioned pics where her belly looks flat. I wonder if she’s constipated, seriously.
@jc126 – that is exactly what i was going to say….jennifer garner looks PG.
Jess needs to fire her stylist and her manager dad, who I’m sure too is feeding this to the media.
If she does have a new boyfriend, let’s hope she’s learned her lesson (doubtful) and does not go on and on to magazines about how in love she is.
@andrea, i agree with you completely.
when you have a body like hers you really need to dress appropriately.
why doesn’t anyone help this poor girl.
@snowball, i too noticed the hand on the stomach.
Does her new beau know about her farting and toothbrushing habits?
I wonder if we are going to see her on magazine covers proclaiming how “In Love” she is and how she’s happier than ever and how she’s found the one.
Nick is probably the most attractive out of all the guys she’s been with.
I hope this guy knows how attached Jessica is to Joe.
@flutters: I think you are right on the money with your theory!
That dress makes her look like a bedazzled sausage.
“id like to see her with a mad men-esque makeover. she could do 50s bombshell really well. platinum shoulder-length retro waves, no tan, light makeup, red lip, a dress with a defined waist.”
How true.
good lord! that dress of jessica’s wouldn’t look good on anyone. and i would also love to see her get a “mad men” style makeover – she should make those curves work for her.
Love her hair and make-up. The dress looks… uncomfortable.
Why does it always appear in her pictures that she has no neck? I swear she looks like the old Superstar barbie that I had with the busted neck and I had to squish her head back on the body.
LOL Kiska! I had to do that to my Barbie, too! Jess actually has a pretty long neck, if you look at pictures of her when she was thinner. I think she gains weight in her face, neck, and shoulders, which visually shortens her neck. I think she also does that photo trick to minimize double chins where you jut out your chin and look down. It does fix the double-chin, but makes your neck disappear.
Poor Jess… she gains weight just like I do – all boobs, waist, and face.
Why does it look like Jessica’s dress is covered in french fry grease?
despite that she’s a good looking woman and she has a great body, unfortunately she really needs to hire a stylist. i wish her luck with her new boo.