Kate Bosworth has permanent smug-face when she’s with Alex Skarsgard


In every photo of Kate Bosworth, whenever she’s with or around Alexander Skarsgard, she has this look on her face. This smug look, this nasty little full-of-herself face. She’s giving the paparazzi a look too, in some of these photos. Like, “Are you getting this? This is my boyfriend!” I have to admit, even Jessica Biel does a better job pretending that she didn’t call the paparazzi on herself. With Kate, it’s written all over her face how much she wanted to be photographed. Which makes Fame Pictures’ little blurb about the photos even funnier:

Infamously camera shy couple, Kate Bostworth and Alexander Skarsgard made a rare public outing together on Sunday, July 11, 2010 in Los Angeles, CA. The duo made a stop by the grocery store Bristol Farms, where they picked up a few essentials before being on their way. It was obvious that Kate was ecstatic at the idea of being seen with her beau, as she couldn’t seem to hide her smile. Alexander, on the other hand, looked significantly less amused.

[From Fame Pictures]

Infamously camera shy couple”? Really? Ha. Most of the time, Skarsgard doesn’t really seem to care if the photographers are around, and he usually looks like he’s ignoring them. Kate, however, is all smug-face, all the time. As I’ve said before, I’d probably be pretty smug too if I got to nibble of Alexander’s cookies. But it just seems more and more like he totally didn’t know what he was getting involved with when he got with Kate. It makes me feel for him.

Of course, I am totally open to the idea that she’s his beard. After watching that video of him writhing around with that dude, I’m totally open to it. I’d rather him be gay that be into The Bos.



Alex and Kate on July 11, 2010. Credit: Fame.

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40 Responses to “Kate Bosworth has permanent smug-face when she’s with Alex Skarsgard”

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  1. denise says:

    He is okay, but I think Sam is hot. He can sure work a pair of jeans and cowboy boots. Swoon..

  2. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    OMG he is sooo totally not guy. Not with that voice. Hell if I was Kate I would be one smug ass heifer to. That man is pure hotness. My only demand is that during sexy times he talks like Eric.

  3. d says:

    is her fly open?

  4. buckley says:

    I’snt Alex big enough of a boy to take care of himself?
    Perhaps he wants the cameras too, just has a smarter agenda.
    Or he just likes her…

  5. Karen says:

    I agree with Denise; out of all the True Blood Men, the actor who plays Sam is by far the sexiest. Where is the love?

  6. raincoatswellington says:

    Denise, I totally agree. I think Sam is gorgeous. I only get the appeal of Alex Skarsgard when he’s being Eric.

  7. wendy says:

    @d–that’s what I thought at first, but it looks like she’s got on button up jeans rather than zipper

  8. Serendipity says:

    I think I see a button

  9. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    @D yes it sure is. LOL Oh yea a little mid day loving then a little shopping. HAWT. Oh man lucky chick.

  10. malachais says:

    Of course, I am totally open to the idea that she’s his beard. LMAO

    that’s exactly what I thought when I saw these pics. Body language speaks louder than words.

    Alex is hot, but then most swedish men are hot.. LOL

  11. Eileen Yover says:

    No way is he gay-My friend from Norway who’s a guy is the same way he was on the video with some alcohol in him. He was a complete BLAST to hang out with in Greece!
    And I think Sam is cute too but Eric hands down gets me going!
    Alex is new to this whole American fame whore thing-he’ll figure it out and dump her soon enough. I’m sure she is all about him with or without the cameras because DAYAUM! But the paps are a HUGE bonus for this chick.

  12. Gwen says:

    I don’t think he’s gay. He’s just Swedish. I do wonder though, why he doesn’t just own up to being with her. Anyway, she’s bos-blocking his hotness. I hope he end this soon. This thing is obviously only doing her good. She must have the paps on speeddial.

  13. Beth says:

    She sucks.

  14. lucy2 says:

    She clearly loves the attention – she rarely gets it on her own. Right now he might not mind it, or as his career is ramping up thinks it’s OK, but sooner or later that must get tiresome.

  15. Whatever says:

    I totally didn’t get the hoopla with this guy. Until this weekend when I was down for the count with some horrible bug and decided to do a Marathon of True Blood. (completley addicted now) Now….I get it. Gorgeaus beyond all get out. But gotta say, a lot of it has to be the character. He’s not rockn those threads the way he rocks the all black in the show.

  16. Maritza says:

    Judge for yourselves whether Alex Skarsgard is or not gay:

  17. kazoo81 says:

    what the hell is she wearing? bleh. i can’t believe she’s still considered relevant. i thought after bloom dumped her she’d go away. can’t act, not attractive. she’s unnecessary.

  18. original kate says:

    i can’t blame her – i’d be smug too.

  19. buckley says:

    After watching that video I’m convinced he isn’t gay.
    No gay man would dance that bad.

  20. Bee says:

    @denise, karen, and raincoatswell I’ve got the Sam love too. I think we should start a I (Heart) Sam club. We could each choose our own shapeshifter animal, drink bottles or Merlot in honor of Mr. Merlotte, and re-watch scenes of our favorite shifter in all his naked/semi naked glory.

  21. Josephine says:

    their height differential is wrong.

  22. Mistral says:

    The vid makes me think he isn’t gay. The stupid face he makes as he licks on his friend’s back screams straight man. I think he’s just Swedish.

  23. audrey says:

    After LeAnn, no one looks smug to me!

  24. Novaraen says:

    Don’t think this guy is hot at all…and she is just another meh actress with an eating disorder.


    I do want to slap her smug face though…lol.

  25. LolaBella says:

    Even though I believe their ‘relationship’ is strictly a PR coupling, if I got to pretend that I was his girlfriend I’d be one smug looking bitch too. 🙂

  26. moocowhead says:

    Okay so I was having a nice dream about him the other night in which we were hanging out with friends and getting along very well, it was definitely going the way of a hot as one night stand.. and then this bitch turned up and cockblocked me!!!! Now that was just so unnecessary.

  27. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I can’t believe the crap that the young stars wear these days. Far greater in need of Stacy and Clinton’s advice than most people on the street.

  28. Kimberly says:

    So why is a person who isn’t seen in movies, or on TV, that happens to date someone who is on a cable show being smug?

    I really think this is a PR move to get HER a job, but she’s like Mrs. Cruise. No one wants to see her in anything!!!!

  29. Camille says:

    July 12th, 2010 at 2:02 pm : I agree!

    Love him, and if I was her I would walk around looking smug that I was dating him too. 😆

  30. moi says:

    hell, I’d be smug too.

    also, he’s a virgo, she’s a capricorn. very good match. annoyingly good match.

  31. benny says:

    Does this girl have a career, or is she a professional girlfriend? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in anything.

  32. Shy says:

    They probably have an agreement. He needs a beard, she needs media attention. To stay relevant. Like Ryan Phillipe said: “Sometimes you just need to go to those fashion shows to stay relevant”. She needs to see her pictures on the gossip sites.

    I still don’t understand why he did THAT video. He was aware that he was filmed. He hires a beard for him. And everything was crushed when video came out. If anyone had doubts about him being gay then they don’t now. He probably was drunk or drugged.

    Sam is just boring. And again, like i did last season – i rewind his scenes because i can’t stand how boring it is. I don’t care at Sam’s problems. It was that waitress las season. Now it’s his folks. Bill is the most hottest this season. He even looks younger. They should never reunite him with Sookie. Bill is only hot when they are apart. And Eric looses all his hotness when he is “in love” with Sookie.

  33. Sara says:

    I think she misses the attention she got when she was Bloom’s girlfriend. She was always photographed with him, after they broke up no one really cared about her and that model she dated.

  34. Crash2GO2 says:

    How can he stand her?

  35. Jane says:

    I agree I don’t think he knew what he was getting himself into. Poor Guy. Even if it is(I think so)a PR stunt, I don’t think he realized how douchey she would make him look and now he’s stuck for a while.

  36. dovesgate says:

    I’d have permanent smug face from just one night. Even if he *is* gay. All he would have to do is recite lines in his Eric voice. Mmmmm. Yeah.

  37. Liz says:

    “Skarsgard doesn’t really seem to care if the photographers are around”

    Really? lol. From what I’ve seen he looks either annoyed, angry, or f***ing pissed. Ha.

  38. astro says:

    also, he’s a virgo, she’s a capricorn. very good match. annoyingly good match.
    That’s based on Sun Sign generalizations. All Virgos and Capricorns are not good matches. If you plug in their birth dates at Astromatch.com, they have a low love match. Only 5.6 on a scale of 11. They have a high friendship match though. They are probably better as friends than lovers which may explain why he always looks disinterested and their lack of pda.

  39. Blackcat99 says:

    She looks smug because she’s being photographed not because she is with Alex.

  40. wouldn't you like to know says:

    firstly yes d her fly is open and nobody wanted to see her dirty fluff hanging out lol.
    As we all know skarsgard is a much better actor than bosworthless so maybe he’s just hiding their pathetic attempt of a publicity stunt together!
    thirdly all these web sites say they were caught holding hands or kissing i am still yet to see pics of this i’ve searched but i can’t find a thing! there is something fishy about all this and no its not because her fly is open lol